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TI/D01 - Bridge - Printable Version

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TI/D01 - Bridge - Jane Fields - 05-26-2024


RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - GM-Fields - 05-27-2024

== Mission time ==

The repairs done, Titania's systems were green and she was ready for duty again. The crew was making preparations for departure from Chi Herculis when an incoming signal was picked up on bridge comms. The communication was intermittent and hard to understand but it sounded like a distress call. It was so broken-up that it was not immediately clear where or whom the signal was transmitting from.

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Keir 77 - 05-27-2024

Keir had spent the better part of the time since s/he arrived in and with the Engineering department. It had been explained to hir that the First officer had been doing double duty and while Keir's experience was similar the sheer difference in numbers made the experience similar in only the most superficial of ways.
S/he was impressed. Commander Ameen was an outstanding officer and Keir was aware of just how big the shoes were; however, s/he too was an experienced officer and was determined to see that there was no diminishment in the standards that Captain Fields no doubt expected of hir Engineers.
The engineer on duty on the bridge had informed his superior of the signals and the degradation thereof, and before Keir arrived on the bridge s/he had already ordered a team to do two things. Extend and improve the reception of the signal, and another pair of specialists to attempt to work with the message already received and see if they could clarify any parts of it.
Crossing the bridge Keir activated the Engineering interface and then turned in the direction of the Captain; addressing her in an official fashion.

"Captain, I have a team of my engineers attempting to boost the signal gain to see if we can hear it better. I also have two specialists working to try and clean up what we have, I will report their findings when I have them. Ma'am. Is there anything else you require at this time?"

==Tag CO
GM Input Do either team have any positive results to report?=

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Sothrick - 05-27-2024

Southwick did not delay when he heard the call. He was getting used to his new room. He had a few personal items but he did not need much.
He was actually in the middle of attempting to speak with his wife when he heard the captains announcement.

He quickly made his way to the bridge when he saw Commander Kier was there he made his way to his station.

He waited for the Captain to respond to Kier then he called out.

"Captain, I will begin security checks." He simply reported then tapped his com.

"Sothrick to Commander Nira, Commander have teams on each port to complete full crew count insure all is on board. Direct our personnel to cargo hold and weapons to do full load in checks and send reports to bridge station. I will be down once we launch." He gave sharply and closed the channel.

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Amila Ra'an - 05-27-2024

Amila sat at her post at the science station taking note of the situation. She was about to make a suggestion to assist the engineering teams with Commander Sothrick stepped onto the Bridge. Amila waited somewhat anxiously for the commander get through his orders to security before speaking up.

"Captain, Commander Kier 77, if the signal boosts are unsuccessful, I recommend we deploy a series of subspace buoys equipped with communication arrays out in different directions from the Titania," Ra'an suggested. "It might assist in determining what direction the signal is coming from if one of the buoys hits on a stronger signal."

==open tag to Bridge ==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Jukish Keti - 05-28-2024

Joining his college onto the Bridge Keti went to the secondary science station, and was paying attention to everything going on. There were a few good theories going around, and Keti didn't want to add to it. The question they were asking themselves was how can we improve the communication, but not why it needed fixing.

While using the sensors at his disposal, Keti attempted to find out if there was interference to the signal. The easiest of answers was degradation due to distance, if they went the right direction the signal will clear up. The first question that Keti was searching for was where it was coming from? Followed by if there were barriers between the signal and them to cause the disruption. The last scan he started was if there was something his equipment can do to enhance their communication, it also might be enough to get a clear signal.. 

==GM input on what Keti can find? Please ==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Jane Fields - 05-29-2024

Jane was perusing department readiness reports when they received a comm out of the blue that appeared to be a distress call. This was the second time they had been in the vicinity of some unexpected incident in recent times, the last one being the sudden appearance of the anomaly in 99 Herculis, picked up by a Federation listening post and which they were sent to investigate. That had turned out to be a subspace rift from which appeared a very unusual vessel, extremely advanced in technology and possibly from another time or universe. It had been hostile and attacked them but fortunately they had managed to close the rift and send it back, presumably where it had come from. The nature of the rift was still unknown but the shockwave in closing the rift had hit Titania causing a lot of damage and done something very strange - transporting the ship in a matter of seconds across several star systems, coming to rest in Chi Herculis. It certainly suggested they had passed through some spacetime tear. Fortunately, readings from 99 Herculis and their present location showed no anomalies present now. Nonetheless, here they were about to depart and now receiving a broken up distress call. Their tour of duty in this region was certainly proving to be eventful.

The new CEO immediately got to work on the signal: “Captain, I have a team of my engineers attempting to boost the signal gain to see if we can hear it better. I also have two specialists working to try and clean up what we have, I will report their findings when I have them. Ma'am. Is there anything else you require at this time?"

“Do what you can to clear it up.” She added.

Sothrick confirmed security checks where in place.

“Acknowledged.” She replied.

Ra’an, who had proved herself to always be ready with technical suggestions, recommended launching buoys.

Jane nodded eagerly. “Make it so.”

== Tag all ==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - GM-Fields - 06-03-2024

The signal already received could be cleaned up to reveal more information. It was coming from a ship called The Ceryneian Hind. They were sending out an urgent distress call but it was not evident in the message what the problem was or their location. The message was very intermittent, so only some parts were decipherable. It wasn't that there seemed to be any barriers or interference with the communication - it just kept cutting out. The strength of the signal suggested, in fact, from far being distant, it was very close...

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Sothrick - 06-06-2024

As Sothrick waited for the report from Nira he listened again to the message and looked over the information he could of the message.

He was not communication officer but he was confused by the message as it were.

"Captain the signal strength would suggest the ship is actually not that far perhaps they are experiencing power issues." He began.

"Ensign Keti, is there any major power fluctuations in the area? Are you seeing any thing on your scans?" The Chief of Security asked.

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Jukish Keti - 06-06-2024

Starting the process to clean up what they had, it was possible that they had a lot of the message. Even a part of the message could be helpful, it might also help understand what happened to the message. There had to be some reason like a problem with the communication array or something.

"Lieutenant Ra'an let's hold off on the probes idea for five minutes, I believe we have something, I can also use a hand at cleaning it up." Two people working on the same problem could produce better results. There could be a number of reasons why this was happening, however the important part was to find out what the message said. "From what I can tell it's an urgent distress call, they must have serious equipment malfunctions to cause this." 

"Ensign Keti, is there any major power fluctuations in the area? Are you seeing any thing on your scans?" The Chief of Security.

"Commander there is no interface,that has been detected, the signal is coming from the Ceryneian Hind." He stopped what he was doing, and started to figure out how far away they really were. "Captain preliminary scans have detected that the vessel isn't that far away, I am attempting to figure out their location." Using what he had, Keti was looking for where the ship was located.

==Tag and GM input please==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Amila Ra'an - 06-07-2024

"I don't know where you got probes, but the buoys are already out, put the Captain's orders," Amila responded dryly not taking well to being told to contradict the Captain's orders by someone who was her equal. Not to mention their probes had different entirely different functions.

"The buoys are equipped to assist with the problems we are having - like cleaning up the message. Each one has a communication array. The idea is that the one with the strongest signal will not only assist in cleaning up the message, but will also give us an inkling in what direction we need to look in order to find the ship," Amila explained to her counterpart.

==Tag Keti==

== GM Input, Do we figure anything out about where the ship is, or more of the message? ==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Sothrick - 06-08-2024

Sothrick nodded to Keti as he was working with the other Science Officer to get some answers.
He wasn't sure how he could help. He also was waiting for Said to answer with a report. He figured once she reported back he would give her direction on preparing for a distress call.

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Jane Fields - 06-09-2024

Sothrick announced security checks.

Keti reported back that they had the ship name and that the location was nearer rather than distant.

Jane's brow creased. "Have the buoys been deployed?"

She was aware of the discussion between the science officers.

I hope they're not treading on each other's toes already...

"Let's try to narrow down the location of the comm."

Apparently it was close but how close is what she wanted to know.

"Someone do a search for any information we have on ships named Ceryneian Hind." She ordered.

It sounded familiar, but she wasn't sure why.

== Tag all ==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - GM-Fields - 06-09-2024

The buoys helped to narrow down the location of the comm. - it was in this very star system, somewhere between the first and second planet. This was strange since passive sensors hadn't been picking up the presence of any other ships in this system before.

No more of the message could be deciphered and now it had stopped altogether.

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Amila Ra'an - 06-09-2024

Jane's brow creased. "Have the buoys been deployed?" The Captain asked.

"Yes, Captain," Ra'an acknowledged. "Two of the buoys were receiving a stronger signal the the others. By triangulating the signal from the azimuths of the buoys, it appears that the the signal was originating from somewhere in between the first and second planets in this system," Lt. Ra'an responded.

From her station, Ra'an pulled up the holoimage of the map of the solar system. She used her hand to wave it to one side, and then brought up the communication arrays that were receiving the signal showing the two spherical 180 degree angles that had the strongest reception of the signal. With another swipe of the hand an orange band appeared, showing a potential origination field.

"At least this is where it might have been when we last received it. We just lost the signal, Captain," Ra'an added. "One possible theory is that if the ship is in orbit, it could have simply moved into a position on the far side of the star, or..." Ra'an paused. "We clearly don't have enough information, but if it is the result of orbital decay, we would need to move quickly if there are people on board."

==Tag Captain Fields, Bridge ==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Jukish Keti - 06-11-2024

Really impressed by her work Keti never would have had that idea, using buoys for a short range. It was even possible that they might pick something up the ship wouldn't, or both together could complete the picture. They were in the same area, and passive scanners wouldn't really look for much.

"Good work Ra'an I would never have thought about using the buoys like that, perhaps they can be used to find information that we can't pick up right now." He was positive that she might have some other ideas, or have ideas about how to make it better.

"I am going to look for ion trails, or any other traces of travel in the area. Let's also eliminate the possibility of something being out there we can't see, let's keep ourselves out of danger." He was impressed by her, and hoped she felt the same.

==Tag and GM input please ==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Jane Fields - 06-13-2024

The Captain raised an eyebrow at the information that the signal had come from within the system. They had been here for over a week and no ships had been detected on sensors. Was it a cloaked ship or were they hiding out here. perhaps on one of the planets?

