AQ/D01 - Observation Lounge
<<<Quarks Bar<<<

Daniel beamed into Transporter Room one and jumped into the turbolift, the ride was uneventful but Brooks mind was all of a work on what it could be that was so urgent.

He walked into the Observation Lounge as the terminal was beeping with the message, he hoped it hadn't been too long.

Slipping into the seat he pressed the button to accept it and then said, "Computer, access message Brooks Alpha Seven Two."

As the message opened he half expected an Admiral to be on there but instead it was a message of text telling informing Daniel to take the Aquila to meet Federation Ambassador to a non-federation planet.

Daniel looked perplexed and wondered why the urgency but then more information was bound to come along either with the Ambassador or ahead of him when they had chance to meet.

Tapping his commbadge he said, "Captain to Senior Officers, meet in the Observation Lounge in twenty minutes for a quick briefing."

He closed the channel and pondered for a bit while he awaited the rest of the crew.

==Tag DH's and GM07 if you want to add anything==
>> T'Kols Quarters>>

T'Kol stepped into the Observation lounge pleased that she was once again on of the first to arrive. She looked at the Captain as she stepped into the room.

"Captain is there anything I can help with in preperation?" She asked
== The Captains com-badge broke out with the familiar sound of Matt Phoenix's voice to most likely the surprise of the Captain. == 

[Phoenix, to Captain Brooks, Captain would you like me to come represent Engineering for your meeting, for the time being?] He asked
Back in action starting with the Observation Lounge was still a bit tainted, the past few times she been a part of it was like they didn't care much. If they didn't make it, they wouldn't notice. These were going to be different times, and Beno was looking forward to it. Right now Beno was the second person in the room, and had a bit of a question about seating arrangements, the question she didn't think about till now.

"Captain." She started with a friendly gesture. "I have a quick question about seating, I know how particular you are about these things. Is our Second Officer going to be seated to my right? or your left?" The more logical choice was going to be to his left. Beno did love these mission briefings, they were the calm before the storm.

"What kind of magic carpet ride do you think they are going to send us." The past few missions she had been fortunate. She was a little hurt in the last mission, and that was the worst she had been hurt for a long time. Any time she didn't end up in Sickbay was a good one, after all no one goes there for the food or comfortable beds. Her big hope was it was taking them away from the Cardassian Border. 

LCdr Lois Lim came into the observation lounge looking the worst for wear. She was not well. Shore leave was the problem. She had taken a meal at the Klingon restaurant at Deep Space 9 and by the time she was halfway through her meal she was feeling ill. She made it back to her cabin on the Aquilla and there she stayed for the rest of the shore leave.

At first, she was violently ill, bringing up everything she had eaten. She rested over a period of two days on a rations of only water only. Finally, she made an agonising trip to the DS9 infirmary and received medical attention. The doctors could not fine any reason for her illness. They suggested an alergic reation to the Klingon food. Lois returned to her cabin and there she stayed. Reading a little, sleeping a lot, taking a little food and drinking lots of ater. She lost 8 kilograms during her ordeal. She recovered slowly and was about fifty percent better when the recall came through and the summons to the observation louge.

She was now there on duty if that's what you could call it and Lois was not in a very good mode. Was she ever in a good mode?

Lois took a seat at the opposite end of the table to the others present, not her usualy spot. Dr Lim waited in silence for the meeting to begin and only spoke briefly to any who engaged her in converstion. All she wanted was to go back to bed.
Daniel eyes went up to the Observation Lounge door as he heard it open and in walked T'Kol.

"Captain is there anything I can help with in preperation?" She asked.

Brooks smiled, "Yes there will be but I will await for the others to get here." he replied as his commbadge chirped

[Phoenix, to Captain Brooks, Captain would you like me to come represent Engineering for your meeting, for the time being?] He asked

Tapping his commbadge the Captain said, "Brooks to Phoenix, no I already have engineering represented coming to the meeting, just help prepare engineering for our departure. Brooks out." closing the channel, next into the room was the FO.

"Captain." She started with a friendly gesture. "I have a quick question about seating, I know how particular you are about these things. Is our Second Officer going to be seated to my right? or your left?"

Brooks nodded thoughtfully at the question and said, "I would say the second officer to my left."

"What kind of magic carpet ride do you think they are going to send us."  said Beno,

Daniel smiled, "I don't think it is going to be anything like our last mission." he commented as Doctor Lim entered looking a little bit worst for wear.

Think I will touch base with her after this meeting.

Dan hoped they wouldn't have to wait too much longer for the rest of the senior officers to arrive. He wanted to get the Aquila underway as soon as possible.

==Tag all==

Keval entered to see FO, CMO along with the Captain and T'Kol.

The Andorian slipped in and took a seat opposite the Doctor and noticed her unusual look but thought it best not to say anything.

"Captain, I have just promoted Coppola to the rank of Ensign as per your request. I look forward to seeing how his career progresses." he said.

Looking at Beno he gave a small nod, it been a while since they set eyes on each other.

"I'm guessing we are waiting on Security, Science and Engineering?" he quizzed.

