AQ/D01 - Bridge
==See wiki Page for Layout==
Keval had been taking shore leave away from the ship and DS9, he had found a place for some quiet meditation and found it best to get himself back into the zone so to speak.

He arrived on the Bridge much to the surprise of the more skeleton crew who were knocking around the Bridge, in his hand was a PADD. Going around to the Tactical Station Keval wanted to make sure the updates on the system were correct. As he was checking them a officer looked up from the comms station.

"Commander we have a priority one call coming in for the Captain." said the officer with a hint of excitement in his voice.

Keval looked at the officer, "You new to the Aquila?" he asked, the officer went a little red faced. 

"Yes sir." he replied more quietly.

The Andorian walked down to the Command chair and sat down, looking at the armrest he opened the comms

"Aquila to Captain Brooks, your presents is required back here immediatly you have a message incoming from star fleet command prority one. Would you like it sent to you where you are Captain?"

[Brooks to Aquila, no, beam me back over and I will take it in the Observation Lounge and ch'Alev issue a crew recall, give everyone one hour to get back aboard. Brooks out.]

The channel closed,

ch'Alev looked at the officers around him who seem to be busy carrying on with what ever they were doing which made life easy.

Opening comms he said, "Aquila to all crew, this is your recall, one hour." he shut the channel and stood up from the Command chair,

No time like the present

Keval moved over to the helm chair and placed a little black box on it with a solid gold pip for Coppola when he returned. ch'Alev had cleared it with the Captain.

The Andorian moved up to Tactical to get his department ready to go.

==Tags and esp Coppola==
Shoreleave was nothing short of amazing, he had a lot of fun while getting closer to the crew. As he entered the Bridge, the only person he seen in the room was ch'Alev. For some reason he didn't see him while on leave, leaving Cologero wondering where he was. If ch'Alev wanted to tell Cologero he would, but if not it's rude to pry.

"Commander good to see you again, was your leave as good as mine?" He asked while going to the helm, he wasn't activating the Engins just looking over the systems. They deserved a bit of a calibration while the system checks were going on, hopefully they won't be sluggish when it counts the most. 

Cologero was ready for anything that would come their way, a quick prayer before he left quarters was his blessing to the ship. "Commander while we are waiting I was wondering if you had some wisdom to share about advancement, I am not in a hurry for it I just like to have a better understanding." The best people to ask are the people most experienced in thefeild.

==Tag ch'Alev ==
After getting ready in her quarters Carley had on a clean uniform, and remembered how odd it felt switching from her civilian clothes. The materials always felt different, with a slight irritation. As she crossed from the turbo lift to the Bridge, Carley noticed there were only two people there. Eventually more people will come, it was still early. 

“Gentlemen.” Carley said as she headed to the science station, she wasn’t sure why she had the urge to go to the Bridge, most times she wasn’t sure why content on going to the Science Labs but this time was different. 

==Tag everyone ==
>>>>Deep Space Nine>>>>

It didn't take long for Samira to get back into a fresh uniform and get to the bridge. She got there as quickly as possible to get her station and the rest of the science department ready. She could see that Lieutenant Young had arrived.

"Lieutenant Young?" she said. "We didn't get to talk much or get together much; I'm Lieutenant Khasim. With Commander Talion's permission, I've been assigned to the science station on the bridge." She did note that Carley Young was just a rank below her, but she remembered Talion's instructions in touching base with her.

"In any case, it's good to see you, and just as well to meet you here," Samira added with a smile. "I'm going to need your assistance in preparing for departure. I need you to check in with the rest of the Science department, get them rallied and ready for when the Aquila is ready for departure. I have a few things the Commander has assigned me to do. Of course, I appreciate any assistance you can provide once you have your tasks finished."

Samira then got to work. She had her tasks from Commander Talion. Check to see if diagnostics on the sensors are done, but if not, don't initiate anything that won't last an hour; Get current inventory of all probes and verify power for sensor palettes. She had to admit, it'll be the first time she did this much stuff on the bridge. She never did work on a warmup for systems on the Science Station before, but she was determined to do her best.

==Tag Young and the rest of the bridge==
Samira then remembered something: One can work with Tactical in regards to the probes. She turned around and noticed that the only other two officers present on the bridge were Tactical officers. One of them she met on Deep Space Nine.