"At least this is where it might have been when we last received it. We just lost the signal, Captain," Ra'an reported. "One possible theory is that if the ship is in orbit, it could have simply moved into a position on the far side of the star, or..." She paused. "We clearly don't have enough information, but if it is the result of orbital decay, we would need to move quickly if there are people on board."

Jane nodded.

"Yellow alert. Helm: take us to the approximate location of the signal. I want active sensor sweeps of the area. Send out a repeating comm that we have received their distress signal and are standing by to help."

== Tag ==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Torok Powl - 06-14-2024

Powl finished his ride on the turbolift unceremoniously.  With a look of self sufficiency, he appeared on the bridge wearing his new pip. 

Quite a distance more for my former Lieutenant Commander rank, but let's take one step at a time.

The ship had come alive quite suddenly on shift change that he had hurried his typical morning routines that he had always practiced.  Although, it seemed he arrived just on time for the beginning of something fascinating.

"Yellow alert. Helm: take us to the approximate location of the signal..."

Without delay, Powl hurried his way to his station to begin preparatory checks before proceeding.  

"Aye, Captain.  Homing in on the coordinates from the triangulation, courtesy of Lieutenant Ra'an."

Torock paused has he had several more keystrokes to finish his checklist and also program the flight path.  

"Captain, course plotted and ready to engage.  What speed?"

==tag Fields.==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - GM-Fields - 06-17-2024

There were ion trails in the approximate location of the signal. Unless something was amiss with the sensors, the path of the vessel seemed to take it right through the middle of the second planet.

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Jane Fields - 06-17-2024

"Take us in one quarter impulse." The Captain replied to Powl on helm. "And let's keep active sensor sweeps."

No one had yet given her any info on the ship...

"Sothrick, is there anything in the data base on a ship called the Ceryneian Hind? It might help if we know what we're looking for."

No idea how this ship got into the system without us picking it up... unless it was in the system all this time and hiding.

== Tag ==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Jukish Keti - 06-19-2024

The trail lead to the middle planet and Keti started to scan the planet, the purpose was to figure out what class it was. If the planet was class M, and if it was they might go there for a reason. Their chances of survival go up quite significantly, but but that was an emergency.

"Captain it looks like they went to the second planet, that's where their trail leads." He stopped for a second, there could be a reason  "Ra'an what do you think might be out there to make them go to that planet?" 

There had to be some kind of explanation, was it an attack of some kind? There was more than one kind of attack, and sometimes it's a natural attack.

Another scan he started was looking for debris, there would have traces of what did this. Also searching the computer for any known anomalies that were in the area, this could help avoid any of them. He was looking in the direction of Ra'an again, and she was one of the brightest people he knew. 

==Tags and GM input please ==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Amila Ra'an - 06-21-2024

Ra'an picked up where Lieutenant Keti left off, "Actually, I'm not sure if it went to the planet or through it. The trail picks back up on the other side and continues its trajectory." Ra'an looked up from her terminal. "Perhaps a quantum bubble or a wormhole maybe," she offered, but they were really just guesses.

== Tag Bridge Crew ==

==Tag GM, have we been able to get any more information about the ship we are trying to track?"

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Jukish Keti - 06-21-2024

There were a few reasons that a ship could allear like going through a planet, one of them was the natural orbit of the planet went through the path of the ship. They could have landed on one side, and then took off on rhe other side. The more out there reasons that held no plausible rationally, the top reason was the ship was phased. The problem with that was there wouldn't be a trail to follow, it was also still illegal. 

Scanning the planet again Keti was still looking for what class it might be, also if there was any life there. If Starfleet were to commission such an experiment the planet would need to be uninhabited. Right now everything legal had to wait, they had a mystery on their hands. His eyes went wide for a single moment. Ohh no this can't happen to us twice, the one mission that gave me the creeps. This was something that he had to clear up with Sothrick.

"Captain.":He was a little embarrassed "Sorry I mean Commander Sothrick, it almost seems like we have been here before." There were still elements of that mission that kept him awake at night. If there was a chance that it happened again, it wouldn't be so bad. The information that he provides about what the ship might just remove that possibility of it happening again, or he might just take up drinking. The remaining scan that was responsible for an  event horizon to open, that meant that neutrinos would be higher than normal. Before he let his imagination take hold, the facts to come in.

==Tags and gm input please- Class of the planet, is it inhabited, any signs of a wormhole natural or other==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Sothrick - 06-22-2024

Sothrick was listening to the bridge as they were trying to figure out the mystery unfolding before them. He was impressed with the younger science officer. She seemed on top of the ideas. He figured her and Keti would work well together.

The Captain caught his attention. With her command he set the ship on Yellow Alert. He then heard the name of a ship He pondered the name for a moment. Then the Captain gave him a direct order.

"Sothrick, is there anything in the data base on a ship called the Ceryneian Hind? It might help if we know what we're looking for." Requested the Captain.

"Aye Captain!" He quickly reported back as his hands were already accessing the data.

Just then his security console popped up an alert in the brig. "Curious" He said as he tapped on the control.

He tapped his badge. "Sothrick to Commander Said, Commander what is happening in the brig?" He requested
Just as he asked Keti called out to him about the ship as well.  "Captain."... "Sorry I mean Commander Sothrick, it almost seems like we have been here before."

Sothrick Nodded. "One moment Lieutenant..." He said looking back at the information on his screen.

== GM Input: What information does Sothrick pull up on the Ship called Ceryneian Hind? Can you give any information on any missions around it? ==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Jane Fields - 06-24-2024

Apparently the vessel was on heading to the second planet, though Ra'an pointed out the trail seemed to go right through the middle of it.

"Surely that's impossible..." She said to herself, thinking aloud.

Ra'an hypothesized some of the possible causes.

"Captain."Keti spoke up then corrected himself. "Sorry I mean Commander Sothrick, it almost seems like we have been here before."

Jane looked up and arched an eyebrow. It was perhaps to be expected that the Geronimo crew might take some time to adjust to new roles, but understanding of protocol seemed also to be amiss.

Sothrick was dealing with some situation in Security.

"Mister Keti." The Captain announced. "If you have information to share, then do so through the command chair." She said neutrally, just a hint of irritation in her voice.

She stood up. "Ra'an, are we picking up any exotic radiation from the vicinity?"

== Tag ==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - GM-Fields - 06-24-2024

There was no sign of debris or residual radiation one would expect if a ship had been destroyed or damaged.  There was no trace of weapons having been fired. There were traces of chronitons in the path the vessel had taken.

The second planet in the system was an uninhabitable ice giant consisting of mainly heavier gasses and liquids with a solid ice core.  No vessel could have passed through the middle of it and survived, yet the trail suggested it had.

== Sothrick ==

There were several ships in the database with that name, which was taken from Greek mythology, going back hundreds of years. The most likely candidate in the database for the Ceryneian Hind was latterly a Ferengi registered ship, class unknown, but noted by patrols along the Ferengi border.

== All ==

The comm signal suddenly started up again but was broken and intermittent like before.

[Starfleet ship... we need help. Can't stabilise in... need assistance...]

Sensors picked up a ship briefly, and it seemed to appear and disappear with the comm signal.

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Nira Said - 06-25-2024

[Commander Sothrick, something just appeared in the brig cell,] Nira reported. [Some kind of rock, the kind commonly seen in space. The tricorder can't even detect it, and yet there it is. I'm seeing it.]

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Amila Ra'an - 06-25-2024

Captain Fields stood up, "Ra'an, are we picking up any exotic radiation from the vicinity?"

Ra'an gave a curt nod in acknowledgement at the Captain's request as she went quickly to work. "Exotic, interesting you should use that term, Captain. Our sensors are picking up traces of chroniton particles in the vessel's wake. I can't say I was expecting that again, so soon, Captain," Ra'an responded. "Nothing else is showing up on scans though. I'm not picking up any traces of weapons fire, or residual radiation we might expect from a damaged vessel," she added. "Nothing that explains the interference with the comms, but the chroniton traces might give us a clue into the ship's path. We have more information on the second planet when you are ready, Captain."

Ra'an glanced over at Keti's terminal. He'd been studying the planet, and she could tell from her position that more information was coming in.

==Tag Captain, volley to Keti ==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Torok Powl - 06-25-2024

"Take us in one quarter impulse." The Captain replied to Powl on helm. "And let's keep active sensor sweeps."

Powl executed the command gradually moved the ship up to 1/4  impulse.  As tenuous as the situation was, he felt caution was advisable, especially since the crew had JUST finished piecing the Titania back together.

At the very least if I am going to almost wreck the Copernic....Titania.  I could at least give a gentle nudge the first time she gets her first wind.

"Aye, 1/4 impulse.  Bringing her nice and easy Captain.  I believe the human expression would be to say that the Copernicu...." Powl stopped for a split second.  "Excuse me, the Titania is happy she has some wind again Captain."

Twice in one day?  Inexcusable!

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Sothrick - 06-26-2024

[Commander Sothrick, something just appeared in the brig cell,] Nira reported. [Some kind of rock, the kind commonly seen in space. The tricorder can't even detect it, and yet there it is. I'm seeing it.]

He tapped his badge and spoke back. "Intriguing? Insure the containment fields are up and scan the... item from behind the field I will see if I can find an answer as to why it appeared. Report immediately to me any changes. Commander, align security as you see fit. Keep me apprised of any new challenges." He paused and closed the channel

Sothrick first called out not sure if she overheard the information he just received.

"Captain, Security has had some type of... rock, that just appeared in the brig. I am having my officers investigate it. Permission to have engineering scan through the transporter logs?" He requested. He was not sure how much leeway he was allotted with the Captain.

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Jukish Keti - 06-27-2024

The presence of Chroniton particles could be more than just problematic, it can open a whole can of worms that even Klingons won't eat. He  had a look of concern as Keti was looking for other signs of Chroniton Particles, both outside and inside of the ship. If the ship did go through the planet of ice it would also have Chroniton particles, it would also create more concerns. The most common places Chroniton particles were present was in the cloaking device of Romulan Ship, other areas were much worse. 

