HD01 - Engineering Cadet Kinsley Tanner
== Welcome to your holodeck Cadet Tanner

Read the following information carefully, because it has a fair amount of important information for you.  If you have any questions or difficulties at any time, please contact one of the following people for assistance.  We’d be glad to help you out.

Commander Jasal 
Commander Shanth
Captain Allen 

Remember during your time at Academy people have responsibilities such as school, jobs, and family, as well as maintaining our site. There are times when we may have to wait longer than we’d like for a reply to a post or a question. Patience and treating each other with respect and dignity are two things that are absolutely required of all members.

On the flip side, the Constitution states that players need to post at least twice a week.  If you find you are unable to keep up due to something coming up in real life responsibilities or you’re just going to be on holiday, please let one of the Admins know.  You can be granted a leave of absence for the length of time you think you’ll be away.  If you don’t let us know and you suddenly disappear, this could end up with you being considered AWOL and eventually removed from the active cadet roster.

Now… with all of that said, let’s get to your character’s bio!

Please begin by posting your bio using the template below. Once posted, your bio will be reviewed by an Evaluations representative. They will post comments for you and suggest any adjustments your bio might require.  Once they approve your bio, you will be assigned an instructor and your adventure will begin!

Federation Space is a written RPG. With that said, we ask that you try to pay attention to spelling and grammar in your posts.  Posts properly formatted are easier and more enjoyable for everyone to read. I strongly recommend you run your bio and any posts you make through a spell check before posting them.

Next are a few resources that can help you as you write your bio:

Be sure to check out our playable races.

Our character development page is a great resource to help you fill out your bio form.

Along with character development is information about the Star Fleet Academy Curriculum, including Majors and Minors.

One last thing, please take time to read and understand our site’s canon page.  This will help you understand what 'Trek' related information is included on our site.

Again, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask!  And as always - have fun!

== Physical Description ==
Build/Body Type:
Hair Color:
Hair Style:
Eye Color:
Off-Duty Clothing Taste:
Distinguishing Features:

== Personal History ==
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Marital Status:
Siblings Name & Ages:
Mother's Name:
Father's Name:
Parent's Status:
Best Friend:
Personal History:

== Personality ==
Academy Majors:
Academy Minors:
Hobbies & Past-Times:
Short-Term Goals:
Long-Term Goals:
Sense of Humor:
Pet Peeves/Gripes:
Bad Habits / Vices:

== Questions ==
Most Painful Experience:
Best Time:
Most Crucial Experience:
Role Model:
Referrer / How you found Fed Space (If 'Google' or 'Search Engine' please specify the search engine and the term searched for):

== Physical Description ==

Name: Kinsley Michael Tanner
Species: Homosapien (Human)
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He | Him | His
Age: 23
Height: Six feet, three inches
Weight: 190 pounds
Build/Body Type: Large build, muscular frame
Complexion: Fair, ivory complexion
Hair Color: Darkish brown
Hair Style: Classic quiff, tapered back and sides with mini-sideburns
Eye Color: Hazel
Voice: Texan Baritone
Off-Duty Clothing Taste: Dark denim jeans, and v-neck t-shirts
Distinguishing Features: Kinsley has a large scar along his right thigh

== Personal History ==

Date of Birth: 25th October
Place of Birth: Houston, Texas
Marital Status: Single
Siblings Name & Ages:
= Kylie Tanner – 23 years old
Mother's Name: Lily Tanner
Father's Name: Sebastian Tanner
Parent's Status: Both are alive
Pets: None.
Best Friend: Hannah Burke
Personal History:

Kinsley Michael Tanner (his middle name given to him after Sebastian’s father: Michael), is the oldest of two children born to Lily and Sebastian Tanner, in Texas’ largest city: Houston. His father worked in the political field, even feeling confident enough to run for Houston’s Mayoral position (albeit unsuccessfully). While his mother, preferring not to follow in the political footsteps of her husband, worked as a veterinarian, in charge of her own small practice located just a few miles away from their family home in River Oaks.

Often choosing to spend more time with his family than the other children around the residential area they lived in, Kinsley and his father would take camping trips to different national parks, while his time with his mother would end with baked goods aplenty. He also spent a lot of time with his sister, choosing to put on films from the 21st century, becoming quite pop culture savvy in the process.

