AT/D02 - Bridge
== The Bridge of the USS Artemis is a perfectly oval room located on Deck Two. The walls and carpet are the typical Star Fleet colors of beige and gray with consoles trimmed in faux chrome.

As one enters the Bridge, they will find the bridge divided into three levels.  The center of the bridge, near the stern, the Captain’s chair is found on the uppermost level. In front of the captain’s chair, one will drop down to a lower level with chairs reserved for the First Officer and Mission Advisor.  Taking another step down, one will find the Helm and Tactical stations.

Surrounding the perimeter of the bridge, one will find eight workstations.  Stations on the starboard side of the bridge include: Slipstream status, Engineering, Communications, and Operations. Stations on the port side of the bridge include Science, Environmental Control, Security, and Away Missions.

On the forward wall of the Bridge is the Viewscreen System, which is activated by voice or manually from any console as needed.  On the back wall of the Bridge is the Master Systems Display.

To the right and left of the Master Systems Display one has access to the rest of Deck Two, which includes access to the Ready Room, Briefing Room, Captain’s Office and Quarters, and First Officer’s Office and Quarters. ==
>> CO Quarters >>

Cass tugged her bun self-consciously as the lift came to a stop, having already checked her uniform jacket during the short ride. For a second, the bridge seemed entirely empty as she stepped off the lift until a diminutive blonde wearing the purple of support made her presence known by standing up from the center stage. Cass had to briefly wonder if there wasn't a statement being made by the older woman's placement but Morgan was never anything other than polite and helpful in Cass' previous dealings with her.

"Commander," she greeted, though she was certain her smile came off as tense and a bit crooked.

There was a moment where she felt like she was being studied and assessed by the short lieutenant commander, dark eyes seemingly boring into her very soul. It had been a long time since Cass had felt the urge to squirm under someone's scrutiny but this tiny little quartermaster made her want to be anywhere but there.

"We have new orders," she continued, shoulders rising as if shrugging off the desire to flee as she offered a PADD to Morgan.

It was relief when her dark eyes dropped to the PADD but the relief was oh so short lived when the gaze came back on Cass with a hundred times the intensity. She could have sworn Morgan looked angry for the briefest of moments before her lips pressed together into a tight line.

"Captain, how many I assist?" Morgan's voice was crisp but there was an edge to it.

Cass blinked for a second, having expected a question or maybe, even an accusations but not an offer of assistance.

"I need to find Commander Coleman. Can you please notify the crew that they need to be aboard no later than 0630 tomorrow morning for launch?" She leaned forward and skirted a finger down the PADD in Morgan's hand until it hovered over a specific section of it. "I also need these individuals in the Briefing Room tonight at 2000."

She could see Morgan pause as she read the names, no doubt trying to determine what their significance was. However, instead of asking, she nodded all the same, her shoulders squaring and her expression slipping into a more pleasant, albeit it obviously fake, state.

"Of course, Captain. I will handle this immediately," Morgan answered, dipping her head ever so slightly before almost floating past Cassandra to the lift. The captain couldn't help but turn ever so slightly to watch the Quartermaster before the lift doors slid shut behind her, leaving Cassandra to commune with what was now apparently her bridge.

Her honey colored eyes regarded the center chair with trepidation as if she could possibly stave off this event by simply not acknowledging it and refusing to take custody of the chair. After a moment, she merely shook her head and turned towards the ready room, considering if it was captainly behavior to make use of her predecessor's misplaced bottle.

== ETL ... For now. ==

== Consider this the official recall, all player characters are to report to the Briefing Room for a meeting the night before launch (2000 hours). Recall issued by Lieutenant Commander Morgan. ==
==Near launch==

<<Strat Ops<<

Having arrived to the Bridge fairly early allowed Miles to do the last minute Tactical and Helm checks beforehand so they would be confirmed and ready at the Captain's request. He wasn't all that surprised to find he was the Senior-most Officer present upon his arrival, considering how early he was. Per the schedule, Harriman would be slated to be at the Helm at this point just prior to launch, so he could trust her to do those checks as he set about with the others.

Given that he was the Senior-most Officer, his place was, at least for the briefest of moments, at the conn. Even though he had not taken the Command Certification as of yet (though he definitely aspired to do so sometime in the near future), he could still hold the conn with the ship still docked and the absence of anyone of higher rank/position. In the event of an emergency, it was his obligation to take Command, Certification or not. An obligation he would always take seriously, or else he would have refused the promotions he had received.

There was very little to do except wait and run any checks and diagnostics until it was time for the others to arrive.

==Tag all. GM input if necessary: Results of pre-launch checks and diagnostics, please?==

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