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Starbase 6 - Printable Version

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Starbase 6 - Beno Velaul - 09-11-2023

==Posting area for all on Shore Leave==

RE: Starbase 6 - Daniel Brooks - 09-12-2023

The Charon swept in on impulse engines towards Starbase 6, once approval was given she approached the docking station with thrusters.

Once the Charon was docked, Captain Brooks gave the order it was now shore leave until himself or they were properly debriefed.

==Starbase Six==

Captain Brooks entered the main promenade and was looking for a place to eat, he knew at some point a meeting would be called with the top brass but it was just one of those things. He was slightly annoyed that the mission had been aborted by the Starbase just when they were nearing somekind of reasoning for why the people on the colony were getting Sick.

In fact, he half wished he had ignored the order and carried on helping those poor people anyway. Life in StarFleet was never straight forward and all the years service with the Fleet had told him that. He really felt sorry for those officers who were yet to understand how difficult and cruel the whole political arena would be to them. It was the one thing Dan really hated.

It was then Dan noticed he been stood outside a restaurant just staring at the menu board.

Shaking his head and rubbed his eyes to refocus on the board and still couldn't decide if he wanted something to eat or was just eating for the sake of eating. Deciding he have a cup of tea instead Dan ordered and sat on a table outside on the promenade.

As he sipped his drink, Dan wondered what the next meeting with the brass would bring... and weather he would have to justify themselves getting involved.

==Tag anyone that feels like joining me==

RE: Starbase 6 - Beno Velaul - 09-13-2023

== Starbase 6-Promenade ==

There was a lot on her mind as everything weighed heavily on her shoulders, but Beno fully expected days like this. To be part of the Command team it was not always going to be sunshine and rainbows, the weight of the whole crew was on her shoulders and they always came first. There was one crew member that she wanted to work closer with, Troy shown a lot of growth on the planet. She also had an unusual style, and it had the potential to work.

Now was one of thoes times that Beno needed a sharp mind, and there was one thing that could help her with that. A caramel macchiato just like back on Earth where she first had one. It always kept her mind sharp and a sense of relaxation, and that went a long way. Even the very smell of the coffee had a relaxing property, and that was something she needed right now. She also needed some sort of strategy for the new mission coming, no matter what it was going to be.

When she spotted Captain Brooks whom appeared to be doing the same thing she was. "Captain." Beno said with a friendly voice. "Mind a little company?" She asked knowing that they had a lot to talk about.

==Tag Captain ==

RE: Starbase 6 - Daniel Brooks - 09-13-2023

== Starbase 6-Promenade ==

Daniel sipped his tea and watched the world go by when his FO approached the table.

"Captain." Beno said with a friendly voice. "Mind a little company?" She asked.

Brooks smiled and said, "Yes, of course. You are always welcome." he said indicating the chair opposite him and called a waiter over for Beno to put in her order. Once Velaul had ordered, Dan sat back in his chair placing his drink back on the table as he did so.

"Something tells me in my gut that we will get our knuckles rapped for getting involved in that distress signal......" Dan trailed off even through he knew weather it was a Federation colony or not they needed medical help regardless.

"I have a meeting later with the brass and I am sure they won't be happy with the fact I celebrated my promotion by getting involved in something that we should have left alone." he sighed then added, "Plus we now have two department head vacancies which is ever so frustrating. I wish Command would warn us better when they reassign officers. I did have a possible candidate for the Chief Tact but at the moment everything is up in the air on weather we will get them or not..... feels like this dam ship is cursed."

Taking a sip of his tea, Beno's order arrived and was placed in front of her.

"The only thing in keeping me sane from all this is you Beno. It's a good job your my First Officer, you seem to help bring me back onto an even keel."

Dan knew the crew were very tight and they would work together through anything that might come from the debriefing.

==Tag Velaul==

RE: Starbase 6 - Beno Velaul - 09-13-2023

When the beverage got there Beno had a smile of delight, it was one of thoes times where she was enjoying something small. It was times like this that really mattered, and they didn't come around often enough. As she listened to what Daniel had to say, even blushed a little when he spoke of her part. Then came a serious part that hit harder than a sledge hammer, but it was alright together they could weather anything. That's what a good team does, they back each other up.

"That is why I am here if your knuckles are going to be bashed, mine are going to be right there next to yours." She put her hands in two fists over the table like they were ready to be hit. "You are a great Commanding Officer, and we will get through this together." There was no way Beno was letting him face the music alone, she could have attempted to talk him out of the mission but didn't.

"Let's get ready for this Kobayashi Maru, no matter what we did it's all wrong. We faced this in the Academy, and again now." If they were in a lot of serious trouble, she would know. The worst part about this whole thing was the waiting, and the over active imagination that would create all sorts of scenarios.

"Let's look at it this way, we have to be ready for anything. Including what Star Fleet has in mind for us, what if we have a couple of new officers coming. If we can get a Tactical Officer we are golden, I have been running the Science station since I was a Midshipman. If I could run the Science department and be your First Officer, it will be all my pleasure." If they keep their heads up high and stay positive good things can happen, the opposite was also true. If they were going to have a self fulfilled prophecy, it will be the one where the Charon gets stronger than before.

==Tag back Brooks==

RE: Starbase 6 - Daniel Brooks - 09-14-2023

Daniel raised his eyebrows at the mention of the Kobayashi Maru test, it was the one thing they all dreaded. In fact, when he did his Commander test he had to send one of his fellow crew to their death. Being in Command wasn't the easiest, you just had to make it look like a duck. Swimming effort across the water, while underneath kicking like made.

Problem Dan had was he was always judging himself against others who had taken on the roles he had. Trying to be as good as those people. Looking back into when he first joined. Seeing all the high ranking officers walking around and seeming to be able to sort out any problem you may have. Then, when he got to be a Chief Medical Officer he was following in the steps of a Lieutenant Commander Lee Ander who had very much impressed him. As the years ticked by he then finally made it to FO. That was a duel role much what like Velaul was proposing here.

It was different for him duel role as unlike Velaul as Science Officer they had a station on the Bridge.

"Yes, well you would be ideal to duel role until we either get a new CSO or have train them up from the Academy to take over from you." he said thoughtfully.

"Mind you it is double the workload." Dan added "Like you say it just leaves Tactical... and then we will be back to full strength along with some newbies from the Academy we should be alright."

Brooks had meant to catch up with each of the Department Heads to at some point as he knew Velaul would have kept weekly meetings with them all.

"What ever is coming Beno, there is one thing it is out of our hands and we will just have to take it."

==Tag Velaul==

RE: Starbase 6 - Julia Troy - 09-14-2023

==Guest Quarters Starbase 6==

Julia had enjoyed some time in the guest quarters aboard the starbase with Surik and both animals. Troy is willing to walk around the promanade with them and find something to eat instead of repleacted food. She had changed into something different that she had made before leaving the quarters.

==Starbase 6-Promanade==

With her hair down Julia was walking around the promanade looking for a restaurant that sold spaghetti and Raixen mixed with Uttaberry pie. Troy knew that both of these does sound so good right now with a triple chocolate frappachino. She has finally found a place that has all three things for her and Surik as well as for Spike and Dot.

Troy had seen some of crew from the ship that were walking around before seeing the two commanding officers talking at a table. Julia is happy to be where she is now and far she has come over the years. When her order was ready she took order and started to look for a table to sit at and eat.

==Tag anyone==

RE: Starbase 6 - Beno Velaul - 09-15-2023

Not being a stranger to hard work of being both Forst and Chief Science Officer, it wasn't too surprising that Beno had to vent a lot of steam during time off. She also had to let go of the fact that her prized pupil was lost. Gerdan and Beno spent so much time together people thought that they might be a couple, but that was far from true. They were just friends and Beno was grooming him for success, but it was disappointing it never came to be.

"I look forward to training a new Science Officer with the same determination as Venta, who was my prized student. He had a lot of potential but here we are, and I am looking forward to my new apprentice." Teaching someone new would also present another chance to learn, in a good relationship the teacher always learns just as much as the student.

"As for what comes my way I realize that once orders come in, my my options are forefit. No matter what happens we can recover, ideally I remain at your side. I have had this feeling since the day we met, and my instincts are seldom wrong." Velaul has been alive hundreds of years and seldom makes that kind of connection with anyone. When it comes down to it she was always loyal to the ship and Captain, and to the people she was loyal to it was always to a fault.

"Besides my friend we are not going into the night softly, the Chair commands nothing less." Beno had learned a lot from every Commanding Officer she ever served with, and the common denominators were all of them were bold and none would go quietly anywhere.

==NPC Carley Young ==

Wandering around aimlessly, Carley wasn't looking for a drink this time or company. She just needed to clear her head, and get things sorted out for herself. She was again without a Chief Science Officer, and knew that Beno would always be there to make things run smoothly.

On her travels Carley seen both Beno and Captain Brooks, but didn't want to disturb their conversation. It looked pretty important, and if she needed to know someone would tell her. Finally she spotted Troy and her pets.

"Julia." Carley spoke. "I realize that we have never spoken before, I have not really spoken to more than a few people on the crew. Do you mind some company? Get to know eachother, and figure out why we are here." It was her first attempt to reach out to anyone for a long time and felt nervous about it.

==Tag Dan and Julia==

RE: Starbase 6 - Daniel Brooks - 09-17-2023

Daniel listened to Beno with interest. He knew that there might be some truth in her words but at this moment in time he was really not sure what was going to happen.

He knew that it was in the hands of the brass and it was out of his hands.

"Either way, we never can tell what they will say or do it is out of our hands and we will just have to sit and wait."

His icy blue eyes spotted Troy then looked back at Beno,

"I wonder sometimes what the rest of the crew actually think of me. I know it is daft, I just want to try and do my best by them but sometimes it feels if I miss the mark with them. I was more on the pulse with them as First Officer, having taken that extra step up I feel.... there is a bigger distance then there should be."

He looked away from Beno and starred at the table for a moment as he then picked up his tea and took a sip. His gaze showed a little bit of sadness behind the eyes. It been a long journey for him and at this point for some reason his gut felt that he was at a crossroads.

"I given a lot of my life to the service and sometimes... I know its daft you wonder if it was worth it and your hard work, or is it just the challenges become bigger and you feel that it harder than ever."

His eyes came back up and met Beno's. "I don't know... sorry I am sounding despondent but it been a rough time as I have felt my judgement might have been misplaced in trying to do the right thing."

==Tag Velaul==

RE: Starbase 6 - Luna Pond - 09-17-2023

Luna had a lot of things weighing heavy on her mind and with the arrival at Starbase 6, her mind was frequently switching between work and the impending arrival of a first niece or nephew. Aurora didn't have much time left and most of her free time of late Luna had spent helping her sister 'nest' as she wanted to be prepared at any second for the entrance to the world of her first child and Aurora had not let up on that fact or allowed Luna to forget it.

But for this evening, Luna was all ready to focus on herself and her own happiness. Stepping off the Charon in her soft pale blue delicate daisy print 50's style dress and white soft ballerina style shoes, She made her way along the promenade. Even though it shouldn't have been a complete surprise really she came across Dan, Beno and Julia who seemed to be in conversation.

Delicately clearing her throat, she addressed the assembled party...

"I need a friend this evening is there room for a small one?"

A glint in her icy blue eyes and a warm smile she offered as she awaited a reply

== Tag Dan, Beno and Julia ==

RE: Starbase 6 - Beno Velaul - 09-18-2023

Listening to Daniel and how down he sounded, the courses of events could get anyone down. Now everything all came down to what was going to happen next, and it was completely out of anyone's control. Now there were two ways they could handle it, first they could dwell on it or do something about it.

"Daniel I have been alive hundreds of years, and I know the kind of people who ask those questions care the most. It is something I respect about you, and you are doing great. Just think of it like this about your service, how many lives have you saved? The great adventures we have both been on, I believe fully that it is all worth it."

