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YE/D02-07 - Crew Quarters - Printable Version

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YE/D02-07 - Crew Quarters - Paul - 04-24-2024


RE: YE/D02-07 - Crew Quarters - Ktan Shadowhunt - 05-14-2024

Ktan stood outside the doors to his quarters, unsure if he really wanted to walk inside. His temper had cooled over the last few weeks on Deep Space Nine, a time he had spent in equal parts rest, recreation, and meditation. He'd been able to contact a few other Kzin refugees, rub shoulders with Starfleet officers who had no knowledge of the fiasco on the Philadelphia, and even have some vibrant philosophical discussion with the local Bajoran Ranjen. He'd heard from, learned from, and grown from a variety of different perspectives during his shore leave, before facing would likely be one of the hardest choices in the career.

Starfleet wanted him under Braggins' command.

The assignment came with a promotion to Ensign and a pat on the back for his performance on the Philadelphia. It seemed that whatever they thought of the remainder of the crew, Ktan at least was considered to have acted nobly. But why the personnel division thought keep him under the command of a captain who had lied to and manipulated him into participating in mutinous actions, he could only guess. Whatever praise may have been written into his official record, it seemed a low ranking science officer would never be privy to every decision making process. No matter how many times he asked to plead his case, the answer was the same: Accept the assignment to the USS Yeager, Captain Braggins' new command, or take an honorable discharge - his career snuffed out before it could really begin.

Ktan guessed that perhaps the brass felt having someone around who had already stood up the captain once would be a good reminder for Braggins to tow the line in the future, though again. . . Ktan was only an ensign. It wasn't as though he was being assigned to an important post. If anything, it seemed that perhaps Starfleet wanted the details of the Philadelphia's last mission to be kept as under wraps and in a good light as possible. Having an outsider who was openly critical of the crew's actions wondering the fleet might have been antithetical to that objective.

Whatever the case, Ktan had ultimately chosen the Yeager - as insignificant an assignment as one could find in Starfleet - over discharge. He still believed he had work to do.

So why couldn't he step into his quarters?

A few other junior officers walked past as Ktan hesitated outside his door. Walking into that room, unpacking his things (which had finally arrived from Outpost Gamma Seven), meant his decision was final. His grand entrance into Starfleet would forever be marked and molded by Jennifer Braggins. Even if he resisted, the future of career would be shaped by her accomplishments, her accolades, her command style, her department heads, her recommendations. Ktan may find himself playing politics more often than engaging in scientific exploration. Hardly an auspicious start for someone who wanted to discover, the excavate knowledge and better understand the universe.

Maybe he should have left after all. . . taken up a civilian post.

But is that what I want?

No. Ktan had chosen Starfleet for a reason. They were a force for good, whatever his quabbles with an individual captain. These last few weeks had shown him many perspectives, some of which would have found the captain's decisions justified, if they'd had all the facts. Ktan couldn't deny that. And Stafleet was an organization built on diversity of thought. It's why they were one of the quadrant's great superpowers. It's why Braggins still had a command. It's why Ktan, despite being trained by the Kzinti military, was allowed in Starfleet at all. Everyone had a voice. Everyone got second chances.

This was Braggins' chance. This was Ktan's as well.

His head clearing, Ktan stepped forward, the doors his quarters - and his future - opening before him.

Ad astra per aspera, he thought, remembering the Starfleet recruitment motto. To the stars, through hardship.

RE: YE/D02-07 - Crew Quarters - Theresa Black - 05-15-2024

== NRC - Lt(jg) Papaver – Science ==

Finally, Papaver had been released from her secondment from DS9, and reassigned to a ship based assignment. She was supposed to have been on the Philadelphia, but a last minute reassignment of the entire science department put scupper to that.

When she'd found out it was the Yeager, she'd thought it was the old ship class she'd read up on from back in the days of the Dominion wars. But now she'd arrived and seen it was a new class of ship entirely, she was pleasantly surprised. And dare she say it, a little excited. The toy box here was far better that DS9 had to offer.

She'd had time to put her gear away, and was just getting ready to go down and see the labs for the first time. Her own speciality's being oddly Astrophysics and Botany. When she spotted a large felinoid standing looking at a set of doors like he was waiting for his owner to open them.

Starfleet had many different cat-like peoples in their employ, so they weren't uncommon, but this one was dressed in science blue.

Just as she got to him, the doors opened, and he began to walk inside, so she took the opportunity to quickly say hello.

“Hello there.” She said from behind him, and giving him her brightest pinball smile when he turned to face her. “Lieutenant Papaver.”

== Tag Shadowhunt ==

RE: YE/D02-07 - Crew Quarters - Ktan Shadowhunt - 05-23-2024

Ktan had barely crossed the threshold before a voice call out to him from the corridor.

"Hello there!" a human officer in science blue said, introducing herself. "Lieutenant Papaver."

Ktan looked the lieutenant up and down for a moment, trying to recall if he recognized her from the Philadelphia, before remembering that the majority of the ship's science team hadn't been present for the misadventure with the Cardassians. The one that had - Ensign Ichika - barely made it out alive.

