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  Academy Graduates
Posted by: Maddie Allen - 12-28-2023, 09:35 AM - Forum: Red Alert - Replies (1)

Congratulations to the Academy's newest graduate Midshipman Ktan Shadowhunt!  Smile

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  Andrea's GoFundMe
Posted by: Paul - 12-22-2023, 07:41 PM - Forum: Red Alert - No Replies

Many of you remember Andrea, better known on the forums as Captain Julia Nielson, Rear Admiral Abigail Taylor, Commander Wren Gaglardi, and other names. 

Prior to her retirement from Federation Space in 2018, Andrea had fought and beaten cancer, and in the five years since then had assisted her husband Blair (aka Lieutenant Ch'ezhyrraq) in starting their own business and, earlier this year, a family.

Unfortunately, recently Andrea received news that the cancer has returned and spread. As she and Blair are small business owners with a new child, finances were tight enough already, and have become tighter still as she undergoes.

One of Andrea's friends has set up a GoFundMe for the family to help out, and any donations are welcome and appreciated!

I know we all want to pass along our well-wishes, but please respect the family's feelings and privacy during this time. If you wish to leave Andrea and Blair a message, leave it here or DM me in Discord and I will pass them along!

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  Setting Up Your Profile
Posted by: Paul - 08-12-2023, 03:02 PM - Forum: Red Alert - Replies (1)

This is a bit different to what it used to be, so follow instructions carefully:

  1. Click "User CP" in top left of screen.
  2. Find and click "Edit Profile" in list on left side of screen.
  3. Select the appropriate rank graphic for your character from the dropdown list (Admiral ranks are reserved for Admin characters - Me, Autumn, and Adm Wueste who will still be poking his head in from time to time).
  4. Enter your position and assignment in the appropriate fields.
  5. Copy the link for your bio from the wiki into the "Link to Bio" field.
  6. If an NRC account, enter your Primary character using the {} format used from the previous forum.
  7. Add your Discord ID if you feel it's appropriate.

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  New Server Notes
Posted by: Autumn - 08-11-2023, 09:36 PM - Forum: Red Alert - Replies (2)

The new board is active. Welcome, everyone.

There were some issues in making the switch to the new server:

1) I cannot get email to work at the moment. There are some issues to work out, some of which are beyond my control, so it may take a bit of time to sort out. Until the problem can be resolved, there will be no email notifications from the site. You'll have to check the site manually to catch up on posts.

It also means we can't use the forgot password feature for you to log in the first time. We'll be sending out temporary passwords to everyone over the next day or two. If you don't get one, please let us know.

2) The old board can't be accessed at the moment. That should hopefully work itself out soon.

Check back here for updates.

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