TI/D08 - Security
Delta leaned back against one of the counters in the office. She took a few deep breathes. She hated taking inventory, but she knew the importance of being prepared for anything.
Being unprepared was what indirectly lead her to Starfleet, but she had vowed it would not happen again.

Delta had spent her shore leave aboard the ship, as Tezha and Chin had travelled off on a holiday before they were aware that Delta would be returning for shore leave.

Delta had other things on her mind too. Rumors were flying around about the new department head. Some of the older crew had worked with her before, but no one could give her the information she was looking for. 

Delta had done a quick sweep through the ship prior to her shift starting, but had not spotted him. She wondered what was in store for her under his command.

==Tag Kurasa==
The conversation with the Captain happened earlier than Shione had expected, but that was perhaps for the best. Her return while not planned had occurred for reasons outside either of their control and Shione believed that Captain Fields accepted that.

She was looking forward to digging in, and getting to know her new team.

As she entered Shione spotted an unfamiliar officer who appeared to be looking over the inventory. The Andorian appeared to be Female, but as a Vulcan Shione was aware that appearances when determining Andorian gender was a potential landmine and she chose to avoid it.

"Good morning, Midshipman S'Tar, I am Lieutenant Commander Shione Kurasa, and it's a pleasure to meet you, why don't you come into the office and we can get to know each other?"

Shione preceded the young officer and turned as they entered, "Help yourself to the replicator, I'm going to have black coffee but please choose whatever you like. This is an informal meeting so grab what something, and then I would like to hear what drew you to Security work, and what sort off assignments would you like to explore during your service here?"

Delta would see that the Officer seemed genuinely relaxed.

Delta’s antenna twitched at the sound of someone approaching her. She looked up and saw an officer approaching. She quickly stood up straight at attention as the officer addressed her.

"Good morning, Midshipman S'Tar, I am Lieutenant Commander Shione Kurasa, and it's a pleasure to meet you, why don't you come into the office and we can get to know each other?"

“Good morning ma’am,” Delta replied with a nod.

The officer wore security colours and introduced herself as a Lieutenant Commander, so Delta knew it was her new department head. As the officer walked towards the office, Delta tried to gather as much intel on her as possible in the few seconds she had.

The officer was tall and muscular, almost human looking with Asian traits, like that of Chin. The only thing that threw Delta off were the black eyes.

She shook her head clear as she walked into the office stood behind the guest chair.

"Help yourself to the replicator, I'm going to have black coffee but please choose whatever you like. This is an informal meeting so grab what something, and then I would like to hear what drew you to Security work, and what sort off assignments would you like to explore during your service here?" The Lieutenant Commander asked.

Delta motioned no to the offer with her hand. She did not want to take something from the replicator, and offend Kurasa, or worse get something on her uniform during the first meeting with the department head.

“I was brought up the serve. I spent many years as part of the Imperial Guard on my home world Andoria ma’am. Circumstances which no longer matter, led me to the Federation, and as a warrior I thought the best way to serve the federation is to be a security officer and help those who can’t help themselves. Going forward, I would like to join some away team missions and make sure all my crew mates make it home safely.” Delta explained.

Delta gave a small sigh. See realised she went through a whole conversation in one breath.

==Tag ==
Not that Shione was employing her empathic abilities but frankly she really didn't require their use. The young Andorian was not demonstrating any guile.

She was clearly nervous. Whether that was because of who and what Shione was or simply being interviewed by a new superior officer. In either event it really didn't impact her opinion of the Andorian.

"Your words show that you understand the differences between being a member of the Imperial Guard and Star Fleet, and yes protecting the crew is what we do, but also investigating and intercepting potential threats, even aboard the Titania."

She paused assessing the Middie's reactions to her words and on a hunch, she smiled and speaking in a less formal tone, continuing her train of thought. "Aboard this vessel there are a myriad of races cooperating and collaborating towards goals pertaining to the missions we are assigned as well the exploration and scientific study of what we discover out here.

You are the first Andorian officer that I have been privileged to work with, just as I guess you have never worked with a Vulcan Betazoid Hybrid, which I am. I hope we can work together and learn from each other's perspectives.

