Federation Space
TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Printable Version

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TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Jane Fields - 05-26-2024


RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Jane Fields - 05-26-2024

Please make sure that you subscribe to the new threads that have been created to replace the archived ones - including this thread as it is new.

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - GM-Fields - 05-27-2024

Off we go again on a new adventure... See my post on the bridge!

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Jane Fields - 05-27-2024

Ok folks, let's have some peeps on the bridge and if you're not sure where you are meant to be ping your DH or me.

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Sothrick - 06-17-2024

Happy Father's Day!

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Jane Fields - 06-17-2024

Don't forget to submit points recommendations using the usual links if DH and also RPG'er recommendations for everyone else.

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Jane Fields - 06-17-2024

Everyone, please welcome our new CMO, Lt (JG) Jon Jolly (aka Lois Lim). Welcome back! ?

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Jon Jolly - 06-18-2024

Thank you Captain, it feels good to be back.

My first post in Sickbay was just to give you a feel for my new character, I'll be getting into mission post very soon, but first some beauty sleep.

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Sothrick - 07-05-2024

Welcome back, welcome aboard!

I hope everyone had a great 4th! For those on this side of the pond.

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - GM-Fields - 07-05-2024

Happy fourth to our US folks!

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Amila Ra'an - 07-07-2024

Looking for some clarification on who is in what position... Is Keti the Chief Science Officer? It's not been announced, and his blurb to the left doesn't say that, and the position is showing vacant on the Titania information page.

But he introduced himself the XO as such, and he's being awfully bossy.

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Beno Velaul - 07-07-2024

Emails to Captain and First Officer

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Jane Fields - 07-11-2024

Replied. Sorry for delay. Heads up, that I am currently in a month of travelling and will be moving around three countries in Asia until the end of the month. So it might take a few days to respond to stuff.

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Morad Ameen - 07-13-2024

Heads up guys, I'm on a two week vacation and I'm out of town, my internet will be spotty at best. I'll do my best to respond in a timely manner though.

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Amila Ra'an - 07-13-2024

Sure guys... rub it in.... lol

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Jon Jolly - 07-17-2024

Medical points sent.

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Sothrick - 07-18-2024

Security Points In...

RPG suggested.

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Keir 77 - 07-18-2024

Engineering and RPG points in

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Artemis d'Tor'an - 07-19-2024

Hi Titania crew! I'm popping in here to let you know that I'm going to try and update EVERYONE'S bios (on the whole site!) in the upcoming weeks.

Please check your bio on the wiki, and the quick-bio on the forum, and make sure everything's correct & updated. Keeping your own character's bio up to date is so important, as it helps document the things your character has done and has been through, and if it's not there, it's kind of a "pics or it didn't happen" thing. 

So, please remember to send me, the "Wiki Witch" (as is my very-astute nickname, lol) an email at FSContinuity@gmail.com, before I have to unleash my witchy powers! 
*wiggles fingers at you all*

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Sothrick - 07-23-2024

(07-19-2024, 03:41 PM)Artemis d'Tor'an Wrote: Hi Titania crew! I'm popping in here to let you know that I'm going to try and update EVERYONE'S bios (on the whole site!) in the upcoming weeks.

Please check your bio on the wiki, and the quick-bio on the forum, and make sure everything's correct & updated. Keeping your own character's bio up to date is so important, as it helps document the things your character has done and has been through, and if it's not there, it's kind of a "pics or it didn't happen" thing. 

So, please remember to send me, the "Wiki Witch" (as is my very-astute nickname, lol) an email at FSContinuity@gmail.com, before I have to unleash my witchy powers! 
*wiggles fingers at you all*

Thanks for taking on such a tremendous task. I will email you add ons in the next days or so.

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Sothrick - 07-24-2024

Email to CO and FO

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Keir 77 - 07-29-2024

Apologies for lack of recent posting
I have been sick
Hoping to be feeling better soon

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Morad Ameen - 07-30-2024

(07-29-2024, 04:47 PM)Keir 77 Wrote: Apologies for lack of recent posting
I have been sick
Hoping to be feeling better soon

No worries. Get well soon Chief.

