YE/D05 & 06 - Science Labs
Following the Yeager's official commissioning ceremony, Mika did not anticipate that the ship would be prepared for departure as early as the next day. Nonetheless, recall orders had been issued for all crew members to report to their stations. Although she was not suffering from any aftereffects of the prior night's celebration due to the synthetic alcohol consumed, Mika would have preferred to extend her rest period slightly. However, it would not have been prudent to do so on her first official day of duty.
Upon entering the laboratory, it became apparent that no other personnel were present at that moment. Given that it was nearing 0800 hours, this was entirely logical to Mika. The number of science personnel aboard the ship was limited, and Alpha Shift was just commencing. Unless significant experiments were underway, the laboratories were not typically staffed during the 'night' hours like the Bridge.
Mika placed her thermos of coffee, being mindful to avoid spills, on the table and logged into the built-in console. Considering the ship's current position at the Starbase, she surmised that there would likely be minimal scientific activity. At most, sensors might detect some anomalies, but anything requiring urgent attention would have already alerted the Starbase.
Expectations would change once the vessel embarked on its journey to an undisclosed destination, which would be the primary focus of the command staff. She briefly mused over whether Qi would make an appearance but quickly dismissed the thought, recognizing it as inconsequential. This realization reassured her that her presence on the Bridge would not be required.
I fail to comprehend the preference for being stationed on the Bridge. While I would never intentionally cause any errors, any mistakes made here in the lab would remain relatively unnoticed. Perhaps I am overanalyzing the situation. Moreover, I harbor no aspirations of command, which appears to be the objective of those serving as bridge officers.
It took only a few minutes longer than it should have to get to the labs via her growing experiment she had set up in one of the unused storage rooms on the ship. Some of the plants already had young fruits growing when she'd put them in, so after the time passing from their original launch to now the Cape Gooseberries were doing rather well given their artificial environment.

Having already eaten two or three before she entered the lab, she was pleasantly surprised to see that Bowman was already there working on something. She knew not what.

Disposing of the paper like leaves of the Gooseberries in a nearby bin, Papaver approached the Midshipman, and placed a couple more of the fruits on the desk next to her.

“Morning, Mika. Here you go, fresh from the vine.” She said glancing at the data on the screen that was being reviewed.

“And I guess I should really apologise for my behaviour last night.” She added with a tight smile. “Honestly, I normally try to get to know people better before I suffer public breakdowns in front of them.”

== Tag ==
Within the science labs, Mika had been focused on the various sensor readings displayed on her console. She was concentrating on her work, only occasionally sipping her coffee, so she did not notice when someone entered the lab. It wasn't until a few pieces of fruit were placed on the table that Mika realized someone else was present.
“Morning, Mika. Here you go, fresh from the vine.”
She recognized the voice as Scarlett's from the previous night, seeming to be in a better state of mind. With the Gorn officer absent from the room, Mika did not anticipate any further incidents. She looked briefly at the gooseberries Scarlett had placed on the table.
“Thank you. I didn’t realize we had hydroponics onboard.”
As Mika picked up one of the yellow-orange fruits and removed its papery husk, Scarlett began to apologize for her behavior the night before. Mika found it unnecessary since she had no knowledge of what Scarlett had experienced. Before responding, she took a bite of the fruit and then offered a smile.
Coffee and tartness don’t mix well in the morning.
“You have nothing to apologize for. I’m not expecting you to open up or share personal details. Besides, my own experiences likely do not compare to yours, so I have no reason to ask.”

== Tag ==
“I didn’t realize we had hydroponics onboard.” Said Bowman as she unwrapped the small fruit. “And, you have nothing to apologize for. I’m not expecting you to open up or share personal details. Besides, my own experiences likely do not compare to yours, so I have no reason to ask.”

“Thanks.” She said with a tight smile, then continued on the subject of the fruit. “We don't. Officially” She replied with a theatrical wink. “I requisitioned a storage room on deck four when we shipped out last time, and set up a few tubs of actual dirt with a few fast and easy growing goodies. Like these.” She replied as she popped another fruit into her own mouth.

“It's a little off the books, but a few fresh strawberries here and there can go a long way... Listen to me. I sound like a black market hustler.” She laughed out loud.

It was then she noticed a PADD with the current duty rota on it. It was a pretty atypical listing. Who was assigned what experiments to monitor et-al. What few there were. Astrometric's being a primary task as ever.
But the one thing she did note that bugged her was once again, her full name had been inputted onto the system. She thought she'd managed to purge it on their last jaunt. Looks like I've got another couple of hours reprogramming the computer. Again.

“Every time we move to a new ship, they keep putting my full name on the register. I don't know how many times I have to keep changing it. It isn't hard. Papaver. One word. I mean, honestly...”

Then she stopped as she realised how insane she must be sounding. “You know, I'm really not giving you a good impression of me at all am I?”

== Tag ==
Mika should not have been surprised that the fruits had not been cultivated through entirely legal means. Based on her observations during the commissioning ceremony, she understood that the Yeager was not regarded as exemplary, although not necessarily in a negative sense. She found amusement in Scarlett’s comments, especially while reviewing the duty roster.
“You know, I'm really not giving you a good impression of me at all am I?”
This remark further entertained Mika. In her experience, scientists often exhibited eccentric behaviors, something she had noticed since her teenage years. Perhaps this was why she sought to conform by associating with her peers during those formative years. As someone who had found her identity, she refrained from judging others harshly. Besides, nothing Scarlett had done so far led her to believe she was unbalanced. Therefore, Mika responded with a friendly chuckle.
“Shall we take a mulligan?”
[Jensen to all senior staff, as well as Midshipmen Aiden, Bowman, Bremner and Campbell, report to the briefing room at once.]
Before Mika could respond further, the First Officer's announcement interrupted her. Had she been drinking coffee, she would have spat it out. Although other Midshipmen were also summoned, she wondered why she had been included. With no aspirations for higher rank, she felt out of place in a meeting likely intended for senior officers. The primary benefit was gaining more insight into their activities, which she valued. Nonetheless, it made her feel uneasy, causing her smile to wane slightly.
“That is rather unusual, is it not?”

== Tag ==
“Shall we take a mulligan?”

There was a pause before Papaver threw out her hand and said; “Hi, Papaver. Nice to meet you.”

There wasn't time for a response as the comm sounded and the Scandi tones of the Commander echoed from above.

[Jensen to all senior staff, as well as Midshipmen Aiden, Bowman, Bremner and Campbell, report to the briefing room at once.]

“That is rather unusual, is it not?” Asked Bowman.

Papaver pondered the question for a second. Certainly, she knew from previous experience with missions under Captain Braggins that briefings themselves were a rarity. For the newest of junior officers to be invited to partake however, she had seen it before back on the Magellan in particular, and a couple of briefings while she was assigned to the De Lyon. So it wasn't exactly unheard of.

“Consider yourself one of the chosen few.” She said with a smile. “I've been on four tours with this crew now, and I've not been invited yet.”

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