With that in mind do you have any questions for me and any particular training that you might wish to partake of?"

==Tag s'Tar==
Nira barely had time to find her quarters and drop her things off - she just dumped her bags, not having time to unpack - before she made her way to Security. She wanted to get to know the layout as soon as possible, and check out Titania's security department for herself.

"Everybody at attention!" Nira called, to get the attention of any Security personnel there was; given Sothrick wasn't here yet, it meant she can be the acting officer in charge. "I am Lieutenant Commander Said. I am your new deputy Chief of Security. Your new department head will hopefully be along. As I am new here, I wish to know how Security does things around here."

==Tag any Security NPCs==
== Said Badge ca.e to life with the deep familiar voice==

[Sothrick to Commander Nira, Commander, have teams on each port to insure full crew count. Direct our personnel to cargo hold and weapons to do full load in counts and send all reports to bridge station. I will be down once we launch.] And with the the com was cut.

==Tag Nira==
Nira heard the announcement. She shut her eyes and breathed in disgruntlement. In her mind, she muttered to herself. Why. The. ****. Does he KEEP using my first name with my rank? I have a ****ing surname.

[Commander SAY-EED to Commander Sothrick,] Nira replied back, emphasizing her surname, [Acknowledged.] And then she called for the security department.

"Okay, everybody," she said. "Have teams assembled on each port. One team is to assembled at the cargo hold. I will need a weapons inspection from another team as soon as possible. I need things done in ten minutes."

And she assembled the teams, based on ranking officer under her, and divided Security personnel based on the officers selected.


==GM Input - what's the full security complement, and how many teams can they be divided up, based on any officers ranking below Nira?==
== As you first enter the Security Complex of the ship you are first greeted by a large u-shaped desk with two consoles and two chairs facing the door. On either side of the desk was room for 8 more chairs, total and small monitors allowing room for officers to sit and file reports. The main consoles in front were linked to all the ships security consoles around the ship including the bridge.
To the left was a corridor to the brig where there was 5 small cells currently un-occupied. In the middle was a small desck with two chairs but one console facing the cells. Back to the main area next right of the brig was a small corridor with two small interviewing rooms. The rooms had two way mirrors that could be viewed from the hallway between the rooms. Next back to the main room to the right of the interview rooms is the Chief of Security office. Per Sothricks request the room had been split in sorts. As soon as you wall in a small couch was in the far wall but to the right was a desk with two chairs in front and a console on the wall behind the large chair behind the desk. To the left of the center of the room was another desk with two small chairs in front of it a monitor on the desk but no console behind it. Just to the right of the entry door to the office was a small replicator in the wall. Back to the main room and to the right of the Office was the armory. It had a security lock on the door to it and once inside there was several lockers each with different hand held weapons in them. The main room behind the first middle of the console had a large enough area between all the corridors and rooms forming a large semi-circle. ==

== Security NPC Crewman Petty Officer Anessa Wade ==

Said would recognize the young officer already stationed at the desk. She came per Sothricks request and had served with him now on several ships. She was still considered the Brig Officer but right now she had taken duty at the front Desk.

When Nira called out she was the only there at the moment and she had not seen anyone else come in. So she smiled warmly at the young Commander and stood.

"Welcome Commander. At the moment I am the only one here." She reported in almost a Vulcan like way but with a small smile with her rigid stance."

"A few reported for duty and left. Chief Sothrick had sent me orders to post up here and said to expect you. I could inspect the Armory and check its manifest if you would like. I have taken the liberty to familiarize myself with the console you can check on everyone else here and its linked to the bridge if you would like me to show you, sir?" She began..

== Tag Said ==
Once Nira got a better look, she was certainly shocked to find how deserted the Security Complex was. Too add insult to injury, the lone person there wasn't an officer of the Titania; it was Anessa Wade, whom Nira recognized.

"So much for them meeting the new leaders of the Security Department," Nira muttered. "I can get their schedules are important, but they really need to see me or Sothrick beforehand. For now...yes, I'll monitor them from the console. And, yes, please do with the Armory inspection. Report the results to me as fast as possible, Sothrick may be checking in at any time and I will need something to report."