When Luna came to join them, Beno could tell she was feeling down. She also noticed that Carley and Julia were not in high spirits either. The entire crew wasn't feeling their best, and it was time to do something about it.

"Please join us my friend, there is always room for one more."

It's time to to call an audible, and do what I do best.

There was something that Beno knew for sure, and there was one thing to do right now. Just enjoy the time they have, and stop worrying about the time they don't. Standing up Beno put on a good smile. "Luna and Daniel let's cherish the time we do have together, I have something that needs to be done."

Tapping her combadge. [Attention crew of the Charon this is Commander Velaul please join us in the Holo suit in thirty minutes. Velaul out.]

"The day is going to come when this is all over, but it's not today. Today we are going to put the spark back in everyone's eye." Right now Beno had a job to do and she was going to do it while she still had it. While leaving the table, Beno had to make something enjoyable to all even pet friendly.

== Tag Crew==

RE: Starbase 6 - Julia Troy - 09-18-2023

"Sure Carly I don't mind some company. I haven't even decided on a table yet. It would be a pleasure to get to know each other." Replied Julia right when she noticed that the Captain looked over.

From a distance it may look like Julia is is down, which isn't the case. She was happy that she had made a good choice on what to eat. Troy had heard the comm come alive with the commander's voice.

Troy walked over to where the Captain and Commander was sitting at with what she was about to eat and drink just seen Luna with them looking more down than she was. Julia spotted a waiter from the family restaurant and she let them know that she needed a to-go bag. She even let them know to tell her family that she had to go.

==Tag All==

RE: Starbase 6 - Daniel Brooks - 09-18-2023

Daniel listened to Beno,

"Daniel I have been alive hundreds of years, and I know the kind of people who ask those questions care the most. It is something I respect about you, and you are doing great. Just think of it like this about your service, how many lives have you saved? The great adventures we have both been on, I believe fully that it is all worth it."

He couldn't help but forget that Beno had already been involved in other lives and what knowledge that would bring forth going forward.

Before he could reply to the wisdom Luna Pond arrived, also not looking her usual sparky self,

"I need a friend this evening is there room for a small one?" she said seeming to show some weight on her shoulders that was yet to be discussed.

"Please join us my friend, there is always room for one more." said Beno before deciding it was time to hold somekind of do to snap them all out of it.

"The day is going to come when this is all over, but it's not today. Today we are going to put the spark back in everyone's eye." Said Commander Velaul while she got up to leave the table.

"At least it will take my mind off things for a while." said Dan giving her a small smile, once Beno left him and Luna he said,

"Sorry, we have a lot on our mind at the moment, meetings and the such like I might not be my usual self." Dan finished off his cup of tea and idly played with the cup.

"Let's not worry about the boring stuff, what's going on in Luna world?" Dan asked, getting rid of his outward downwardness into his professional medic/captain face as if nothing was troubling him.

==Tag Luna==

RE: Starbase 6 - Beno Velaul - 09-19-2023

== Holo Suit One==

Walking into the room the black and yellow grid was quickly was replaced by the snowy scenery lof Qubec Canada, and the first thing people would notice was the giant castle constructed entirely out of ice. There were also small stands around with hot chocolate, and hot maple syrup being poured over snow for people to eat to name two. The soothing sound of choir music, and the sounds of bells that decorated the Clydesdale horse could be heard. The horse drawn carriage was off to the right of the door, and ready for people to ride. Walking around was a six foot snowman, and he was wearing a big red hat with a woven colorful belt. The last thing of note was a slide three stories high and when anyone took a good look, they would be sliding down solid ice. At the bottom they would be given something to sit on while they were on the slide, and it was collected on the bottom.

It was the joyous event Le Carnival, and the mascot Bonhomme. The more personal touches were the life sized ice sculptures of the crew, and each of them had a small gift bag in the left hand. Inside each bag was a gift, something that Beno noticed that they would enjoy. It was a fully interactive program that was designed in an age of rustic nostalgia, with a peaceful vibe. She had been working on this program for a while, and now was the perfect time to use it. Beno wanted to make sure that everything was perfect, and she had a small presentation ready, and it was really meaningful. The last thing she could do was wait for people to start to arrive.

== NPC Carley Young ==

Carley was happy to finally really reach out and talk to someone, and with how her friend left Carley knew something was up. Something was going on, and when she did that it was always fun. The to ho bag from the restaurant was a good idea, and it was getting close to the time to go.

"I was wondering Julia about these pets of yours, I have limited knowledge of pet therapy." Carley was curious about the practice, and how much of a connection with the animals people can get.

== Tag everyone- inside the bag is a gift of everyone's enjoyment ==

RE: Starbase 6 - Luna Pond - 09-19-2023

"Please join us my friend, there is always room for one more." said Beno

Luna gave a slight smile, trying her best to hide her emotions to the outside world and probably failing miserably as she always did. Heaving a audible sigh Luna slid into a seat before summoning a waiter to bring her a steaming cup of coffee. When it arrived Luna thanked them for the speed of service and hugged the mug for a moment in both hands.

"The day is going to come when this is all over, but it's not today. Today we are going to put the spark back in everyone's eye." Said Commander Velaul while she got up to leave the table.

"At least it will take my mind off things for a while." said Dan giving her a small smile, once Beno left him and Luna he said,

"Sorry, we have a lot on our mind at the moment, meetings and the such like I might not be my usual self." Dan finished off his cup of tea and idly played with the cup.

Luna studied him with her icy blue eyes, she had known him long enough to know when something major was on his mind.

"Let's not worry about the boring stuff, what's going on in Luna world?" Dan asked, getting rid of his outward downwardness into his professional medic/captain face as if nothing was troubling him.

Luna reached over to touch his hand with her dainty hand "Look Dan, you know as well as I do that you will never pull the wool over the eyes of your Chief of Security." she said looking him directly in the eyes "I've known you long enough to know when you are troubled... you know yourself that a problem shared is a problem halved now what can I do to help?" she said tilting her head slightly.

While she waited for Dan to address this question, she thought about his "In Luna world?" she responded with a slight glint in her eye.

"Well in Luna world it's honestly been manic. Apart from not being given a chance to adequately help people we have been tasked with to help, due to Star Fleet hierarchy deeming their need of us is greater. Since I've been back ship side Aurora has not let up. She has commandeered my every single free moment into helping her prepare everything for her baby. Not to say I'm not over the moon for her and Matt I truly am but to be honest it's exhausting. God help myself one day when I can begin such an exciting adventure. I have not had a single minute to unwind and now here I am having just fought with a crib and erecting a Starship mobile over it in their quarters and I feel like I have just undertaken twelve rounds with one of them ancient Olympic boxers that my mum would always comment about back at home."

Luna picked up her mug again and drank deeply... " Ahhh hot caffeine" she commented feeling relieved to finally have five minutes alongside the man she enjoyed spending time with the most, although it seemed to her that he was still completely and utterly oblivious of her in this way. She had decided that the next course of action would be if he didn't notice soon she would put it out there in black and white and just tell him straight. But she hoped he would eventually take her every hint and it wouldn't come to that.

Luna then thought of Beno's last communication via her Comm Badge before she had left the table.

[Attention crew of the Charon this is Commander Velaul please join us in the Holo suit in thirty minutes. Velaul out.]

She touched Dan on the arm "Care to escort me to the Holo suite?" she asked "I'm sure Beno will help us all forget our troubles, either that or mass group training, Either way at least we will put our current worries to one side" she chuckled as she finished her coffee and waited for Dan's response. Luna had secretly hoped he would offer her his arm but she wouldn't press the point.

== Tag Dan ==

RE: Starbase 6 - Luna Pond - 09-19-2023

== NRC Ensign Aurora Pond Medical ==

Aurora was just finishing up putting what seemed like the hundredth cuddly toy around the nursery, a small furry stuffed tribble into place when her comm badge chirped into life.

[Attention crew of the Charon this is Commander Velaul please join us in the Holo suit in thirty minutes. Velaul out.]

Hauling herself up from the sitting position she had been in, Aurora adjusted her centre of balance to compensate for the bump and child that was now due at any point as she made her way over to get changed from maternity dungarees into something a little more suitable to be seen out in public in.

After 20 minutes had passed Aurora made her way round to the Holodeck and gained admittance, she hoped Matt would join them soon but for now she just admired the spectacle in front of her. She felt a nip in the air and was stunned by the sheer beauty of the surroundings.

It was true the slide ride may not currently be the best idea, considering her current condition, However she was looking forward to enjoying several cups of hot chocolate, a carriage ride and the potential snow man building competition she was hoping to rope a few of her colleagues into. But until everyone else arrived Aurora waddled her way over to the FO.

"Excuse me Ma'am, I just wanted to say that this is truly stunning thank you for the invite." she said with a smile, as her flame red hair and icy blue eyes stood out in the middle of the mono coloured snowy surroundings.

== Tag Beno and All ==

RE: Starbase 6 - Daniel Brooks - 09-19-2023

Daniel listened as Luna said about him being troubled as she touched his hand,

"Nothing above the usual." he replied remaining tight lipped as she then went on to say about her hectic time sorting out not only her usual duty stuff but also things for Aurora and Matt. In his own busy world, Dan hadn't even asked about them or spoken to them for a while and felt guilty for it. Luna's coffee arrived as Dan contemplated about the things with regards to family and how it seemed to have passed him by thinking about settling down. Problem is the stars had called him and he was an explorer at heart. His career wasn't one that lead to good relationships long term.

It wasn't though the lack of wanting through. Dan smiled and commented,

"I am sure it will be interesting on how they will cope as parents."

Thinking about relationships it reminded him of Troy who wanted to be married soon. Brooks knew at some point he will have to have a proper talk about it with her and get them married off, sooner then later.

Luna touched Dan on the arm "Care to escort me to the Holo suite?" she asked "I'm sure Beno will help us all forget our troubles, either that or mass group training, Either way at least we will put our current worries to one side" she chuckled as she finished her coffee and waited for Dan's response.

"Yes of course, what man wouldn't deny to escort a beautiful young lady." said Dan as he got up from the table and indicated to Luna to link arms.

One the way along the promenade to Holodeck one, they didn't say much to each other but just took in the sights of the busy station as they walked along. It wasn't long before they arrived at the holodeck and Dan couldn't help think what Beno could have devised.

== Holo Suit One==

Upon entering they were greeted with a snowy scene, looked like somewhere on Earth. There was a massive ice castle in front which took the attention before soft music filled his ears drifting on the air. Stopping for a moment he noticed the stalls and the slightly scary snowman figure moving around. There was an ice slide while on the left was lifesize statues of them all with gift bags in front.

"I think we can safely say this isn't a mass training event." Dan said in a low voice to Luna before unlinking his arm with hers and swept his hand in front towards the stalls and asked,

"Shall we?"

Daniel headed across towards Beno first as he got closer Dan could smell the hot chocolate and maple syrup on the air.

"If I wasn't mistaken I would say this is a place in Canada?" Brooks questioned Beno upon arriving next to her.

"Thank you." added Dan in a low voice as he watched more crew enter and starting to enjoy themselves.

Turning his attention to Aurora he said, "Two things, no going on the slide and the second no early arrivals." giving her a broad grin.

==Tag Pond, Velaul and anyone else==

RE: Starbase 6 - Beno Velaul - 09-20-2023

Beno was happy to see the crew start coming in, and it was rare for her to see Aurora. It was the cost of having good health, and little time. Now was one of thoes times where she was making time for exactly that, spending time with as many of the crew possible.

"You are very welcome Aurora, it is the very reason I chose this location." They ice castles were always breath taking. Plus it was a great reminder of simple times, and every now and again people need that reminder. Simple times and great pleasures were always a good combination, especially when people are stressed out.

"Also while we are here there is no rank or position, we are all equal. There is also a gift bag on the statue of your likeness for you, a token of appreciation."