"Excuse me, Commander ch'Alev? Mister Coppola? Would you mind pulling up our full inventory of probes, please? I'd like to check on them," she asked.

==Especial tags to ch'Alev and Coppola==

==GM Input - what is the progress of the sensor diagnostics? ==
Waiting on Khasim didn't take too long, she was pretty punctual. She was a new Science Officer on the ship, and probably wanted to make a name for herself. She did seem like an Officer that would fit in nicely here, but that was just the first impression. Hearing her name Carley could tell she was asking, and gave a nod to confirm her identity. It was a shame that they didn't have the time to talk at all, both were very busy.

"Yes it is a shame we didn't have the chance to talk, we had quite the busy social agenda. It is also good too see you too." For the first time in a while, she was doing something out of the ordinary. Socializing on her own. "I have been asked by Commander Velaul to help with your transition,  with a ship like this it wont be the easiest." There was a lot of people she hasn't met yet, and the Science department wasn't exactly the biggest on the ship.

"Science has checked in ready for action, right now they are running diagnostics of their own. Both Velaul and Talion like to keep the equipment sharp. "Slav is overseeing everything, and making sure that people from Deep Space Nine didn't make a mess of our systems. They are still pretty new this is our second mission on this ship, so we are still expecting some growing pains." Still she missed the ship that would almost fit in the Shuttle Bay.

Mr Coppola was the first to arrive on the Bridge from the recall.

"Commander good to see you again, was your leave as good as mine?" He asked while going to the helm.

"Yes, it was.... interesting.... sounds like yours was to." commented back the Andorian,

"Commander while we are waiting I was wondering if you had some wisdom to share about advancement, I am not in a hurry for it I just like to have a better understanding."

ch'Alev gave a small smile when some other officers arrived on the Bridge from Science.

“Gentlemen.” said Young as she arrived, followed swiftly by a new face on the crew, Lieutenant Khasim

"Excuse me, Commander ch'Alev? Mister Coppola? Would you mind pulling up our full inventory of probes, please? I'd like to check on them," she asked.

ch'Alev turned in the officers direction, "Feel free Lieutenant."

Keval then moved down and over to the helm, picking up the little black box he said,

"Mister Coppola, you asked about career advancement, well...." the Andorian opened the box to reveal a solid round pip.

"I hereby promote you to the rank of Ensign with all the privilege's the rank will bring."

He then removed the hollow pip and changed it for the solid pip.

"The Captain asked me to perform this duty which he said is long over due." said ch'Alev placing a hand on the officers shoulder before moving off towards the Observation Lounge.

"Lieutenant Khasim, you have the Bridge." he said as Keval exited into the Observation Lounge.

==Tag All==

Alex had walked onto the Bridge just as Keval had given Khasim the Bridge. He caught her eye and allowed just a hint of a grin at her suddenly feeling the full potential weight of Bridge Duty. She had thought she was only going to man the Science Station, but had now been handed control over the entire ship. It might be briefly and while still in dock, but when it happens to you that first time, it is a memorable thing.

As he passed though, he simply said, "Lieutenant Khasim, please forward me those numbers we discussed, as soon as you have them." He also gave a nod to Carley, "Lieutenant Young..."

Then, just that quick, he disappeared off the the Observation Lounge.

>>> Observation Lounge >>>
Kalli managed to slip onto the Bridge on her way to the Observation Lounge. She did so to quickly glance at the Engineering status display, to fill in a few mental blanks, but also heard Khasim being given the Bridge. Kalli only grinned and gave Samira a wink as she disappeared with Talion into the Observation Lounge.
Samira nodded in appreciation at Lieutenant Young's words. "That's good to know," Samira replied. "I'm still feeling my way through, and I appreciate your help. I'll have to pass Commander Velal my thanks, sending you to help with my transition," she finished with a smile.

It certainly didn't take long for Lieutenant Young to make check-ins. She was surprised that there weren't more science officers; big ship like this, she had been expecting thrice the amount in her department than than the Yorktown's own science department. Hearing Young say it's the second mission, Samira replied, "Well, I didn't have much involvement in my first mission. I was still in my lab. And Holy Allah, it's certainly enough of an Aladdin's Cave for me not to emerge for a while. So if anything, it's me who needs the growing pains more," she added with a sheepish shrug.