Kinsley was a quiet child and chose his friends carefully; resulting in his friend circle remaining rather small throughout his time prior to, and after his acceptance to Starfleet Academy. His father wanted him very much to follow in his footsteps, and his mother in her own—this divide caused more arguments than it brought any encouragement for their son to decide on his own, so Kinsley chose an entirely different path, the path of the engineer.

During Kinsley’s academic career, he tried to experience as much of the engineering world as he could. This curiosity led him to spending much of his free time talking to numerous different officers that passed through the academy, and allowing himself the solitary time to study as many texts as he could, his room often filled with numerous, organised (an organised disaster admittedly), mess laid datapads.

Towards the end of his time at Starfleet Academy, he became a much more extroverted man. His years spent with his peers, and the flexibility that his instructors gave to him provided the opportunities he needed to speak without fear of ridicule, and really helped him find his voice. Though he can be a little impatient, and is a little quick to temper, he is still finding himself, and will continue to do so.

== Personality ==

Academy Majors: Engineering
Academy Minors: Artificial Intelligence. Warp Theory, Weapons systems, Nanotechnology, System(s) design, architecture, and mechanics. Alternative faster than light technologies. Electrodynamics, and bio-neural components.
Short-Term Goals: To be a part of an effective engineering team and solidify his reputation in the field.
Long-Term Goals: To become a captain of his own vessel.
Personality: Though sometimes impatient and quick to temper, he is that of a philosophical and contemplative mind.
Sense of Humour: Sarcastic, and dry, and can often be quite dark.
Phobias: Having nearly drowned as a child, Kinsley has a rational fear of water. The thought of being out at sea, with nothing but crashing waves, and a briny deep beneath him can cause his heart to beat half to the dozen.
Likes: Kinsley enjoys throwing himself into 21st century movies, often quoting different dialogues from various medias. He likes to write, and read the classics, the likes of Austen, Bronte, and King. The very latter being his favourite.
Dislikes: Rude and obnoxious people, celery in any capacity, pineapple on pizza, spiders, and the ocean.
Pet Peeves/Gripes: People who break their promises. As Kinsley’s word is his bond, the reciprocation of such convictions is expected of interests both romantic and platonic.
Bad Habits / Vices: Kinsley tends to leave things until the last minute, and often refuses to plan things out based on a superstitious belief that a plan will lead to the failure of the task, journey at hand.
Achievements: As a child, Kinsley wrote a novel called “In space, angry face” and it now sits on the family’s bookshelf as its content was considered humorous.
Disappointments: Kinsley used to look up to his uncle, a role-model who was very much a close second to his own father; until the day that Starfleet brought him in on charges of terrorism against the federation. The realisation that his uncle was, as his father described him in the aftermath – a villain, was one of the biggest disappointments of his life.
Illnesses: Other than common colds, Kinsley is relatively in good health.
Strengths: Tanner adapts to his surroundings, both professionally and socially—his personality can shift dependent upon the situation. He can analytically read similar situations and make judgment calls accordingly. Teamwork is another of his strong suits; Starfleet has always made clear the importance of being a part of a group, a team.
Weaknesses: He’s a little too confident in his abilities, during his time at the academy he would often go without proper rest to prove a theory wrong. During his graduation years, he proved his hubris to be high.
Fears: He has a fear of the ocean. He considers the ocean to be a wild feat of nature that cannot be controlled regardless of how much technology exists. Tanner also has a fundamental fear of ending up alone.
Prejudices: None.

== Questions ==

Most Painful Experience: When Kinsley was a young boy, during one of his and his father’s bonding weekends, he slipped, falling off a cliff onto a small ledge below breaking his arm, resulting in an airlift to the hospital.
Best Time: Kinsley’s father often used to take him up into the mountains, and around national parks where they would pretend to be part of a pirate crew and camp in caves overlooking rivers, and streams. These are the memories he treasures.
Most Crucial Experience: All the times he spent talking about the moralities of life with his parents. This familial moulding brought him to find himself, allowing his morals to grow and pushing him onto a more altruistic path.
Role Model: His father.

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