It gotten even better when Luna and Daniel arrived, this program was equally for them as well. The stress of every day life can get to anyone, and it was a great way to blow off steam. "Yes this is Canada the province of Qubec, and it has been going on since the nation was called New France." Qubec was a province that had a French heritage that went back to thoes days, they even had laws to make sure that the French language was the most dominant on every sign.

It started to look like a success, and she heard some relief in his voice. This was the exact purpose of the event, and this will go a long way for the morality of the crew. This was just the first part of her plan, and it involved traditional French treats that were older than Velaul. "I came here every year for a few days and nights because I loved the simplicity of it all, and I am sure this is exactly what we all need." Simple pleasures have been under estimated, and Beno was more than happy to be a guide.

==Tags ==

RE: Starbase 6 - Luna Pond - 09-21-2023

"Nothing above the usual." Came Dan's reply

Okay so maybe Dan wasn't ready to discuss it and Luna was not about to press him further on what appeared at present a sensitive subject. Instead she studied him for a few moments before offering a warm gentle smile.

She listened for a moment as Dan spoke of her sister and Matt.

"I'm sure it will be a learning curve for them both, but I've no doubt they will be fabulous parents. They are a strong couple and bring out the best in each other so I think any child would be lucky to have them." Luna beamed.

Her smile widened further as Dan agreed to accompany her to the Holo suite and she gently took his arm as she flushed slightly at the compliment.

Luna couldn't stop herself smiling all the way to Holodeck 1, she felt like the luckiest woman alive and precisely where she wanted to stay alongside Daniel. Anyone who saw her would be sure to notice her expression and be able to guess why.

The scenery was breathtaking as they arrived, the weird snowman caused Luna to startle slightly but she quickly brushed this off with a light-hearted chuckle.

"I think we can safely say this isn't a mass training event." Dan said in a low voice to Luna before unlinking his arm with hers and swept his hand in front towards the stalls and asked,

"Shall we?"

Luna chuckled again...

"Absolutely... let's do this together" she replied enthusiastically

She was ready to sweep Dan away again when she caught sight of Aurora and allowed Daniel a minute or two to speak to her and Beno . Luna gently hugged Aurora saying "Take care of your precious cargo I'll be making sure you do." Before hugging her again and saying "Make sure you enjoy yourself too okay?"

Luna again took Dan's arm "I hope you don't mind" she said gently

Luna waited for the two of them to be alone again before she said "So Dan tell me... We have never got to the bottom of this in all the years I have know you.... How can someone like you still be single... Never thought of finding a Mrs Brooks on all your many adventures?"

It was forward Luna knew and slightly out of character but she had to know one way or another if she may have a chance one day of success.

== Tag Dan ==

RE: Starbase 6 - Daniel Brooks - 09-21-2023

Daniel listened to Beno confirm it was indeed a part of Canada that she had set this scene in.

"I came here every year for a few days and nights because I loved the simplicity of it all, and I am sure this is exactly what we all need." she finished, Brooks looked at her carefully, he could tell that even Beno level of fun hadn't change much over the years. The rumors of what her and Pond use to get upto... well some might be true.

Dan replied, "I think it would be rude not to enjoy a hot chocolate in the very least along maybe with the maple syrup..." he trailed off looking in the direction of the stalls before back at Beno, "Take this from me Velaul, however command shapes you later on. Don't ever give up on the fun element in shore leave."

Turning to Luna he said, "Shall we go and get a sample or two?" before turning to Beno, "I expect to see you flying down that slide even if Aurora here can't." giving the sister Pond a wink.

Luna again took Dan's arm "I hope you don't mind" she said gently. Dan gave her a sideways look as they moved off towards the stalls to get hold of some really good smelling hot chocolate. As they distance from the rest of the group Luna asked a question that took him completely off guard.

"So Dan tell me... We have never got to the bottom of this in all the years I have know you.... How can someone like you still be single... Never thought of finding a Mrs Brooks on all your many adventures?"

Daniel didn't say anything for a minute or two, the silence between them was deafening as they got to the stall,

"Two hot chocolates with syrup please." he ordered, the man behind the stall went to work and they two of them watched as they were made. Brooks turned around a spied an area that was a little bit quieter than the other part and once they got their drinks they headed in that direction.

Taking a sip of his hot chocolate Dan said, "That's soo good. I don't usually like replicated stuff.. will have to go to Canada sometime and try the real stuff."

Daniel was really working himself up to answer Luna's very direct question, it wasn't one he was expecting from her. If anyone would of asked it might have been Anderson.

"In answer to your question Luna. There been a couple of instances in my life where there could have been a Ms Brooks. One of those ended up being sent on a mission for Command and never came back. You aren't the only one who has had shall we say difficult relationships with other officers......" he trailed off taking a sip of his drink before adding,

"Having had these relationships, I have decided in my time it is better off to have just the odd random fling and not get too attached. See, it only breaks you when something happens. Within my career I have seen a lot of that.. and being in StarFleet kind of makes you set aside from normal relationships. Life is never easy at the best of times, decisions have to be made that could cost the lives of good friends let alone a partner... so it isn't through the lack of not looking, just got too close and ended up hurt to many times. I decided it was just better off for me being as I am and adding to that I am not the worlds best at getting the hint anyone is actually flirting with me... I just think they are being nice."

Taking another sip of his hot chocolate.

"See Ms Pond.. sometimes an easy question can be something that leads to a very difficult answer."

==Tag Pond==

RE: Starbase 6 - Julia Troy - 09-24-2023

"These two are no ordinary pets, and I've trained Dot and Spike to help out with counseling patients who won't open up to anyone. The patient would be able to open to either one them while petting them. They have helped out a lot getting others to open up. I've done a lot of articles for a medical journal back home about it and how it works. Just got done with an article for one of the medical journals back home about therapy animals in Star fleet right before this last mission."

After getting her to go box and put her food in it, Julia was ready to head to the holodeck. Julia is ready to talk and others of the Charon while having fun with Spike and Dot. She didn't know how many were there already.

"Are you ready to head to holo suite one. All I know is that the commander is up to something there."


RE: Starbase 6 - Beno Velaul - 09-26-2023

While everything getting into full swing, Beno could tell that people were having a good time and relaxing. It was a little on the chilled in there, but it was a winter event and enjoyable for all. There were several events that were planned, and the first was a dog sled race. A classic example of good times, and simple pleasures. The ice canoe races were also a great site too see, and very exciting. This was really family friendly entertainment, and that was the exact spirit that Beno wanted the crew to be a part of.

"Computer phase one." The light started to dim a little, and the sky turned dark. Soon after the thunderous boom of a fireworks display could be heard, one at a time first, and more soon followed. It was in thoes fireworks that the Copernicus did a fly by it was in formation with the Sheridan and the Ozaki. Pulling up the rear in the diamond slot formation was the Charon.

After the fireworks were done, Beno could be heard by all. "May I have your attention please." She waited for a few seconds before going on. "In Star Fleet there are always going to be times of great pleasures, and at times greater sorrows. Through all of this we have each other, and that's all we will ever need."

Soon there was a hologram of Captain Brooks, but he was in a Medical uniform. "Starting his journey as an Medical Officer on the Copernicus he started to make his mark. As a promising young Officer he really started to demonstrate real leadership potential, and as Chief Medical Officer his potential grew so much that the top brass took notice and made him a Second Officer. He made a difference in a lot of people's lives and trained quality officers who currently do the same. As Commanding Officer he is leading the way to unlock our potential, and continue to make the future a wonderful adventure. I am grateful to be First Officer under his Command, together anything is possible." The sky returned to normal and the dog sled teams started to appear, and they were getting ready to do a demonstration race.

==NPC Carley Young ==

It was interesting to hear about the Animals who help people open up, it was like they were a security blanket that give people comfort. Dogs have unconditional love and have a way to make people feel better, and all they want in return was to be pet and the occasional treat. Then there were cats that also have a way to make people feel better, and that purring that they do is soothing and more so when people are stressed out.

"Ready as you are." Carley said with a smile. "You are also right, she is up to something big. If I am right it is something we have been working on for a while, and it's going to be a lot of fun." Getting ready to go Carley was excited to see the full program in action.

== Tags all, and Troy let's say they both arrived in time to see the show.==

RE: Starbase 6 - Cornelius Hoekstra - 09-26-2023

When Niels arrived at the Holodeck as ordered, he braced himself for what he assumed was going to be an important meeting. All-hands meetings tended to be pretty significant, and he wondered if it had anything to do with the abrupt departure from Gravesworld. However, as the doors he was caught off guard by the sudden revealing of a wintry wonderland. His brow furrowed as he studied the scene from the doorway.

A castle made of ice dominated the snowy landscape. As Niels looked around he noticed small beverage and food stands, a slide made of ice, and an anthropomorphic snowman. The sound of choral singing drifted through the door, creating a soothing yet festive atmosphere. Niels shoulders dropped and he let out a sigh. Stepping into the room, he slowly made his way across the scene, picking up on new details with each step. His eye caught a glimpse of some lifesize replicas of the crew carved in ice. Someone had clearly gone to a lot of trouble to put this together.

Niels had barely managed to take a few steps when the sky darkened. Before he had a chance to react, he felt a resounding explosion. Turning to face the sound, he saw the sparkling remnants of fireworks. This was followed by more, each casting its ephemeral glow over the scene. Four starships flew overhead in a diamond formation. Three of the four were retired classes, with the fourth being a Luna, presumably meant to be the Charon. Niels figured that the choice of vessels for the flyby had some significance, but did not know what that was.

"May I have your attention please." Commander Velaul’s said, her voice carrying over the crowd. "In Star Fleet there are always going to be times of great pleasures, and at times greater sorrows. Through all of this we have each other, and that's all we will ever need."

The fireworks were replaced by a hologram of Captain Brooks in a medical uniform, as the First Officer continued with a speech about the Captain. Niels started to wonder if this gathering was meant to honor the Captain in some way, a birthday party or  anniversary. In any case, it felt to Niels as if he had missed something big of which he should have been aware. As the sky returned to its previous setting, dog sled teams appeared adding to the surreal nature of the event. Niels took a deep breath and walked towards one of the hot chocolate stands.

RE: Starbase 6 - Julia Troy - 09-28-2023

Julia had walked in 5-10 minutes before the lights dimmed with Carly. Troy seen the lights dim and then the fireworks started with at least 4 ships, which two of them she recognized. She hadn't seen fireworks since before she had left home to enter the academy.

With Spike and Dot sitting there next to her being memorized by the colors and patterns of it all. Troy knelt down next to them to watch the show and to enjoy it with them. Julia doesn't know if the CMO is bringing his pet here to relax and and enjoy it with everyone else.

Julia noticed some ice statue's of the crew as well as a few pets along with an ice Castle and a slide made out of ice. Troy walked up to the ice statue's till she stopped in front of one of her with ones of Spike and Dot. Before taking what the life-sized statue of her was holding she knelt down the take the ones from the life-sized statues of Spike and Dot and opened them before opening the third bag.

She noticed how excited both Spike and Dot were when they saw the toys and treats for them both as well as leashes and collars. When Troy opened the third bag she noticed a sewing kit and a writing kit. Julia along with both animals then watched the dog race that was happening.

==Tags all==

RE: Starbase 6 - T'Kol - 09-29-2023

(09-28-2023, 05:27 PM)Julia Troy Wrote: T'Kol was as usual still working on the ship even though it was docked. She rarely took shoreleave and now was no different.

However a message came through on her comm that she was not expecting from the First Officer seemingly to all of crew.

She waisted no time curious to the sudden recall. She was expecting some sort of debriefing meeting. However, when she found the holosuite and stepped in she wandered upon a scene she was not expecting.

She stepped in just as the lighting lowered and ships, ships she recognized flew over head and she quickly ascertained the point of the requested impromptu meeting, as it were.

Interesting touch. She thought to herself.

She stood in the crowd and listened to the First Officer. As the FO gave a speech about the Captian she almost felt it was an epitath. Perhaps he was being reassigned. The thought actually bothered the Vulcan to her own surprise.