As much as she expected the inventory of probes, Commander ch'Alev certainly surprised her by informing her that she had command of the Bridge. THE Bridge. Samira could only stare in the Andorian's direction in astonishment, before he the observation lounge. It occurred to Samira that the senior staff was having a meeting and she was the highest-ranking officer at present. So she took the Captain's Chair, walking in an astonished sleepwalk, and set herself in. Barely aboard the ship for a month or two, and she had the Captain's Chair of the Aquila. She reflected there were one or two times on the Yorktown that she assumed temporary command of the bridge when senior officers were away on briefs and whatnot, but the Aquila bridge had to be twice as wide as the Yorktown's.

One thing she was glad about was that there was only a sparse amount of officer taking their station so far.

She turned and saw that Commander Talion enter and pass by, and give an understanding grin, and his words were enough to shake her from her astonishment. "Oh, you'll have them, Commander, I can assure of that," she said, returning his smile with one of her own, feeling encouraged.

"Lieutenant Young, I guess you have the Science Station again," she said, shaking herself from her astonishment. "I'll need you to report on if the diagnostics on the sensors are finished, and verify the power on the sensor palettes. Ensign Coppola," she said, distinctly having seen the midshipman getting a promotion before his DH headed off, "I'll need that inventory on the probes."

She then looked around, expecting more officers to enter the bridge and assume stations. She had seen some senior officers in passing heading to the observation lounge, but no lower officers to man stations, temporary or otherwise. Still, she reflected that on a bridge this big, there's more than one science station, so chances were, she could still be on the bridge when departure time came.

"Apologies if I was astonished," she said to Young and Coppola. "Being put in command of a bridge with a ship this size, it's like having to assume leadership of two or three Bedouin tribes."

==Tag Young and Coppola and anybody on the bridge taking stations. Soft passing tag to senior officers heading for the observation lounge==

==GM Input - In addition to the progress of the sensor diagnostics, is the power to the sensor palettes verified?==
== NPC Lt(JG) Gath ==

A rather low and soft voice of the Klingon Security Officer spoke from a Security terminal. He didn't look up as he reviewed his information, making preparations for departure, "Even an Ensign, should they be assigned to the Bridge, must be prepared, at any moment, to be thrust into manning any position on the Bridge, including the Center Chair. This shouldn't astonish you." He finished something, then turned to face her, a hint of a grin on his face, "I also have discovered that quite often, others will not know if I'm feeling nervous, if I don't tell them that I'm nervous."

Gath looked around the Bridge slowly, "I love this moment, just before departing. That sense of the unknown, that gives a small taste of fear at not knowing what is around the next corner. If a warrior tells you that they never feel fear, they're lying to you. The truth is that they love that feeling. Without that feeling, there is no reason for the blood to quicken or a challenge to rise to. If you know you're going into a battle, you know more of what to expect, just not the outcome. In a mission of discovery, you never know what you will encounter, and THAT is even more daring. Lieutenant Khasim, your people were not only wanderers, sometimes they were also explorers. You come by your taste for it naturally. Like those before you, you're bold. Take strength from your journey."

He then turned to Tactical and stated, "You can show Security at 100% present and accounted for. All our stations are manned and standing by for launch."

== Tag Khasim and Coppola ==
The Bridge was filling with Officers, Lieutenant Young wax one of the first to arrive with a couple others soon following. Lieutenant Khasim whom was figuring her way around like him requested a probe count, she requested information that he couldn't get from there. He needed to move from the Helm to Tactical, the information should be found here. There was information that he was going to need there as well, he was going to be the one there eventually.

Just when he was about to move, he stopped half way. ch'Alev was about to give career advice, Cologero was all ears for it. What happened next made him happy there was nothing in his hands, it would have Ben on the floor as his arms dropped beside him. The promotion came as a shock, he wasn't expecting this so soon.

"Thank you Commander." He had a little more excitement in his voice, he was a new Ensign soon to be Lieutenant. He would enjoy that when it comes, at present he was enjoying the present and the company. He could picture Nonno there with him, so proud his legacy lives on. You don't have to be great to start, but you do have to start to be great.

