Captain Brooks Surprise 40th Birthday Party
==Subplots take secondary when in mission, this is run by Cdr Velaul, ALL CREW INVITED==
Birthdays were always a sacred thing for people with milestone birthdays being the biggest of all, so they are also the most special. On this occasion the way to make it really special was to give him a small taste of home, Hampshire England. It is a very beautiful place with beautiful history. Historical Kings that will be remembered centuries after they are gone, great campaigns were launched from there. The leaders that stand out the most are the ones who lead front in hopless situations, and turn it into victory. 

With this in mind Beno wanted to make this the most Iconic birthday for the ages, and there was nothing more iconic than Camelot. A place that no one truly knows where it was for sure, but one of the three places they theorized was Winchester in Hampshire. This was going to be the confirmed location of Camelot, at least for the party. Home of King Richard the Lionheart, and his right hand man Lancelot.

When people entered the holodeck they would see the natural beauty of the rolling hills of Hampshire, and the legendary castle built right into it. They were greeted by a younger version of Daniel as a Medical Midshipman, who would escort the guests into a carriage that would take them into the Castle. On the way there was a pink flamingo, there was forty of them. Once inside the person to open the door for them was a Lieutenant Junior Grade Daniel, the rank that he became Chief Medical Officer who would escort them to the great hall. Finally the last version of Daniel was Lieutenant Commander and Second Officer, his purpose was Host the person who took people to their seats. 

Prominent in the center of the room was a stone with a sword sticking out, the magical sword Excalibur. A few feet above was a banner saying "Happy 40TH". The holographic people were dressed in old English styles, and spoke the same way. The entire crew received the same message with the exception of the Captain, they received an invite to a surprise Birthday party for the Captain. He was being escorted by Beno to a nice quiet dinner on the Holodeck, where she promised it was just going to be the two of them.

==The whole crew is invited to attend==
Daniel met Beno outside his quarters and they headed towards the holodeck. They had a little bit of small talk as they headed towards the holodeck.. Brooks felt that his FO was keeping something from him through as she was a little evasive when he asked her what kind of quiet holodeck place she had picked.

As the door slid back he was shocked to be greeted by a holographic version of himself as a medical midshipman. Dan noticed the rolling hills and a castle in the middle of it. Dan looked at Beno with a puzzled look on his face, "Doesn't seem very quiet." he teased.

Looking carefully at the holographic version of himself, it seemed a very long time ago when he reported in for his first assignment on the USS Copernicus, Dan couldn't help thinking of all the friends he made and those who he lost on the way. It been a long time in Starfleet. As they moved their way towards the castle Dan couldn't help but chuckle at pink flamingo. He didn't know where that inspiration came from but it made it colorful.

As they got to the door, they were greeted by another holodeck form of himself as Lieutenant Junior Grade who was Chief Medical Officer. Dan would always remember when he took over from Lieutenant Commander Lee Ander. There was plenty to say about the Commander but most of which was classified.

"Seeing myself in various roles makes me remember so much of my career." he said to Beno as the CMO took them through and handed them over to the last version of himself.

The final version was him as a Lieutenant Commander, it reminded him of his command test. Dan ended up having to send the Chief Engineer to his death to save the ship. It was a moment he will never forget and one he hoped would never have to happen while Dan was CO.

The last was the host of the event. In the middle of the room was a sword in a stone, clearly it was Excalibur. With a few feet about with the banner 'Happy 40th'. The holographic people were dressed in old English styles and spoke in the same way.

They were escorted to their seats by the Host. As they sat down, Captain Brooks said,

"Is this what you class as a quiet one... I was hoping to slip this one by with no one noticing...."

==Tag Beno and the rest of the crew==
As instructed, Alex had not said a word about the planned event for his new CO. He had simply gone to the designated holodeck and gone in.

It was different than most that he had seen. The idea of having different iterations of the CO through his career acting as the staff was a nice touch. Naturally, Alex was looking at the details of the program and making mental notes on how he might have augmented certain aspects, but it was still of a quality that was superior to most available programs. Clearly some thought had gone into the planning of this little event.

He wasn't sure how it had been planned to greet the CO on his arrival to the central gathering, so ALex simply waited and would go along with the flow of things. He had learned to navigate most of the official functions. He could even imitate a fair version of mingling and making small talk, though it was quite out of character for him and he tried to only do such things when he had been forced to attend mandatory events dictated by his parents.