As Velaul seemed busy T'Kol moved to try and make her way to the Captain she saw across the space. A bit of a chill hit her as the holodeck showed a climate she was not used to and the chill aired shot through the Vulcan.

"Captain?" She simply said as she gained his side.

RE: Starbase 6 - Beno Velaul - 09-29-2023

Happy to see the crew was happy, Beno noticed that T'Kol also arrived. It was great that even she got to enjoy this, even though it was just a little cold for her. The objective to put the bounce back into the step of the crew seemed to be working, and this included the Captain. He was responsible for the ship as a whole, while hers was all about the crew as a whole. This included a couple of important service animals, and they deserved happiness too.

With phase one down she was almost ready for phase two, but the time wasn't quite right yet. The crew needed a little more time to enjoy the scenery, and phase two would start with a horse drawn carriage ride into the castle. Dinner will be served with a few drinks, and there was one more presentation to do as well. Right now aside from the dog sled races, an ax throwing station was being set up for everyone to enjoy. It was like throwing darts, but instead of darts they would throw an ax. Instead of a dart board it was a block of wood with a target painted on it.

Coming to her valued Engineer Beno had a smile. "Welcome Niels I hope you enjoy yourself here, I have a little something special planned for everyone." It took some doing, but in the end it will all be worth it. Everyone needed to blow off steam, and this was a great way to do it.

==NPC Carley Young ==

Sometimes the best part of any surprises was watching the reaction of others that received them, and with animals it was no different than children. Simple treats make them so happy, and the joy was absolutely pure. It was absolutely important for everyone to be happy, and Carley couldn't help but to smile too.

"Isn't this great Julia? We are going to have the best time, and you can probably sense that everyone is enjoying themselves like on Christmas or something." Carley was excited to see the program was turning into a success. "T'Kol it's nice to see you here, it's important to Velaul that everyone is here and enjoying themselves. We even have a little something special for you here, hopefully you will find it enjoyable." She said with delight.

== Tags all==

RE: Starbase 6 - Julia Troy - 10-02-2023

"Yes it is great and everyone is is having a lot of fun. Us having the best time is always a plus. I think it's time to have a snowball fight with everyone. I'll make the snowballs and I'll let you throw them."

Even though everyone is having fun she could sense that it could be more fun with a snowball fight. Troy mentioned it to Carley about having a snowball fight with both of them on the same side with one making snowballs and the other throwing the snowballs. Julia knew it would liven things up even more than what they were.

"So Carley what do you think about the snowball fight right before dinner?" She knew it could go one of two ways with the snowball fight and in the end it will be well worth it.

==Tags All==

RE: Starbase 6 - Beno Velaul - 10-04-2023

==NPC Carley Young ==

Snowball fights were always fun, just as long as the room was safe for it. There were a few horse around that would be spooked, and her cat wouldn't enjoy it either. It was also hard to tell who would like that sort of thing, and who would rather not. There should also be an area just for that, and even for snowman building.

"I think it would be fun to do in the designated area where it is safe, the horse around here can get spooked. When they get spooked they will create a dangerous situation, and Dot might just scratch you up because of being spooked." Domestic cats usually didn't like things like snow, ice, and being cold.

"What do you think T'Kol? You have been on this crew longer than us, do you think people would like a snowball fight?" It would be interesting to hear what she had to say.


RE: Starbase 6 - Luna Pond - 10-08-2023

, "That's soo good. I don't usually like replicated stuff.. will have to go to Canada sometime and try the real stuff."

Dan stated, Luna couldn't stand the somewhat awkward silence that had momentarily proceeded this statement at her very forthright question.

"Damn my inquiring mind." Luna had chastised herself quietly, "could I be anymore obvious"

Luna was however grateful to Daniel for not choosing to walk away but instead as she took a sip of her drink she chose to allow herself to fully understand his reply before venturing anymore direct questions that she blamed on her job.

"In answer to your question Luna. There been a couple of instances in my life where there could have been a Ms Brooks. One of those ended up being sent on a mission for Command and never came back. You aren't the only one who has had shall we say difficult relationships with other officers......"

Luna looked a little pained by this remark trying her best to rally herself as she remembered Keval and Christian. If her job hadn't got in the way she may have been happily married.

he trailed off taking a sip of his drink before adding,

"Having had these relationships, I have decided in my time it is better off to have just the odd random fling and not get too attached. See, it only breaks you when something happens. Within my career I have seen a lot of that.. and being in StarFleet kind of makes you set aside from normal relationships. Life is never easy at the best of times, decisions have to be made that could cost the lives of good friends let alone a partner... so it isn't through the lack of not looking, just got too close and ended up hurt to many times. I decided it was just better off for me being as I am and adding to that I am not the worlds best at getting the hint anyone is actually flirting with me... I just think they are being nice."

Taking another sip of his hot chocolate.

"See Ms Pond.. sometimes an easy question can be something that leads to a very difficult answer."

Luna nodded before answering

"As a Security officer I am only too aware of the perils of the job, however I also believe that a life without a soulmate and true love is a life not lived to its fullest.We are all aware that in this line of work tomorrow is never a guarantee" Luna took hold of Dan's hand "But living in fear of what could be... holds us back from our chance of true happiness."

Luna then giggled slightly at the remembering of Daniel's inability to see flirting before adding and bringing him In close

"Oh and Dan if it isn't obvious enough by now I have such strong feelings for you it hurts. I have done now for quite some time... we have known each other for years but if I don't tell you now... I'm frightened I'll miss my opportunity to be finally truly happy "

Luna kept hold of Dan's hand waiting for his response and praying that she wouldn't be rejected, as this would be the last thing that she could cope with after having been so open and honest with him.

== Tag Brooks ==

RE: Starbase 6 - Daniel Brooks - 10-09-2023

Daniel looked across the other officers who were busy talking about something with the FO, he wondered what could be the topic of conversation as Luna said,

"As a Security officer I am only too aware of the perils of the job, however I also believe that a life without a soulmate and true love is a life not lived to its fullest.We are all aware that in this line of work tomorrow is never a guarantee" Luna took hold of Dan's hand "But living in fear of what could be... holds us back from our chance of true happiness."

Dan looked at her and replied, "Yes, I guess that is true."

Luna then giggled slightly at the remembering of Daniel's inability to see flirting before adding and bringing him In close

"Oh and Dan if it isn't obvious enough by now I have such strong feelings for you it hurts. I have done now for quite some time... we have known each other for years but if I don't tell you now... I'm frightened I'll miss my opportunity to be finally truly happy "

Luna kept hold of Dan's hand waiting for his response and praying that she wouldn't be rejected, as this would be the last thing that she could cope with after having been so open and honest with him.

Dan face showed a bit of shock, he wasn't expecting such a revelation from Pond. He raised an eyebrow for a moment and said, "Really......" as if he was trying to process what had just been said.

Shaking his head he then starred into Luna's eyes for a moment. "Well..." he said his cheeks slight red, he wasn't sure if it was the cold or from the revelation of the crush on him.

Dan found himself lost for words and didn't really know what to say as he processed this... "Well... shall we make this a date Ms Pond?" he said his voice a little bit nervous coming across to the platinum blond security chief.

==Tag Pond==

RE: Starbase 6 - Luna Pond - 10-09-2023

Dan looked at her and replied, "Yes, I guess that is true."

Luna looked at him, his icy blue eyes were piercing but to Luna they were truly beautiful. It made her day when she wasn't rejected, but it was clear that Dan was initially in shock at the revelation of her feelings for him.

Luna on the other hand felt like the weight of the universe had been lifted from her as he finally said.

"Well... shall we make this a date Ms Pond?" he said his voice a little bit nervous coming across to the platinum blond security chief.

Luna exhaled audibly, she was on cloud 9 she could sense the nerves coming across in Dan's voice. She gently stroked his arm "Yes let's I'd love to and it will be ok I promise." She replied as her own cheeks flushed slightly as she took Dan's hand.

She was only too aware now of the comments and gossip that may come their way, it was something that she would be ready for wherever it came from. She would be dating the Captain after all, but it was the man she had fallen for years ago and not the rank he now held. Anyone who had known her long enough knew this fact and anyone else's opinions to this end she wasn't really that bothered by. She knew too well that this may turn into a fight against the world, but with trust and friendship as a foundation to this she was sure that they could face anything in the future together.

Luna turned to Dan and said...

"Well Mr Brooks I am now all yours" a warm smile lighting up her face as her icy blue eyes twinkled.

Luna then waited for Dan to lead the way where they would head next. Luna was only too aware however that by the time Beno caught sight of them that she would be in no doubt that the pair were now a dating couple and she couldn't wait for her closest friends reaction.

== Tag Brooks and anyone else ==

RE: Starbase 6 - Cornelius Hoekstra - 10-10-2023

"Welcome Niels I hope you enjoy yourself here, I have a little something special planned for everyone."

Niels turned slightly, caught off guard by the First Officer's approach. Offering a polite nod in return, his usually reserved expression softened as he tried to match the tone of the event and her greeting. Despite having worked with her for a bit, he was still not fully accustomed to the casual manner with which Commander Velaul addressed him. Though tempted, he could not yet bring himself to match the lack of formality. That, he figured, would take more time.

"Thank you, Commander," Niels replied with a faint smile. "This is... quite the surprise."

Niels paused briefly as he looked at the surrounding scene.

"It looks like a lot of effort went into making this happen. I'm sure it's going to be a wonderful evening," Niels added, trying his best to convey gratitude and enthusiasm, even though he couldn't help but feel a bit out of his element in the festive setting.

As the First Officer had mentioned having something special planned, Niels' curiosity was piqued. Given the already extravagant display, he wondered what further surprises she had in store for the crew. Whatever it was, he hoped that it didn't involve his image holographically projected for all to see.

== Tag ==

RE: Starbase 6 - Julia Troy - 10-12-2023

"With Dot she doesn't spook easily by snowball fights or by what the horses do when they get spooked. She has been round horses when they got spooked, snowball fights, and anything that could spook animals. I've had a cat when I was 8 that was spooked by everything which wasn't easy to handle. Dot here along with Spike will hit the snowballs with their paws towards the other team."

Julia wondered if that first cat that she had when she was young lived a good life with the family that he got put with. Troy did tell the different behaviors between her first cat and the one she has now. When she did get another cat to train has a service animal she would get either a Savannah or a Serval.

"When either one goes I'll get another to train to be a service animal. Dot here is a Savannah cat who likes to hit snowballs during a snowball fight."

==Tag all==

RE: Starbase 6 - T'Kol - 10-13-2023

Even though she went to the Captain it was obvious his attention was elsewhere. In interesting develpoment as it were.
However, his date was an attractive and accomplished woman. The Vulcan approved of this development so she pushed her query no further. besides another officer came up and spoke with the Chief of the Boat.

"T'Kol it's nice to see you here, it's important to Velaul that everyone is here and enjoying themselves. We even have a little something special for you here, hopefully you will find it enjoyable." Carley said with some delight.

"A pleasure as well. Intriguing. it is a rather involved program. I am impressed. I don't require anything? May I inquire exactly what it is you have?" T'Kol asked.

"What do you think T'Kol? You have been on this crew longer than us, do you think people would like a snowball fight?" Carly continued.

"A... snowball fight? While I can infer what that would intel I have no frame of reference for it or even its, purpose?" Gave T'Kol

"At any rate how can I be of service here?" The petite Vulcan asked.

RE: Starbase 6 - Daniel Brooks - 10-13-2023

"Well Mr Brooks I am now all yours" Luna said a warm smile lighting up her face as her icy blue eyes twinkled.

Daniel grinned back, "Take it easy now Ms Pond." he replied feeling his face burn a bit as he turned to see more officers had arrived in the holodeck.

"Shall we go see join the others?" he asked as Dan finished his hot chocolate and they moved back to join the rest of the crew that had arrived.