The fact that there were Security officers around at least told Nira there were more; she was not about to become an army of one. Or half of an army of two with Sothrick; she definitely did not want a repeat of Gravesworld, wherein she was only one of two people that was all there was to protect an away team...against a huge mob. She had the link to monitor, but she intended to call for checks.

[Attention Security personnel, this is Lieutenant Commander Nira Said, your new Deputy Chief of Security. I understand you all are at your business in your patrols of the ship, or elsewhere around the ship conducting your duties. Your duty is appreciated, but I call now for check-ins. And I will need to meet you group by group, if not one by one, when you are able to; otherwise...as says an old saying, "If the mountain won't go to Mohammed, then Mohammed must go to the mountain. Said out.]

A handful of officers instantly checked in; at least it'll bring the point across that they will know who to talk to. And Nira was serious in her use of the phrase; if they won't come to Nira, Nira will have to come to them. At least it'll save Nira having to walk all over the ship to find them.

So far was Juan Ramirez, Sean Covington, Cho Keqing (pronounced "ka-ching"), V'Larinn of Vulcan, Kingir the Benzite, Todar Qal the Bolian, Edron Tuud of Trill...

==Tag Sothrick for any NPCs you'd like to add in==
A light began flashing on the watch desk display. An alarm in the brig had been triggered. It was currently unoccupied and the forcefleld was down, so this should not be possible unless it was malfunctioning.
As Nira was waiting for more check-in notifications, she saw the light flashing on the desk display. An alarm in the brig? Nira wasn't aware that the brig as occupied - new as she was - so what was going on?

"Miss Wade!" Nira said. "With me."

She proceeded to the Brig, keeping her telepathy and empathy out, in a "sensor" mode of sorts. She wanted to see if there was a malfunction on that particular brig cell, but if there wasn't, there was bound to be some kind of intruder. So unless the intruder was an invisible Ferengi or Breen, she was bound to pick up somebody invisible.

== Security NPC Crewman Petty Officer Anessa Wade ==

Anessa was working through checking the weapons and ammunitions. She had made a veery successful system that she still used and was working through them quickly as Nira requested when she heard the alarms.

She quickly ducked over to a terminal and was surprised to see the alarm was for the brig.

She had not been made the official Brig officer on this ship but as she was the nearest that she knew of and the most experience with the position she thought she should be the one to answer the call.

She tagged out the last of the weapons as she was mostly done. As she ran into the main room of the security complex she paused.

"Commander I have completed the weapons check but let me if you don't mind, I will find out what the alarm is about." She reported as she kept moving. Realizing at the last moment that Nira asked her to join her.
"Ah yes sir!"

She then, went straight to the brig area 

== GM Input: May I ask what the pair discover. Also on side note is there anything of note in the weapons check?==
== Nira's comm broke out with Sothrick's voice ==

[Sothrick to Commander Said, Commander, what is happening in the brig?]?" the brig?"
The brig cell was empty except for... a small rock, looking very much like a space rock, about 50cm circumference, suspended in mid air and absolutely static. Tricorder scans picked up nothing - just as if it wasn't there.
Nira saw nothing at first. But something caught her attention as she looked around, and she was perplexed by what she saw. A rock. It looked very much like the kind of rock one could see in space. And for all Nira knew, it seemed to look to be still in space, suspended in midair, static as it was.

Nira looked around at Crewman Wade and said, "I acknowledge with the weapons...Crewman, take a look at this..."

She was glad she had a tricorder up, and she got it open. To her surprise, the tricorder didn't detect a thing. Nothing showed up on the scans. It was like it didn't exist. And yet, there it was.

She jumped at Commander Sothrick's call. The first reaction was that she was glad she finally got her name right - he finally called her Commander Said rather than Commander Nira - and a nanosecond later, she realized it was a good time.

[Commander Sothrick, something just appeared in the brig cell,] she reported. [Some kind of rock, the kind commonly seen in space. The tricorder can't even detect it, and yet there it is. I'm seeing it.]