"Captain I would recommend caution until we can explain these Chroniton Particles, they are safe to us but to ships systems not so much." The Chroniton particles can create a lot of problems, this would include the communication array. "Ra'an if we use your probes to scan the other ship for Chroniton particles, it would also have an impact on their molecular......." His voice trailed off with the report of the rock in the Brig.

"Commander Sothrick." He couldn't help but to have a sharp tone for a second. "i can't stress enough that if that rock was floating in space, there will be more than trace elements of radiation. I am also looking for sighs of molecular displacement in any areas of the ship." His eyes looked like he was in thought mode. "If that space rock was in the state of temporal phase shift, it explains why it would pass through our ship and why it can't be read. Permission to send a Science team into investigate, and quarantine the area." 

By quarantining off the area it would limit the amount of exposure to the crew, the more people exposed puts them at risk of something yet to be determined. Keti knew if they had permission Ra'an should lead the team, this was in her wheelhouse of strengths. This was the first of many areas that he would have to defer to her, just like many things she would have to do the same for.

==Tags - GM input is there Chroniton particles in or on the ship, molecular displacement ==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Sothrick - 06-28-2024

"Commander Sothrick." He couldn't help but to have a sharp tone for a second. "I can't stress enough that if that rock was floating in space, there will be more than trace elements of radiation. I am also looking for sighs of molecular displacement in any areas of the ship." His eyes looked like he was in thought mode. "If that space rock was in the state of temporal phase shift, it explains why it would pass through our ship and why it can't be read. Permission to send a Science team into investigate, and quarantine the area." Barked Keti.

Sothrick nodded. "I agree, Lieutenant. I have ordered Security to throw up the brig shields. Send someone from science however make sure they take all precautions." He gave back.

"Captain, I recommend a full stop and we raise shields and send the probes forward for more information." Sothrick, suggested.

== Tag Any ==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Jukish Keti - 06-28-2024

The first person he looked too was Ra'an, she was more than capable of handling this. She had the education to back it up, and she had something else that was more important. "Lieutenant Ra'an I deferr to your expertise in the field, I need you to lead the team to investigate this rock."  With her background it gave her the credentials to come to the proper conclusion, facts that he was aware of and not ashamed to admit.

She would also have very a better idea how to keep the ship safe, and that was the goal of any Officer. They were also waiting on the scan results that could shed more light on the subject, and how to keep the crew safe.


RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Jane Fields - 06-28-2024

The Captain raised her eyes to the ceiling and what Ra'an reported back. “Not again… This seems like an extraordinary coincidence.” She said.

They had just dealt with a subspace likely temporal rift in a nearby system. Another one so soon?

“Give me the information on on the planet.”

Sothrick then reported on a situation in Security:

"Captain, Security has had some type of... rock, that just appeared in the brig. I am having my officers investigate it. Permission to have engineering scan through the transporter logs?" He requested.

“A rock? This must be connected with what is happening to that ship and its signal. Permission granted to run all scans on the object. Keep it isolated with forcefields.” She ordered. “And alert all personnel to be on the look out for any other such objects appearing on the ship.” She ordered the CoS.

Keti was rambling about chronitons. Jane was well aware of their properties. Copernicus had been a magnet for temporal phenomenon and she was the Captain of the crew that had gone back in time to save the planet Bajor from destruction…

"Commander Sothrick." He addressed the Chief of Security again, much to Jane's annoyance. "i can't stress enough that if that rock was floating in space, there will be more than trace elements of radiation. I am also looking for sighs of molecular displacement in any areas of the ship." His eyes looked like he was in thought mode. "If that space rock was in the state of temporal phase shift, it explains why it would pass through our ship and why it can't be read. Permission to send a Science team into investigate, and quarantine the area." 

Sothrick replied. "I agree, Lieutenant. I have ordered Security to throw up the brig shields. Send someone from science however make sure they take all precautions… Captain, I recommend a full stop and we raise shields and send the probes forward for more information." Sothrick, suggested.

The Captain snapped back. “We’re on yellow alert, the shields are already raised.“ She turned to Powl at helm. “Bring the ship to a stop, make sure we’re clear of that vessel’s trails.”

She then turned up the steps of the bridge. “Sothrick, Keti: my ready room now.”  The tone was decidedly frosty. With a few brisk strides she was on her way and through the door in quick time.

== Tag all ==

>> Ready Room >>

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Sothrick - 06-29-2024

With the Captains orders he tapped his station activation the shipwide comms "All personnel, please be advised of possible unknown items appearing in the ship. If you come across such items please report to your department heads, and quarantine the area." He said as he closed the channel.

It was the Captains next orders that shot through him. It did not take an empath to know she was irritated. However, she did not seem irritated with the situation but rather with the two she called.

He was not sure exactly what would have tilted her irritation as he was trying to make sure he follows chain of command.
It would seem that he had somehow failed at such.

He signed out of his station and followed on the heels of his new Captain ready to receive what ever she was ready correct what mistake he made.

So much for impressing the new Captain He thought to himself as he marched in with a quick look towards Keti

>>Ready Room >>

== Tag All- Keti ==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Jukish Keti - 06-29-2024

Before she could answer the Captain wanted a word and she sounded crossed. He wasn't sure why she was crossed but knew he was part of the reason. "It looks like its time for this man to face the band." He looked confused for a second. "Or something like that." 

Keti had faith in her ability and knew she was capable of coming up with answers he wouldn't, his education didn't cover enough of that. "Also if you can explain things to me later, use smaller words. Longer ones make me uncomfortable, the name of the Phobia makes me uncomfortable." It was just strange why people would do that, then again they put an S in lisp. Following Sothrick to the Ready Room, he was ready for about anything.

>>>Ready Room>>>>>

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Morad Ameen - 06-29-2024

Ameen was cleared from his long stay at sickbay. After a short trip to his quarters, a shower and a fresh uniform, Ameen was was finally ready to report back to duty. He made his way to the bridge. A quick glance showed that the Captain and most of the senior staff were not on the bridge, yet the ship was at yellow alert.

His eyes settled on the easy on the eyes Orion science officer.

"What's happening? Why are we at yellow alert Lieutenant?" Morad asked Amila as he walked over to her station.

== Tag Ra'an  ==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Amila Ra'an - 07-01-2024

Amila had noticed that the new crew members on the Bridge seemed to change the tone more dramatically than she would have liked. Things had felt off since she began her shift today, and it wasn't just the distress call and the unusual readings that they have been getting or even the rock materializing in the Brig. Strange occurrences are just part of Starfleet, especially for science officers, and the lieutenant had seen enough action under Captain Field's command to know that it wasn't anything about the nature of the work that was bugging her today. When the Captain called Commander Sothrick and Lieutenant Keti to her Ready Room, based on the tone of her voice, Amila was relieved her name wasn't included in the list. She kept her head down as the three left the Bridge.

Amila continued to study the planet as well as well as track the Ceryneian Hind's path as best as they could. The Captain had warned them to stay out of its path, and Amila agreed. Though Captain had not been off the Bridge for very long when Commander Ameen appeared on the Bridge. Despite everything that was going on, Amila couldn't help but to smile at him when he approached her station.

"Hello Commander," Amila said, her eyes meeting his for a split second before quickly changing focus. "It started with an intermittent distress signal from a ship within the system, Sir. However, quite a bit more has happened since we've been on yellow alert. We've learned that the vessel's name is the Ceryneian Hind - though we still have yet to learn much of anything about the ship. We're avoiding crossing its path, as we're picking up chroniton particles in its wake, but that's not all."

Amila had pulled up the three-dimensional holographic map of the system as she was speaking, and added in the vessels trajectory. "It appears as though the ship travelled through the second planet somehow. Also, Security reported that an object appeared in a Brig cell while we've been at yellow alert. It's been characterized as a rock, though the officer that reported it stated she wasn't able to read it on a tricorder. Right now Captain Fields is in the Ready Room with Commander Sothrick and Lieutenant Keti. We came to a stop before they left the Bridge."

"It's good to have you back, Sir. I can brief you on any specifics, or send anything to your station," Amila offered. The lieutenant looked at the First Officer anticipating another question, or a set of orders.

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Sothrick - 07-02-2024

<< Ready Room<<

Sothrick was the first to step out of the room. Thankfully the dressing down was short and to the point.

He paused and looked around seeing that the First Officer, to whom he had not formally met with, was now on the bridge in the Captains absence.

He paused waiting for Keti and when he followed him out he placed his hand up to stop the Science Officer.

"Lieutenant," He started his voice lowered almost to a hissing whisper. He was not intending to sound sinister but it somewhat did when he tried to whisper.

"I do appreciate your instinct to come to me and while certain situations can still call for that and I am always here if you need, remember that we do have a new order for us both. I will not repeat what the Captain has said but I wanted you to know that I do appreciate and understand your instinct." He gave.

"Your a great officer that has proven yourself. Don't second guess yourself." He added with a nod.

Once Keti reacted Sothrick turned to retake his own station.

Sothrick first seeing the information on the ship displayed tapped quickly on his console. He zeroed in on the Ferengi ship attempting to gain more information on it.

== GM Input: Focusing on the Ferengi ship can he find any more information, can he find the ships flight plan? If he does, can he track it through any known areas that would explain the ships predicament? ==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Morad Ameen - 07-02-2024

"Hello Commander," Amila said, her eyes meeting his for a split second.

The reaction made Ameen smile. He realized that he had missed her during his time in sickbay. He had asked to keep his illness a private matter and the Captain had agreed. As such, no one was allowed to come visit him during his treatment period. Otherwise, he felt she would have been one of the first people knocking at his door. 

There will be other time to examine feelings...

"It started with an intermittent distress signal from a ship within the system, Sir." She quickly returned to full focus mode. "However, quite a bit more has happened since we've been on yellow alert. We've learned that the vessel's name is the Ceryneian Hind - though we still have yet to learn much of anything about the ship. We're avoiding crossing its path, as we're picking up chroniton particles in its wake, but that's not all."

This could indicate some temporal connections there... smart move to keep our distance for now....

Amila had pulled up the three-dimensional holographic map of the system as she was speaking, and added in the vessels trajectory. And Ameen leaned forward a little bit to take a closer look.

