Starfleet Medical Conference - January 2404
==Starfleet Medical, San Francisco, Earth==

In Conference Hall 1, things were starting to come together. There was limited space for vendors, a generous space for the buffet, and an adequate amount of alcohol lining the wall behind the bar. In the kitchen, famed chef Holly Paulwood was already yelling at the cooks, something that was actually a good sign, indicating that the food was almost ready.

The manager of the event checked their watch; it was almost time to allow the doors to open. These medical conferences were always wilder than they thought they were going to be, and this time, extra security personnel were on standby. Hopefully no one would storm the stage in order to “correct” one of the speakers this time. 

Everything seemed perfect. It was time to allow the doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel inside. This year’s conference was entitled “The Tricorder: A Discussion”. How rowdy could it be?
Robin Mayfair impatiently waited at the entrance. The young woman, slim with matching purple eyes and a pixie haircut, looked more like she'd snuck out of Star Fleet Academy than the full Lieutenant she was. She leaned against a wall, trying not to look eager, but she was hungry. She was always hungry, but she'd been forced to skip breakfast to make the shuttle and it was getting to her now. Her enhanced metabolism burned a lot of calories, and she regretted not grabbing something to at least snack on.

'No food or drink on the shuttle.' Whose bright idea was that? Oh well, I'm gonna make them regret the 'all you can eat' buffet.

This was Robin's first medical conference. She wasn't due for certification for another couple of years, but as the CMO of the Artemis it was her job to fly the flag for her ship, network with medics from other ships, and take a look to see what was available in new treatments and technologies. Several other doctors and nurses were in attendance, and she gave a brief nod to the ship's resident cardiologist, Dr. Sonaalk, standing about 30 feet away. The Vulcan nodded respectfully back and then went back to his PADD, all business as always.

Come on, open the doors. Or at least give me a muffin or something.

== Tags to anyone ==
Julia Troy has made it with some time to spare. She had time to go to this conference just to keep up on anything medical. It was her first time being away from the crew and is exciting for her. Even though there will be people from the medical departments from different ships.

When am I going to eat, I'm am starving here

This would be a great way to make new friends for Julia and to see how far the medical field has come. She had left both animals back on the Charon with Surik so they wouldn't get under foot. Troy knew that this conference is going to be a lot of fun for her while she was here. Julia just doesn't like waiting for the doors to open.

==Tags anyone==
There were still a few minutes to wait, and Robin's stomach growled.

C'mon, already, you're killing me here.

The Augment medic spotted a somewhat familiar face, though one she hadn't seen in a couple years. Remembering her wasn't an issue, of course, since Robin never forgot anything. It was Julia Troy, a classmate at the Academy who graduated in Robin's class. She hadn't seen Julia since the wake after the battle against the Borg Megasphere, a grim event. She looked like she was doing well, having made full Lieutenant. The nurse headed over to say hello.

"Julia, hi! I don't know if you remember me. Robin Mayfair. How are you doing?"

Kind of hard to forget someone with purple hair and eyes, but you never know.

== Tag Julia and anyone else ==
Two fuzzy doctors walked into the entrance area. Both were recognizable by most people, given one of them was the Philadelphia's CMO, and the other was a lupine that Star Fleet Medical had almost no knowledge on. The latter was attending due to there being a dearth of medical conferences in the Empire.

However, Beinn had been aboard the Artemis during the Megasphere incident. He saw Mayfair and his ears perked up, he approached and said,

"It's been a long time Lieutenant, since the Borg incident."

R'Kaar on the other hand, seemed to be waiting for someone else to arrive.

Troy noticed that a former classmate approach her and asked how she was doing. Right before she got answer her another approached them. Julia is happy to see at least one familiar person at the conference.

"Hi, Robin! I actually do remember you, and I haven't seen you since that battle when the ozaki got damaged beyond repair. I've been doing really well, and I've been transferred to the Charon now where I've been helping out in sickbay as well as counseling with the help of a couple of animals that helps to get those who don't want to open up to open up to the person that they can be more comfortable talking. How have you been since the battle? Oh I could hear thoughts, and it seams like that both of us are hungry here."

Who could forget a betazoid around here.

It's always good to see familiar people here.

==Tags Robin and anyone else==
"It's been a long time Lieutenant, since the Borg incident." It was Doctor Benin, a wolf-like officer who had come aboard the Artemis at the time of that fateful battle. He was another familiar face, and she was glad to see him. She'd wondered how he had been.