She stared in suspicion and caution; after all she experienced since joining Starfleet - after multiple caged-animal situations, varied horrors, losing her arm and voice, being subjected to a Borg attack on telepaths, and even seeing a starship she served on get destroyed - it was natural for her to approach things cautiously, in a way that it would come off as paranoid to others.

==Tag Sothrick==
== Security NPC Crewman Petty Officer Anessa Wade ==

Anessa looked puzzled as the pair approached the cell. "Why the hell is it just....floating?!" She exclaimed.

As Nira spoke with Sothrick, Anessa activated the cells security field.

She has also activated the bio scanning inside the cell to keep track of any subjects physiology while in detainment.

"Perhaps we can call down a science or medical officer to help make sense of anything we see?" Asked the young crewman.

== Commander Sothrick ==

  [Intriguing? Insure the containment fields are up and scan the... item from behind the field I will see if I can find an answer as to why it appeared. Report immediately to me any changes. Commander, align security as you see fit. Keep me apprised of any new challenges.]

== Tag Nira==
== GM input: Anything show up in the initial scans? ==
== Wade, please confirm what you're using to scan the rock: tricorder on standard configuration, brig sensors... Thanks ==
== Crewman Wade would just be using the Brigs scanning system. ==
There was nothing on the ordinary scans
== NPC - Security Crewman Petty Officer Anessa Wade ==

Anessa sighed a little but not really surprised either.

"Commander, there is nothing showing on the brig scanners but they are basic. If we get science down here we might be able to get better scans." She said

She then turned to amplify the brigs security field.

== Tag Nira ==
"Well, whatever it is, it's best to keep an eye on it," Nira said. "Keep watch on it, and I'll arrange for security officers to watch this when in rotation when they come in...assuming they can come in."

And Nira took a seat to keep an eye on the rock; again, bitter experience and learning things the hard way taught her to be so cautious, she would've been labeled paranoid, but people would be paranoid, too, if they experienced what she experienced since she graduated the Academy.

As she watched, the thought of her experiences certainly made her think she had been unhappy most of her life, if not all of her life. Now she had prepared herself to be a better security leader, if not Chief, and there were no Security Officers around. She was already unhappy. With the new security department she was supposed to see. With the prospect of winding up under Sothrick again. With being on a Luna-class starship, given the last one she served on got destroyed within a month. She hoped all the more to Allah she won't become a jinx.
The rock, which had been floating absolutely still in mid air, suddenly dropped to the deck behind the containment field, hitting the floor with a thud.
The rock finally landed. Or rather, it hit the ground once gravity took over...or behaved like a normal rock. Whatever the case, Nira stared ponderously at it.

"PO Wade, keep an eye on the rock," Nira said, and she went to the nearest replicator. [Computer, replicate the most protective gloves in your database.]

It had dawn on her that it was going to be inevitable to touch the rock to actually move it, but all the same, she wasn't going to touch it without some kind of protection. Meantime, she made a call.

[Computer, locate the Security personnel in the corridors with the closest proximity to the Security Section.]

==Tag GM==
<<<<Bridge <<<

It took him a couple of extra minutes to get there because he made a detour, in his hands were two cases. One was a typical Science case and the other had old Bajoran on it. Due to recent events he liked to keep a rew goodies around, something for every occasion. He was settling up a couple pieces of equipment, both of them had anyon abilities.

"Lieutenant Said a pleasure to see you here, I need some help with this." He put one down and initiated the second one. "What I need you to do is clean out one weapons locker, and scan the locker with this. It's a process of eliminating dead-end theories, and work on one's that go somewhere. This one is the one I hope it's a dead end, and there is something we can manage more."

"Now I am going to look at this rock, there are a few things I am looking for or a lack of." If there were signs of burn patterns there could be something to it, or again the lack of burns would disprove it. He went to the brig where the rock was on the floor, and was a bit relieved because of the size. "It's so tiny." He remarked before getting real close and starting his scans.

The scans he was conducting of the rock was not only for Chroniton particles but anything that might  be on the rock as well. Explosive particles would be still on it even in trace amounts, it would tell him something at least. There was another Security Officer there, and he might have some answers. "While in the presence of this rock did you start to feel sick, like you want to puke but can't?" He still had his eye on the rock with the scans.