He watched ch'Alev leave the Bridge going to the Observation Lounge where all the top brass was, one day he would be in there too. Now that his shock was over, he was now going back to work.

"One inventory of probes coming up." He knew the value of having this information, it makes snap decisions much easier. Probes and what the fire power was equally as important. He heard about feeling the pressure getting to her, something that everyone goes through. "I am sure that you will get the hang of things, the first time you do anything is always the hardest."  

He listened to Lieutenant Gath. "I am sure it's equivalent to its not what you do in the absence of fear, it's what you do while it stares you in the eye. Personally I like to smile as we lock eyes, Fear doesn't like that at all." He was a wise Warrior that would make a great partner, the thrill of cheating death was better with someone risking it all as well.

==Tag Bridge. GM input for the probe count, and what they might be, or where I can find the information ==
Carley wanted to make sure that Khasim received the information she needed, the system information will take a minute to gather. The SS Sierra One A Eight Deep Space Scientific Sensors, and the Daystrom Industries Three SC-A Starship Sensors. There wasn't much use for them in the last two missions, so that meant the memory banks didn't need more of a memory purging. The Sensors were used for other purposes other than Scientific Research, it has been a while since there was such discovery that wouldn't be purged. 

The memory wasn't going to be a problem nor was the processing, there was a small amount of finetuning to do on the systems. There were some personal touches that she had learned that optimizes the system resolution, that would lead to clearer results. As the diagnostics were being processed, the data was starting to flow in. All of the systems were fully functional, and properly calibrated. 

All of it was going into a central report that had a summary for brief glancing, and a more detailed report on what systems were in need of calibration and by how much. In the end the equipment was all condition green, it was all reflected in the final report.

"Lieutenant." Carley started before turning her attention from the station. "All systems are condition green, they are on standby for discovery." There was an vast universe out there, who knows what they might find next.

==Tag Lieutenant ==
== For Khasim ==

The Aquila’s sensors were functioning well. Samira uncovered a small calibration issue in the forward array, which was easily resolved. Power distribution to the sensors was within standard tolerances.

Samira’s time as the senior officer on the bridge was off to a smooth start.

== For Coppola ==

The Aquila had access to a full complement of probes (Candidly, the GM is not sure how many exactly, but you can expect access to a few dozen — an abundance of Class 1 and Class 2 probes, down to just a handful of the largest Class 9 probes.)
Jez arrived on the bridge and it was abuzz with activity. Jez could help but smile when she spotted Coppola, they had a wonderful shore leave with the others, the Mardi Gras was amazing. Jez felt a new incredible bond with the crew, but for now Jez had other concerns on her mind. She would do what was best for her baby.

Jez spotted Commander Talion and smiled. He was special to her. He was like an older brother or a father figure, he was kind and sensitive, probably skills he honed from raising his own little girl. Right now, they had a mission to prepare for, her legal issues had to wait.

Jez hoped this next mission didn't involve Cardassians. Hopefully it would be something easy like a planetary survey, or a supply run to some outer colony. Though a Diplomatic Mission could be interesting. Only time will tell.

== Tag Talion.==

Jez took up her position at the Security Station. Jez had hoped that Commander Kurasa would arrive soon, Jez was curious to see how the Commander spent her shore leave. Jez began the preflight Security Scans that way the result would be ready for Commander Kurasa and the Captain.
The results of his inquiry came in quickly, the ship had a full compliment of probes. The ones that were lost in the last mission were replaced, the crew of the Space station did a great job making sure everything was ready. Their next mission was starting soon with no idea where they were going, nor was there an idea of why. All he knew was to be prepared for as many contingencies as possible. He noticed Jez come in with a friendly smile towards him, he quickly returned the smile as a friendly gesture.

"Lieutenant Khasim ships computer shows a full compliment of probes across the board, all spent probes have been replaced." He ran a quick diagnostic of all available probes. "All systems are condition green." Cologero was certain that she wanted to have this information. Khasim seemed to be the kind that wanted to have this information, everything is either successful one way or another depending on preparation. 

==Tag - plus I know I took a bit of liberty with the scan, but I figured it's all basic maintenance ==
Jez stood at the Security Station when she realized that the First Officer wanted to see her, but Jez had no idea why. She was about to lock down the Security Station when Sovak arrived with a Data Padd. Jez ordered Sovak to man the station. Sovak raised an eyebrow as if to say, “Really??” I have an important meeting with Velaul, it won’t take long.