"Hello, good to see you T'Kol." said Brooks giving the Vulcan a smile before looking towards Troy and Young, "Good to see you both could make it to at such short notice."

Dan turned his attention back to Beno, "Haven't you ridden down that slid yet? I thought it was in the job description of being the FO, young and fun while myself here has to be the stern one." he teased.

==Tag everyone==

RE: Starbase 6 - K'Rora - 10-14-2023

The slender Caitian strolled slowly around Starbase 6. K'Rora's tail twitched as she looked around for any sign of the crew. She had just moved her things onto her quarters on the Charon, and while she hadn't seen her roommate yet, she hoped to meet more of the crew. Nearly tripping over a dustbin, she quickly regained her composure, her face hot with embarrassment.

Several smells wafted over to her sensitive nose, and her ears pricked up at happy conversation all around her. For a moment, her foot fell out of line as she headed to investigate a shop, but she quickly corrected herself. Remember your objective. Find the mastermind. Take him down. Worry about the legal repercussions later. The crew and everything else can be tools or obstacles depending on how well you do. Don't mess it up.

K'Rora had told herself many many versions of this mantra over the years, and she suspected she would continue to tell herself it much more over the years. Never had she given herself a thought about what she would do after she'd caught him. Oh well, that could come later. Right now, she noticed a group of people, and the face of what she recognized as the captain. She made her way over to the group, as her internal instincts homed in. Rule 3: Curry favor with the captain and first officer. That will come in handy later. 

But as soon as she arrived, she faltered for a moment. They seemed like a happy family, maybe even one that she could fit in with. But-she had a mission to complete, and she decided to observe first. The Caitian hovered on the edge of the conversation, trying to keep her curiosity from making her blurt out a question. Snowball fight?! What in the world is that? she wondered.
==Tag all! Great to be posting again! Big Grin==

RE: Starbase 6 - Beno Velaul - 10-14-2023

Smiling while talking to Niels, this was one of two programs that she had been developing. Both of them were designed to bring up moral, and both were completely different. The common theme was it was during simpler times, and technology was limited. There was also another part of the program hthat was going to get started in a little while.

"Thank you Niels, I believe that you would enjoy it more when we go inside. It's really amazing inside the castle. This is just where everything begins, and meant to really appreciate the little things." Sometimes in life people forget to do that, and it's a shame. Even Medical science states that people who enjoy more live longer, and their quality of life is always higher.

It was at that exact time that Beno noticed the new person in the room, and wanted to meet them shortly. "Tonight is all about the crew, so own the night and make it yours. Now if you will excuse me, I need to greet our new arrival." There were not too many people of her species that Velaul have ever met.

Walking over to the small group of people, Beno heard about the Snowball fight and couldn't help but to giggle a little. Throwing a little chaos into the mix might add to the event, and laughter is exactly what they needed. After making a Snowball, beno threw it at Carley taking her by complete surprise.

"Hello everyone." As she was tossing a Snowball up in the air for a little fun. "You must be K'Rora our new Science Officer. Welcome yto the Charon, and to our Festivities. I am the First Officer Beno Velaul, as a Science Officer myself I will do what I can to help you get adjusted. Right now the only thing to do now is have fun. T'Kol it looks like there is going to be a Snowball fight, it might be a good idea to make some fortifications. The only order for tonight is to have fun, everything goes." Turning and throwing the Snowball at Daniel. "Let's the chaos begin, this is your night own it." Beno had no idea how this was going to turn out, but it was worth the effort.

==Tags and incoming Snowball to Captain Brooks, if and where it hits is up to you, especially if it hits Pond lol ==

RE: Starbase 6 - K'Rora - 10-15-2023

Her ears pricked up when she heard the first officer say something. "...Sometimes in life people forget to do that, and it's a shame. Even Medical science states that people who enjoy more live longer, and their quality of life is always higher." K'Rora frowned ever so slightly. Enjoyment? How can we enjoy ourselves if there are people out there, facing crisies, without even the basic necessities for life? Starfleet's mission is honorable, but enjoyment is secondary.

Nevertheless, she elected to keep her own opinions to herself. After all, she had gotten into a few good fights just because she wouldn't keep her mouth shut and couldn't refrain from giving her two cents every conversation. Upon the First officer noticing her, she stood at attention, hands behind her back, legs shoulder width apart, and stood respectfully. 

"Hello everyone. You must be K'Rora our new Science Officer. Welcome yto the Charon, and to our Festivities. I am the First Officer Beno Velaul, as a Science Officer myself I will do what I can to help you get adjusted. Right now the only thing to do now is have fun. T'Kol it looks like there is going to be a Snowball fight, it might be a good idea to make some fortifications. The only order for tonight is to have fun, everything goes." said the first officer.

K'Rora, for the most part, seemed alright until the part about having fun. If one looked closely, her eyebrow would have twitched and her ears would have folded back slightly; the Caitian body language for surprise. But as she noticed her throw the snowball, her whiskers would have quivered, showing excitement. She stepped back slightly, nodding to everyone, saying "Thank you, Commander Velaul. It's a pleasure to be here, and I hope to be able to know you better in my time here." K'Rora stepped back a little more. just in case anything came at her. She stooped down discretly, and balled a snowball, wincing at the cold. As it started to melt, she elected to quickly dispose of it into the ground. After all, she did not like cold water. 

==Tag all==

RE: Starbase 6 - Scott Anderson - 10-16-2023

<<C.O & Senior Officers Quarters<<

==Starbase 6 - Promenade==

Scott and Walt walked along the commerce area of the station and looked into a shop here and there, they stopped for a few other patrons who were fascinated with the dog and fussed him accordingly. Anderson couldn't help but smirk when a Vulcan woman shyed away from Walt, no doubt her heightened sense of smell disapproved of the dogs aroma. Walt was of course clean but Vulcan's still found them unpleasant it seemed.

The Doctor stopped and looked out of one of the large portholes and observed a starship detaching from the station, being that he was a Doctor and not an Engineer he had no idea that he was looking at an old Nova Class. The ship banked around to starboard and pulled away from the station, it was pretty unremarkable looking and eventually accelerated into the dark recesses of space.

"I wonder where they're off to?" Scott said quietly, "I wish them well."

Walt had leaned up against the bulkhead to look out of the window, Anderson wondered if the two them were seeing the same thing. The Human smiled and thought for a moment.

"There must be a park of some sort on this station or let's find a holodeck, what do ya say?"

Walt dropped back to all fours and wagged his tail rapidly to the right and left.

"Let's go Buddy."

With that the Doctor and his companion were on the way and walking briskly in their own little world, they passed close to the restaurant where Daniel and the others were, but Scott was oblivious to them.


RE: Starbase 6 - Luna Pond - 10-16-2023

Luna flushed up bright red too as Dan spoke...

Take it easy now Ms Pond." He replied flushing red

"Oh come on Dan... Do you remember that time I caught you in just your swimmers in the turbo lift? That was definitely a memorable ride." Luna's broad smile swept over her face and she chuckled.

"Anyway yes... Your the boss, let's go join the others Skip"

Luna walked over to the group, initially covertly holding Dan's hand, when they reached the group Pond smiled and exchanged friendly smiles and polite small talk with a number of junior officers. Luna then took a metaphorical and obvious step back, giving Dan a chance to mingle and socialise with the group as he wanted. She knew that she at least at times like this would be the supporting party in these gatherings, the last thing she wanted to do was to force herself into the limelight.

Lost in her own thoughts for a moment, Luna looked over in the direction of her sister, it was great to see even though she looked fit to drop at any second it was great to see her enjoying herself.

It was then, she felt something cold and wet on the back of her shoulder blade.

"Oi!... Who threw that!" She said spinning around towards the snowball fight eyes twinkling "When I find out who it is be prepared to meet my chilly little friend here." Scooping up some more snow and forming it into a ball to get her own back.

== Tag Dan and the culprit of the snowball lol who wants to take on the Sec chief ?==

RE: Starbase 6 - Julia Troy - 10-17-2023

Julia noticed that the first officer threw the first snowball and she was ready with several snowballs before it started. Troy aimed at the captain, the first officer and the chief security officer and nailed each one of them. She was now having more fun than ever.

The only people that Troy doesn't hit with snowballs is those that are expecting. Julia knew that it was common sense not to hit them especially when they are this close of bringing the child into the world. She still kept throwing the snowballs with the help of Dot and Spike.

==Tag Everyone==

RE: Starbase 6 - Beno Velaul - 10-19-2023

The conversation was very enjoyable and Beno could tell that they will get along great, and they will spend a lot of time together. She was going to need some guidance, and hopefully this would help her advance. Now was the time for the just to have fun and stir up some trouble. It wasn't the original intention, but sometimes you just need to go with the flow.

Just before Beno was about to speak again, Luna was shouting and it made Beno laugh. Kissing her fingertips she pointed at Luna and gave a quick wink, and it was the kind of thing Luna would recognize as mischief was coming. "I am sure in good time we will get to know each other real well. Until then." Beno tapped her combadge twice. "Jack in Box."

There was a quick alarm sound, and three holographic people appeared in the air. Then a computerized voice started to speak. "Attention crew Snowball fight is about to start, target three Luna Pond." Her image was there next to Daniel. "Target two Daniel Brooks. Target one Beno Velaul." It was an old tradition to level the playing field, it was agreat way to boost moral of the crew.

Quickly picking up two Snowballs, and throwing them at Luna again. "Now it's time for me to run, I have just painted Targets on my back." Running away in a program that was change a little to accommodate this fight, the over all effect was for the crew. Sometimes this would require the top brass to have Snowballs thrown at them, and it was all going to be worth it.


RE: Starbase 6 - Julia Troy - 10-21-2023

Troy picked up some more snowballs to throw while trying to juggle them at the same time. Julia started to throw the snowballs at the captain, first officer, and the security chief. She keeps landing every shot thrown at them without any problems before nodding to Carly to start throwing the snowballs.

"Hey Carly, please help throw the snowballs at the Captain Brooks, First Officer Velual, and the Security Chief Pond. Dot as well as Spike will help us out by swatting the snowballs away from us."

Julia hopes that she joins in the snowball fight. Troy was really getting into it and having that gleam in her eyes like no other.

==Tags All==

RE: Starbase 6 - Beno Velaul - 10-21-2023

==NPC Carley Young ==

It was surprising to her to be hit with a Snowball, and when she seen Beno the surprise was gone. There were parts of the program that was designed to change, and all meant to be a surprise. This was all about a greater purpose, and it was all for the crew. Now it was time to put that intent to good use, and they were going to need a lot of Snowballs.

"This is going to be better than I thought." Carley said with a smile, and started to make a few more Snowballs to throw. "Sometimes you just have to go with the flow." When it came down to it, Sometimes you just need to blow off some steam, and throwing things at Leadership is the best way.

"A great way to work up an appetite for the up coming feast, and there is one more surprise coming." Carley knew about a few things coming, but not all of it.


RE: Starbase 6 - K'Rora - 10-22-2023

Hearing the voices, she barely had time to look up as the targets appeared, but as soon as she heard the commands, she nodded in understanding. A mission... and a way to prove myself to the crew. Objective is clear. As soon as the snowballs started flying, she immediately fell backward into the snow. "Oof!" she grunted in surprise as she looked up to see who was throwing. 

She noticed a medical officer throwing with great accuraccy. Interesting... very accurate. However, she was not going into the fight without proper defense, if not offense. K'Rora, backing away and cursing the snow turning to ice on her rear end, she looked up to the sky. "Computer," she snapped immediately. "Replicate me a Class C full tactical vest with heating packs in the pockets without any firearms, Size 20." It replicated in front of her, and she quickly put it on, breathing out in relief as she felt the chemical heating packs warm her upper torso. 

Now, she looked down at her paws. "Replicate a pair of Gore-Tex material waterproof Starfleet Standard issue hostile environment gloves. Optimize for agility and warmth and use in cold climates." As they replicated in front of her, she grabbed them, nodding in approval as she put them on. She was one to always specify things, which was why she got a long with Vulcans very well.

