YE/D05 - Sickbay
<<Previous Post: Holodeck One<<

Kal-Geal walked into sickbay, to a buzz of activity. But rather than a busy buzz, this was one of introductions. Orderlies who just arrived, and old staff from the Philadelphia who were present, all of whom were introducing each other, and then Kal-Geal introduced himself. Then, it was time to get everything ready for departure. Supplies were checked, personnel assigned, and only then were they ready to give the green light to the bridge.

"For those present, its time to work. Duty rosters have been approved, and I've sent out everyone's physical schedules, which I hear others dread more than anything. In the Empire, a physical was always a fitting challenge for a warrior, but here, I know things are different. So let's make sure our Captain knows her crew are in good hands."

Kal-Geal tapped out the command on his PADD, signaling to the Bridge that Sickbay was ready for launch.
The doors to Sickbay swished open and two Security Officers staggered in. The first was already well-known in Sickbay, the infamous "Jimmy", who so far had managed to hurt himself on average once a week since departing spacedock.

Next to him, and pressing her hand to a gnarly-looking bruise on her head, was the young Midshipman Jade West. Her eyes were struggling to focus and Jimmy took the lead.

"Chief D'Tor'an sent us down. She got beaned in the head with a phaser rifle."
Beinn was looking over a few plants in the sickbay, when he saw the two security officers enter sickbay. An inward sigh escaped Kal-Geal, as he saw the infamous Jimmy, but he grew concerned as he saw Midshipman West enter the bay.

"And what were you doing with a phaser rifle in close quarters? Learning to fight with a rifle that breaks very quickly in CQC?"

Kal-Geal took out his tricorder, and ran it over West's head, looking for signs of hemorrhaging and hoping it was just a concussion for her.

"You should learn some basic battlefield first aid, given your proclivity for injury."

==GM Input: What kind of injury does Midshipman West appear to have?==
==Apologies for the delay==

In addition to a wicked bruise that wouldn't be going down any time soon, West had the following injuries:

Fractured eye socket.
Broken nose.
Ruptured blood vessels in the eye.
Possible damage to the sinuses.
Kal-Geal sighed as he saw the diagnosis from the medical scanner, and said,

"Jimmy. You're a lot of trouble right now. Midshipman West not only has a concussion, but a broken nose, a fractured eye socket, damage to the eye, and potential sinus damage. So, this will require a report on your record, if you don't make yourself useful. The nurse will show you what an osteogenic stimulator is, a vascular regenerator, and a dermal regenerator."

As the on-duty nurse got out the standard medical kit, Kal-Geal added,

"Midshipman West. I need you to lie down on the biobed so I can ensure the fracture doesn't heal incorrectly, and so that I can reverse the other damage that's been done to you. I'm going to give you an anti-inflammatory to reduce the swelling, and an analgesic to reduce the pain once I determine if you have any allergies. I'm also going to take you off duty for a full day, once we've ascertained whether or not there's any other damage."

Lieutenant Beinn, after checking West's profile to make sure she didn't have any allergies, then pulled out his tricorder and began to run a brain scan, to determine if the concussion had caused any other damage.

==GM Input: Does Jimmy listen to the doctor, also does West have any allergies to medication, and does the brain scan pick up anything unusual due to the concussion?==
Upon hearing the extent of West's injuries, in addition to the verbal slap-down over what had been an honest accident, Jimmy took that precise moment to faint.

West had no allergies listed, and her brain scan was normal except for the effects of the concussion. She would, however, need to be put on restricted duty for a few days.
Kal-Geal sighed and picked up Jimmy and put him on a bio-bed to recover. He'd let the Midshipman sleep, while he treated West.

"Alright Midshipman West. Just hold still."

A dose of bicardine was given to the Midshipman, and the wolf-like doctor began to run the vascular and osteogenic regenerator across the damaged portions of her face, setting her nose back into position before regrowing the cartilage and bone that kept it in place.

"As a precaution Midshipman, I'd like you to refrain from active duty for twenty-four hours, and even then I'm going to place you on relaxed duty for at least forty-eight hours after that. And second, you might want to brush up on your disarming techniques so that you can disarm someone who tries to smash your face in with a rifle butt in a critical situation." He ran the scanner over her face, looking for breach points in her sinuses to repair.

==GM Input: Does the treatment work on West, and does Kal-Geal find any sinus damage that he'll have to repair?==
The treatment was going as planned, and seemed to be effective. There was no lasting sinus damage to be repaired, but they would be inflamed for a few days due to the repair process.

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