Jez took a deep breath, she wasn’t sure what to expert from this meeting? Was she in trouble? Had she done something wrong? A million questions were running through her mind. Jez then decided that she had to go and find out instead of worrying.Jez quickly turned and made her way to the turbo lift and headed towards the F.O.’s Office,

>> Other Location.>>
Samira looked around as the bridge gradually filled. She got the results in, seeing that the diagnostics have finished; Sensors are functioning good, although there was a small calibration issue detected in the forward array, but Samira wasn't worried, it was the kind of thing to be resolved easily. Power to the sensors was at normal tolerances.

The report from Ensign Coppola about the probes prompted a nod from Samira. "Acknowledged, Ensign," she said. She looked around. Mister Gath had given his report as well. She did note that a Security officer of higher rank, a Jez Mala, entered the bridge but then eventually left after being summoned by the First Officer.

That left the rest of the stations to report department status. Samira decided to start with the medical facilities. As Doctor Lim was CMO, the next one after was Julia Troy, one of the officers she met. So Samira decided to call in. [Bridge to Sickbay. Report status of Sickbay in regards to departure preparations.]

==Tag Bridge==
== Temp NPC - Dr Harry Langston DCMO ==

An immediate reply came in from Sickbay.

[Bridge, Dr Langston Depute CMO here, Dr Lim the CMO is in a mission briefing with the senior staff, at the moment. Sickbay is good to go.]
Samira got the message in and nodded. [Ackowledged, Sickbay. And I understand about where Doctor Lois has gone.]

She looked around as the bridge filled up. What could she do next?

She hadn't inquired of Engineering yet, so she decided to call in. [Bridge to Engineering. Given the Chief Engineer may be called for a meeting, to the temporary head of Engineering, status report.]

==Tag Bridge and Engineering==
== NPC PO2 Kimberly "Kitkat" Kitmat ==

A voice replied replied, with a hint of a purr in her voice as she rolled her Rs, [Engineering to Bridge, all present and accounted for. Main systems are online and we're prepared for departure. Helm is clear to begin full preflight and undocking checklist. We're standing by for orders. Engineering out.]

Helm could see that all power levels available to thrusters, impulse engines and warp drive were at normal levels. The Main Status Board was showing all green status indicators. The mooring reactors were still engaged, keeping them locked in place, the umbilicals were still connected and the gangway was still connected to the ship. The last of the cargo transfers had been completed, the auxiliary craft were clearing away from the ship and all external doors had been closed and secured.

== Tag Bridge Crew ==
Samira heard the purr in the voice. Instinctively, she nodded. [Acknowledged, Engineering. We'll notify you when the time comes for departure. Bridge out.]

She sat back. As far as she knew, she checked in with all departments and they were all ready to go. Now she had to wait until all department heads and the command staff assume their stations. For now, she'll keep the Big Chair warmed up for Captain Brooks.

==Tag Bridge Crew==

==GM Input - Any departments I missed that need checking in with?==
Samira had indeed checked in with all of the Aquila’s various departments and verified their readiness. As she continued to monitor the status of the ship, an incoming encoded communication flashed onto the captain’s chair console. As the ranking officer on the Bridge, it was up to her discretion whether to answer it herself or to transfer it to the Observation Lounge.
As Samira was finishing her checks and verifying readiness, a beep came from the chair, surprising her. It was coming from a console in the chair's arm. Samira got a look at it and was intrigued to see that it was a communication, and encoded.

" peculiar," Samira said. "Young, Coppola, Gath," she said, addressing all the bridge officers present. "The chair just got a communication..."

She softly bit a lip as she considered. If it was being sent directly to the Captain's Chair rather than through normal communication channels, it had to mean this was important. However, she was the ranking officer of the bridge. The least she can do is find out how important this was and transfer the comm to Captain Brooks if it transpired to be something exceptionally interesting.

She pressed the answer button and opened the comm. "Starship Aquila receiving," she replied.