==Tag all==
Alex entered the room and glanced around as he took a seat. He was surprised to see that Thorn had snuck in behind him somehow. Setting his PADD down, he tried to read the room, though he made sure to give a nod to the CO, " look a little more relaxed than the last time we sat down like this."
Given Talion's size, he hid the fact that Thorn was right behind him. She had become know for her ability to slip into and out of places in an almost spooky way. This time she simply managed to appear at the side of the table and took a seat. She was almost completely seated before people knew she was in the room. Her PADD was scrolling information from somewhere, though the display looked a bit chaotic, there was a logic to it, if you knew what you were looking at.

Kalli glanced around and tried to remind herself that she was currently the highest ranking Engineer on the ship right now. She Had been the Chief Engineer on a smaller ship, but this ship was huge. Her teams were almost half of the crew. She was dreading the thought or having to break in a new Department Head, but she was taking things one step at a time. Right now, she had the ship warming up for launch and no idea what else to prepare it for. Part of her brain wanted her to say something, but this time her nerves won out and she just stayed quiet for a change.

== Tag to all ==
Shione had got caught up in passing on the news about her medal to her wife and daughter; who was particularly excited for her 'not furry' Mom.

As much as serving Star Fleet and serving with the amazing officers she had had the pleasure of serving with was important to her; there was nothing that pleased her more than getting a happy hug for her daughter Aashaa, and as such it had been Jelaya who had reminded her of the time and here she was almost late for the Captain's mission briefing.

Crossing the room swiftly she took her place at the Captain's right side and setting her Paad on the table turned with a respectful nod for the CO and FO's benefit, and sat back in her chair recovering her composure; ready for the briefing.

The seating arrangements did make sense, that's how it would be on the Bridge as well. As people started to come in she noticed Kurasa come in, as Second Officer and Security Chief. This was her first meeting like this, and it could lead to a couple innocent mistakes. A mistake that Beno had no choice with her course of actions, have fun with it.

"Commander." She said and came to her right and semi sat on the table.  "I see you have settled well in with your position, you ren the Away team smoothly and shown some real qualities of a First Officer. One Day I am sure that you will make a great one. until that day you are two to the left. As we have just talked about, First Officer to the right, second to the left." It was a easy mistake for anyone to make, she wasn't sure when the briefing was going to begin. 

"Commander ch'Alev its been a long time since we met like this, Ensign Coppola must have been thrilled with his promotion." The Gang was all there, and idle talking would soon come to an end. The adventure they were going to go on was probably going to be a big deal, hopefully ending good as well.

==I have been informed that I misspoke and had Shione sit in an already occupied chair My apologies for the error==
T'Kol Nodded to the Captain and after hearing the First Officers question and claim on seats she waited until the others came in. "Commander?" She addressed the First Officer. "Where would you like me to seat?" She asked plainly
Daniel wasn't paying much attention the the officers gathering and talking to each other, he did hear T'Kol question about where to sit,

"Pick a chair and don't sit on the table." said Brooks and then said,

"Now that we are all here."

He waited a moment for the conversations to go quiet.

"We have an interesting mission, not quite like one I done before as Captain. Starfleet sent the order over we are to proceed to Riani a non-federation planet to meet with Federation Ambassador Jonas Weisbrantz"

Pausing for a moment he said, "Any questions?"

==Tag All==
Alex spoke up in a minor way, stating the obvious, "We have nothing more to go on? Diplomatic missions tend to be quite specific, unless they're highly classified. The less we're told in advance, the more worried I would be."

== Tag all ==
As instructed Beno was no longer sitting on the table and sat in the assigned seat, the meeting started shortly after. There wasn’t much to go on, and it was sighted by Talion. He had a valid concern about going in with limited knowledge, he was right about being worried. 

“Going off what we just heard I would state that we have a Federation Diplomat in a place that isn’t part of the Federation, that tells me that we are going to be part of a diplomatic mission. That would include a security detail, for when the Ambassador arrives. If we don’t already have his destination already he will have it, and will give it to us when he arrives.” Naturally this was all guess work making assignments would be premature. 

“Does that sound about right Captain.” The way how Beno figured it was they were going to pick up the Ambassador to transport him to another location, the trip there could be too dangerous for a smaller vessel. Who knows what can happen between point A and B. All she knew was to be ready for anything. 

== Tag Captain ==
Thorn spoke up, "Well, given the design of this ship, it was specifically intended to be more conducive to diplomatic missions. Should we need to host deliberations or negotiations as a neutral ground, we certainly have the facilities to do so. I can only state that Engineering will be standing by, should the mission require anything of us. Please inform me if our guest will require any unique accommodations. Other than that, the ship appears to be in nominal condition and all indications are that we should be cleared for departure at your earliest convenience."

She indicated a PADD in front of her and added, "You'll have a report available to you before we clear the outer markers and go to warp. That report will list all work done while we were in port and what discrepancies are known, if any."

Without any further word, she leaned back and allowed others to speak, if needed.

== Tag CO and anyone else ==

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