Starfleet Academy's auditorium is a huge, bright, modern-looking space capable of seating over 500 people. The entire South wall is made up of windows allowing the sunshine in and an awe-inspiring view of San Francisco Bay and the Golden Gate Bridge. On the other walls hang large painted portraits of Starfleet legends--the noble people who set an example for cadets and officers alike--including the likes of Jonathan Archer, Christopher Pike, and Kathryn Janeway. There are currently a few dozen beings of various races occupying the auditorium: some are talking in small groups and others just enjoying the view between classes. Most are wearing uniforms designating them as cadets at Starfleet Academy. A few are wearing the purple tunic that denotes them as Academy personnel.

Just below the stage is the admissions area; a long desk sits there with multiple computer terminals as well as two or more officers. At the center position is usually found Captain Maddie Allen, the Academy Superintendent . Newly arrived Cadets report to her for training holodeck assignments, where they will undertake the final portion of their four year academy training. The Dean of Evaluations, Commander Carrs Jasal, can be counted on for assistance as needed.

There is a queue of cadets at the admissions area, awaiting their turn to accept the assignment for their final examination here at Starfleet Academy.

== Welcome to Federation Space RPG and Starfleet Academy! We're so glad you've decided to join us. 

Please make your first post below! The post should contain two things... 

First, write an in-character portion describing your character's arrival in the auditorium. They have just completed four years at Star Fleet Academy and are waiting the assignment for their final examination. They should report in to the Admissions desk to the officer on duty for their assignment. 

Secondly, you must read the Cadet Code of Conduct and the Federation Space Constitution. Include in your post an out of character statement that you have read, understood, and agree to abide by these documents. 
For example:
Cadet Davis entered the auditorium and tugged at the stiff collar of his uniform. Seeing the admissions desk and the short line of Cadets, he approached and waited to catch the eye of the officer on duty.

"Cadet Davis reporting for assignment sir!" He cringed at the volume of his own voice, hoping no one noticed the error.

== I have read, understand, and agree to abide by the Federation Space Constitution and the Cadet Code of Conduct. ==

Good luck and have fun! ==
Walking into the room Cologero looked up to the sky for a second knowing that his Nonno was watching, he was the only one of his siblings that went into the Military. The rest were in law enforcement , a few detectives and a lawyer. Now he was here making his own path, his way of coming out of the large shadows becoming his own man. It was going to be hard, and equally exciting. With the Parron Saint Jude medalian with him, Cologero knew he could do anything. All he needed to do was keep doing everything that helped him succeed, patience and timing were two key components that aided his success. His flair in the kitchen and hospitality made him friends, it was simply an Italian thing.

Now it was time to do what he came here for, reporting for duty to tho one appeared to really Command respect and authority with grace. "Sir." With a petty thick Italian accent. "Cadet Cologero Coppola reporting for the final exam."

The day finally came when he was ready for this, ready for the final exam and the cooks could breathe easier without him there. He passed off his small garden to a newer Cadet who was really good at it, producing a lot of great crops.

== I have read, understand and agree to abide by the Federation Space Constitution and Cadet code... Again.==
Maddie looked to the approaching cadet as she placed her cup down. She swallowed her drink and smiled. 

"Sir. Cadet Cologero Coppola reporting for the final exam." 

"Hello Cadet Coppola," she began. "It's a great day to get the last leg of your training complete, eh?  She quickly looked down at her console, checking for the cadet's name for his exam. As she found it, she looked to the tactical cadet a moment. "Your instructor will be along shortly to meet you in holodeck one. Good luck cadet. I look forward to seeing you at graduation."

She watched the cadet as they processed the information and then left for their assignment. She then called "Next" for the next waiting cadet. 

== Welcome back to Fed Space Cadet Coppola! Glad to see you! Let me know if you need anything! == 

Cadet Co
Alexander entered the large auditorium not for the first time, but potentially for the last. Even though he had been here before, the room seemed different today. Perhaps he just felt the weight of those larger than life figures looking down upon him. Somehow it was different now that he was potentially ready to head out into the galaxy they had helped to open up and shape. Alexander paused to take in the room as well as the incredible view. Earth was not his home, but the beautiful San Francisco had been the first place he had ever set down in for so long. He would miss this place, but his feet ached for the comfort of pulsing and vibrating deck plates.

Approaching the bank of computers and Commander Allen whom was seated at them Alexander felt a pang of nerves. Luckily they were quickly overshadowed by his excitement for his final exam. Well not excitement for the exam it self, but rather for the end of a chapter of his life and the beginning of a new exciting one.

"Good morrning Commanderr Allen. Cadet Turrner reporrting for final examination."

There was a bit more purr to Alexanders voice than usual perhaps betraying a bit of his nerves and excitement.