Finishing up her gear by activating the heating packs in her pant pockets, she immediately hit the ground, ducking as she felt several snowballs whizz accross her head. K'Rora grabbed a fistful of snow, and moulding it into a ball rather haphazardly, she flung it in the direction of the Security Chief. But, being unfamiliar to the mechanics of compressed snow in flight, it sailed towards the direction of the medical officer, Julia Troy.

She winced. "Sorry!" she yelled over as she stood up, taking in the scene around her. We need an organized strategy... she thought. K'Rora shouted over. "Someone take up flank on left and circle around!" She started getting rather breathless, as adrenaline coursed through her.

==Tag all. I will try to leave my snowball throws open ended, if and where it hits is up to you. Have fun! Smile ==

RE: Starbase 6 - Luna Pond - 10-23-2023

Luna could hear Beno's laugh echoing and her icy blue eyes shot in the direction of her friend, to catch her kissing her fingertips and Luna responded with a raised eyebrow as an alarm sounded.

"Attention crew Snowball fight is about to start, target three Luna Pond." Her image was there next to Daniel. "Target two Daniel Brooks. Target one Beno Velaul." It was an old tradition to level the playing field, it was agreat way to boost moral of the crew.

Luna turned to Daniel "Oh great... Thanks Velaul... Meet you back here when this is over Dan?" Before shouting over to Beno

"Just wait til you next do manoveres with me Beno I swear it's payback time!"

Luna ran off to try and dodge the snowballs being hurled in her direction. She ran past Julia

"Good aim Julia... Ever thought of changing to Security, I could do with an officer with aim like yours?" She waited for a response before chucking a selection of snowballs in retaliation to everyone who she caught sight of throwing them at her.

Luna had not lost her expert aim, by any shadow of doubt and Luna was enjoying herself with hearty chuckles. Spying Beno across from her Luna crept up behind her with stealth ninja speed and reflexes

"Hey Beno meet my chilly little friend here." She exclaimed before stuffing a snowball directly down her back.

== Tag all ==

RE: Starbase 6 - Daniel Brooks - 10-23-2023

Dan noticed the new Science Officer arrive and was heading in their direction when a snowball hit his arm, looking in the direction it came from it turned out to be Commander Velaul.

Brooks bent down and scooped up the snow into a ball and took aim at the Trill FO, just as an alarm sounded,and three holographic people appeared in the air. Then a computerized voice started to speak. "Attention crew Snowball fight is about to start, target three Luna Pond." Her image was there next to Daniel. "Target two Daniel Brooks. Target one Beno Velaul." It was an old tradition to level the playing field, it was agreat way to boost moral of the crew.

Luna turned to him and said "Oh great... Thanks Velaul... Meet you back here when this is over Dan?" Before shouting over to Beno

"Yes we will and Good Luck." he replied, giving her a smile. 

"Just wait til you next do manoveres with me Beno I swear it's payback time!"

As Luna ran off hurling snowballs, Dan threw his at Beno before tapping his commbadge,

"Brooks to Anderson, report to Holodeck six, snowball fight in progress and could do with your assistance. Brooks out."

Dan wasn't sure where the next hit came from but he quickly saw a spot behind a stall to take cover and throw his snowballs. The flurry of snowballs going in every direction brought him back to being a child again, hearing the other laughing and chasing each other. It was a great idea whoever had it. Starfleet could be so strict and it was a good way for them to let off steam.

One of his snowballs flew past Julia and hit another security officer square in the face, he couldn't help thinking it must of hurt even if this was the holodeck. At one point he was in close proximity to the new Science Officer,

"Welcome aboard, you must be K'Rora. Saw your file, very interesting, I hope to chat to you once we get aboard the Charon....." he said as he ducked another in coming snowball. "I'm Brooks....Captain Daniel Brooks. Pleased to meet you."

Dan then picked up another snowball as he saw Julia had her back to him, taking aim his shot landed on the back of Julia's head, he quickly ducked behind the stall again.

==Tag Anderson and K'Rora and all that been hit by your Captain==

RE: Starbase 6 - K'Rora - 10-24-2023

Standing up, she staggered around a little bit, and gave a yelp of surprise as she took a step and her foot sank knee deep in the snow. "Blasted cold!" ge growled, clambering to get away from the soft snow area.

Just as she got up, as if to add insult to injury, a snowball rocketed and smacked her straight in the face, making her fall over with surprise again. Spitting it out, she hissed a Caitian curse under her breath, before flinging two snowballs over in the direction where she noticed Beno and Pond were.

After making sure no snowballs were heading her way, she stood up, and was suddenly aware of the Captain standing next to her.  "Welcome aboard, you must be K'Rora. Saw your file, very interesting, I hope to chat to you once we get aboard the Charon..... I'm Brooks....Captain Daniel Brooks. Pleased to meet you." he said.

K'Rora nodded cordially. "I am pleased to know you too, captain. I look forward to chatting with you more too on the Ship." She secretly inhaled sharply when she heard the CAptain mention her file, but breathed out a little when she noticed he seemed like a more chill person. I hope he won't suspect anything... 

After waiting a moment, she realised the captain was one of the targets. Dropping onto her knees, she scooped up a large clump of snow, and threw it at the captain's back. "I apologize, sir!" she called out, as it sailed toward him. After that, she decided to start heading into the fray of the battle more, and she decided to circle around behind people, dropping snow down their backs and pelting them with showers of snow. She tried her best to sneak up quietly, but once or twice she would be discovered, and that was when she got a good smack from snowballs.

==Tag anyone who wants to get hit by K'Rora or would like to catch her red-handed, or should I say, snow-handed?==

RE: Starbase 6 - Beno Velaul - 10-25-2023

It was great that everyone was having a great time, it was a much better feeling than before when everyone was stressed. Beno also knew that with Luna she kicked a giant hornets nest, and Luna was the Queen Hornet. She also forgot about how stealthy Luna could be, and lost sight of her somewhere. Beno knew that Luna was going to pounce to make her move, and Beno had no defense against it. That was just how good she was, and it was a good thing that she was on Benos side.

When Luna sprung up, Beno was genuinely shocked and impressed at the same time. The snow went down her back, and it was really cold. The look that Beno was absolutely priceless, and the scream could be heard by everyone, and it was absolutely funny.

"Luna you above all people should know, I always have something up my sleeve." Pulling out the Ace of Dimonds from her left sleeve. "You taught me that, and now the Jack in the Box has been sprung and the Juggernaut is loose." Beno winked again and jumped off to the side with a shoulder roll. Then less than a heart beat later, Luna was hit with a Snowball twice the regular size.

When Luna looked to see where it came from, she would notice la Bonhomme with another Snowball forming in his hand. Once he threw it, another one would form in his hand. He was a walking giant Snowman, and he had a giant smile on his face. It was just Benos sense of irony, and that was just the start. Soon there were stations set up with Snowballs already made on them, that way the crew could enjoy throwing them and not work on them. There were also warm gloves that were available to everyone to wear, and hot chocolate was everywhere to keep their core temperature up.

Beno was doing her best to avoid being hit by these flying Snowballs, but every now and again she was hit by a few. When Beno did toss some of her own, it was only at Dan and Luna. When she threw one at other crew, it was only for show and missed on purpose.

==Tag everyone and Holodeck controls are not locked so anyone can make changes ==

RE: Starbase 6 - Julia Troy - 10-26-2023

Julia had felt a snowball hit her from behind and she turned just in time to see the one who threw it go behind a stall. Troy had some tricks up her sleeve that no one else on the crew knew about. She grabbed a snowball and callacated the angle of the throw using some of the baseball throws that she learned when she was younger.

"Computer, 4' walls with a window 3' from the ground in a 3'×3' square with 3 dozen snowballs in a pyramid. Spike and Dot get ready to help block the snowballs from making contact."

Troy was prepared to fire away at getting the others that is outside of the square. Julia threw a curveball using the snowball at the captain while using her senses knowing where everyone was at.

"Hey Carly stick with me and I'll help you out with telling you where everyone is at."

==Tag everyone==

RE: Starbase 6 - Beno Velaul - 10-29-2023

==NPC Carley Young ==

The way how Julia took charge was really exciting to Carley, and it really captures the spirit of what they were doing. The new structure and even the Snowballs that she had set up, this shown some promise and Carley was willing to follow her lead. With Julia's gifts at full power, they will be able pin point where people were going. This will make hitting people a lot easier, and they were protected. Carley was also impressed by rhe curve ball thrown, Carley wasn't good at throwing much but this was meant to be nothing more than fun.

"Lead us to a good time my friend." Carley said while throwing a few Snowballs at people, and she noticed something different about the friendly mascot. The way how it was throwing the Snowballs at the Command staff, and Carley knew it was by design. There were a few more details that were going to be revealed soon, but for now it was just fun.

==Tag and it was a really good idea Julia ==

RE: Starbase 6 - Scott Anderson - 11-01-2023

Scott made his way as ordered by Dan, why he was needed for a snowball fight was a little on the confusing side, the whole notion seemed strange. A bunch of officers, all adults throwing frozen water at each other. But then he thought about his childhood and snowball fights with Michael and Jennifer when they were kids.

"It was fun." He muttered to himself. A half smile crossed the Doctor's face and then he realised what was happening, the crew were letting off some steam and working their way back to some sort of normality, a Doctor of the mind would probably approve of the idea.

Brooks was talking to a Caitian Officer to whom the good Doctor was not acquainted with, as he closed the gap between them he resisted the urge to call the C.O by his first name. "Captain," He said politely and turning his focus to the Caitian Officer, he nodded, "Good day." He added with his warm Georgia accent.

"Everyone having a good time I see?"

==Tag Cap and co==

RE: Starbase 6 - Julia Troy - 11-03-2023

Julia noticed the CMO walked in and started developing a a good plan and strategy. Troy knew that this will be way too much fun getting everyone.

"Hey Carly, I'll get the first officer and the captain while you get the COS and the CMO. All four are not that far from each other while Spike and Dot here will help us out by swatting at the snowballs coming at us."

She would be needing a nice warm to hot shower after this with her imazdi. Julia felt the nausea coming on again without warning but held it back so she can keep having fun. As far as Troy knew that she hasn't seen anyone about the nauseous yet.

==Tag all==

RE: Starbase 6 - T'Kol - 11-08-2023

"Hello, good to see you T'Kol." said Brooks T'Kol nodded "Captain." She simply gave as he bounded off. Sothrick watched with her brow arched as she watched.

Then it was suggested that she 'fortify' for a 'snowball fight' a concept wholly alien and confusing to her.

She watched the others and quickly realized that it was some type war game battle exercise.
She helped create a fortified point but as the snowball began flying she was confused and saw little structure to the exercise.

As the first cold ball of frozen water hit her the cold shocked her system and a shiver went down her spine. She had been trained in security but she was more of a paper pusher as humans called it than tactical. She was trained but this excercise was wholly lost on her and she took her opening to move a bit away from the snowball fight as she noticed a new but familiar face.

She knew the young science officer from her file and felt she should take the moment to introduce herself. However the Caitain young Science officer had jumped full fur into the fray.

T'Kol moved a little more out of the immediate war zone. Trying to avoid the snowballs trying her best to blend into the surrounding, hoping to stay off the target list as she was technically part of the Command team.

== Tag All ==

RE: Starbase 6 - Luna Pond - 11-08-2023

"Luna you above all people should know, I always have something up my sleeve." Beno exclaimed as Luna saw her pulling out the Ace of Dimonds from her left sleeve. "You taught me that, and now the Jack in the Box has been sprung and the Juggernaut is loose." Beno winked again and jumped off to the side with a shoulder roll. Then less than a heart beat later, Luna was hit with a Snowball twice the regular size.

"Omph!" Luna grunted as the snowball hit her directly on the shoulders and her hair across her shoulder blades now sodden with snow and tight wet ringlets had formed.

