TI/D03 - Crew Lounge
Sothrick replied: "I had sent some recommendations from our last mission that I believe those present deserve representation of.
The other half I would, if you don't mind, would like to meet with you more privately, or with your first officer of course, on some of your expectations of me and my department...However, It does not have to be right this moment."

The Captain nodded. "Yes, of course. We'll discuss this privately later." She looked around again. It seemed like most people had arrived. "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have things to officiate." 

She sighed inwardly. She didn't enjoy standing up in front of an audience.

Jane left the group and made her way onto the stage. Her yeoman was reading with several black boxes laid out on a table.

The Captain stood at the front of the stage and waited for quiet to settle over the crowd.

"Good evening everyone. May I welcome the new crew joining us especially. I would firstly like to say that you all performed your jobs admirably on the last mission in a very difficult situation. Following on from that, I would like to invite certain crew onto the stage to receive recognition. Firstly, please step up Ensign Ra'an and Midshipman Powl."

== Tag Ra'an and Powl ==
"Good evening everyone. May I welcome the new crew joining us especially. I would firstly like to say that you all performed your jobs admirably on the last mission in a very difficult situation. Following on from that, I would like to invite certain crew onto the stage to receive recognition. Firstly, please step up Ensign Ra'an and Midshipman Powl."

Amila looked startled to hear her name as she looked around quickly to find a place to leave her wine glass. "That's me," she said she said bashfully to Keti and Said, as she found a table to leave her glass behind before straightening her uniform and walking toward the stage where the Captain was currently speaking. She looking up at Captain Fields briefly before ascending the steps and watching for direction as to where to stand. She didn't mind the stage, she was just surprised to be standing up here.

== Tag Captain Fields ==
Sothrick nodded as his new Captain excused herself and took center stage as it were.

There was another hint in his eyes as he watched her begin the ceremonies. He had hoped to be able to do such a thing for his crew. He did give one mission ceremony but he was just acting captain then. This would have been a chance to thank his crew!

He sat back in his chair and in a rare instance for the Vulcan he took up a glass of the champagne and took a small sip then kicked back the drink.

He placed the drink back firmly on the table and gave his attention to the Captain speaking.

He was ready to get to work.
Nira looked up at hearing Captain Fields making an announcement, and when she called two of her crew members up, Nira realized what was coming. She had seen that sort of thing before, even had it happen to her.

The only difference: This was a real lounge. All her last two promotions took place on Starbase 105's holosuite, every one of them arranged in a different holographic setting like a beach. It was another thing Nira came to appreciate, that she was in a party in a lounge; even after the temporal effects and the holosuites were fixed, Nira still never trusted them. Even the last party she didn't want to go to, primarily because she was suspicious she would get trapped in there.

I need to figure out a party of my own, Nira thought to herself, suddenly realizing, in reflecting of the past parties she had been to, the only party she attended that did not have a promotion ceremony was the one she got captured by Orion slavers in; that particular party was a clever trap, with spiked drinks. When she came to, she was in an Orion slave master's yacht with two other crew members from the Geronimo, and they worked together to fight the Orions, hijack the yacht and escape.

She shook herself out of recollecting and went back to watching...well, Nira was sure this was a promotion ceremony coming up, why else would Captain Fields call them forward, unless it was a medal...nonetheless, she already knew what was coming.

"Good evening everyone. May I welcome the new crew joining us especially. I would firstly like to say that you all performed your jobs admirably on the last mission in a very difficult situation. Following on from that, I would like to invite certain crew onto the stage to receive recognition. Firstly, please step up Ensign Ra'an and Midshipman Powl."

Not expecting to be called forward, Powl swallowed the wine he had sipped and placed the glass down. He stood sharply and straightened his unform before joining Captain Fields and Ensign Ra'an at the podium. On his way to his to the podium he observed that the lounge had suddenly grown very quiet despite that large amount of attendees. Unaware of any reason that he should be summoned to the front, Powl complied but definitely proceeded with a good dose of curiosity. Once he arrived at the podium, he was not sure of the reason, so he stood at attention once he stopped. As he stood pondering the purpose of being called up, he could still taste the tannins from the wine he had just before being called forward. He looked forward at Captain Fields and noticed her stance was a combination of business and casual.