==Tag - GM input is there any evidence that it was part of a blast like using explosives to break it up, or anything else that might be scared now==
Having heard the summons from the Science officer Keir 77 arrived in sickbay not long after the Keti did, and approached him

S/he had her own tricorder in hand and asked Keti why he had asked for hir; all the while scanning the rather unusual rock in the cell.

"Has the rock violated any Star Fleet regulations Cdr Said?" Keir asked whimsically.

==Tag the room.==
== Before the arrival of Keti and Kier == 

Nira's badge went off again with the familiar Vulcan voice 

[Sothrick to Commander Nira, Commander a team is coming to gather information on the object in the brig. Commander I need you to meet with the First Officer and secure the object and the area that has appeared in the Chief Medical Officers office.]  There was a slight pause then he continued.

[Commander, please inform of any changes and make sure crewman wade does as well until the team arrives.] He added the closed the channel after she responded. 

== NPC Security Crewman PO Wade ==

When the rock fell it startled Anessa a bit. She was a bit more high strong than most security but to be fair she was looking at the brigs scans trying to think of how else to get answer.

How to make this rock bleed? She thought to herself before it fell.

"Well that is some good news, it would seem to now have weight and solidity." She called out before the Chiefs voice and the office gained new guest.

"Commander Kier, Lieutenant Arwen I was wandering if we could remodulate the brigs internal scanners to something more intrusive. If you would like I can remove the brigs security field but ..." She let her own thought trail off as she looked at the more experienced officers. It would be there call.

== Tag All ==
It was good to see Keir again it brought him some comfort, what happened on the Bridge was an complete mystery to him. Was she actually threatened  by someone asking questions about a ship he knew little about? Now that Keir was there his annoyances were going down. He knew if that part of him was aloud to grow, nothing good can come of it. 

"Commander I am going to be honest the Captain more than suggested it." He stopped looking S/Him in the eye. "Keir 77 I am happy that she did. The old ship was a mystery to me but I did understand, here there is no understanding." It was nothing personal against anyone, it was a new CO  with a new way of doing things. 

The scan results were sluggish but that was to be expected, there were a lot of reasons for that. What happened after Keir 77 made the joke, not even Keti thought it was possible. "Actually a rock wouldn't be..." As he stood there Keti started laughing almost uncomfortably, it wasn't that good of a joke but it's the first one he understood 

"Petty  Officer if you want to talk to Commander Qi, you are going to need to use long range communication." He was attempting to make a joke of his own even when the last time ended in disaster. "At this time a more intensive scan of this rock can be disastrous, like putting  an ice cold glass into a glass of boiling water. You are going to have an explosion on your hands every time...." His hand gesture started to suggest they leave. "I believe that once the phase fully wears off this rock would be that glass in the water. Once we are outside of the shield up." The theory was since space is two extremes at once, super hot and cold. In the solar system an object can be burnt and frozen at the same time. 

The space around the ship was extremely cold lacking any source of heat, and the temperature in the ship was going to be an extreme change. This explosion wouldn't be the issue, the shrapnel as a result would be.

==Tag and GM input on the rock==
== OOPS! ==

== NPC Security Crewman PO Anessa Wade ==

Anessa's cheeks began to turn a bright way as the Lieutenant pointed out her mistake. She didn't realize it but she was thinking of the other Science officer. 

He was cute but she gathered quickly that he was taken and he ... or she did not have what he preferred.

She stammered a bit and was clearly embarrassed if her bright red cheeks were not a good give away.

"Oh, Lieutenant, I am sorry, I ... not sure, I mean I don't Know..." She stammered and shook her head.

"What do you need from security? How can I help." She asked then his words hit him.