== I have read, understand, and agree to abide by the Federation Space Constitution and the Cadet Code of Conduct. ==
"Good morning Cadet Turner," Maddie began as the engineering cadet reported in. She picked up her tea and took a small sip and then continued. "It's a wonderful day to take an exam, don't you think?"

She smiled as she looked to the cadet. She looked to her console, finding his holodeck assignment. Once she did, she looked back to him, pausing a moment in case the cadet had any other comments.

"Cadet, looks like you've been assigned to holodeck two. Your instructor should be along soon, so don't let me keep you." 

As the cadet took it in and then started to leave, she then added, "Good luck Cadet Turner. I look forward to seeing your name during graduation."

== Welcome back Cadet Turner!  Cool Let me know if you need anything. ==
Today was the actual day, and it seemed entirely surreal to Jade as she stepped into the Academy’s Auditorium, for what would be her final time as a Cadet. Perhaps it was extremely optimistic, especially when one took into consideration that the young woman hadn’t even been administered her final examination, as of yet. That wasn’t preventing the Cadet from trying to see, and plan for, the best possible outcome.

There’s really only two ways this will end. I can either make myself look like the greatest fool in all of the universe, which would result in my washing out. Or I’ll give it my all and make this exam regret ever coming face-to-face with me. Get a posting to a prestigious ship like the Enterprise, but perhaps I should keep my expectations grounded in reality. I’m sure the list of hopefuls for that kind of assignment spans several lightyears.

Jade couldn’t help but wonder if the Academy had been equipped with its very own time dilation field, as the line she’d joined seemed to be at a standstill for what felt like hours. Which would be ridiculous after all. The Academy personnel just had to make sure all the I’s were dotted, and all the T’s crossed. It was pure bureaucracy at its dullest.

The only constant in the universe.

After what felt like an exuberant amount of time, Jade finally found herself at the front of the line. She’d lost track of the time, if she’d been honest, so it could’ve easily been mere minutes that she’d been patiently waiting. Besides, it wasn’t the most important thing to worry about at the moment. Brushing part of her hair, coincidently where the purple highlights began, over her ear, she addressed the Superintendent. It was now or never.

“Cadet Jade West, reporting as ordered.”

Even though he isn’t around anymore, I wish I could say my father would be proud of me going the Starfleet way. Unfortunately, I’d be willing to bet he’d be just as indifferent if he were standing here in the flesh.

== I have read, understand, and agree to abide by the Federation Space Constitution and the Cadet Code of Conduct. ==
The next cadet approached Maddie's desk as Maddie was taking a quick sip of her chai. Maddie savored the taste of the hot apple chai for a moment, watching the security cadet come to her.

"Cadet Jade West, reporting as ordered."

Maddie smiled at the cadet while she greeted her. "Hello Cadet West. Let me find your assignment..."

Maddie looked to her console, finding the cadet's final exam assignment, and then looked back to the cadet. While she always enjoyed her job, teaching and learning from all the cadets, she always held a fondness for those who were in her area of study.

"Cadet, you're assigned to holodeck three. Your instructor will be along soon..." After pausing a moment, she continued. "Good luck Cadet. I look forward to seeing you at graduation."

== Welcome to Federation Space RPG Cadet West! If you need anything, let me know! Smile ==
As Gabriel entered the auditorium, people he passed could see his pale complexion caused by the nausea from his stress. He had struggled to sleep the previous night due to the anticipation he felt for this particular day. Four years of hard work at the Academy had taught him a lot about engineering, but if he wanted to fulfill his dream of serving on a Starfleet vessel, he now had to complete his final exam.

As he moved towards the admission area, he saw the portraits of great and famous captains of the past. Seeing Jonathan Archer's portrait, his thoughts turned to his hero, the first engineer of the first Enterprise to explore our corner of the galaxy, Charles Tucker III. Gabriel's mother, an engineer herself, had told him stories of the engineers of the past. Growing up learning the history of these great men was what had motivated Gabriel to join Starfleet Academy and explore the stars himself.

Feeling a bit better and having regained some color, Gabriel straightened his uniform and his posture while waiting patiently in line behind another cadet. He was now feeling a little bit more confident as it was his turn. Gabriel approached the superintendent of the Academy, Captain Maddie Allen.

"Cadet Lachance, reporting for assignment, sir!" he declared confidently, albeit with a slight crack in his voice at the end.

== I have read, understand, and agree to abide by the Federation Space Constitution and the Cadet Code of Conduct. ==
Maddie smiled as the next cadet, Engineering Cadet Lachance, stepped up to her desk to report. 

"Cadet Lachance reporting for assignment, sir!" 

"Hello Cadet Lachance," she began. "Ready to check off the last thing on your cadet list?" 

She asked as she looked down for the cadet's holodeck assignment. Then she raised her head again, "You've been assigned to holodeck one for your final exam. Your instructor should be along soon, so don't let me keep you."