When Luna looked to see where it came from, she would notice la Bonhomme with another Snowball forming in his hand.

"Oh Christ...the woman has lost it... Beno you absolute Loon! When I can it's blinking payback time ten fold"

Luna sprinted away giggling.

Spying Doctor Anderson in the potential line of fire next being a department head after all Luna quickly requested an igloo structure that may make a good fortress from the computer and when one emerged she ran over to Scott.

"Save yourself from potential bombardment Doc come with me " Luna grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the igloo.

== Tag All ==

RE: Starbase 6 - Beno Velaul - 11-10-2023

==NPC Carley Young ==

It started to look like everyone was going against Beno, and that was just perfect. This was getting better by the second, and it was going to be hard to top. Throwing things at the top brass was fun, and usually illegal. Julia had Beno targeted, and Carley was going to have Luna targeted but she joined instead. This gave Carley an idea, and this was going to be fun.

"Julia and Luna I have an idea, and I think you will like it. Why don't we make a trap and get her good, with the three of us we can get her on all sides. If we do it right that giant Snowman thing will get her from the open side." The Tactical part of this plan would be left to Luna as she was better at it than Carley.


RE: Starbase 6 - Scott Anderson - 11-10-2023

"Save yourself from potential bombardment Doc come with me " Commander Pond's voice said pulling the Doctor's face attention to her beautiful image. Before he could respond to the curious warning from Luna the COS nearly, but playfully, wrenched his left arm from its socket.

The Doctor let out a slight groan as he stumbled behind Pond in the direction of the igloo. Several thuds of balled ice impacted near to them both.

He didn't know Commander Pond really but in the few encounters they'd had, Scott had begun to respect her and liked being in her presence. Although he didn't know the exact sciences of it the Doctor believed that some people had an aura, something that made them naturally nice and pleasant to be around without trying.

Anderson's only really familiarity with the Pond family was with Aurora, the younger sister of Luna and one of his most promising students and now member of his staff. In a similar fashing to Luna, Aurora had an uncanny ability to gain friendship with people and in his opinion the younger sister was blessed with a great sense of empathy, thus making her a natural healer.

"What do we do Commander Pond?" Scott asked after they'd entered the igloo, "I haven't been in the snow for years, not since...."

The CMO trailed off as his thoughts took a hold of him, his distraction would no doubt be obvious to Luna.

==Tag Luna==

RE: Starbase 6 - Luna Pond - 11-10-2023

Luna headed in the direction of the igloo with Scott behind, she heard the young officer called Carly mention something about tactics or suchlike.

"I need time to plan our next move, but like your thinking Miss Young. Allow me to get this wally out of the firing line and I'll be back with you. I'm sure we can recruit the Doctor here too when my strategy is more clear cut."

Once she dragged the Doc into the igloo, she turned and fixed her icy blue eyes on him.

"Apologies for the wally comment" she chuckled " With you being a senior member of crew I needed to get you undercover."

"What do we do Commander Pond?" Scott asked after they'd entered the igloo, "I haven't been in the snow for years, not since...."

The pause made Luna's ears prick up, she had read on his Security clearance that he was a widow and she was aware of it too from talking to her sister. She looked at Scott with sympathy in her eyes as she patted his arm.

"Hey... It's ok... Anything you need to get off your chest?" She said gently to him

We are secure in here for a moment... And please don't think I'm prying I had to go through your Security detail when you joined.

Luna took a seat on the floor of the igloo

"Strategic planning can wait Scott... Please tell me about her? I bet she was a load of fun huh?"

Luna hoped Scott would open up, she felt he needed a friend and Luna wanted to be just that after everything he had done to help Aurora follow her dream.

== Tag Scott and Carley==

RE: Starbase 6 - Beno Velaul - 11-11-2023

==NPC Carley Young ==

When Scot was mentioning that he hasn't been in the snow since, Carley couldn't help but to wonder since when? There were lots of ways that it could go, she just wasn't sure what way it was going to go. When Luna asked if he wanted to get anything off his chest, it narrowed it down a little. Sealed when she asked about her, probably his wife.

She was also right about the planning, it could wait for something more important. It was also fortunate that Julia was there, it was more her field. Unless it was one of those times when people want to vent, or not even talk about it. There were times when people would rather talk about it over drinks, and not so much in a cold place. Or even in a place that is a little more private. If he wanted to talk, Carley was willing to listen.

RE: Starbase 6 - Scott Anderson - 11-11-2023

"I need time to plan our next move, but like your thinking Miss Young. Allow me to get this wally out of the firing line and I'll be back with you. I'm sure we can recruit the Doctor here too when my strategy is more clear cut."

'A what? Wally was it? That's a new one on me.'

"Apologies for the wally comment" The laugh from Luna suggested the term was comical somehow, " With you being a senior member of crew I needed to get you undercover."

"I hope by senior you mean my status and not that I'm an old man?" A wide grin crossed his face, he too was teasing at that point.

"What do we do Commander Pond?" Scott asked after they'd entered the igloo, "I haven't been in the snow for years, not since...."

After Scott had cut off from his mention of snow Luna deduced that something was wrong and that his emotional state had changed somewhat, "Hey... It's ok... Anything you need to get off your chest?

We are secure in here for a moment... And please don't think I'm prying I had to go through your Security detail when you joined."

"Not at all, it's fine." Scott began, "I would have been surprised if you hadn't!"

"Strategic planning can wait Scott... Please tell me about her? I bet she was a load of fun huh?"

Anderson smiled weakly and shook his head gently, "Some other time!" He promised with a reassuring hand on her shoulder, "Though I do appreciate the offer."

The Doctor nodded to Lieutenant Young, another of his colleagues he wasn't too familiar with. "Let's meet for a drink later? The three of us and let's get to know each other huh?" Scott winked, "I might even tell you a few funny stories about our Captain."

"Ammo," Scott said, "I think we're going to need some." He added as he began to ball the snow in his bare hands. "Not much of a strategist I'm afraid, lead the way ladies."

==Tag Luna and Carley==

RE: Starbase 6 - Daniel Brooks - 11-11-2023

K'Rora nodded cordially. "I am pleased to know you too, captain. I look forward to chatting with you more too on the Ship." She secretly inhaled sharply when she heard the CAptain mention her file, but breathed out a little when she noticed he seemed like a more chill person. I hope he won't suspect anything...

After waiting a moment, she realised the captain was one of the targets. Dropping onto her knees, she scooped up a large clump of snow, and threw it at the captain's back. "I apologize, sir!" she called out, as it sailed toward him.

"None taken." replied the Captain before looking for his next target, he spotted Doctor Anderson had arrived.

"Captain," He said politely and turning his focus to the Caitian Officer, he nodded, "Good day." He added with his warm Georgia accent.

"Everyone having a good time I see?"

Dan nodded, "Yes but we were missing the ships doctor." before heading off into trying to target Beno again, he managed to hit her on the right shoulder before saying,

"It looks like it is being a success Beno." as he looked around the crew, "I am proud to lead this crew..... I just sometimes when I see these officers reminds me of the ones I knew, the ones who got transferred and the ones we lost.... many a good memory can show up some of the missed opportunities."

==Tag Velaul==

RE: Starbase 6 - Beno Velaul - 11-11-2023

Everyone was getting into the spirit of the event, and Beno couldn't be more happy. When she was hit by another Snowball from Daniel, it gave her more reason to laugh and it was a great life lesson. In a place like this it would be great to have clothes that heat up, or spend a week in a hot tub to defrost. It was a fun time, and it was relaxing to all. The conversation with Daniel confirmed it, and he seemed happier than before. Out of everyone he was the most stressed, and there was good reason for it.

"Yeah I get that sometimes too, over the course of time we both served it does happen. I find it's best to remember who they were, and what they brought out in us." It was fortunate he wasn't a Trill, in a few ways he reminded her of a son that would be in his nineties by now. Still they were great to have around, and the memories are always priceless.

The only part that was confusing was the missed opportunities. "I have heard of missed opportunities, but don't know of any. I have always seized every opportunities, they might not always work out but I try." It was another life lesson that everyone can benefit from.

==NPC Carley Young ==

Getting ready for the upcoming snow assault, Carley was designing a shield made of ice. It was to prevent as many Snowballs from hitting her as possible. Then she heard about funny stories about the Captain, and they should be entertaining.

"I have a few funny stories about our First Officer, and others are just hilarious. For kicks I might say who else was there, not that it would be surprising. The hard part would be to determine who the bad influence is. Either way it's going to be a lot of fun." There was an opportunity for Luna to jump in, and who knows what would happen.


RE: Starbase 6 - Daniel Brooks - 11-12-2023

It was moments like this with Beno he couldn't help thinking that being Human made you miss out on what the Trills experienced. Dan remember at one point he became slightly telepathic being involved with a betaziod.

"Yes, well sometimes there are things we still miss, those roads not taken." he said in deep thought, looking at Beno he said,

"One thing is I never thought we would be here as the Command team of such a crew that is for certain."

Dan's eyes spotted the igloo and said, "Think we should get them out of that.... what do you think?" he asked Velaul with a grin, before saying,

"Computer, rapidly melt the ice on the igloo."


With that the three in the igloo will start to feel very warm and the ice start to drip on them, before in a matter of seconds the building would start to become unstable.

"Computer, pile of snowballs in front myself and Velaul."


A pile of snowballs arrived at the feet of the two Command Officer,

"Shall we give them.... hell...." Dan said to Beno as he picked up a couple of snowballs ready to throw at the occupants of the igloo.

"It's time to get our own back."

==Tag Velaul and everyone==

RE: Starbase 6 - Luna Pond - 11-13-2023

Anderson smiled weakly and shook his head gently, "Some other time!" He promised with a reassuring hand on her shoulder, "Though I do appreciate the offer."

Luna smiled warmly "Anytime honestly Scott" she replied

The Doctor nodded to Lieutenant Young, another of his colleagues he wasn't too familiar with. "Let's meet for a drink later? The three of us and let's get to know each other huh?" Scott winked, "I might even tell you a few funny stories about our Captain."

I hope that offer includes me... I'm supposed to be on a date with him this evening and now look at me hunkering down in an igloo awaiting my chance to pummel the h*ll out of him with snowballs. If we weren't already comfortable in the friends zone and branching out from it to become more I would be questioning my choices tonight." Luna let out a hearty laugh.

"Ammo," Scott said, "I think we're going to need some." He added as he began to ball the snow in his bare hands. "Not much of a strategist I'm afraid, lead the way ladies."

Luna then said

"Get that giant snowman to flank us Carley, we could maybe request another two from the computer, so take care of that for us please"

"Scott build as many snowballs as possible and then creates snow barricade we can keep popping up and down with snowballs while while the big snow apes behind us take em down."

Luna started erecting a barricade big enough for them to hide behind and it was a good job too, as the igloo was beginning to warm up and the snow blocks around them melt away. When Dan had said

"Computer, rapidly melt the ice on the igloo."


"Sneaky b#@tard" Luna said her head completely in assault mode but with a wide grip.

"Carley!! Scott!! Go Go Go!" Luna shouted as she motioned her plan into action.

== Tag all ==

RE: Starbase 6 - Beno Velaul - 11-14-2023

It looked like Daniel was learning about how to be evil in a fun way, and his first attempt Luna got an ice shower. As Beno did her best not to smile, but when Luna screamed Beno went into an all out laugh. However Beno knew what was going to happen next, Luna was great at getting revenge. Also as Chief of Security, Luna would be able cover it up.

"I think neither one of us is going to get any sleep tonight, Luna is going to get us both. It is going to be cold quick, and we are not going to see it coming." She laughed again hearing the cold screaming again, Carley was going to join in on the revenge. This wasn't going to be good, between them two it was going to be brilliantly evil.

Getting a few Snowballs ready to toss, it was really funny seeing the igloo melt. It was even funnier seeing the wet people, and it was worth the revenge coming. The fun was going to be when it hit, and what it was going to be. This was going to be a lot of fun, it was also going be very cold.