==Tag on the bridge and to GM-07, Samira will answer the comm as ranking officer on the bridge==
The sudden communication that went to the C.O. chair would normally be answered by the Commanding Officer, however this time he was busy in with the Senior Staff meeting. Carley was about to tell Khasim to first alert the Captain, but she replied before that could happen. Right now it was no big deal, unless it quickly grew into one.

"Lieutenant Khasim I would recommend we alert the Captain to the communication, they might need to know this for their meeting." She kept a calm voice as she talked, it wasn't worth getting too excited over. 

"I would also recommend being ready to lay in the course, that can come up at any time." They have no idea where they are going at this time, just that they were needed where ever that might be. The Communication might shed some light on that, and even why they were going there. One day Khasim could get a command of her own, and this would be a good experience for her.

An image flashed onto the screen of the captain’s chair console. Beneath a layer of static, Samira could see the face of a human, most likely in his early thirties. He had a narrow face and a ruddy patch of stubble that gave him a somewhat unkempt appearance. His hair was a bright shock of red, and appeared to be cropped short on the sides. As Samira peered closer, she could see a series of gold metallic bands running along the sides of his head, indicating some form of cybernetic implant underneath the skull. The implant was sleek, almost perfectly flush with the skin, indicating a high degree of skill in its design and integration.

[Brooks, I don’t mean to rush you, but I would appreciate your presence here on Riani. I would prefer to discuss the details in person, but the situation here is developing quickly.] The man’s voice was calm, though he spoke quite quickly. He didn’t appear to realize that he wasn’t speaking with the ship’s captain.

[A lot of people in the government are quite on edge lately, so they’ll probably hassle you when you arrive in orbit. It will be best for everyone if you placate them as much as possible. Don’t give them a reason to do something they’ll regret.]
Samira looked at Lieutenant Young as the transmission came in and she nodded. "I'll be alerting him momentarily, don't worry," she said.

As it transpired, the transmission was connected - not into the viewscreen, as Samira had expected, but into the console of the Captain's Chair. Samira could see a man through a layer of static. He looked unkempt with his red hair, and Samira could notice the bands on his head...some sort of cybernetic implant on the skull?

Given the man's words, he was speaking quickly, and Samira was surprised that he thought she was Brooks on the other end. She shrugged, given it could be an easy mistake to make through static; he would've seen a black-haired individual and thought it was Brooks, and Samira looked nothing like Brooks. Nonetheless, this definitely looked to be important.

"Begging pardon, sir, but I'm actually not Captain Brooks," Samira said with a smile, "I'm Lieutenant Khasmin, current ranking bridge officer, but if you allow me a moment, I'll connect you directly with Captain Brooks."

She then tapped her comm badge. "Bridge to Captain Brooks. Sorry to interrupt, but you have a comm transmission that's just came in. It's a very important transmission, particularly if it's sent to you. We're transferring it to you now."

She looked at Young, Coppola and Gath and said, "We better get this down to him at once."

==Tag GM, Brooks and all on the Bridge==
==GM Input - Is the message recorded, or will it be an actual transmission?==
==Within a couple of minutes of the message being transferred through to the Observation Lounge.==

Captain Brooks stepped onto the Bridge from the Obs Lounge and moved swiftly down to the Command center.

"Mr Coppola, signal our departure, once we are clear of the moorings plot in a course to Riani" Brooks said his mind racing on what could be up that they needed to speak in person.

Daniel then stepped a little bit closer to Coppola, "Congratulations on your promotion Ensign, well deserved. I hope to see you come up through the ranks."

==Tag Coppola and anyone else==
Samira was quite surprised when Captain Brooks arrived so shortly after the transmission was forwarded to his location, Commander Velaul following behind. Arriving so quickly, that transmission had to be important.

"Chair's all yours, sir," Samira said, standing up to give the Captain's Chair over to Brooks. "It's good and warmed for you," she added with a gesture and slight professional grin. "And I daresay, that transmission has to be extremely important for you to get up here so fast, sir."

She took one of the Science Stations and waited for Commander Talion to take a seat next to her.

==Tag Brooks, Talion and everybody else on the bridge==

==GM Input - Anything for Samira to do once she's at her bridge station?==
As Carley stated Cologero went back to the helm to lay in a course, they were going to have to leave quickly. This was his second mission at the helm, it wasn't his favorite thing to do but recognized how important it was. If he wasn't at his best while everything was at its worst, why be there? 