While this was a gathering to welcome the newly transferred crew from the Geronimo, but this seemed to add a note of business to the occasion. Upon coming to attention, he stood and raised his right eyebrow.

==Tag Fields==
The Captain's yeoman handed over two boxes to her. Jane took them and approached Ra'an first.

"Ms Ra'an, I hereby promote you to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade with all of the rights and privileges thereto. Congratulations."

She opened one of the boxes and placed a new pip on Ra'an's collar.

"In addition I award you the Star Fleet Achievement Medal in recognition of actions above the norm on the previous mission." With this she handed over the other black box and smiled. "Excellent job."

Turning back to her yeoman she retrieved another two boxes.

"Mister Powl, I hereby promote you to the rank of Ensign with all of the rights and privileges thereto. Congratulations." The Captain approached the Vulcan and replaced his single hollow pip with a solid one. "In addition I award you the Star Fleet Achievement Medal in recognition of actions above the norm on the previous mission." She handed over the other box. "Welcome back Torock." She gave him a surreptitious wink.

She gave them both an open palm gesture that they could return to the floor. The Captain's yeoman handed her a PADD, and Jane scanned over it quickly and then nodded, handing it back.

"Commander Sothrick, Lieutenant Commander Keir, Lieutenant Commander Said, and Lieurtenant Keti, please step up to the stage."

== Tag Sothrick, Keir, Said, Keti. ==
Just as Nira thought. It was a promotion ceremony. She watched as two officers, one of them the Orion girl she just met, got promoted. And then came the call for the new officers from the Geronimo, Nira included.

Nira remembered the ceremonies in the past. She wondered what medal she'll be getting this time. If the promotions were finished already, the next thing had to mean medals. She stepped forward and awaited.

Proud to be there Keti was happy for everyone who were recognized, it was a proud day for them. Well deserved no doubt, and now he was part of their crew. One where he wasn't going to be the only one there, and he valued her company. The merger of them into the crew seemed to be going well, and Keti was enjoying himself. Than he heard his name to join them on stage, and he was curious about it. 

Getting up on stage, Keti stood exactly where he was told, right at the end. He was there with pride, a member of their crew. There was just so much out there for him to learn. It also gave him comfort that people he knew were there, also he was making friends. Every now and again he was going to poke his head out, and do something fun.

==Tag everyone ==
Keir had been sitting at the back of the room. S/he was still kinda shell shocked after hir position and ship had been mothballed, leaving hir leaning heavily on Samantha. S/he was not sure what s/he would be doing if the transfer had been without PO Reagan, and didn't like to think about it.
Still not sure what hir role here was though s/he did understand that the FO had been doing double duty and given that Keir had just been in the same position s/he understood, but the USS Titania was a much larger vessel, which meant a larger team.

As s/he sat there mulling over things s/he heard hir name mentioned and with a push from her lady Keir made hir way to the front of the room and nodded in respect to Captain Fields. "Lieutenant Commander Keir77 as requested Captain."

Not wanting to make a big deal of it but Keir77 Was hir name and not simply Keir. S/he was the 77th person to be thus named, and it was important to hir.

==Tag Fields==
As the Captain began officially starting the ceremony Sothrick took his seat and sipped on his unusual for him, drink.

He could not remember the last time he had alcohol. Perhaps at his wedding he had a glass of champagne but before that it was on Qo'Nos as a youth.

He clapped with each presentation given committing the names with the faces. He usually spent the time transferring to new ship familiarizing himself with all the files of the crew but he had not had a chance to do that with this new ship. 

He was contemplating this personal failure when the Captain suddenly called him and his transferring crew to the stage.

He stood and followed his former First Officer to stand with the Captain as requested.

As he took his place he stood in such a manner that even his relaxed stance looked rigid and firm. Standing next to the others would make his odd size for a Vulcan stand out a bit. His steel gray eyes looked about the room.
When the officers came up in a line, Jane took a box from her yeoman. She first approached and stood in front of Sothrick and handed him the box and shook his hand. "I award you the Star Fleet Achievement Medal in recognition of actions above the norm under your previous commission."

The Captain repeated these actions for Keir 77, Said and Keti who all received a Star Fleet Achievement Medal.

After the applause had died down, Jane offered Sothrick the chance to step forward if he wished. "Commander, if you have anything you would like to say regarding the commendations from the Geronimo crew, please do."