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Keir 77 - 08-01-2024

Yeah ten days of it

Will be looking to get where I am needed

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Jane Fields - 08-01-2024

Hi all, I am back from my month of travel after a 11.5 hour flight ?‍?. Will get all caught up in next few days

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Jon Jolly - 08-03-2024

I'm putting this here so everyone will be aware. I have been very sick for the past couple of weeks, I'm still not out of the woods but I am getting better slowly. I still find it hard to concentrate, especially reading computer screens, thus not much posting from me. I'm trying to catch up on any important posts, I hope I haven't stuffed things up with my current post.

Captain, if I don't post on time sensitive stuff, I give you permission to post for my character. I will try to keep up but it just depends on how things go.

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Keir 77 - 08-03-2024

(08-03-2024, 10:43 AM)Jon Jolly Wrote: I'm putting this here so everyone will be aware. I have been very sick for the past couple of weeks, I'm still not out of the woods but I am getting better slowly. I still find it hard to concentrate, especially reading computer screens, thus not much posting from me. I'm trying to catch up on any important posts, I hope I haven't stuffed things up with my current post.

Captain, if I don't post on time sensitive stuff, I give you permission to post for my character. I will try to keep up but it just depends on how things go.

Best wishes my Friend

Take care, be well

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Jane Fields - 08-03-2024

All the best Jolly. I hope things improve quickly, and don't worry about posting

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Keir 77 - 08-07-2024

Apologies for my inactivity, it has been an on and off summer health wise

I will go over the posts and do my best to play catch up. There are a lot of posts to go through so if I miss someone just tag me please

Thank you in advance for your patience

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Jon Jolly - 08-08-2024

Know what it like, only winter woe's here, hope all works out for you Keir 77

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Jon Jolly - 08-17-2024

Medical points sent.

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Sothrick - 08-17-2024

Security Points in!

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Jane Fields - 08-21-2024

Thanks all.

Heads up I tore a ligament in my hand and had surgery yesterday. Still a bit sore but will get caught up with posts shortly.

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Sothrick - 08-22-2024

(08-21-2024, 10:37 PM)Jane Fields Wrote: Thanks all.

Heads up I tore a ligament in my hand and had surgery yesterday. Still a bit sore but will get caught up with posts shortly.

Damn, that is a good reason to not be able to post for a bit.

Heal up and feel better.

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Sothrick - 08-22-2024

Email to CO and FO

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Sothrick - 09-05-2024

My apologies for slow posting this last week has been painfully crazy and in and out of Hospitals but after tomorrow should lighten up for a bit again.

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Amila Ra'an - 09-05-2024

I hope all is well with everyone. It seems everyone is getting slammed with something or other. I'm trying to avoid shoulder surgery at the moment. I'm sure sitting at the computer doesn't help, but going for a run is worse... so what does one do.

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Jon Jolly - 09-17-2024

Points for Medical sent.

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Sothrick - 09-18-2024

Security Points in!

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Shione Kurasa - 09-20-2024

Wrong Account


RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Keir 77 - 09-20-2024

Apologies to Command and Crew for my virtual absence from the Titania.

Life has been throwing me some stress and challenges lately.
The stress involved had impacted my ability to enjoy social pursuits such as FedSpace

I feel that with Fall approaching that I might be able to get back to becoming a reliable poster.

Mea Culpa

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Amila Ra'an - 09-25-2024

Hey guys? Checking in on everyone.

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Jon Jolly - 10-01-2024

FYI - Change of email address.

I have changed my email address for all my characters, effective immediately.

New email is rjbowman1254@gmail.com

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Jon Jolly - 10-09-2024

Heads up: I will be without internet for the next 4 days.

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Jon Jolly - 10-17-2024

Medical Point sent.

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Sothrick - 10-20-2024

Security Points in!

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Sothrick - 10-20-2024

(09-25-2024, 12:09 PM)Amila Ra'an Wrote: Hey guys? Checking in on everyone.

Still alive and kicking! Lots of bull crap going down but you have to just keep kicking right?
Thanks for checking and great posting by the way!