Robin smiled and bowed her head to the medic. "It's good to see you again, Doctor Benin. How have you been doing?"

Julia also responded. "Hi, Robin! I actually do remember you, and I haven't seen you since that battle when the ozaki got damaged beyond repair. I've been doing really well, and I've been transferred to the Charon now where I've been helping out in sickbay as well as counseling with the help of a couple of animals that helps to get those who don't want to open up to open up to the person that they can be more comfortable talking. How have you been since the battle? Oh I could hear thoughts, and it seams like that both of us are hungry here."

The nurse chuckled. "Yeah, starving. I'm probably projecting like crazy. Glad to hear you're doing great. I've been doing... well, believe it or not I'm the CMO of the Artemis now. And I'm going for Lt. Commander command certification." Having a nurse as CMO was unusual to say the least, but to have one in the position on one of Star Fleet's most powerful ships was unheard of. She still couldn't believe it herself, sometimes. Of course, no one else had wanted the job at the time, so there was that. Star Fleet was still suffering from a severe medic shortage and it didn't look like it would clear up anytime soon. "I've got a sickbay full of mostly Ensigns and Midshipmen, so it's not easy, but I'm enjoying the challenge."

Thankfully Captain Crawford isn't the judgmental type, though she's got more reason than almost anyone to distrust Augments.

== Tags ==
Emily let out a nervous breath as she walked to the conference hall. For the fifth time, she smoothed the fabric on her shirt nervously and ran a hand through her hair. Despite the nerves, she was excited to have the time off to attend the conference. As one of the newbies aboard her ship, her time off requests were literally at the bottom of the pile. 

Glancing at the schedule in her hand, she looked over the items that had piqued her interest. Couple those items with the chance to meet her peers; she was one very excited Doctor. After rounding the corner, she noted a small gathering. The doors weren't opened yet.  Great. 

Hanging back, she anxiously waited. A flicker of purple caught her attention, and she smiled. Her CMO had mentioned being there, but Emily hadn't expected to see her so soon.
As she talked to her fellow medics Robin noticed one of her team, Emily Star, hanging back.

Good. Glad she make it. We need more representation from the Artemis here.

With a smile, the CMO crooked her finger and made a 'come here' motion at the Midshipman. Time to introduce her to some of her fellow medics. The conference certainly beat meeting them during a battle with the Borg.

== Tag Star ==
Kal-Geal nodded to Robin, "I've been on the Yeager as it's only medical officer, before I got reassigned. You know that Klingon-Federation relations are at an all-time low when that happens."

Kal-Geal looked at Emily as she approached and added to Robin, "A friend of yours Lieutenant, or a subordinate, or both?"

==Tag Robin and Emily==
Emily caught Robin's gaze quickly, and when she was beckoned over, that was the end of her skulking. With a nod, she acknowledged the request and with as much confidence as she could muster, Emily made her way to the small group. 

With a gentle wave, Emily greeted them mutely before giving Robin a smile, "Hey Chief."
"I've been on the Yeager as it's only medical officer, before I got reassigned. You know that Klingon-Federation relations are at an all-time low when that happens."

The Yeager? Didn't they scrap that ship decades ago? I guess not. Or is it a different one? In any event it must not have been a premium posting.

Robin nodded with a smile. "Hope your new post is a better one than that." Kal-Geal had been on the Artemis during the Megasphere battle and had handled the chaos well. Robin had a brief memory come up of him howling for some reason, startling her while her Vulcan patient looked on with what might have been a touch of amusement.

"A friend of yours Lieutenant, or a subordinate, or both?"

"One of my new doctors, fresh out of the Academy."

Which makes me sound like I'm a old veteran. I'm only two years older than she is.

"Hey Chief," Emily said as she approached. Robin stepped to the side to make more room for the newly-arrived young woman. "This is Emily Star. Emily, may I present Julia Troy, a counsellor on the Charon, and Kal-Geal Beinn, doctor recently assigned to the Yeager." Robin was old-fashioned and believed in manners and proper introductions. "And feel free to call me Robin when we're off duty."

The young Augment's stomach growled, audibly. She gave an embarrassed smile. "Sorry. Hungry enough to eat a whole cow."

== Tags ==

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