"It appears as though the ship travelled through the second planet somehow." The science officer continued. "Also, Security reported that an object appeared in a Brig cell while we've been at yellow alert. It's been characterized as a rock, though the officer that reported it stated she wasn't able to read it on a tricorder. Right now Captain Fields is in the Ready Room with Commander Sothrick and Lieutenant Keti. We came to a stop before they left the Bridge."

A rock? In security? just appeared out of thin air while our shields are up?... I have a bad feeling about this...

"It's good to have you back, Sir. I can brief you on any specifics, or send anything to your station." Ra'an finished her report.

"Thank you Amila, that was very informative. Could we use the ship's scanners on that rock that appeared in the brig? Check the cell for any traces of Chroniton particles..." He asked. His mind was trying to draw connections between the Ceryneian Hind and the mysterious rock.

He noticed the doors to the Captain's ready room opens up and a new crew member walked out. They had not been introduced yet, however, Ameen had made himself familiar with the incoming crew's logs while he was on his sick leave.

That would be the famous Commander Sothrick for sure... I will make a point of introducing myself when Ra'an and I are done here...

He immediately sensed that a small part of him did not want this conversation with the captivating Orion science officer to end. The internal objection was dully noted and filled away in the back of his head...

== Tag Ra'an ==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Jukish Keti - 07-03-2024

<<<Ready Room <<<

Coming back on the Bridge there was a new face that he didn't recognize, it was just then he realized another mistake he made. This man was in Command Red, meaning he had to be the First Officer. Keti wasn't aware why they haven't met before but he had his reasons.

"Commander." He said while addressing Ameen. "Lieutenant Jukish new Chief Science Officer, we have never had the pleasure. Like all my relatives before me, my family name always came first." It was a small conversation before getting down to business. 

"Captain may I have permission to send a Science team to investigate the rock in Security." The tone was both respectful as official. He was in enough hot water, and didn't want that water to over fill the tub. "Commander what I hope." He stopped himself before making the same mistake in a different way. "Captain with present information available I hope to eliminate the possibility of a phased ship, the kind that can not only fly through but can stop in its core to hide." 

They have seen this before and it had severe consequences for the crew, details of that were sketchy at best. Hopefully they can eliminate that possibility and incert something that doesn't stink. 

==Tag Commander Captain and Lieutenant ==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Sothrick - 07-03-2024

Sothrick wasn't sure if his apology to the Science Officer was received as he immediately moved past large Vulcan COS and conversed with the new First Officer.

Sothrick gave a typical Vulcan look with one raised brow as the man went back to his station.
He would wait to officially introduce himself to the First Officer at the moment he needed to monitor his station.

As Sothrick waited for the computer to give more information he noticed nothing new had come from the brig.

The Chief of Security was waiting for any other reports of anything odd. He wanted to call out but he decided to wait and see if anyone would call in.

== Tag all ==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Amila Ra'an - 07-03-2024

"Thank you Amila, that was very informative. Could we use the ship's scanners on that rock that appeared in the brig? Check the cell for any traces of Chroniton particles..." Commander Ameen asked.

Amila raised her eyebrows and nodded. "Lieutenant Keti was conducting scans, while the area was being quarantined. He left with the Captain and Commander Sothrick before we discussed the results." Amila's eyes glanced briefly toward the Ready Room, though she didn't pause as she pulled up the readings from Lieutenant Keti's previous scans. For the Commander's benefit, with a flip of her hand the results were displayed in the air in front of them, replacing the earlier image of the map of trajectory.

Amila was about to start reading the results when Commander Sothrick's presence reentered the Bridge. Despite herself, Amila found herself staring has he retook his position. She was trying to withhold judgment, primarily because neither of her first impressions of Sothrick had been what she would call pleasant, yet Amila always tried to see the best in people - especially fellow Starfleet officers. Still, she was not yet comfortable in his presence.

Amila lowered her voice, "The Captain was also still waiting on a report on the second planet. A lot happened in a short amount of time." Amila chose her words carefully, as she prepared the schematics on the second planet and brought those up as well, trying to anticipate the information that Captain Fields would likely request from her when she resumed her post.

==Tag GM, Did any of the previous scans provide information about the "rock" in the Brig, chronitons, or other radiation?==

==Tag Ameen, and/or Captain Fields==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Morad Ameen - 07-03-2024

"Lieutenant Keti was conducting scans, while the area was being quarantined. He left with the Captain and Commander Sothrick before we discussed the results." Amila said as she brought up the scan's made by the CSO and was about to start studying them when she noticed Sothrick. Ameen couldn't help but notice that the presence of the Vulcan/Betazoid has unsettled her.

He could be intimidating to the crew I guess... I hope time will resolve that...

"The Captain was also still waiting on a report on the second planet." Her voice now softer. "A lot happened in a short amount of time."

"Indeed it did." Ameen nodded in agreement as looked at the second planet image that she just brought up.

She will probably need some time to make that report ready for the Captain. I maybe distracting her from her work...

"Thank you for you report. Very insightful as always." He grinned at her and was about to let her continue her research when the Bajoran CSO entered the bridge and made his way to where them.

"Commander." He said while addressing the FO. "Lieutenant Jukish new Chief Science Officer, we have never had the pleasure. Like all my relatives before me, my family name always came first."

"I'm Morad Ameen. It is a pleasure to meet Lieutenant Jukish." He smiled warmly and offered a firm hand shake. "I hope you are enjoying your new home on the Titania."

When the introductions was finished, Ameen made his way to the security station.

"Greeting Commander Sothrick." He said in as even tone as he could muster. "I am Moad Ameen."

The first officer kept a friendly yet respectable distance while he spoke and, unlike his warm greeting to the CSO, he did not offer a hand shake out of respect to the man's Vulcan heritage. Yet maintained eye contact with Sothrick and a friendly welcoming smile. 

== Tag Amila/Sothrick/Keti ==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Jane Fields - 07-05-2024

>> Ready Room >>

The Captain was pleased to see her FO back on duty when she returned. "Welcome back, number 1." She said as she took the chair.

Keti mentioned the possibility of a phased ship. That would explain this and perhaps the rock in Security if that had also become phased.

"Yes, send an engineer on the team too." She replied.

"Sothrick, run internal scans for chroniton radiation on the brig and then deck by deck." She instructed the CoS.

The Captain then accessed the information Ra'an had compiled on the second planet and read through it on her console. There was no way any vessel could ordinarily pass through it. 

"There's no suggestion here of any weapon or external source that could knock this vessel out of phase... nothing remarkable about the planet. Hmm..."

She thought for a moment.

"Let's assume the hypothesis that this vessel is phasing is correct. Given the comms we have received, and that we're dealing with the Ferengi, I'll wager whatever is causing this comes from the ship itself. Some malfunctioning technology perhaps. Suggestions on how we can reveal the ship and stabilise it?" She cast around for suggestions.

== Tag all ==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - GM-Fields - 07-05-2024

== Sothrick ==

The trail of the ship suggested a smooth flight plan through the planet but thereafter it became erratic and was not predicable. There was nothing in its wake that would implicate an external cause of the vessel's predicament, either in the planet or local space.

== Sothrick and Ra'an ==

The internal scans showed a faint chroniton trail through the ship's hull and bulkheads marking the path of the rock to the brig. Similar trails suggested there might be other objects on deck 7 in the CMO's office, deck 9 cargo bay, and deck 10 shuttlebay.

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Jon Jolly - 07-06-2024

[Sickbay to Bridge. We have an object like a small space rock, floating in midair in the CMO's office. Tricorder readings indicate nothing there, but I can see it as plain as day.] Dr Jolly reported.

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Sothrick - 07-06-2024

Sothrick turned and stood as he felt a presence approach him from behind.

Seeing it was the First Officer he stood at a little more at attention. His large frame shadowing the FO a bit.

He gave a respectful nod at the First Officer introduction. He noticed he was the first to not in typical terran fashion, offer his hand. His steel gray eye locked with Ameen's

"Commander, Thank you, It is my,... pleasure, to join you. and the Titania" He responded with a slight nod.

"I am also eager to work with you and the Captain." He added.

"If it has not been stated Security has found a strange item appear in the brig. I was just looking to see if there is any more reports of any other anomalies appear on the ship." He reported.

"There are trails of where more objects may have also possible appeared or passed through and we just got a report from Sickbay. with your permission I was going to respond and think we should send a science team to the location. We probably need to gather up these object but I am guessing they are typical space debris that is penetrating our hall as they are displaced." He added

"Also I was trying to trace the suspect ships origin, and nothing so far is indicating why it is in its current predicament at the moment. I will keep investigating that though." He finished as he took another deep breath.

== Tag, Ameen, Ra'an, Keti and Cap ==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Amila Ra'an - 07-06-2024

"Captain Fields," Amila called out, a sense of urgency in her voice as she was pulling the readings together and taking in information from multiple places at once - including the comm that had just come in from the Chief Medical Officer's Office.

"We have chroniton particles inside the Titania, and they appear to show a trajectory. The rock in the Brig - but more urgently now, the one in the CMO's office. Dr. Jolly needs to leave his office without touching the object, or crossing the trajectory that the rock travelled to enter his office. I have the schematics here. We're seeing this on Deck 9 in the Cargobay, and on Deck 10, in the Shuttlebay as well."

== Tag Fields, et. al. ==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Jukish Keti - 07-06-2024

Shaking his hand was a more appropriate way to go than the ear pull, it was one of the few things that Keti hated about his culture. Shaking his hand with a firm grip, it wasn't strong enough to hurt. Keti was about to speak again but stopped, there was something that just came to mind. There is nothing stationary about space, nor anything too it. Being pushed and pulled in many directions at once, a strong enough gravitational force was all it took to change direction.

It was a rare occasion when Keti wished his original hypocritical situation was correct, the new one was much worse."With a large enough phase inverted explosion could cause the area around it to be phased portioned to the blast." He stopped and looked Ameen in the eye about to speak when Ra'an started to speak. 

In old Bajoran Keti said quietly to himself. "It's a good thing that I left that part of the past behind." He blinked once now with his attention on Ra'an. "Lieutenant." He said sharply and almost void of emotion. "We will talk about this when time permits, right now you have your orders. You and an Engineer are to report to Security immediately, and report any findings to me." This was a time when he needed to put any personal feelings aside, and be the boss.