She waited a moment and then added, "Good luck cadet and I'll see you at graduation." 

== Welcome to Federation Space Cadet Lachance! Smile  If you need anything, let us know! ==
It felt like no time had passed at all, but it had been years. Sara was making her way toward her final examination, and walking down the old familiar paths gave her plenty of time to think. She remembered being younger and waiting with her family for the response to her Starfleet Academy application. It seemed to take forever, but that was just a young mind anticipating all her dreams either coming true… or not. She remembered the celebration that followed her acceptance arriving. 

She had studied to be one of Starfleet’s doctors. She’d studied hard and would only find out if it had paid off at the end of an exam. For all that studying, for all the late nights with her roommate, she still had a small doubt she would make it. She still held a small doubt that any of it was real to begin with. Maybe getting into the Academy and making it this far had all been a dream.

She found herself in front of the auditorium doors and forced herself through. She’d made it this far. She put herself in the line to speak with the Academy superintendent. It seemed to move swiftly and then she was face-to-face with Captain Allen herself. “Cadet Sara Kiernan reporting for final examination, sir!” She had rehearsed the line before leaving that morning and still wasn’t happy how it came out. Too late for a redo.

==I have read and agree to abide by the Federation Space Constitution and the Cadet Code of Conduct.==
Maddie had just taken a sip of tea as the next cadet approached her desk and gave her a smile as they reported.

"Hello Cadet Kiernan, ready for your last task before graduation, eh? Let me get your assignment."

Maddie looked to her console, getting the cadet's holodeck assignment and then looked back to the medical cadet.

"Cadet Kiernan, your holodeck is ready for you. Please report to Holodeck one for your exam. Your instructor will meet you there...and good luck."

Maddie smiled as the cadet left her desk.

== Welcome to Federation Space Cadet Kiernan. Glad to have you here! If you need anything, let us know! ==
Its scale was incredible. Kinsley’s neck tilted skyward for a full ten-minutes before he snapped out of the ever-growing hold this experience had over him. It wasn’t new, heck, the cadet had been in this room so many times, it felt like a second bedroom to him; but this time Cadet Tanner was here with a finality of purpose—this time, it was for the final time.

When he looked around him, he saw the stoic gazes of brave men and women who had put aside all their personal grievances and fears and took the captaincy for some of the most prestigious ships ever produced by some of the most equally brilliant minds in all of Starfleet—the Enterprise, Voyager, DS9, and the like.
He had big shoes to fill, and he knew it.

One day, he might be responsible for building a ship that the next generation of commanders use to fly off into the oceanic black of the infinite expanse. If anything, that was the dream. He couldn’t think of anything more fulfilling than knowing he could be responsible for creating the next legend.
“I’ll be responsible for a face being up on that wall one day,” he muttered to himself; a mutter of which was overheard by a more… antagonistic cadet.

“Maybe if you wish really, really hard and pay someone to make it happen.”

“Well, I have the one thing that you don’t have—”

“What’s that?”

“A brain,” Tanner retorted, smirking. The other cadet went to grab Tanner’s uniform but stopped when he noticed other cadet’s eyes homing in on him. He (the other cadet) was about to respond but was called to the desk by a superior.

Foiled hostilities aside, Kinsley turned, the line of cadets waiting for their assignments had dwindled, and there sat the officer who would decide where he would go. Clearing his throat, Kinsley made his way over to the desk, his fists clenching as his feet marched in a confused dance between casual and form step.

“Tanner Cadet, reporting for—” he paused in thought about what he’d just said, quickly course correcting. “Cadet Tanner…” He said, smiling. “Cadet Tanner reporting for final assignment!”

== I have read, understand, and agree to abide by the FSC – Federation Space Constitution and the Cadet Code of Conduct. ==
Big Grin 
Maddie watched the cadet leave, noticing the line of cadets forming. Maddie nodded slightly with a slight smile to the next person in line, one wearing the yellow colors of an engineer. As he approached she took time to take a sip of her tea.  ah... perfect.

“Tanner Cadet, reporting for—  Cadet Tanner…   Cadet Tanner reporting for final assignment!”  

Maddie continued her neutral and friendly manner, maintaining a slight smile.

"Welcome to your last task before graduation Cadet Tanner. Don't panic though," she continued, wanting to calm the cadet's anxiety. "This is your chance to show us what you've learned these years." She paused a moment to let the cadet soak in the moment. "Let me check your assignment..." 

She threw in a friendly wink and then looked at her console. She found his assignment quickly and looked back.

"Cadet Tanner, you're assigned to Holodeck one for your final assignment. Your instructor will be along shortly, so don't let me keep you."  She paused and then added, "Good luck Cadet. I look forward to seeing you at graduation." 

== Welcome to Federation Space RPG Cadet Tanner! If you need anything, let us know!  Cool  ==

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