"Greetings," the feline said, standing the middle of his open doorway and offering a slight bow. "I am Ensign Shadowhunt. It looks as though we will be working together. What do you make of this assignment? I don't know much about the Pathfinder class or the. . . modifications I've heard rumblings about. . . but it should make for an unconventional tour of service, if nothing else."

As the conversation continued, Ktan decidedly avoided his opinion of the captain, the Philadelphia crew who'd transferred over, or any other topic that may make things uncomfortable or mark him as an outsider. The science team here would be fresh and untainted by Braggins' little rebellion, and Ktan wasn't about to stir up trouble. He was here to do his duty. To learn. To explore. To be a Starfleet officer. Rabblerousing was not on the menu - not unless it was forced to be.

== Tag ==

RE: YE/D02-07 - Crew Quarters - Theresa Black - 05-23-2024

== NRC - Lt(jg) Papaver – Science ==

"Greetings," Replied the large feline, standing the middle of his open doorway and offering a slight bow. "I am Ensign Shadowhunt. It looks as though we will be working together. What do you make of this assignment? I don't know much about the Pathfinder class or the. . . modifications I've heard rumblings about. . . but it should make for an unconventional tour of service, if nothing else."

“Should be fun.” Papaver replied about the assignment query. “I mean, not a clue to where we're going outside this being a shake down, but we do have a whole range of new toys to try out down in the labs. And by modifications, you mean the arboretum? On a ship this size that's going to be awesome.” She sounded a little bit too excited at that. But then being a botanist, you could give her that.

“Have you had a chance to meet with the boss yet? Lieutenant Commander Qi. I last spoke to him a couple of weeks back before we got this gig. He seems like he's a good guy.” Her comment sounded genuine.

“But enough about that. Tell me about you. What's a big, strong, Kzinti like you. Doing in a place like this?”

== Tag ==

RE: YE/D02-07 - Crew Quarters - Ktan Shadowhunt - 05-27-2024

“Should be fun,” Lieutenant Papaver replied. “I mean, not a clue to where we're going outside this being a shake down, but we do have a whole range of new toys to try out down in the labs. And by modifications, you mean the arboretum? On a ship this size that's going to be awesome.”

"An arboretum?" Ktan nodded. "That is indeed an interesting modification. It's rare for a starship to need any organic matter other than what they replicate. Botany is far from my area of expertise, but it's good to know Starfleet is earnestly pursuing the natural sciences."

Ktan felt a stir of gratitude at that thought. For all the confusion and drama he'd experienced since getting his commission, it felt good to have a reminder that Starfleet was, at its core, an organization that aligned with his own values. The Kzinti reproductive crisis could only be solved with these values - an appreciation for science, exploration, and the restoration of the natural order. A universe ordered as the gods first designed.

“Have you had a chance to meet with the boss yet?" Papaver said. For a split second Ktan felt a moment of panic that she was referring Captain Braggins, but then she continued. "Lieutenant Commander Qi. I last spoke to him a couple of weeks back before we got this gig. He seems like he's a good guy.”

"Ah, yes. . ." Ktan said. "I mean, no. I haven't had the opportunity to meet the command as of yet. I've only just come aboard."

“But enough about that," the lieutenant continued her rapid fire conversational style. "Tell me about you. What's a big, strong, Kzinti like you. Doing in a place like this?”

Small talk, is what the humans called it. Perhaps the lieutenant didn't realize she was touching upon some rather BIG talk by asking that question.

"I'm a political refugee," Ktan said. "And a religious one. This hood I wear, it's a symbol of my religious order. We oppose the Patriarchy and the dangerous genetic experiments that have led to the catastrophe my people currently face. Years ago, I was enrolled in the Kzinti military academy, before my. . . beliefs. . . led to my exile. Once I found asylum in Federation Space, enrolled in Starfleet seemed the logical choice, given my educational background. What about you?"

RE: YE/D02-07 - Crew Quarters - Theresa Black - 05-28-2024

== NRC - Lt(jg) Papaver - Science ==

Papaver listened as Shadowhunt answered her questions. He seemed a little hesitant and reserved as he spoke. But it was his reply to her last question that really made her listen.

"I'm a political refugee, and a religious one.” He said, bringing up a huge paw to his head. “This hood I wear, it's a symbol of my religious order. We oppose the Patriarchy and the dangerous genetic experiments that have led to the catastrophe my people currently face. Years ago, I was enrolled in the Kzinti military academy, before my. . . beliefs. . . led to my exile. Once I found asylum in Federation Space, enrolled in Starfleet seemed the logical choice, given my educational background. What about you?"

There wasn't much that could leave her speechless, but he'd done it.

“Wow. That's um... Wow. I, ah, remember a decade or so back there was something with the Andorians, they were having some kind of genetic population issue too I think.” She quickly stopped herself before she said something she wasn't qualified to talk about.

“I'm a botanist and astronomer, really. Maybe a bit of engineering on the side. Genetics isn't my thing."

Change the subject...

“You're just moving in. You probably haven't had time to check you're messages yet. Apparently, there's a mass crew dinner this evening in the mess hall. It could be fun.” She left the comment open for his response.