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Jon Jolly - 10-24-2024

I'm still loitering in a back alley somewhere.

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Jane Fields - 10-24-2024

I'm avoiding the back alleys

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Jukish Keti - 10-25-2024

But I have a new hockey mask from the Jason line and glove from the Freddy line,

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Keir 77 - 11-07-2024

Going to work towards getting back to full posting
Bear with me folks

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Morad Ameen - 11-09-2024

Good to have you back Commander. Let me know if you need any inspiration. lol Smile

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Jon Jolly - 11-09-2024

Sorry for the delay. Trying to catch up with a couple of posts. Now lurking in the higher echelons of power i.e. the Bridge WOW!

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Keir 77 - 11-11-2024

I think I am caught up on tags, please let me know if I have missed one

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Sothrick - 11-16-2024

There are several tags for GM a few from Cap, Nira and Myself.

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Jon Jolly - 11-17-2024

Medical point sent

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Sothrick - 11-29-2024

Happy Thanksgiving to all of us on this side of the "pond"!

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Sothrick - 11-30-2024

Unless I am missing something stull waiting some sort of response from the Daimon in the obs lounge since 11-19-24

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Amila Ra'an - 12-11-2024

Anyone want to come Christmas Party on the Promenade at DS9?

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Keir 77 - 12-11-2024

Been busy with work and health issues

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Amila Ra'an - 12-11-2024

(12-11-2024, 12:37 PM)Keir 77 Wrote: Apologies
Been busy with work and health issues

Hope you feel better!!  Heart

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Jon Jolly - 12-16-2024

Medical points sent.

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Sothrick - 12-19-2024

(12-11-2024, 12:32 PM)Amila Ra'an Wrote: Anyone want to come Christmas Party on the Promenade at DS9?


RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Sothrick - 12-19-2024

Security Points in!

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Morad Ameen - 12-24-2024

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone! I wish you all a great holiday season Smile

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Jane Fields - 12-25-2024

Merry Christmas all!

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Sothrick - 01-01-2025

Belated Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Morad Ameen - 01-01-2025

Happy New Year! Smile

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Jane Fields - 01-02-2025

Happy new year all! Hope it brings the best for you all.

Heads up that Joly is taking a short LOA.

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Keir 77 - 01-04-2025

Happy new year to everyone

Yes, still alive
Last three months were very busy and there was no real free time available.

Will look to get back to active posting soon, apologies to all for my absence.

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Sothrick - 01-08-2025

(01-04-2025, 11:42 AM)Keir 77 Wrote: Happy new year to everyone

Yes, still alive
Last three months were very busy and there was no real free time available.

Will look to get back to active posting soon, apologies to all for my absence.

Welcome back!

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Jon Jolly - 01-17-2025

Medical Point Sent

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Keir 77 - 01-19-2025

I am back posting and as such 0 Engineering posts for now.

Man it sure is hard getting past that inertia of not having posted for a long while

Apologies to all for my absence

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Jane Fields - 01-22-2025

Welcome back.

Everyone, we are heading back to starbase with our guests and towing the Nausicaan ship, so prepare to make posts wrapping up the mission and don't forget to write a personal log for your character.

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Jon Jolly - 02-01-2025

For Crew Information:

I have changed my email address for all Fed Space communications:-


RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Jane Fields - 02-09-2025

Hi all,
we're now at the end of mission. So feel free to make any wrap up posts and log posts. Save anything you want to keep before the threads are cleared on 15 Feb.

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Jon Jolly - 02-12-2025

Captian a Question or two? What Star Base or port are we heading towards? When will we arrive?

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Jane Fields - 02-13-2025

Starbase 651. 2 Hours.

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Jon Jolly - 02-14-2025

Thank you, Captain.

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Jon Jolly - 02-16-2025

Medical Point submitted.

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Morad Ameen - 02-19-2025

Thank you!

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Jukish Keti - 03-01-2025

Emails to CO and FO

RE: TI/X01 Crew Announcements (OOC) - Jane Fields - 03-01-2025

Hi all, just to draw your attention to the subplot thread for shore leave posting.