01-11-2025, 08:29 PM
Well, the Holiday Season has come and gone, and posting is picking up again site-wide. As FedSpace approaches its 25th anniversary, we're looking stronger than we have in a while!
Artemis: 11 Active (11 PRCs), 1 ELOA
Aquila: 9 Active (9 PRCs), 1 ELOA
Titania: 7 Active (5 PRCs, 2 SRCs), 1 ELOA
Yeager: 10 Active (9 PRCs, 1 SRC)
We also have three players on Special Leave of Absence, or SLOA. SLOA requests are approved by the Admin Team when a player in good standing has a long-term disruption to their posting ability but wishes to remain a member.
In total, we have 36 active players on the site, an average of 9 per ship. We've gained members to replace members who left over the last few months, so we're holding stable with no net gain or loss.
While I have tried to actively recruit using several Star Trek Discord servers, the success rate has not been stellar. People either do not apply, apply but then never post at the Academy, or drop out soon after graduation. Obviously this is disheartening for me but also affects the crews needing new members.
If anyone has any recruitment strategies that they think might help the site, please let me know.
Mission Assignments
I've been asked recently about the time it takes for a mission to be assigned to a ship following the conclusion of their previous mission, and in the interests of transparency, I'm going to be honest and say "it depends". First the CO of that ship has to tell me they finished the mission, archive the ship and upload the files to Google Drive. Then I purge the threads so the ship has a fresh start. This is also the time where the CO should be uploading Crew Logs and Bio Updates to their ship's wiki page so that the character development and site history isn't lost. That's Step One.
Step Two involves finding a mission that will suit the crew; while a CO has final say in whether or not they accept a mission, it's my responsibility to ensure I'm setting the crew up for success. If the CO wishes to write their own mission, this is the time for them to pilot the idea, but there is no guarantee the mission they want to run fits the needs of their crew; we've had instances in the past where a mission hasn't been right for a crew, and they have gotten bored or gone inactive. The good news is that I have plenty of mission outlines either ready to go or in need of ship-specific tweaks, although I always welcome new ideas.
Step Three involves finding a GM with the right post rate and temperament for the crew; this can sometimes take time, as GMs need a break, too. If one is not found, the CO may be asked to GM the mission (they can also volunteer), but this is a last resort; having a CO and a GM means the mission will always have someone to drive progress even if one of them needs a break. If they are the same person, there's no backup and it falls to the FO and I to figure out a way to keep the plot moving and players engaged.
Once those three steps are complete, the crew are free to begin their new adventure! Usually this process takes four to six weeks, though can be delayed for a variety of reasons. If you feel your crew's leave is going on too long, feel free to DM me to find out where in the process your ship is.
Staff Openings
Going forward, I am going to highlight staff openings on different ships so that players know where the DH vacancies are, where there might be opportunities for an SRC or NRC on other ships, and where recruitment is needed for specific departments. These openings are based on the latest updates to the Admin master roster.
DH Openings:
Aquila: Chief Tactical Officer, Chief Science Officer
Titania: Chief Tactical Officer
Yeager: Chief Medical Officer
Non-DH Openings:
Artemis: Security Officer
Titania: Medical Officer, Engineering Officer, Security Officer
Yeager: Security Officer
Other Openings:
Academy: Academy Instructors
Creative Team: Mission Writers, Junior GMs
Content Team: Wiki Editors
If you have any questions about any of these positions, please feel free to contact me.
I think that's about it for this State of the Site. We're in a good place. I would like 2025 to focus on the community both within the crew and across the site, and ensure that the missions and adventures our characters go on reflect the hope of a utopian future for mankind that Gene Roddenberry first brought to us almost 60 years ago.
Artemis: 11 Active (11 PRCs), 1 ELOA
Aquila: 9 Active (9 PRCs), 1 ELOA
Titania: 7 Active (5 PRCs, 2 SRCs), 1 ELOA
Yeager: 10 Active (9 PRCs, 1 SRC)
We also have three players on Special Leave of Absence, or SLOA. SLOA requests are approved by the Admin Team when a player in good standing has a long-term disruption to their posting ability but wishes to remain a member.
In total, we have 36 active players on the site, an average of 9 per ship. We've gained members to replace members who left over the last few months, so we're holding stable with no net gain or loss.
While I have tried to actively recruit using several Star Trek Discord servers, the success rate has not been stellar. People either do not apply, apply but then never post at the Academy, or drop out soon after graduation. Obviously this is disheartening for me but also affects the crews needing new members.
If anyone has any recruitment strategies that they think might help the site, please let me know.
Mission Assignments
I've been asked recently about the time it takes for a mission to be assigned to a ship following the conclusion of their previous mission, and in the interests of transparency, I'm going to be honest and say "it depends". First the CO of that ship has to tell me they finished the mission, archive the ship and upload the files to Google Drive. Then I purge the threads so the ship has a fresh start. This is also the time where the CO should be uploading Crew Logs and Bio Updates to their ship's wiki page so that the character development and site history isn't lost. That's Step One.
Step Two involves finding a mission that will suit the crew; while a CO has final say in whether or not they accept a mission, it's my responsibility to ensure I'm setting the crew up for success. If the CO wishes to write their own mission, this is the time for them to pilot the idea, but there is no guarantee the mission they want to run fits the needs of their crew; we've had instances in the past where a mission hasn't been right for a crew, and they have gotten bored or gone inactive. The good news is that I have plenty of mission outlines either ready to go or in need of ship-specific tweaks, although I always welcome new ideas.
Step Three involves finding a GM with the right post rate and temperament for the crew; this can sometimes take time, as GMs need a break, too. If one is not found, the CO may be asked to GM the mission (they can also volunteer), but this is a last resort; having a CO and a GM means the mission will always have someone to drive progress even if one of them needs a break. If they are the same person, there's no backup and it falls to the FO and I to figure out a way to keep the plot moving and players engaged.
Once those three steps are complete, the crew are free to begin their new adventure! Usually this process takes four to six weeks, though can be delayed for a variety of reasons. If you feel your crew's leave is going on too long, feel free to DM me to find out where in the process your ship is.
Staff Openings
Going forward, I am going to highlight staff openings on different ships so that players know where the DH vacancies are, where there might be opportunities for an SRC or NRC on other ships, and where recruitment is needed for specific departments. These openings are based on the latest updates to the Admin master roster.
DH Openings:
Aquila: Chief Tactical Officer, Chief Science Officer
Titania: Chief Tactical Officer
Yeager: Chief Medical Officer
Non-DH Openings:
Artemis: Security Officer
Titania: Medical Officer, Engineering Officer, Security Officer
Yeager: Security Officer
Other Openings:
Academy: Academy Instructors
Creative Team: Mission Writers, Junior GMs
Content Team: Wiki Editors
If you have any questions about any of these positions, please feel free to contact me.
I think that's about it for this State of the Site. We're in a good place. I would like 2025 to focus on the community both within the crew and across the site, and ensure that the missions and adventures our characters go on reflect the hope of a utopian future for mankind that Gene Roddenberry first brought to us almost 60 years ago.