== Tag ==

RE: YE/D02-07 - Crew Quarters - Ktan Shadowhunt - 06-07-2024

Ktan had taken years to grow accostumed to interacting with non-feline species, learning their individual facial tics, body language, and the particular way their bare skin color changes could reflect their mood. When he saw the blood drain from Lieutenant Papaver's face, he realized just how much she was unprepared for this big talk.

"Wow. That's um. . ." she said. "Wow. I, ah, remember a decade or so back there was something with the Andorians, they were having some kind of genetic population issue too I think.” She quickly stopped herself before she said something she wasn't qualified to talk about. I'm a botanist and astronomer, really. Maybe a bit of engineering on the side. Genetics isn't my thing."

It made sense, of course. Ktan had been taught from childhood about the great stigma against genetic engineering that existed within the Federation. Humans in particular were described as downright fanatical in their opposition to and oppression of augments. Ktan had even worried that his own genetically modified DNA - something he had no control over - may have prevented him from joining Starfleet. Thankfully, however, Kzinti like him were given a pass, given the deep seeded cultural nature of the practice in Kzinti society.

Besides. . . there was some precedent for asylum seekers being granted an exception to this rule.

As Ktan nodded along, trying to recall the specifics of the problems facing Andoria, Lieutenant Papaver seemed to regain her footing.

"You're just moving in. You probably haven't had time to check you're messages yet. Apparently, there's a mass crew dinner this evening in the mess hall. It could be fun.”

This time, it was the blood in Ktan's face draining away, not that a human could tell.

"Yes. . . I had heard. . ." he said. "I may attend, once I've had a chance to settle in."

He let an awkward silence hang for a moment, before deciding to excuse himself.

"As you said, I'm only just moving in. I have quite a bit of unpacking to do. I'm sure we'll have more time to talk once we are underway."

He offered the lieutenant a short bow, before ducking into his quarters - he really did need to unpack.

RE: YE/D02-07 - Crew Quarters - Theresa Black - 06-08-2024

== NRC - Lt(jg) Papaver – Science ==

"You're just moving in. You probably haven't had time to check you're messages yet. Apparently, there's a mass crew dinner this evening in the mess hall. It could be fun.”

The large feline remained motionless, but there was the tiniest of miniscule narrowing of his eyes that gave Papaver a hint that she may have said something wrong.

"Yes. . . I had heard. . ." he said. His speech now a little stilted "I may attend, once I've had a chance to settle in. As you said, I'm only just moving in. I have quite a bit of unpacking to do. I'm sure we'll have more time to talk once we are underway."

“Okay then. I'll maybe catch you later.” She replied as he bowed his head and backed into his quarters allowing the doors to close.

Papaver stood there for a moment thinking to herself; Well, that went... well. before she turned and continued on her way down to the labs to see what new toy were going to be available this trip.

RE: YE/D02-07 - Crew Quarters - Ktan Shadowhunt - 07-24-2024

== Catch Up Post #1 ==

Needless to say, Ktan avoided that first mass crew dinner and any other gathering that may feature Captain Braggins with exacting precision. Every duty shift he could trade, he traded. Every social gathering he could avoid, he avoided. All in the service of giving the pair of them a chance to avoid any unpleasantries. Ktan had sensed - and continued to gather from conversations with the crew - a certain arrogance to this human captain, and he wasn't at all eager for her to flaunt her authority over him. Better to keep his head down and do his duty.

And so five weeks passed, and outside of the fellow members of the science team, Ktan was practically a ghost. He kept mostly to night shifts, alternating between bridge duty and time assisting in the science labs, but had yet to really stick his neck out or reveal individual ambition.

He may no longer be a midshipman, but he was still a junior officer. And he intended to act like it.

There was a certain pride he was discovering in being a member of the "lower decks," one that many of his fellow night shift ensigns shared. He'd gotten to know some of them. Heard their stories. Learned their dreams. You could even say he was beginning to make friends.

But his ability to avoid the spotlight eventually came to an end. His superiors decided his talents needed to "come back into the light" as it were, and he found himself pulling on his uniform in the early morning hours, rather than the evening.

A return to day shift.

As Ktan fidgeted with his hood, getting it to lay nicely on his ears just the way he liked, his comm badge chirped.

[Jensen to Turner, West and Shadowhunt.] the first officer's voice came through. [Report to transporter room 1. Customs inspection, so be prepared to do a thorough sweep when we arrive. Please bring a sidearm but have it to stun. And bring any and all carryable equipment needed for a through search for contraband. I'll meet you there shortly.]

No rest for the wicked, he sighed, deciding his hood placement was adequate and digging around of his phaser. Or the righteous.

He found his phaser tucked behind a pile of PADDs, gathering dust. It was the first time someone had asked him to brandish one since Captain Braggins had passed out phasers on the bridge of the Philadelphia, intent on fighting Starfleet.

Ktan took a deep breath, reminded himself of his new reality, and picked it up.

"Now, we work," he said, before stepping out into the brightly lit corridors and heading for the transporter room.

>> Transporter Room >>