AQ/L01 - Captain's Logs
Captains Log, Captain Daniel Brooks recording, stardate 01082024,

It was hard to leave the USS Charon, being my first command in the hands of someone else. However, I know am the CO of the Ross class vessel USS Aquila. Previous Captains include Zan and Braggins so it does have a legend to live up to.

The hardest part was having the merge of two crews into one. It seems as if everyone has gelled okay and in Starfleet we are use to being reassigned at a moments notice. My First Officer Commander Velaul remains as my FO, while we have had a change of Chief of Security along with Chief Science Officer and Chief Medical Officer. We also had assigned to us a temporary Chief Tactical as well.

I'm sure we will get use to each other in due course and help us build this vessel to being one of the best ships in the area.

We are however, had to respond to a distress call from the neutral zone between us and the Cardassians. Naturally we are highly suspicious and we don't want to cause an international incident but we can't sit by and allow fellow explorers die if this is a genuine emergency.

Information so far is very plain, not giving us much. I would hope that if we were in the same position then the Cardassians would come and help us. The only concern I have is that the vessel is in the middle of the neutral zone, which they shouldn't be.

End log.

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