Otherwise, she would end the formal ceremony and allow people to enjoy the party.

== Tag all ==
Sothrick nodded as he was given his medal. He had suggested medals for most of his crew but he was surprised to get one himself.
It helped to make him feel like he did not fail at his mission.

As the Captain offered to let him speak for his once crew being honored he paused not before thinking of making any speeches but giving a quick glance to his former FO he took a small step forward and after a deep inhale and exhale of his breath the large Vulcan with steel gray eye looked across the largely unfamiliar crowd and spoke. His deep voice booming across the room.

"Thank you Captain. I do wish to take this opportunity to congratulate my crew on an excellent job on a yet another trying mission. I am proud of the work they have done in my short time as their Captain and how honored I was to be their CO." He said and paused very shortly

"I may be speaking out of turn but I would like to say we are all excited for the opportunity to be apart of this crew and get to work with the illustrious Captain Fields." He finished. He nodded and took a slight step back in line.

Then as the Captain dismissed them he filed back to his old table.

As he sat he looked over to Kier. "I am not one to drink often but care to join me in another drink?" He said first to Kier then looked about the table that was sitting there.

== Tag All ==
Nira figured she was getting a medal, but she was surprised she had gotten it at all. If it was at all an indication of confirmation that people thought well on her handling the situation, this was.

As much as Nira wanted to feel proud, she still felt ashamed, considering the circumstances that she was one of two telepaths, and even Doctor Watson in his first year of medical school would figure that out. She didn't feel to pleased to have it, but she decided to accept it all the same. At the very least, she can put it aside, ignore the medal, put aside what had transpired, and move on.

She gave a simple "thank you, Captain," to Captain Fields, and went back into the crowd with Keti. She overheard Sothrick proposing a drink to Keir, and for a moment, she was sorely tempted...but she decided not to. She intended to move on, something she had decided upon as a means to ensure the past doesn't hurt her anymore.

"I don't know if we should take a look around or not, Keti," Nira said to Keti. "Get a tour of the ship."

==Tag Keti and anybody on the Titania crew, soft to Sothrick==
Powl accepted both the promotion and award with a great deal of gratification. If there had been an emotion that could be tied to the moment, it would have been exceeding pride. If a Vulcan could experience an intrusive thought, he would have had echoes of doubt roaming his mind regarding a return after having been captured for so long. Although physically his body was able; his mind was quite a different challenge altogether. He was certainly aware of how close he came to never recovering mentally. What this promotion and medal indicated to his fully logical brain was, in short, "Yes, I am back."

Captain Fields offered a wink at Torock. At first, if you had not served with Captain Fields, a person might feel that this would be out of place. In the past, Powl had indeed a great deal of work hours with her. Although this was prior to his capture, he still had the memories of that time before. Given that, the stealthy wink was certainly in character. Nevertheless, it was unexpected. At the wink, he simply raised his right eyebrow, and nodded his head in acknowledgement and thanks. Ra'an also received likewise a promotion and a medal.

Ra'an had resoundingly proved why she belonged on the ship. Her calculations were precise enough to allow Powl to focus solely on flying the ship and releasing the programming. Although, he would have expected similar results from any Science Officer aboard a Star Fleet vessel, these calculation were precise enough that the Vulcan Science Academy would have remarked it as, "Adequate." A rather unexciting word by human standards, but a heavy compliment in the interspecies translation. An "Adequate" remark indicates it held up to the exceeding standards of the best Vulcan research minds. Their approval was not handed out lightheartedly. Her medal was well deserved.

Torock had not yet interacted with any of the new transfers. He was intrigued to see that Commander Sothrick had joined the crew. There were not many Vulcans on board, so it would be at least another person with which Powl would be able to share similarities. Several of the members from the now decommissioned ship stepped forward by the summons of Captain Fields along with Sothrick. Sothrick was given a Star Fleet Achievement Medal as well. Unsure of what their prior mission was on their ship, it was reassuring to see them receiving such commendations. The indication being that they were competent at a high level and were performing above and beyond. This notion is the reputation Titania for which it had become known.

The Captain repeated these actions for Keir 77, Said and Keti who all received a Star Fleet Achievement Medal.

"Commander, if you have anything you would like to say regarding the commendations from the Geronimo crew, please do."