"Captain I advised we stop." He stopped again thinking about tactics he would have used if he would have stayed his original course. "Commander." He was addressing Ameen. "I need to flood an un used room with Anyon particles, if my theory is correct the room will have a lot of rocks inside." If he was right when the doors opened the rocks would just pour out, so they should do it from the side.

==Tag all around==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Amila Ra'an - 07-07-2024

Lieutenant Ra'an, a trained actor before Starfleet, was out of practice and she did not do a good job of maintaining what the humans call a poker face as Lieutenant Keti spoke. It was if he hadn't been present during any of the last twenty minutes on the Bridge. The Captain had ordered the ship to a stop at Cmmander Sothrick's recommendation before he was ordered to the Ready Room, and they had been sitting still until further orders. This was was less troubling to her than the fact that he wanted to discuss the danger that Dr. Jolly was currently in - "later."

"With all due respect, Lieutenant Jukish, Captain Fields, permission to report to Sickbay first, specifically the Chief Medical Officer's Office. If these rocks come into contact with one of our people, we don't know what will happen, but I am concerned that contact with the particles they are giving off could cause objects - even people to also go in and out of phase," Ra'an stated looking directly to the Captain. The tension among the officers on the Bridge was causing her unnecessary additional anxiety - she would rather just go with the flow. But the ship and her crew were at risk right now, so she could not in good conscious remain silent.

==Tag Captain, Keti, XO, and others. ==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Jane Fields - 07-07-2024

Jane almost couldn’t believe that people were talking across each other no sooner had she returned from the ready room.

“Keti, YOU will go to the brig to investigate the rock and comm the CE to help you.”

She turned to the FO.

“Ameen, deal with sickbay and make sure the other objects aboard are contained.”

She pursed her lips.

“Now, Ra’an and Powl, I want a way of tracking that ship and potential solutions to the phasing issue.”

== tag all ==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Jukish Keti - 07-07-2024

He was about to give permission to Ra'an, it was a well thought out and warranted. A crew with their mind somewhere else is dangerous. When the Captain cut in completely changed his orders. Plus she didn't get his name right yet. There were a lot of concerns he had, and arguing about them wasn't going to help. 

"Lieutenant Ra'an." His tone was softer. "Anyon emitters have not only been able to expose an object in phase, but it helps us stay out of danger. I am counting on you." He said with a comforting tone. Tapping his combadge. "Lieutenant Jukish to Engineering I need Commander! Kier to meet me in Security immediately." 

At this point it was a good thing that the old ways were gone, or the next thing he would feel was her right cross. She seemed to be a person who wanted things direct, and no sugar coating. "Captain I need to flood a unused room with these particles to see what happens, it is also my belief that he knows what room is least used for this experiment. Lastly Jukish is my given name, Jukish is my family name." 

He was just about to leave, but made one last appeal. "If we find out how much traffic goes through here on average, the answer should be next to none, this is an ideal weapon testing area." If he was to test weapons targeting asteroids were great, the debris would also be phased.

>>>> Security >>>

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Amila Ra'an - 07-07-2024

Ra'an nodded, and stepped back into her position at the science station, her brain swarming with ideas. There were infinite possibilities as to what was happening in this system, the Ceryneian Hind, and the Titania and about half a dozen possibilities and variations thereof were already swarming through her mind, as she thought of ways to predict the vessel's course depending on which of these possibilities was mostly. A wave of nostalgia swept over her as she thought about how Lieutenant Samek might have approached the situation. Ra'an smiled to herself as she recalled the Vulcan's calm and encouraging presence. When Amila had learned that her new commanding officer was a Vulcan she was intimidated at first, but was surprised that the Chief Science Officer had taken an interest in mentoring her and had always had positive things to say about her work.

Probabilities, logic, what is most like is a good place to start, she told herself, but Amila also had to remember that this was Starfleet and the anomalous was almost always just as likely to occur. She pulled up what they knew about the ship's prior trajectory, creating a three-dimensional visual using the holographic technology at her station. The science officer added in color coding identifying when they had been able to read the distress signal, versus when the signal had cut out. She then went deeper inter her scans, looking for any signs of any other type of radiation or other emissions in the wake of the ship indicating any kind of decay, contact with another timelines or universes, and whether any of the damage might be consistent with contact with a quantum fissure. Chronitons alone didn't explain how the rocks were getting into the ship, or how the Ceryneien Hind had traversed through the planet. It wasn't so much the chronitons themselves that Ra'an was worried about as much as she was whatever was tracking along with them that they hadn't been able to pick up on sensors yet.

The path through the planet was throwing her off, and it had been bugging her for a while. Either they were on some sort of auto-pilot or they knew they were out of phase or in some quantum flux - perhaps seeing something entirely different than what the Titania was. She continued to gather as much information as she could, and waited for the teams to get situated before speaking up again to get input from Powl and who all would be left on the Bridge with her. She sent her visual mock-up to Ensign Powl's station after she had it completed so he could see what she was working with in the meantime.

==Tag Powl==

==Tag GM Is Ra'an getting any other information that will assist in tracking the vessel and/or predicting its trajectory. She's scanning for something more than chronitons that would explain the phasing or quantum flux - that would hopefully be useful to what's happening inside the ship ==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Morad Ameen - 07-08-2024

"Commander, Thank you, It is my,... pleasure, to join you. and the Titania" Sothrick responded. "I am also eager to work with you and the Captain."

"We are fortunate to have you aboard Commander." Ameen smiled in response.

"If it has not been stated Security has found a strange item appear in the brig. I was just looking to see if there is any more reports of any other anomalies appear on the ship. There are trails of where more objects may have also possible appeared or passed through and we just got a report from Sickbay. with your permission I was going to respond and think we should send a science team to the location. We probably need to gather up these object but I am guessing they are typical space debris that is penetrating our hall as they are displaced." The CoS added. "Also I was trying to trace the suspect ships origin, and nothing so far is indicating why it is in its current predicament at the moment. I will keep investigating that though."

"Yes, I..." Morad was about to respond when a short automated whistle indicated that the captain was on the bridge and all the officers offered her their attention.

"Welcome back, number 1." She said as she made her way to the center chair.

"Happy to be back Captain." He knew they will have a longer conversation about his medical leave later. She was after all kept fully informed of his... situation. For now, as usual, she was laser focused on the mission at hand. Orders were given to the officers present.

"Let's assume the hypothesis that this vessel is phasing is correct." She said. "Given the comms we have received, and that we're dealing with the Ferengi, I'll wager whatever is causing this comes from the ship itself. Some malfunctioning technology perhaps. Suggestions on how we can reveal the ship and stabilize it?" She cast around for suggestions.

That would make sense, yes...

However, before anyone could answer, Sickbay reported in.

[Sickbay to Bridge. We have an object like a small space rock, floating in midair in the CMO's office. Tricorder readings indicate nothing there, but I can see it as plain as day.]

"Captain Fields," Amila responded first. "We have chroniton particles inside the Titania, and they appear to show a trajectory. The rock in the Brig - but more urgently now, the one in the CMO's office. Dr. Jolly needs to leave his office without touching the object, or crossing the trajectory that the rock travelled to enter his office. I have the schematics here. We're seeing this on Deck 9 in the Cargobay, and on Deck 10, in the Shuttlebay as well."

"With a large enough phase inverted explosion could cause the area around it to be phased portioned to the blast." Lieutenant Jukish said to Ameen thoughtfully. 

Morad's head, switching to engineering mode and his mind began to put together the equipment needed to make that happen...

Snap out of it... this is Keir 77's job now...

"Lieutenant." Keti said addressing Ra'an. "We will talk about this when time permits, right now you have your orders. You and an Engineer are to report to Security immediately, and report any findings to me."


"Captain I advised we stop." The Science officer continued in deep thought. "Commander." He was addressing Ameen. "I need to flood an un used room with Anyon particles, if my theory is correct the room will have a lot of rocks inside."

"With all due respect, Lieutenant Jukish, Captain Fields, permission to report to Sickbay first, specifically the Chief Medical Officer's Office. If these rocks come into contact with one of our people, we don't know what will happen, but I am concerned that contact with the particles they are giving off could cause objects - even people to also go in and out of phase," Ra'an responded barely containing her unhappiness.

Well now...

Morad turned his head to Jane and gave her a how do you want to handle this look...

"Keti, YOU will go to the brig to investigate the rock and comm the CE to help you." The Captain ordered calmly but assertively. Then she turned  "Ameen, deal with sickbay and make sure the other objects aboard are contained." She pursed her lips. "Now, Ra’an and Powl, I want a way of tracking that ship and potential solutions to the phasing issue."

"Aye Captain." Ameen replied in his deep husky voice booming, somewhat intimidating for those who were not used to it. He then turned to Sothrick. "Commander, have security officers clear the areas where the particles trail had passed to avoid contact with the crew. And please do inform me if any other objects appear on the ship. You have my thanks."

Having said his piece, he tabbed his comm- badge. 

[Commander Ameen to Sickbay. Vacate the CMO's office immediately and keep a safe distance from the object. I am on my way.] 

Before leaving the bridge he passed by Ra'an's station. He could tell she was a bit stressed.

"You are doing great." He whispered to the Orion as he put a gentle hand on her shoulder reassuringly. "You've got this."

His gaze was intense, but supportive. He knew she was a brilliant officer. Otherwise, she would not have be here on the bridge with the rest of them. Having disagreement was a normal part of the job and she was handling it well, so was Jukish. The entire scene had lasted only a few second. Then he made his way to the turbo lift.

== Next post: Sickbay ==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Amila Ra'an - 07-09-2024

Before leaving the bridge Ameen passed by Ra'an's station. He could tell she was a bit stressed.

"You are doing great." He whispered to the Orion as he put a gentle hand on her shoulder reassuringly. "You've got this."

"Be careful, Commander," Amila responded giving the First Officer a serious look. "There's more to these rocks than we've figured out. We'll try to get some answers."

She quickly went back to work as Ameen left the Bridge, glancing up just slightly at the sound of the turbolift doors.

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Sothrick - 07-09-2024

The Captain gave out orders swiftly after so much cross talk across the bridge. He knew that a large crew like this had many ideas they wanted to get out and Keti seemed to be a bit caught up in the action as well.

The big Vulcan waited a moment about to suggest his idea but the First Officer gave him the same order.