"Wait, the 'phase' is not worn off? I thought that was why it dropped and actually hit the decking?" She asked

== Tag All==
The rock was now visible on normal tricorder scans. It was a plain piece of space debris, made of silicate minerals and trace metals, likely broken off from an asteroid at some point in its history. There were no signs of explosive impacts. It looked and seemed on scans to be unremarkable except for the traces of chronitons and this radiation was decaying already.
There was a second when Keti looked away from the woman and into an open area. He imagined what Qi would look like at this second, come on give her a break would be it. He closed the Tricorder putting it away silent, as he was having a minute to reflect.

"From time to time I come across wrong, I am attempting to fix that. Please raise the shield with the former rolling stone in it. Arwen was my last chief and teacher in these matters. Right now I don't have any proof anything is going to happen, or if it already has happened. I just know that I have a bad feeling about something, it sounds crazy in my thoughts so even I don't want to hear it." 

Tapping his combadge "Lieutenant Jukish to Bridge there isn't much here to suggest anything dangerous here, we should keep an eye on the structural integrity field. If there are anymore fluctuations another one had crossed through our hull. I have no further theories at this time." He closed the channel not knowing what to do next, until told different staying away from the Bridge was a great idea.

Nira got the call from Commander Sothrick - and his call ruined it for Nira's feelings about Sothrick when he once again referred to her as "Commander Nira," regardless of her surname. She was further surprised when Keir and Jukish arrived just moments after his call.

She was certainly more surprised to see that the rock was now detected on tricorder scans, but whipping her gloves on, she made ready. "Well, there isn't anything dangerous as I can see, Mister Jukish," Nira said, "but still, I'd advise caution. Make sure you take care with that rock."

She then sat back and waited for Security. She leaned back. So far, the rock was the most interesting thing all day. All the same, and bitter experience has taught her - emphasis on the word "bitter" - that this was going to be a bad week. Or a bad month...
It was a small pleasure hearing the correct name being used for the context, it was often used wrong. He did start to feel a little less nervous, even stood a little more relaxed. "Miss Said." He said in return. "Naturally I would be treating this like it can potentially be hazardous." He said with friendly tone.

As he opened up his case the first thing seen was a picture of Keri and Aja on the beach, she was quite a bit shorter than he was holding hands. He paused for a second remembering that greatvtime they had, and the personal time they had after that, it was really a time to remember 

"There are still a lot of questions that I have, but I am not sure what to do to get the answers." He pulled out a small device, it had a small sound it made while being activated while all twelve lights turned on and quickly turned off. Four were green four were yellow and the rest were red. "This is an EMF reader, if anything spiritual going on this would read it." The more dead-ends he got rid of the closer to the truth he got.

"I am attempting to eliminate all the bad ideas before I get to the good one, Petty Officer I am sorry I don't know your name. Thoes scans you proposed earlier might be a good idea, but right now I a  going to ask the question I should have from the start. What did you see while looking at this rock start to finish, as you know from your own investigations. No detail is too small to mention, it might even lead to the answer." It was odd for both of them for a Security Officer to be asked that.

==Tag and GM input please==
There was no EMF reading from the rock. It was an inert space rock.
"Please do," said Nira gently to Jukish. She watched his progress, still amazed it was detectable by scanners of any kind when it previously wasn't. What in Allah's name was it, she wondered. Did some kind of field emerge in the brig when it appeared and floated?

Her curiosity and intrigue at a potential mystery overrode her waiting to hear Security report in. She had put away a memo in the back of her mind so she would inform Sothrick later: She was going to talk to him about how Titania's security was behaving toward her. But for now, the rock presented a mystery.

The others appeared to be more focused on the rock, than how it got here, perhaps they knew something s/he did not.

"The rock have phased through the hull unless it was somehow transported in. We need to not focus on it but we do need..."

"Chief Engineer to Bridge; were the shields up prior to the arrival of the rock? There is nothing remarkable about it, so perhaps you are aware of how it could have materialized here in Security?

It is an inert piece of spatial debris, so if it did transport aboard we might consider remodulating the shield frequency and see if that prevents any further incursions, or even maintain a random remodulation until we can determine how it got here. I am headed for the bridge Keir out."

As s/he was about to leave Keir smiled for Keti's benefit, "In conversation, Keir alone is just fine Keti."