"Thank you Captain. I do wish to take this opportunity to congratulate my crew on an excellent job on a yet another trying mission. I am proud of the work they have done in my short time as their Captain and how honored I was to be their CO." He said and paused very shortly.

Commander Sothrick was brief but appreciative to his crew. At the conclusion of the ceremony, Powl returned to his table and enjoyed the opportunity to observe the revelry.
Standing tall Keti took pride being there with his crew, and wished that more were there with him. However that's part of the life they chose, one minute you are serving with great friends, the next you are assigned a new position starting the process all over again. The worst part for him was learning the new culture of the ship, something that  he was now better at.

"Thank you Captain, I look forward to serving your crew." Sometimes Keti was a man of few words, and it drove Aja crazy at times. He was also learning about expanding on that, hopefully with his new crew mate. Now it was time to enjoy the party, and smile more.
After the Medal and promotion ceremonies were winding down Keir returned briefly to sit with Samantha and watch the remainder; taking note of the older looking Vulcan Tactical officer receive his promotion to Ensign. As she watched he appeared to be familiar with the Captain and wondered if he had served before and was now retuning to active duty.

Sam stepped away to chat with a former friend and with that Keir took the opportunity to stand and head over to greet Ensign Powl. He would see an attractive young-looking brunette female in an Engineering uniform and LCdr pips on her collar. He likely knew she was one of the new transfers and might have heard some strange rumours regarding the officer's Gender.

"Greetings Ensign Powl, congratulations on your promotion. I am Keir77, transferring here from the Geronimo, where I served as First officer briefly."
To Powl's eye the officer seemed barely out of their teens, but the voice seemed older. "I have heard that you served on the Copernicus a number of years ago and I am always interested in learning more about a new ship before I start my first shift."

Looking around the Engineer seemed puzzled. "I was expecting to find the First Officer as I heard he was acting Chief."

==Tag Powl enough to get us started Apologies for keeping you waiting==
"Well, if we can't get a tour of the ship, maybe if we looked for quarters to drop off our things and maybe we looked for a holodeck? Maybe we can get to know each other in a program," Nira said to Keti.

==Tag Keti==
"Greetings Ensign Powl, congratulations on your promotion. I am Keir77, transferring here from the Geronimo, where I served as First officer briefly."
To Powl's eye the officer seemed barely out of their teens, but the voice seemed older. "I have heard that you served on the Copernicus a number of years ago and I am always interested in learning more about a new ship before I start my first shift."

Powl nodded his head at the greeting of Keir77. The young look officer inquired regarding his former service on the Copernicus, this was always a potential subject now. For the most part, his service aboard the Copernicus had been interesting and fulfilling. The only negative was his capture. That of course happened during his service there, but was not a reflection on his experience.

"Thank you Commander Keir. You are correct, I did serve on the Copernicus prior to the Titania. I am surprised you have heard of me."

Powl took a sip of his wine. His mouth made a slight pucker at the light tannins. Before he continued, Keir inquired about the first officer of the Titania.

"I was expecting to find the First Officer as I heard he was acting Chief."

Powl again nodded to indicate her acquired knowledge for Engineering was correct. "You are right, our First Officer indeed did serve as Acting Chief Engineer, as well as perform his duties as First Officer. Last I heard, he was 'knee deep' in a flood of repairs.

Regrettably, our last mission ended in a very fantastic fashion. It was bold, risky, and very hard on the Titania. I believe you are catching the 'tail end' of the repairs, however, he is still indisposed."

==Tag Keir, no problem!==
There wasn't much for excitement around,  people were starting to go in their own direction. Happily  Nira had a few great ideas, all of them were to get to know each other better. Keti really enjoyed that idea, every now and again people really should do that. He had a few ideas to open up to her, and allow her to do the same.

"I think that's a great idea, I have a program that's still a working progress. It's a simple program that gives people a look at home, it also helps keep me grounded." No matter where you call home there was always some beautiful aspects in it, with almost an equal amount of bad. There is always some kind of balance, it all depends on how you handle things.

"There are a couple of things that I need to pick up for this, I think if we meet up in ten minutes at the Holodeck. It will be a great experience for the both of us." He smiled and hoped that she had something that will allow her to express herself as well.

==Tag sorry it took this long==

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