"Yes Commander." He gave back then tapped his Comm badge as he began creating a routes of the chroniton pathways to be prepared to send to his teams.

"Sothrick to Commander Nira, Commander a team is coming to gather information on the object in the brig. Commander I need you to meet with the First Officer and secure the object and the area that has appeared in the Chief Medical Officers office." He added then created and directed teams to the locations of these pathways.

"Commander, please inform of any changes and make sure crewman wade does as well until the team arrives." He added the closed the channel after she responded.

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Jon Jolly - 07-10-2024

["Dr Jolly to Commander Ameen, CMO's office is evacuated and locked.]

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Jukish Keti - 07-12-2024

There was a communication that came in from Security  [Lieutenant Jukish to Bridge there isn't much here to suggest anything dangerous here, we should keep an eye on the structural integrity field. If there are anymore fluctuations another one had crossed through our hull. I have no further theories at this time.]

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Morad Ameen - 07-15-2024

[Ameen to the bridge. I am able to scan the rock in sickbay now...] He began his report. [It seems like a plain old piece of space debris. The scan shows silicate minerals base and trace of other common metals. It's likely broken off from an asteroid at some point in the past. Nothing else worth noting other than the traces of Chronitons... as we expected. The radiation is already in a state of decay...] The first officer said. [Doctor Jolly, you said no one else reported back to you of any other sightings right?]

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Sothrick - 07-16-2024

Hearing both reports from sickbay and security Sothrick called out to the Captain.

"Captain, it would seem the impeding foreign bodies are seemingly inert. While preparing the probes should we lock on an either teleport all the materials off the ship? Or at least in a quarantined area of cargobay?" He asked

He felt the idea of sending probes further and after the ship was a better plan than pushing the large ship further into a chroniton mine field.

The young science officer that was left on the bridge seemed to be more than capable. Sothrick, as he usually did, had been silently watching and listening to her call out her suggestions and ideas. Even bouncing off Keti. He did sense something between her and the First Officer but now was not the time to speculate on that, nor was it his business.

He could tell she had earned her place on the ship and the bridge.

"Lieutenant Ra'an, perhaps you can help my memory." He plainly called out. A statement he actually did not like to admit as he usually had photographic memory.

"There was a ship that was dealing with a bombarding of chronitons hitting the ship. They found a way to enhance the shielding to be able to move through." He stated leaving the question dangling in front of her.

"Captain if there is a way instead of trying to shield the whole ship perhaps it would be better to use the WaveRunner shuttle to chase after the wayward ship? We could create the shielding faster for it and its moveability means perhaps we could even maneuver around the ships wake easier." He suggested.

== Tag All ==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Amila Ra'an - 07-17-2024

"Lieutenant Ra'an, perhaps you can help my memory," Sothrick plainly called out. 

"There was a ship that was dealing with a bombarding of chronitons hitting the ship. They found a way to enhance the shielding to be able to move through." He stated leaving the question dangling in front of her.

"Captain if there is a way instead of trying to shield the whole ship perhaps it would be better to use the WaveRunner shuttle to chase after the wayward ship? We could create the shielding faster for it and its moveability means perhaps we could even maneuver around the ships wake easier." He suggested.

"Temporal shielding," Amila stated. "It's been used more than once, but a few factors have to be present to remodulate our shield frequencies to protect against chroniton induced phase shifting - if that is in fact what we're seeing here with the rocks and the Ceryneian Hind's ability to move through solid matter. The first thing we need is for the source of the temporal variance to be constant, or at least have a variance in predictable pattern in which we can calculate and compensate for in our own shield frequencies. This is why you've probably heard more about these shields being used in wormholes and against chroniton weapons. Rifts usually aren't so kind as to be stable enough for us," Amila explained.

"With this information we could modify our shields, and the Oberon's, but the Oberon's shields won't generate enough power to extend to another vessel, but I can't say I recommend that we try that with the Titania either. Until we know for sure exactly what is going on with that vessel and who they are, we should be shielding ourselves from it," Amila emphasized.

==Tag Sothrick, and Captain Fields==

==GM will anything from the rocks and/or our sensors provide a source for the chronitons? ==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Keir 77 - 07-17-2024

After some time the comm from Security chimed;

[Chief Engineer to Bridge; were the shields up prior to the arrival of the rock? There is nothing remarkable about it, so perhaps you are aware of how it could have materialized here in Security?

It is an inert piece of spatial debris, so if it did transport aboard we might consider remodulating the shield frequency and see if that prevents any further incursions, or even maintain a random remodulation until we can determine how it got here.

I am headed for the bridge Keir out.]


Keir entered the bridge and replaced the junior officer on duty there. Pulling up sensor logs s/he looked for any energy readings that could account for the transportation of the debris before it's arrival, and listening to the comms turned to face the CO. "Captain how many of these rocks are there?

I know I am new to the problem but perhaps a spacial or temporal distortion could account for this?"

==Tag whomever==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Sothrick - 07-18-2024

Sothrick heard the Chief Engineers question and as it was coming from Security he took it upon himself to give the answer.

"Sothrick to Chief Kier, Chief the first rock seems to have appeared before the shields went up." Sothrick reported

"It is believed it phased through the bulkheads. It would seem that we are dealing with possible chronitons infiltration allowing debris to penetrate the ship" He reported back leaving the channel open but not long after s/he called she arrived on the bridge.

He heard the First Officer's report and wandered at the same. "Sothrick to Commander Ameen, Commander, has my security, Commander Said, secured the area? They should be able to trace and create a path." He returned asking First Officer letting Nira work if she was busy dealing with the issue.

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Morad Ameen - 07-18-2024

[Hmm... Please standby Commander. I will verify and get back to you as soon as I have something...]

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Amila Ra'an - 07-18-2024

== Amila's not going to jump in here since it's the CO's turn, but FYI, We were on Yellow Alert when the rocks appeared. Shields were up. ==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Sothrick - 07-19-2024

== Ra'an, You are correct, my apologies I misread the time line, Thank you. ==

Sothrick looked over the logs to make sure he was correct and realized his mistake as Kier arrived he turned to speak to hir.

"My apologies Commander Kier, it would seem I had misspoken. The shields were up at the time the first, 'rock', appeared in the brig." 

== Tag Kier ==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Jane Fields - 07-20-2024

Reports were coming in from the teams investigating the rocks on board. The rocks were at least inert and apart from evidence of phase shifting they didn't appear to be abnormal.

"We can't risk more of these getting into the ship. If they materialise inside some critical system it would be disastrous. Keep the rocks quarantined."

Sothrick and Ra'an discussed some possible solutions to shielding against phase shifted materials.

"Agreed we must be wary of how far we extend ourselves to help that vessel until we know more." She added to Ra'an's point.

Titania was currently stationary so that should minimise the risk of more rocks unless they were in motion.

The CE arrived on the bridge.

"There appear to be four rocks, one on deck 7 in the CMO's office, deck 9 in the cargo bay, and deck 10 in the shuttlebay, plus the one in security." The Captain answered Keir's question. "We're working from the hypothesis that a Ferengi vessel is phasing in and out in the system and whatever is causing it is out of their control. We received a broken up distress signal from them. The path they have taken through the system appears to have left some phased objects in its wake, which is why we believe the space debris was temporarily able to pass through our shields. So before we do anything to intervene, we need to find a way of preventing more phased material passing the shields. Ra'an has suggested a form of temporal shielding."

== Tags ==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - GM-Fields - 07-20-2024

== Ra'an ==

The rate of decay of the chroniton radiation itself in the vessel's wake could be used to determine the course and present position of the Ceryneian Hind.

The source of the chronitons was clearly the Ferengi vessel but the cause of the radiation was unknown given the ship was not present on sensors. There were no signs of temporal disturbances, rifts, subspace anomalies or exotic particle weapons fire. This rather pointed to something aboard the vessel itself as the cause.

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Amila Ra'an - 07-20-2024

Keir entered the bridge and replaced the junior officer on duty there. Pulling up sensor logs s/he looked for any energy readings that could account for the transportation of the debris before it's arrival, and listening to the comms turned to face the CO. "Captain how many of these rocks are there?

I know I am new to the problem but perhaps a spacial or temporal distortion could account for this?"

"There appear to be four rocks, one on deck 7 in the CMO's office, deck 9 in the cargo bay, and deck 10 in the shuttlebay, plus the one in security." The Captain answered Keir's question. "We're working from the hypothesis that a Ferengi vessel is phasing in and out in the system and whatever is causing it is out of their control. We received a broken up distress signal from them. The path they have taken through the system appears to have left some phased objects in its wake, which is why we believe the space debris was temporarily able to pass through our shields. So before we do anything to intervene, we need to find a way of preventing more phased material passing the shields. Ra'an has suggested a form of temporal shielding."

Amila nodded an acknowledgement toward the Chief Engineer. "Our sensors have picked up chroniton particles in the ship's wake, it's the only anomaly we've been able to detect so far. Temporal shielding should protect us from the chronitons if we can establish the variance - which we haven't done yet. But, I think I might know what we need to do, Captain," Amila stated, a hint of excitement in her voice.

Amila became animated as she continued with her theory and recommendation. She loved her job, and couldn't help but be excited when things started coming together. "Commander Sothrick can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it's safe to say that we've exhausted our resources with regards to scanning the system for any other possible source of the chroniton particles other than the Ferengi ship. We've been running continuous scans, rechecking to make sure we haven't missed any signs of other exotic particles, anomalies, or rifts in the area and it's all coming back to the Ceryneian Hind. I don't know if that's good news or bad news," Amila stated as her mind thought back to something the Chief of Security had said earlier.

"The good news is that the half-life of chroniton particles is long enough that we're easily able to track the ship's course and present position. It should be easy enough to navigate to a strategic position without crossing the Ceryneian Hind's wake. The bad news is that if it is something aboard the ship there is a chance that it is a weapon. We - Starfleet first developed temporal shield technology because of an encounter with a very powerful chroniton weapon. I wouldn't be surprised if the Ferengi got their hands on something they don't understand," Amila opined.