It wasn't long after Cologero took his seat that Captain Brooks took his chair, the most sought over chair on the ship. Admittedly he was one of them when he was ready for it, until then he was going to learn from everyone whom was willing to teach him. 

The Captain didn't waste much time before ordering the departure. "Mr Coppola, signal our departure, once we are clear of mooring plot a course to Riani." As the orders were given Cologero was signaling their intent to depart. It didn't take long for the mooring to release them, making them free floating in space. Cologero started to set in the course at a quarter impulse, then full impulse at a safe distance engaging warp factor eight soon after.

*Aye Captain setting in course to Riani warp factor eight." Cologero replied.

"Congratulations on your promotion Ensign, well deserved. I hope to see you come up the ranks." The Captain said giving Cologero a little more pride. "Thank you Captain, I hope to gain the wisdom along the way to be worthy." While he was talking the view screen shown their progress, there was a slight tingling that Cologero experienced as the ship went to warp.

==Tag I took a bit of a liberty with the speed ==
<<<<< Observation Lounge.<<<<<<<

Getting back to the Bridge Beno stood her ground to his right, where normally her favorite part was going to warp. In its place was seeing the joy of a newly promoted crew member, that and seeing people get a medal for their services. Beno was very proud of him, and looked forward to seeing how far he could go. 

"Congratulations Mr. Coppola, I also look forward to seeing your progress." Beno was impressed about how grounded he was, a lot of people wouldn't have handled it like that. Now that they were heading to Riani, the stars that zipped by the ship looked pretty. The rainbows she sees from each star was always stunning, the best part was the show always changes. Right now she was waiting on Orders, or permission to go to the Science Lab.

==Tag anyone==
== For Khasim ==

The Aquila was traveling through areas of space that were well documented, with no unexpected phenomena appearing on sensors. There were no pressing tasks to complete at the science station.

== 22 Hour Timeskip ==

The journey to Riani was a flurry of activity as each department prepared for the mission ahead. Before long, the planet Riani appeared as a grayish dot on the Aquila’s viewscreen, just a few hundred thousand kilometers away. As the Aquila continued its approach, the ship received an urgent hail coming from Saule, a highly industrialized city in the Tanndi nation.

Once the hail was answered, the image of a dark-skinned individual flashed onto the screen. He wore a stiff military uniform which made him look unusually square. His lower jaw and neck had been replaced by metallic implants, which glinted with a harsh chromium sheen as he spoke.

“Federation vessel, this is General Alukh of the Tanndi Defense Force. You do not have clearance to approach. Please state your business,” he demanded. His voice resonated strangely, the natural tones tinted by something synthetic. He eyed his communicator sternly, almost unblinking.
<<Observation lounge<<

Shione moved next to Cdr Velaul and once she was finished with her conversation she drew her aside for a moment and spoke confidentially.

"I am heading down to Security to prepare that special escort , but I remain very concerned about possible hidden agendas regarding possible ulterior behind the Ambassador's message. I have asked Science and Engineering to ensure that all highly classified systems and tech is even more highly protected and encrypted than normal and my team will ensure that their route from the transporter room does not pass near any such areas."

She paused. "Once we determine what the Ambassador wants along with who he needs to speak with, then we will ensure that our visitors remain in a tight little bubble away from anything we don't want them near to.

Do you have any questions Commander?"

==Tag Velaul==
Jez had just entered the Bridge when her combadge chirped to life. [Kurasa to Mala. Lieutenant please assemble 4 NCO's along with yourself and assure that your dress uniforms are ready for an official diplomatic greeting. As of this moment I do not have a specific time, but I will give you all possible notice.

We are told to expect a VIP arrival shortly after reaching our destination. That's all I have for now, Kurasa out,]

Jez was a bit surprised and did a quick about face and headed back to the Security Complex. A VIP passenger, she knew this could be interesting as a VIP could mean anything from a Diplomat to the Leader of a rebel Factioning seaking Federations assistance in fighting an enemy. Either way Security would have to provide protection to ensure their safety.

Jez knew picking four NCO’s wasn’t going to be easy as she knew she needed NCO’s with experience with VIP’s as VIP’s often had fragile ego’s and often needed to be stroked.