Eventually the staff came in and set up a small dining area, there was also food that was going to come with it. After all of this, people were going to be hungry. All of this was draining on the energy, and they were probably going to want something to drink.it was going to be the perfect ending


RE: Starbase 6 - Julia Troy - 11-14-2023

Troy noticed what was going on and had to think real fast to help those three out. Julia remembered her little set up where she is right at best spot.

"Computer extend the walls to five feet and add a pile of three dozen snowballs in each corner and a pile of three dozen snowballs in middle also a five foot Santa and a three foot elf and them throwing snowballs at Velual and Brooks. Carly grab Pond and Anderson and come over here." Julia singled to Carly before throwing a curveball at Velual and hitting her target before throwing another curveball at Brooks without being seen.

==Tag all==

RE: Starbase 6 - Daniel Brooks - 11-19-2023

Beno replied,

"I think neither one of us is going to get any sleep tonight, Luna is going to get us both. It is going to be cold quick, and we are not going to see it coming." She laughed again hearing the cold screaming again,

"Maybe, but when does the game end." replied Brooks with a glint in his eye as he picked up a number of snowballs ready to throw, as Luna appeared Brooks threw three snowballs in quick succession, two hit Luna and one hit Anderson.

"Teach him for hiding." said Brooks to Velaul.

Eventually the staff came in and set up a small dining area, with food coming and drinks. Daniel walked over and took a seat, it was only then he felt muscles aching a little that he hadn't used in years probably, even through he hit the gym regularly it was probably all the strange positions they put themselves in as well as the impact of the snowballs... or was it his age catching up with him.

He preferred not to think of that, he was coming up to being forty next year.

Taking a sip of hot chocolate he ordered it was nice to feel the warmth going down into his body, he couldn't wait to get in a warm shower to bring his core temperature up.. he felt cold in the bones.

==Tag anyone who would like to come chat to The Captain at the dining table==

RE: Starbase 6 - K'Rora - 11-21-2023

K'Rora, watching everything unfold around her, suddenly felt a little dizzy. Stumbling behind some cover, her sensitive nose caught the smell of chocolate. She briefly remembered having seen a table laden with hot cocoa, and so, feeling the ice creep into her bones, quickly hurried over to the table, trudging over the snow before picking up a mug, downing it as fast as she could before she dared to speak.

"Hello captain, we meet again" she said, shaking her head vigorously as she felt the warm pleasure of the relief of heat creeping back trough her nerves, and her tail writhed well clear of of snow on the floor as she reached for another mug.

"Feeling cold?" she inquired, cocking her head and giving a smile, though if he looked closely enough, he would see that her eyes were not entirely sincere. Nevertheless, she took a sip of her hot chocolate as she rubbed her paws together, pulling a seat up and sitting on it before it promptly sank into the snow, at which point she hurriedly stood up again.

==Tag to the Captain==

RE: Starbase 6 - Julia Troy - 11-21-2023

Troy decided to throw a fastball at the captain while he walked away as well as a fastball at the first officer. Julia felt the nausea coming on when she smelt the hot chocolate. She tried to not let it affect her throwing the snowballs at the first officer.

Julia is about done with the fight and go sit down with a cup of hot tea or a cup of hot coffee at the table with the captain. Troy had a lot of fun with the snowball fight. She had gotten worn out and is ready to take a break from it.

She quickly walked over to where the captain and the new science officer was sitting at.

"Hello, can I join you both?" Asked Troy.

==Tag Captain and K'Rora==

RE: Starbase 6 - Daniel Brooks - 11-22-2023

Daniel was joined soon by the new Science Officer,

"Hello captain, we meet again" she said, shaking her head vigorously to the Captains amusement as she then inquired,

"Feeling cold?" cocking her head and giving a smile, as Dan looked her closely enough, he could see that her eyes were not entirely sincere with her question.

"I would rather it was a hot sunny beach." he replied giving the officer a smile as she went to sit on a chair that disappeared into the snow and sprung up again,

"See that wouldn't of happened on a nice warm beach, but then again, it wouldn't help you in your fur coat being in that situation either." he grinned before the officer could reply they were joined by Troy.

"Hello, can I join you both?" Asked Troy.

Brooks turned in the officers direction, "Of course you can Troy. If you not already met this is our new science officer Ensign K'Rora, Ensign this is Lieutenant Troy our resident ships counselor. I am sure K'Rora here will fit in nicely with the crew, how are you finding this lovely little place to let off steam Troy?" he asked.

==Tag K'Rora and Troy==

RE: Starbase 6 - K'Rora - 11-23-2023

The felinoid, noticing Julia's approach, nodded cordially and said "Of course, welcome." Hearing the Captain's introduction of her and K'Rora, she walked forward, putting down her mug, and extended her paw, towards Julia. "It's nice to meet you!"

After they had shaken hands, she replied to the Captain, noticing his mention of her fur coat. She raised an eyebrow. Normally, having fur was a relatively easy thing to take care of, and if she were to be completely honest she felt it was much more fashionable than just skin. However, especially when things like snow got into it, it was way more than a pain in the posterior when the time came to dry it out or get it out of her fur. "Yes, I suppose so" she said, and for the first time a little glimmer of her humour showed, twinkling in her eyes.

As the captain's attention turned to asking Troy, she turned as well, eager to learn more about a potential threat, or hopefully a supporter on the ship. You could never be sure... she thought

RE: Starbase 6 - Beno Velaul - 11-23-2023

From all the Snowballs Beno was pretty cold, and this was about the time the Fisherman's hot chocolate came out. The difference between that and regular, was a splash of alcohol. In an environment controlled area like this the dangers were minimal, and the worst anyone could get was the chills. It was also all part of the process to start dinner, and a few drinks. It was a great way to get their core temperature, and relax a little.

While the crew was getting a little more fun in, Beno was working with the staff to make sure that everything was perfect. Every single meal was prepared according to individual taste, and it was based off of their own home cuisine. These were just little touches that make people feel appreciated, and this was what it was all about. The Snowballs were a nice touch and was anticipated, however the source wasn't. The top two people that she thought would have started it, were completely innocent. One of them was going to have some sort of revenge, and Beno knew it was coming just not what it was.

There was also one other surprise that she was working on, this surprise was meant for one person and it was going to be part of the finally. Out of all of these she has ever done, this was going to be the biggest. When the crew was going to return to duty, they were going to be more relaxed than before. Hopefully this would also carry on and help with their progress, and that was always the ultimate goal.

RE: Starbase 6 - K'Rora - 11-24-2023

Noticing the fisherman's hot chocolate, K'Rora momentarily twisted her head to look at it. It seemed more or less the same, so she tried a swig of it. As soon as the liquid hit her throat, she gagged and put down the mug hurriedly, coughing loudly as a paw went to her throat.

To most humanoids, this would have been fine, but for Caitians, even a shot of alcohol was enough to make them either very drunk or even sick. She blinked quickly, shaking her head as she tried to clear her mind. Of course, if she had drunk it before, she might have been more prepared, but in fact, she had never drunk alcohol before, so she tried to understand the sensations coming over her mind now.

Wha...? I don't feel too good... Another problem was that especially since Caitians had a very high metabolic rate, the effects spread over he body faster. Nevertheless, she clenched her teeth. I must pull through tonight... not tonight of all nights.

She took a seat, making sure this one wouldn't sink, and started chewing on some bread. The food helped to clear her mind a little bit, but she started getting the feeling something was wrong with her thinking. In a little while, she would be pretty drunk. But, that was something to come later.

Finishing the bread, she waited for everyone to sit down first. She tried standing up, but as she felt her balance starting to become a little unsteady, she sat back down, turning her attention to the food, but also to everyone around the table.

==Hope you don't mind that i'm assuming a few things, Velalul! I just assumed that there would be a table for the food and that it came out already, that's all.==

RE: Starbase 6 - Julia Troy - 11-25-2023

Julia had been accepted by both at the table. Troy had shaken the science officers hand when introduced to her. She listened to the question the question that the captain had asked her

"I am having a lot of fun and yes it is a good way to blow of some steam. I haven't had this much fun since I was a kid. It is nice to meet you K'Rora and I would be a good allie in sickbay."

Troy was watching everyone else throwing snowballs at each other. Julia decided to try the fishermans hot chocolate to see if it helps with her stomach as well as something to eat. She has been enjoying blowing off a lot of steam throwing snowballs at everyone around.

==Tag K'Rora and Brooks==

RE: Starbase 6 - Beno Velaul - 11-25-2023

Happy with the results of the event, everyone was having a great time and now it was time to get some nutrition in them. It was also a great chance for people to warm up, and Medical would be happy with that much. It was also a time where everyone was equal, and all of this was just about the experience. She even seen a small gathering, and approached and her hands were slightly blue. Her hot chocolate was actually warm and not hot, even though hypothermia hasn't had a chance to set in, hot chocolate might still put her into shock.

Getting to the table Beno smiled at Julia. "It was a good idea you had about the Snowballs, I haven't taken part in one for years. Funny enough it wasn't too far away from where we are now, and I did get a bit of hypothermia back then." The experience wasn't all that bad, it was the chills she didn't like..

"First corse should be in a few minutes to allow time for the crew to get this out of their system, and by the time it comes I am sure they would be famished." She could smell the bread and it was delightful. " I also have one more presentation for after dinner, and before desert. I just need to get a little more warm, I don't want to do this while shaking." The part she hated about being cold.

== Tags, and K'Rora it was a good touch==

RE: Starbase 6 - Daniel Brooks - 11-27-2023

I am having a lot of fun and yes it is a good way to blow of some steam. I haven't had this much fun since I was a kid. It is nice to meet you K'Rora and I would be a good allie in sickbay." said Troy as they were joined by Beno.

"It was a good idea you had about the Snowballs, I haven't taken part in one for years. Funny enough it wasn't too far away from where we are now, and I did get a bit of hypothermia back then." said Beno,

Brooks looked at Velaul, "Yes. I don't think Command would be happy if the whole ship went down with hypothermia... while in space dock." he teased her, "You can be the one to explain it away on that one."

"First corse should be in a few minutes to allow time for the crew to get this out of their system, and by the time it comes I am sure they would be famished." Velaul could smell the bread and it was delightful. " I also have one more presentation for after dinner, and before desert. I just need to get a little more warm, I don't want to do this while shaking."

"I think we are all doing the hippy hippy shakes." Brooks said with a laugh.

==Tag all==

RE: Starbase 6 - Beno Velaul - 11-28-2023

Nodding her head while Dan explained about explaining how the whole crew came down with hypothermia, and how she would bore them to death with one hundred percent Scientific data. Throw in medical research data, and really stretch it out, after thirty minutes of explanation throw in an that's just the start. By that time no one will want to hear more, and very quickly agree to end the meeting. It gave Beno a smile thinking about thoes faces falling asleep, and suddenly waking up, and being happy just to run away.

This was followed up by the hippy hippy shake, something she had heard a long time ago. "English and their Swinging Blue Jeans, that or they can shake it off." It was another musical reference like Dan's. Beno knew that it was going to take a while to get to normal temperature again but it's worth it.


RE: Starbase 6 - Julia Troy - 11-29-2023

Julia listened about the hyperthermia the hippy hippy shake after the comment about the snowball fight. Troy didn't know how many of the crew would enjoy it and it had been fun. She took a sip more of the hot chocolate before replying to the commander.

"It a spur of moment idea that came to my mind and I thought of snowballs at something so the snowball fight came to mind especially with all of this snow. I even have good throwing technique to throw the snowballs with perfect aim every time. Even Dot and Spike here even had fun swatting at the snowballs that came our way."

Right at that moment Dot jumped into Julia's lap and Spike laid down next to her. Troy started to pet Dot on the head and took another sip of her drink. She knew that hyperthermia would not be good for the crew especially her.

==Tag all==