Kier got an instant reply from a familiar voice

[Sothrick to Chief Kier, Chief the first rock seems to have appeared before the shields went up.] Sothrick reported

[It is believed it phased through the bulkheads. It would seem that we are dealing with possible chronitons infiltration allowing debris to penetrate the ship] He reported back leaving the channel open
[Ameen to Nira. I need to see you in Sickbay if you please.] The Frist Office called in.
Nira perked in surprise. Ameen? Ameen who? Then she realized it was the name of the Titania's First Officer, Morad Ameen. She looked up his personnel file briefly, seeing that she never saw him at the welcome party. What intrigued him most was his Arabic name. Deep down, she wanted to meet him, but her duties came foremost.

A call to Sickbay from the First Officer sounded like a summons she couldn't ignore, and this finally gave Nira reason to meet Commander Ameen.

"Ms. Wade," she said, "seeing as how Sothrick is at the bridge and there are no other Security personnel available, please take over for Security until any other Security officers of higher rank get here. I have been summon to Sickbay."

Nira then departed, curious and intrigued to meet Commander Ameen. All the while, she inwardly brushed up on her Arabic.


==Tag Ameen==
== Security NPC PO Anessa Wade==

She gave a confused look and was starting to wander about the Commander as the Choef had just moments ago instructed her to meet with the First Officer in sickbay. She was curious why she seemed surprised the First Officer was looking for her.

" Aye sir, I have monitored several teams reporting in after checking certain areas of the ship for more particles or such penetrated the hull." She reported as the Commander left.

She had hoped to speculate with Nira how it was happening but perhaps Keti had a better understanding of it.

She turned to the science Officer. " So what's going on sir? Any ideas how this happened?" She asked
About to answer the question about the Shields, he knew the answer then had a curious look on his face. "Commander I am not exactly certain why, but he is mistaken. Shields were up before the first rock appeared here, and the second in the office of the Chief Medical Officer." He didn't want to make a bigger deal than it was, with everything going on its easy to make mistakes.

"Walking through the rain versus ruining, sure it is over sooner running but you collect more water." He said quietly to himself while another train of thought entered his mind. There was something here, but he just didn't have the complete picture.

"Miss Keir let me run something by you, I have the basis of a thesis but it has too many holes.' He had that thinking face he makes. "Our Warp drive employes subspace to sustain speed, does our gravitational pull increase with speed?" 

Something didn't seem right he just couldn't shake, something just didn't add up. "There are four of these we know of, and the other two are on deck nine Cargo Bay, and deck ten shuttlebay. It stands to reason there are more, I just can't figure out why these four locations. What parts of the hull are compromised? And finally isn't it dangerous to be flying at Warp with this level of Chroniton particles present?" It was a bit shameful that he put passion ahead of principle, and it clouded his judgment.

==GM input where did the rocks enter the hull? Forward hull around the deflector dish for example? Tag==
The rocks entered from the bow side and took paths through the forward sections of the ship in line with the ship's movement as Titania had advanced through the trail of the other vessel. There was nothing systematic about the pathways the rocks had taken, other than it reflected the ship's course through space relative to the rocks' positions.
Fully realizing he was talking to himself the whole time and didn't care, and continued to work out some more elimination . Another was smuggling things, no one really thinks to look at asteroids this small. Or a projectile could do damage on a planet, rocks like this can do a lot of damage.

"I know it's an elaborate rouse to make fun of Geology, there is nothing funny about it."  The rain came back to mind, as people run they hit the rain as it falls. Or how things would fall out of or off of a ship, and float there until hit by another vessel. The problem was still how did they phase in the first place, phasing just doesn't occur. 

Imaging the space around them and the other ship that passed through the planet, and had problems on the other side. There were problems that occurred while passing through, or while forced to go through. Normally when an asteroid passes through an area, it brings trace elements of where it's been. Scanning the rock again he wanted to see if there was something on it, parts of the planet would be on the other side if they started their problems while passing through.

"I have been looking at this wrong, I am looking at the effect but not the cause, what was this cause? What caused this? Was it an experiment gone wrong? Did these rocks come from their Cargo hold?" The scans might point him in the right direction.