"I recommend we launch a Class 3 probe to study the ship and its tactical capabilities. It is simple enough to program it to read for the variance in the the chroniton field, if we get a constant, or a pattern we can work on our shielding," Amila suggested. Her voice and presentation exuded confidence, but after she was done speaking and looked at the experience and intelligence surrounding her on the Bridge and waited for their response she found herself on edge about how they would react.

== Tag to all on the Bridge, I think there's something there for anyone to grab on to if they like. ==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Keir 77 - 07-22-2024

Keir listened with interest to the young Science officer's analysis of the vessel's issues and found hirself quite impressed.

S/he offered a nod and a warm smile for Amila's benefit, before addressing the command staff.

"I concur with regard to Lt Ra'an's suggestion to launch the probe. If it can get a better and more accurate reading of the phasing of the vessel it could even give us a chance to predict the timing of these fluctuations and either allow us to get communication through or at least scan the vessel more completely.

Not sure to what degree it will be useful but at this point anything would be helpful, in my opinion anyway."

==Tag Ra'an, Fields and Ameen==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Sothrick - 07-23-2024

Sothrick nodded as he listened to the young Science Officer. She was impressive and he did agree, at this point all their scan said one thing it was this rogue ship.

"I believe launching a probe is the best idea unfortunately we must get more information before we can get to close.
I also believe that will help create a better path for the Titania to get closer while staying out of the wake. We could mirror thier path while at the moment staying our safe distance." He recalled and restructured what she said in agreeance of her idea. She was smart and made a great presentation.

"Do we have an idea of speed and trajectory of Ceryneain Hind? If we can get the probe out there we maybe able to better communicate with the ship. Perhaps guide them to slow the ship if need." He added

He then turned to Kier and Ra'an looking back and forth for the information as another question hit him "Can the probe itself be compromised as the Titania has been?" He asked not meaning to fire off so much info and questions at the same time.

==Tag All ==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Amila Ra'an - 07-23-2024

Sothrick then turned to Kier and Ra'an looking back and forth for the information as another question hit him "Can the probe itself be compromised as the Titania has been?" He asked not meaning to fire off so much info and questions at the same time.

Turning to Sothrick first Amila responded, "The probe certainly could be compromised similarly," she agreed. "Though, based on its size it stands a significantly better chance of avoiding space debris that has been exposed to the chroniton particles. And now that we know that the debris has been... affected we should plot the probe's course to prevent any likely chance of that happening."

Looking over at Keir 77 she added, "If we do get the information we're looking for we would need engineering's assistance to get the temporal shielding online if we go that route." Amila looked back to the Captain. "It does require modifications to the deflector shield."

==Tag Keir 77 & Sothrick & Captain==

==Tag GM can we answer Sothrick's question about trajectory and speed?==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Morad Ameen - 07-24-2024

[Ameen to the bridge] The first officer's voice can be heard over the comm system. [Commander Said is leading the effort to evacuate the effected areas of the ship and sickbay is preparing to receive those who were there when the particle trace was detected or anyone who came in contact with the objects. In the mean time, Nira and I are going to move the rock from sickbay to the science labs while maintaining containments Captain. I will keep you updated.]

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Sothrick - 07-24-2024

Sothrick nodded, pleased with the young officers quick response although his stoic features hardly changed as he gave a nod to her answer.

"Could we not also test shielding ideas on the probe gathering the needed data as it goes and making the changes we need while the probe moves through and gets closer?" He added to his question.

He paused then added. "If I remember correctly, a class five probe could be altered for tactical missions perhaps a small shield emitter could be added. That would give us the data we would need to correct or create the proper shield harmonics in line with hull plating we would need to pass through this chroniton wake." He suggested but it would be up to the if his science or engineering idea was correct.

He again looked between Commander Kier and Lt Raman.

He then heard the FO's communication to the Captain. He absentmindedly nodded inwardly glad that Nira had gotten to Sickbay.

==Quick tag all==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Nira Said - 07-24-2024

A call came to Keir. [Said to Commander Keir. I request permission for Engineering personnel to assist my Security forces for the following locations: Here in Sickbay, down in the Security section, Deck Nine cargo bay and the shuttlebay. And can you have them bring anti-grav units along, please?]

==Tag Keir==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Amila Ra'an - 07-25-2024

"Could we not also test shielding ideas on the probe gathering the needed data as it goes and making the changes we need while the probe moves through and gets closer?" Sothrick added to his question.

He paused then added. "If I remember correctly, a class five probe could be altered for tactical missions perhaps a small shield emitter could be added. That would give us the data we would need to correct or create the proper shield harmonics in line with hull plating we would need to pass through this chroniton wake." He suggested but it would be up to the if his science or engineering idea was correct.

The discourse was then interrupted by the first officer's voice over the comms.

[Ameen to the bridge] The first officer's voice can be heard over the comm system. [Commander Said is leading the effort to evacuate the effected areas of the ship and sickbay is preparing to receive those who were there when the particle trace was detected or anyone who came in contact with the objects. In the mean time, Nira and I are going to move the rock from sickbay to the science labs while maintaining containments Captain. I will keep you updated.]

After hearing from Ameen that some of the crew had come into contact with the rocks, Amila thought to encourage the Bridge crew before addressing Sothrick's point. "Since the rocks came back into phase and basically became inert, I'm sure the crew should be fine. It was more concerning when they weren't in phase," she said with a smile.

"As to Commander Sothrick's proposal, I hadn't thought of a Class 5 probe since we wouldn't be able to use its warp capabilities in a star system, but if it can be outfitted with a shield emitter that has deflector array technology then yeah - that's a great idea. We can get our data and test the shield's effectiveness before putting the ship and the crew at risk," Amila stated nodding enthusiastically.

== Tag, Sothrick, Keir, Captain ==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Sothrick - 07-30-2024

Sothrick nodded pleased that his idea did have merit. He looked to the Captain, it would be up to her to decide if to move further.

He could not see a reason why not but it was not his ship. He was not familiar with it, her crew or eithers full capabilities. She, however, was in all those. It had to be up to her.

"Captain, permission to send Lieutenant Ra'an. She seems to have the best idea of what needs done to prepare it. Unless you have another idea Captain. I know time is of the essence..." he let the words the question linger for her response.\

== Tag Cap and Ra'an ==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - GM-Fields - 08-04-2024

Speed and trajectory of the Hind can be roughly estimated.

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Jane Fields - 08-04-2024

They had to be wary of what was aboard the Ferengi vessel that was causing the phasing. Ra'an suggested a probe launch and the CE concurred, though Sothrick raised the possibility of probes being compromised as the Titania hull had been by phased material.

Consulting with Keir 77 Ra'an added, "If we do get the information we're looking for we would need engineering's assistance to get the temporal shielding online if we go that route." She looked back to the Captain. "It does require modifications to the deflector shield."

"How long to make these modifications?" The Captain asked.

Ameen reported back that things were now under control with the rocks and they were taking them to science for further investigation.

There was some discussion of modfiying class 5 probe but she couldn't see why these would have an advantage over class 3 in this situation given they didn't require warp.

"Instruct Engineering to modify the probes." She ordered. "I'm assuming you can make the modifications Keir 77?"

== Tag ==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - GM-Fields - 08-04-2024

Titania suddenly picked up the presence of another vessel just entering the star system. The ship's transponder indicated it was a cargo ship "The Boar" registered to Nausicaa

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Amila Ra'an - 08-05-2024

Amila's eyes carefully followed each speaker during the exchange of ideas before the Captain finally spoke up. It helped her remember what everyone was saying - including the brief updates and requests they had received from around the ship. Engineering was getting hammered, but it was a big department, and could handle the workload. Commander Sothrick had suggested that she go modify the probes, if Keir had been here and they had the time she would have been glad to go, but they were cutting to straight to the point and not wasting any time which made sense given the situation. Keir wasn't back yet, and neither was Ameen. She and Sothrick were needed here.

"Captain, we should be able to target the probes toward the vessel with relative accuracy in predicting its trajectory once they are ready. I'll keep a close eye on it," Ra'an stated. "I recommend using full stealth capabilities. It's tough to say how long it will take to get the data we need once the probe is there. If we get a good lock, maybe 1 to 5 minutes. Long enough to make sure we know we have a constant variance and we'll be good to go," Ra'an added.

"Commander Keir 77 would be faster than I am at making the shield adjustments, so s/he can speak to the estimation on adjustments," Amila admitted.

They hadn't heard from Lieutenant Jukish in a while, thought Amila. She made a mental note to check in on his progress when things settled here.

==Tag, Assuming Tactical is paying more attention to the Nausicaans than science. Wink ==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Sothrick - 08-06-2024

Spthrick listened as the Captain gave orders and was trying to gain more idea of what was happening.

He heard a slight beep from his station and from the tactical station as well.

Sothrick, saw the information and immediately relayed the information to the Captain and the room. "Captain, Another ship has entered into the system. It looks like a Nausican freighter." He gave as dry as one would ask for a cup of coffee yet with some importance.

"Captain perhaps we should hail them a warning to not progress further." He added

== Tag All ==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Amila Ra'an - 08-07-2024

Sothrick, saw the information and immediately relayed the information to the Captain and the room. "Captain, Another ship has entered into the system. It looks like a Nausican freighter." He gave as dry as one would ask for a cup of coffee yet with some importance.

"Captain perhaps we should hail them a warning to not progress further." He added.

Amila's head jerked to attention toward the Chief of Security at the mention of a Nausican ship, her eyes wide with concern. They were known to do the Syndicate's dirty work from time to time which was enough for Amila to have little faith in any good intentions.

"A warning or we'll do what?" Amila blurted out before she caught herself. Trying to recover Amila added, "I mean, I don't think that we can assume that they aren't somehow involved with what is happening on board the Ferengi ship. The Nausicaans are savvy traders - and pirates. I doubt they picked up on a distress call and came here to be good Samaritans. If that is a weapon on the Ferengi ship, they are going to want it."

== Tag All ==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Keir 77 - 08-07-2024

Upon hearing Cdr Said's request Keir contacted one of hir Junior officers and dispatched her with teams to assist the Security officer, and cover the other locations mentioned. S/he then contacted and acknowledged the Security officer's requests. "Commander Said my teams have been dispatched, Keir out."

The next issue was here on the bridge with the CO and Lt Ra'an asking

"Temporal shield modifications? Very well Captain I will get on that immediately. I am assuming you want it for the ship?"

