Federation Space
AQ/00 - Shipwide Announcements - Printable Version

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AQ/00 - Shipwide Announcements - Daniel Brooks - 04-20-2024

==Internal Shipwide Comms==

RE: AQ/00 - Shipwide Announcements - Daniel Brooks - 05-03-2024

Where ever Commander Velaul was at this time her commbadge chirped into life with the Captain's voice,

[Commander Velaul, report to my ready room. Captain Brooks out.] the channel closed.

RE: AQ/00 - Shipwide Announcements - Daniel Brooks - 05-17-2024

The commbadge of Lt Hoekstra chirped into life where ever he was,

[Brooks to Hoekstra, please report to the Ready Room. Brooks out.]

RE: AQ/00 - Shipwide Announcements - Cornelius Hoekstra - 06-12-2024

[Lieutenant Thorn, please report to the Chief Engineer’s Office.]

RE: AQ/00 - Shipwide Announcements - Daniel Brooks - 06-28-2024

==Temp NPC Ens Barry Stringer==

[Bridge to Kurasa, we are receiving a new arrival onboard in transporter room one. T'Kol is going to meet them there. Bridge out.]

RE: AQ/00 - Shipwide Announcements - Daniel Brooks - 07-17-2024

The comms channels throughout the Aquila chirped into life with the Captains voice.

[Crew this is your Captain speaking, We are responding to a distress call from a Cardassian ship in the neutral zone, it is something we do not take for granted. As soon as we step over the boarder all kinds of accusations may come our way. On the other hand, their are Cardassians suffering on that vessel which is in distress. I know some of you with previous wars would think to leave them, but I think we have a moral obligation to help as many lives out here regardless of race or our history with the species. We can't suspect everyone is the same. If we were a medical ship, questions probably won't be asked but we are not. If anyone objects to us going over the boarder I will note it in my log and I will take what ever punishment comes my way if this goes wrong...however, we are going to do our dam hardest to save these people and get out of the political backlash afterwards. Captain out.]

RE: AQ/00 - Shipwide Announcements - Lois Lim - 07-21-2024

== Only using ship wide as not sure where these characters are, the messages go to the characters ==

[Dr Lim to Dr O'Shea please go to cargo bay 2 and begin to set it up triage and treatment of casualties. The 2 sickbays will be used for life threatening trauma patients and major surgeries only. Let me know when you are ready to receive]

[Dr Lim to Dr Troy, we are about to receive a lot of casualties, cargo bays 1 & 2 are being readied, I want you to arrange Night shift to immediately report to Dr Langston in Cargo bay 1 and Dog shift to immediately report to Dr O'Shea in cargo bay 2.]

RE: AQ/00 - Shipwide Announcements - Beno Velaul - 07-29-2024

[Commander Velaul Ensign Mala, Commander Lim, Lieutenant Hoekstra and Cindy report to Transporter room one for Away team briefing. As soon as possible." Her voice had a sense of urgency to it. "Bring transport enhancers and extra medical kits.] The channel closed

RE: AQ/00 - Shipwide Announcements - Shione Kurasa - 09-27-2024

A calm emotionless voice came over the shipwide comm

[This is the Second officer. The following personnel are hereby ordered to report forthwith to Transporter room 1; to join an away team return to the Cardassian vessel under my command. Lieutenant Kalli Thorn, Ensign, Jez Mala, Specialist Carley Young. Medical CPO SNP Wedsday Addam and mission specialist Cindy Talion.
Special Security EVA suits and phasers will be made available, gather your own gear and report immediately]