==GM input please ==
[Said to all Security Personnel. I need teams at the following locations: Cargo Bay in Deck Nine, shuttlebay, and two officers to the CMO's office, and three additional officers to reinforce Crewman Wade back in the Security Section. A handful of suspect rocks have appeared in those locations and I want you to initiate a soft quarantine around those rocks. Make sure nobody touches them or interacts with them in any way. Check with personnel there if they have already done so while you're there, and if there are, send them to Sickbay, just in case.]

After a while, a second call came from Nira.

[Said to Security personnel,] she added, [make sure you have some gloves to protect your skin; that way, you won't risk contamination when you touch them. You'll need to get them science labs, and you'll need to lift them to do so, that's why I'm instructing you to get gloves. Get them from the replicator if you must, but make sure your skin is protected in case of any chronitons and in case each rock does anything interesting.]

[Wade? Are there any personnel that can be spared?] Nira asked.

==Tag Sothrick as Wade==
Then a new order came from Nira. [Said to Security Personnel, belay the touching, leave the rocks alone; await Engineering personnel to bring anti-grav units to take them to the Science Labs. I'll be informing our new Chief Engineer to send the personnel. Said out.]

==Tag Sothrick as Wade==
Hearing the calls made by the Chief of Security, and someone he respected Keti knew she mentioned well. The rocks were harmless as far as he could tell, there could be something underneath. "I know where I have to be." He said quietly to himself. The rocks will be brought to his lab, and he would have the chance to study them. 

"What is the deal with these rocks?" He said again to himself while packing up to leave. There were a few experiments that he wanted to do. Tapping his combadge Keti wanted to talk to Said. "Lieutenant Jukish to Commander Said, I have concluded that these rocks are safe for transport. I will have a place in science to receive these rocks, Jukish out."

There was one other thing he needed to do. "Crewman drop that shield I am going in." After the crewman opened the shield Keti walked in and picked up the rock bare handed, normally something that wouldn't be recommended to the soft hands. His hands were not exactly hard as rocks, but it would take more to cut the skin. On off chance he was wrong, Keti was going to be the first to suffer.

"Crewman if you feel sick in any way report to Sickbay, a small treatment of iodine will help." Getting ready to leave security, he was about to go back to the lab. "I guess it's time to do one of the things I do best." Leaving Security the one place he went to was his lab, the 9ne place that made sense to him.

>>>>Science >>>>>
== NPC - Security, Petty Officer Anessa Wade ==

As the Science officer ordered the brig shields down she complied but gave a word a caution.

"Sir should we not worry about contamination or even radiation that even a simple piece of rock could contain?" She asked as he marched in then to his surprise grabbed the rock with his bare hands.

"SIR!" she called out then paused remembering he was still a superior.

"Sir, she continued as she tried to readjust how she approached him. "I know you know best but even if the rock in inept it could still have contaminates could it not?" She questioned.

As he started to leave with the rock she looked on a bit stunned.

"Sir would you like me to go with you? Just in case, I guess?" She asked again

== Teg Keti ==
==BeforeKeti left==

"Sir should we not worry about contamination or even radiation that even a simple piece of rock could contain?" Keti could hear the concern in her voice and could tell she meant well. He knew the risk was still there, and itvwas pretty low.

"SIR!" she called out then paused remembering he was still a superior.

"Sir, she continued as she tried to readjust how she approached him. "I know you know best but even if the rock in inept it could still have contaminates could it not?" She questioned.

"Crewman yes you are right there are always risks involved, and yes if I am wrong the danger for me is real. I just told the Captain, and First Officer that these are safe. I have to do this to show I believe it, plus if something happens to me I doubt your crew will make much of a fuss about it." 

"Sir would you like me to go with you? Just in case, I guess?" She asked again, and Keti knew if there was a chance something was going to go wrong itvwould be in transit. 

"Yes ivwould love if you were to join me, keep people at a distance. If I am going to put anyone at risk, it's going to be me alone." He didn't have a death wish but he was prepared for it, "on the way out I would appreciate it if you were to bring thoes bags I brought with me." Not wasting time Keti walked out.

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