Without any further discussion the Chief Engineer planted hirself at hir console and consulted with the main computer. This would be a first for the Chief, but s/he applied hirself immediately to the task.

Tags all round, thank you for your patience
==Apologies again to all for my spotty posting this last while, It has been an up and down season health wise and I am going to do my best to play catch up==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Sothrick - 08-09-2024

Sothrick looked over towards the Science officer as she called out "...or do what?" His brow shot up in to the question.

He was surprised by her concern and she sounded a bit like a security officer. He nodded in agreement.

"I agree however, issuing a warning that they should not get closer will give us an incite if they are indeed here on nefarious reasons." He added.

"It is not a warning that WE will do anything but if they get to close they could suffer the same as the Ferengi ship. However, their reaction could tell us if they are involved, if they are tracking it or if they are here by coincidence. Although I am not one to believe in, coincidence." Sothrick added.

== TAG ALL and No Problem Kier Let me know if I can help with anything man.==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Amila Ra'an - 08-10-2024

The Orion science officer gave Sothrick a skeptical shrug, but bowed her head slightly in deference. "Understood, Sir."

She then stepped away from her console briefly and approached Lt. Commander Keir's station after hearing her question about the shields to the Captain. Amila maintained a specialty in temporal mechanics since the Academy and the Titania was on their second major event in a short amount of time. She had failed to consider that the actual likelihood of an engineer in Starfleet encountering one while in service was quite low.

"Commander Keir," Amila asked in a lower voice to not disturb the rest of the Bridge. "Do you want me to show you what I was referencing? It actually boils down to deflector array modifications in order to protect the Titania, but we need data from the Ferengi ship first. We can collect the data without a modification to the probe, but if it's possible to add deflector technology that can be adjusted between .75 and 1.9 frequency variance that should be enough for us to run a test with the probe before we take ourselves in." Amila blushed slightly. "I know most people hate temporal mechanics. It's sort of why I got into it."

==Tag Keir 77==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Jane Fields - 08-11-2024

"Okay, make the necessary adjustments with Engineering." the Captain replied to Ra'an.

Sothrick then reported the appearance of another ship in the system.

"Nausicaan? Of all the..."

This did not sound random. 

Why would a Nausicaan ship be in this system?

"Ferengis and now Nausicaans." She shook her head ruefully.

"Open a channel to the vessel."

This was bad news.

"Nausicaan vessel: This is Captain Fields of the Federation starship Titania. You are entering a system where we have detected dangerous anomalies. Reverse your course."

== Tag and GM input for response ==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - GM-Fields - 08-11-2024

The Ferengi vessel appeared again on sensors for about 5 seconds before phasing out again. It had now lost power and was drifting and towards the ice giant planet.

The Nausicaan vessel responded to the comm and what was presumably the Captain appeared on screen.

[Federation ship. We have detected the presence of Ferengi criminals in this system who have stolen technology of ours. We intend to retrieve it. But we have no quarrel with Star Fleet. Stand aside while we retrieve what is ours.]

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Amila Ra'an - 08-12-2024

[Federation ship. We have detected the presence of Ferengi criminals in this system who have stolen technology of ours. We intend to retrieve it. But we have no quarrel with Star Fleet. Stand aside while we retrieve what is ours.]

Oh geez, thought Amila as she heard the response from the Nausicaan ship, her eyes wide with concern. There was no doubt in her mind at this point that they were definitely dealing with a temporal weapon. She couldn't imagine a scenario where it was a good idea to let them take it back. Destroying it also had its own dangers. She wouldn't mind studying it, but it was highly unlikely that either the Nausicaans or the Ferengi would let Starfleet just have it.

Amila quickly turned back to her own station and began running scans again. She was looking for signs of chroniton particles, or other anomalous radiation coming the Nausicaan ship when she noticed something unexpected happening to the once predictable trajectory of the Ferengi vessel. She opened her mouth and then shut it again. She thought about waiting until the comms were cut, but she didn't want the Nausicaan officer to have information that the Captain didn't. In a fury she typed off a message to send to the command terminal, including the other stations as well.

[Captain, Ferengi vessel phased before losing power. It is drifting toward a large ice giant planet.]

==Tag Captain Fields== 

==GM Input - Is Amila getting anything suspicious from the Nausicaan vessel. (Other than they are Nausicaans...)==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Keir 77 - 08-13-2024

Keir had hir head down working on the problem.

S/he had a limited understanding of the concepts and science involved but it was outside hir normal wheelhouse.

As s/he worked the young Orion Science officer approached and offered to assist. S/he chuckled to hirself at thinking of her as young; Ra'an was at least 5 years older than Keir was but, but as with many things, time and age were relative concepts.

S/he looked up at the Science officer and smiled warmly. "You seem to have an excellent understanding of the concepts involved Lieutenant, I will admit that it is outside of my normal areas of expertise , shall we work together of this?"

==Tag Ra'an Sorry for the delay. I have family visiting==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Sothrick - 08-14-2024

With the Captains orders Sothrick relayed the Captains message wish was met with a quick response.

Sothrick quickly replied. "They are returning your hail, sir" and with her direction Sothrick brought up the probable Captain or the freighter on screen.

[Federation ship. We have detected the presence of Ferengi criminals in this system who have stolen technology of ours. We intend to retrieve it. But we have no quarrel with Star Fleet. Stand aside while we retrieve what is ours.]

Sothrick watched with intent following every nuance of the man on the screen. He was not sure there was a good answer here but he wanted to wait to discuss option, one if the Captain ask and second, but yet first, once the Nausican was not on screen.

He then looked down to see the message Ra'an sent everyone as well. 
...And now they would have another issue they would need to tackle. 

== GM INPUT: Does Sothrick get any 'feelings' of falsehood or hiding anything while watching the Nausicaan Captain? He is not an export Nausicaan behaviour a fascial changes for Nausicaans, or even Nausicaan emotions but he has some (little) experience with them. However, I would get it if he does not pick up on anything. ==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Amila Ra'an - 08-15-2024

== to Keir 77 ==

Keir 77 looked up at Amila and smiled warmly. "You seem to have an excellent understanding of the concepts involved Lieutenant, I will admit that it is outside of my normal areas of expertise , shall we work together of this?"

"Of course. Once we get the probe launched, I can tell you more about how it works while we're waiting to prepare Titania's deflector frequencies," Amila stated with a nod.

Once the Nausicaans responded to the Captain Amila looked even more alarmed. "Hold that thought."

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - GM-Fields - 08-15-2024

The Nausicaan ship was a large freighter with minimal weaponry (one forward facing disruptor), and it was not emitting any signatures to suggest it was hiding technology.

Sothrick could see the Nausicaan captain was angry and irritated. There was nothing to suggest he was being deceptive.

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Jane Fields - 08-15-2024

Jane read the text message from Ra'an. If the Ferengi ship phased back inside the planet's atmosphere it would certainly be destroyed.  She suddenly found herself lacking sympathy for them, but, regardless, Titania needed to intervene to try to save the ship, and if possible retrieve that technology. Assuming they were truthful, how the Nausicaan's had gotten hold of it was a mystery, it was unlikely they created it. They were probably just as nefarious as the Ferengis.

She replied to the Nausicaan captain:

"That's interesting information. We believe the Ferengi vessel is phase-shifting dangerously and out of control. I would urge you to allow us to deal with the vessel and stabilise it or likely the ship and your technology will be destroyed. Of course we can discuss the issue of theft afterwards when we have that vessel secured. Tell me, would this phase-shifting relate to the technology you say they have stolen from you?" She asked casually.

The Captain tapped a text message to Ra'an: [Initiate the probes now.]

== Tag ==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - T'Kol - 08-16-2024

== Wrong Account ==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Sothrick - 08-16-2024

Sothrick listened to the conversation with the Nausican. He wandered what 'technology' could obviously be a weapon. Was he angry that the 'thieves' had gotten away or that the technology was now open to scrutiny.

He held his opinion until the channel was closed. As he was listening his com came to life and the sound of Nira spoke out.

 [Said to Sothrick, all the rocks are assembled and ready to be steadied. How are things up at the Bridge?] Sothrick looked up at the screen then tapped his badge.

"One moment Commander" He said aloud then closed the channel 
He looked on his panel to see where the Commander was then sent a message to the nearest console in the Science Lab.

{Sothrick to Commander Nira, Good job Commander, at the moment it would seem the Nausicans are the owners of the technology that is distressing the Ferengi ship. I will likely have you go on the ship if we can assure to be able to do so safely. Stay with the First Officer and follow his needs for the moment. Keep me apprised if there is any changes. Thank you, Sothrick out.}

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Amila Ra'an - 08-17-2024

Amila read the message back from the Captain: [Initiate the probes now.]

Amila accessed the terminal for Titania's Class 3 probes. Though it hadn't been fully ironed out, if she was launching them now, then it was obvious whether or not this would have been Plan A, the plan most certainly was to collect the data they needed as quickly as possible. There wouldn't be time to modify the probes before sending them out, not with the Nausicaans making an appearance.

Without specific instructions the science officer used her discretion and elected to launch three Class 3 probes. Ensuring stealth capability was fully activated she launched them one at a time, programming each with coordinates for a different route travel to approach the Ferengi vessel. Now that the Ferengi vessel had apparently lost power its trajectory should be more predictable. However they still didn't know if the temporal fluctuations were coming from an engine, a bomb, or something else, so she followed the sensor tags in relation to the vessel closely watching in case she needed to make any course adjustments.

She typed off a response to the Captain. [Three Class 3 stealth probes en route.]

==Tag Captain==

==GM Input: Do the probes provide the data we are looking for? If so, what do we get and how long does it take to come back?==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Nira Said - 08-18-2024

[Understood, Commander Tourock,] Nira responded back; her addressing him by his first name was a decision Nira had; she hoped this would lead to his using her surname, on duty, properly.

==Tag Sothrick==

RE: TI/D01 - Bridge - Morad Ameen - 08-20-2024

[Ameen to the bridge.] He said. [We evacuated the areas of the ship that may have been contaminated. All the rocks that had appeared are now secure in the science labs and being thoroughly examined and carefully by the science department. What are your orders Captain?]

== Tag Cap'n. ==