>> Security Complex.>>
When Talion returned to the Bridge, he was glad to see that Khasim had done well keeping the Center Chair warm. The corner of his mouth gave a hit of a grin as he asked, "So, how did it feel, temporarily being in charge of the entire ship? Being an officer can be like that sometimes. Suddenly, you find yourself in charge and with lives counting on you. They don't always prepare you for it enough at the Academy, though they do try to introduce you to it in small ways. Even in small groups, it is an interesting thing to be in a position like that, but that chair," he pointed to the Captains seat, "means that you are technically in a position where the entire ship and everyone on it are depending on you and are subject to the decisions you make."

== Time skip... ==

As was his habit, Talion timed his arrival back on the Bridge to be in plenty of time before they dropped out of warp at their arrival. He had made sure that their security protocols were in compliance with Kurasa's requests, or in some instances exceeded those requirements. In some instances networks and systems might be open to communications with diplomats and the like, but this had been determined to be a potentially hostile environment, so their guard was up. All networks and communications systems were engaged with heightened encryptions, firewalls and other security measures that were prepared to thwart even their known enemies with far superior technologies than the people supposedly had available to them in this system. Talion was even prepared to deal with Cardassians, but couldn't help but feel a twinge of the memory of dealing with the Borg. He, of all people, knew the depth of risk in dealing with people who had no restraint when it came to cybernetic augmentations.

When they arrived and the contact from the planet was made, he watched and listened attentively. He even had a subroutine running that was analyzing the incoming signal. He was on alert for any sign of attempted carrier signals or attempts to use the feed as a way to bypass their systems. He had no worry about their ability to conduct their business, as the Federation clearly gave them authority to act in protection and interests of Federation citizens. He only hoped it was not going to turn into a rescue mission. They were supposedly here to help, but what kind of help had been unclear.

As an additional obvious effort, Talion had passive sensors looking to pick up the signal of the Ambassador's communicator. He wanted to know where he was and what data he could pick up from it. They were currently too far for transporters, but they could either move closer or in a pinch, they could launch probes as transporter enhancers and daisy chain them to accomplish the task. He didn't like even using stealth probes to do that, as they might still be detected and although he had done so successfully in the past, he didn't like the idea that the native population could take it as a hostile act.

For now, he simply stayed observant and let the Captain do his job.

== GM Input: Is there any reading on the Ambassador? Are passive sensors picking up anything else, while we're at it? He won't make an active sensor sweep until they either scan the ship first, or the CO requests it. Standard Transporter range is 40,000 kilometers. ==

== Tag Bridge Crew ==
Samira watched on as departure procedures commenced, and the ship was departed. Given the course laid, it seemed like an ordinary tract of space. Commander Talion soon joined her and she smiled back at his own hint of a smile.

"Well, I admit, it was unexpected," she replied. "I never once had to take the Big Chair when I was serving on the Yorktown. Frankly, I had figured I was going to be working on routine preflight preparations. I was certainly surprised by that comm for the Captain that brought him out of the meeting fast.

"Still, being put in charge of a ship this big definitely put a lot of responsibility on my shoulders; yes I did feel that sense of responsibility for that moment," Samira said. "Hopefully, I can be ready for it again someday. Meantime, I can do what I can as your deputy head, Commander, and I won't let you down," she added enthusiastically.

Samira looked up to see one of the Security Officers, Jez Mala, give a report, and then she went back to work.

== Time skip... ==

The journey was relatively uneventful. Samira arranged to have some shifts on the bridge, but overall conducted her duties as Deputy Chief Science Officer. Sometimes, she went back to her lab to refine her forensics skills with scientific application. Other times, she practiced at the range to prepare for combat situations. Twenty-two hours later, she was in time for her bridge shift and took a seat by Commander Talion, at an auxiliary science station when the viewscreen came on. She looked over from her side of the bridge to see what was going on.

Given the comm chat, it certainly confirmed one thing the message to Captain Brooks; she remembered the messenger mention that the authorities would "be hassling them" upon arrival. She looked at Commander Talion to see he was staying observant, and she watched on, albeit kept an eye out for new orders from Talion.

==Tag Bridge, especially Talion==

==GM Input: Anything for Samira to do at her science station now that they had arrived?==

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