TI/D01 - Bridge
[Understood, Commander Tourock,] Sothricks eyes went wide and then narrowed staring at the console before him.
It was obvious that despite his heritage her words struck a nerve.

Why?! She knows that he is guarded about him even having a first name, why would she call it out like that.

"Commander..." He paused, it seemed he would need to have a conversation with his second in charge. He took a breath and then continued.

"Commander, ... Keep me apprised of any changes. I am not sure but I will likely have you go on an away team if it is so called. Be prepared to do so. SOTHRICK out."

== Tag All ==
[I...I understand, Commander,] Nira responded back, breathing in horror, not helping herself. There was a kind of terror in her voice in reaction to Sothrick's voice, like it said, underneath Nira's spoken words, "Holy Allah, did I go too far?"

The Nausicaan captain looked furtive in response to Fields question about the technology.

[Certainly not.] After a few awkward seconds they cut the channel.

The probes were able to pick up the Hind's emissions and track it precisely.
Amila perked up when the data started coming through the from the Ferengi vessel that they needed. She was about to walk to the engineering station to share the data with Keir 77 when it appeared that the Nausicaans had ended the transmission.

"Are we off?" She asked to clarify. "I've got something." She waited for one of the senior officers to tell her to continue before saying more.

==Tag Senior Staff / Captain==
Sothrick keyed in as Ra'an spoke up that she had an idea. It was towards the Captain so he waited to hear what she had. His interest was obvious.

He wandered if the Nausicaan Captain was being deceptive. If they send people over to the damaged ship he would want them to be armed for any surprise the Nausicaans may decide to have if they sneak over as well, unannounced.
Keir 77 approached the station and asked Amila what had come through and how she could assist. Amila turned to the Chief Engineer and nodded.

"The Captain had me send the probes out while she was talking to the Nausicaan vessel. We have the data that we need from the Ferengi vessel." Ra'an kept the graphics on the terminal in front of them rather than using the holoprojector in case the Nausicaans were to come back into view.

"Something from the Ferengi vessel is definitely emitting a temporal variance. Our probes just confirmed that, and it's why we're seeing the space debris that was in the ship's wake phasing the way it was. Well, not just that - whatever is doing it is extremely powerful. Affecting space debris to that magnitude shouldn't be typical," Amila explained, pointing out the radius around the vessel that seemed to be affected.

"Before we can go anywhere near the Ferengi ship, we need to make sure that our deflector dish is emitting a deflection frequency that is the inverse of the variation that the temporal device inside the ship is emitting: 1.47 microseconds. Do you think your engineers can do that without drawing too much attention to the Titania?" Amila asked.

"I should send this information down to the science labs. It certainly sheds some light on the mystery that Lieutenant Jukish was sent to solve," Amila added. "Let me loop them in. They might be able to help too." Amila forwarded the data along with a quick message to Keti and whomever he may be working with in the labs.

==Hijacking of Lcdr Keir is with player permission==
==Tag to Keir 77; and in science labs via ship text msg==
The Nausicaan was clearly being evasive and they cut the channel soon after.

Jane took a deep breath. Their arrival was going to be a problem.

"Keep close eye on the Nausicaan vessel in case they try anything." She instructed.

Ra'an had launched the probes and they were now able to track the Ferengi vessel. She also had an idea for safely navigating through the system in light of the trail of phased material that ship had left behind.

"Now we can track it more closely, do we have any ideas on how to stabilise the vessel or otherwise extract the occupants?"

== Tag all ==
"Now we can track it more closely, do we have any ideas on how to stabilise the vessel or otherwise extract the occupants?" The Captain asked.

Ra'an answered from where Keir 77 stood by her side at the science station. "Yes, Captain. The probes are in place, we have the variance, and I just shared that with Commander Keir 77 and with Lieutenant Jukish in the Science Labs. We should be able to get temporal shielding up and running in... thirty minutes?" Amila looked at Keir questioningly. It would be her crew to make the modifications.

"There is something familiar about this variance data. It could just be a coincidence, but I have seen this variance referenced with temporal weapons. We're working with 1.47 nanoseconds, Captain." Amila took what she had been showing the chief engineer and with a simple command she brought it to life in the air over her terminal for the other Bridge crew to see, with a three-dimensional projection showing their probes, the position around the vessel, and the incoming data. "Whatever it is, it is extremely powerful."

==Tag All==
Keir was highly impressed with the young Science , giving her a nod of assent to her report.

At that point s/he received a message from the Engineers s/he had assigned the task of matching the temporal variance of the deflector dish indicating that they had very nearly finished their part; likely 5-7 minutes more to finish and test.

"Should be quicker than that Ensign. My team is almost finished, so..." And s/he smiled at the exuberance and confidence of the young officer.

"This part is is your project; my team will be ready in 7-8 minutes; so what's next?"

The Ferengi ship phased back onto sensors. It was still drifting towards the ice giant. They were picking up 12 life signs aboard. The warp core of the ship was offline.

Once the Ferengi ship appeared, the Nausicaan vessel set off on an intercept course.
Sothrick listened to the Science Officer report and was impressed. He was impressed with the crew so far. It seemed they were ready for the next phase but as he was also watching the ship in distress and the new Nausicaan ship he snapped to his sensors then quickly called out to the Captain and the bridge.

"Captain,..." He began with his typical stoic facade. "It would seem we have two issues, the Ferengi has re-phased and drifting towards the ice giant. I am seeing 12 life signs." He paused.

"The other issue is the Nausicaans have moved to intercept the Ferengi ship." He finished

"If we are ready we should move to intercept. I am sure even if we warn the Nausicaans that they should back will likely not head such warning." He suggested.
"Should be quicker than that Ensign. My team is almost finished, so..." And Keir 77 added. "This part is is your project; my team will be ready in 7-8 minutes; so what's next?"

Amila nodded in acknowledgement that the engineering team would be ready in short order. It would take less than two minutes if that once they were done, to get the shields modified. She double-checked the clock when Commander Sothrick spoke up.

"Captain,..." He began with his typical stoic facade. "It would seem we have two issues, the Ferengi has re-phased and drifting towards the ice giant. I am seeing 12 life signs." He paused. "The other issue is the Nausicaans have moved to intercept the Ferengi ship." He finished

"If we are ready we should move to intercept. I am sure even if we warn the Nausicaans that they should back will likely not head such warning." Sothrick suggested.

"We're going to have to be it seems," Ra'an responded from the science console. She was staring at it, bobbing her head slightly almost as if she were keeping time - because she was. When an indicator light turned on, her fingers and her brain went to work. Amila winked at Keir when she was done.

"Captain, our shields are ready for now," Amila spoke up. It was that air of confidence she was able to project even when really she was nervous as hell. "They are set at the variance that our probes are currently currently picking up, and at the moment we miraculously haven't lost any to the phasing phenomenon just yet. I think it's fair to caution everyone that if we do get into some kind of battle over this device and it's activated - depending on what the device is of course - that variance could change, and we'll need to be ready to act fast to maneuver out of the wake and compensate our shields. Under the circumstances, it could be helpful to have another person with me at science, if Lieutenant Keti can be spared from the labs."

==Tag Captain, and all==

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