Alex spotted the guest of honor, as he entered and was being shown in. He was betting that there would likely be some sort of herald that would shout out his arrival. In some cultures, it was the Lord Steward, others called them the Major Domo or some other similar title. A person of relative importance within the domestic staff that would call attention to distinguished guests and ensure that proper protocols were followed if royalty were to arrive. Given the setting for the theme of the party, Alex guessed some such honor had been anticipated for the guest of honor.

== Usually I'm late to such events, but I guess I will dare to be the first "Guest" to post this time. ==
Not wanting to look like her usual self, Beno wore a different outfit than normal. She wore a ruby green cocktail dress with matching heels. The final touches were the matching nails, and her makeup was done nicely. She usually didn't like to do it, but every now and again was alright.

When they walked into the Holodeck, Beno knew he was enjoying it, and there were more surprises that will reveal themselves soon. Right now Daniel knew it was anything but a quiet evening. When  he asked about the quiet evening, Beno knew that it was time to come cleanish about it. He enjoyed seeing himself in different parts of his career.

"I put them in here to remind you about how much of a difference you have made, and how much of a difference. You are one of the best Captains I served with." Captain Simmons was still her favorite. 
Seeing mysele remembeer." he said to Beno as the CMO took them through and handed them over to the last Seeing myself in various roles makes me remember s
"Fourty to humans is a very big deal, and you might have noticed the forty flamingos on the way here." She let a  bit of a laugh out. *Plus I am not sure what it means to be subtle, maybe when I turn old. Velaul turns four hundred soon." She said with a wink.

Now that she spotted Talion Beno had a bit of disappointed, he was alone. "Commander Talion you here alone? Say it isn't so. I was looking forward to finally meet this Cindy, I heard about her years ago." Not sure one way or the other why she wasn't there.

Coming into the Holodeck Cologero had a sense of Nostalgia, thev place looked great. Open spaces green grass, and the hills were a nice touch. This was going to be his second chance to meet more of the crew, a feeling that was shared by the rest of the crew. It also doubled as a surprise Birthday party for the Captain, forty was a big deal for people. It also explains the Flamingos on the road, a classic Earth tradition. Just like it was the Coppola tradition to bring a gift, this tradition was right up there as the eleventh commandment. 

The gift he brought was the Patron Saint Michael, the saint of protection in dangerous situations. In the life they lead protection could come in handy. They were going to get into some dangerous situations, and they could use all the protection available. Being responsible for all the lives on the ship can stress a person out, where Michael was meant to give him some comfort.

The ride to the Castle was a nice comfortable one, with the conclusion of going into the Castle. It was the legendary Camelot, fit for any King. Cologero never thought he would ever go into the place, but that was more of a cultural thing. Also it was a surprise party, something that Cologero didn't exactly like when he was surprised. His family knew it but still,l did it anyway, just not enough to be a constant disappointment.

Approaching the Captain and First Officer who looked stunning in that dress. Seeing her like that was the last thing he expected, the best surprise that he ever seen. "Captain, Commander." He greeted with a friendly greeting. "Captain a little gift from the Coppola Family." He handed Brooks the small black box with a ribbon around it.

"Commander lovely dress for the evening, I look forward to the party." He wasn't sure what to expect, other than a good time and potentially a hangover.

==Tag Captain and Commander ==
==NPC Carley Young ==

This had to be her favorite programs that Carley had a part in putting together, but all of them were equally fun. This was a great beginning to celebrate the Captains Birthday would be a welcome change, and Carley was ready to enjoy herself. With this program that they developed it was more about the experience, and reflection about about life more than a career. Everyone can relate to it because they can identify with it, everyone starts somewhere and wants to achieve anything. It's never going to be easy, but worth it.

This was one of thoes experiences that Carley didn't want to be in uniform for, it was a good opportunity to set it aside and bring out her feminine side. There were two colors that both of them wanted to avoid, red and blue. This time Carley chose a floral arrangement, with matching shoes she was ready to have fun. Her blonde hair was tied tight in the back, it heilighted her eyes.

Joining the small group that formed Carley had a nice smile. "Happy Birthday Captain, this is going to be an excellent evening. Cologero would you be my escort?" She asked him while putting herself out there, the purpose of everything that she was doing was expanding on her comfort zone. This was something that she never really done before, Beno always lead the way, and now it's her time. 

Alex was dressed in a stylish, but comfortable version of a suit. True to form, he looked almost business casual, but close inspection showed he was wearing some of the finest materials and even if they were replicated, they were impeccable.

When Beno approached and mentioned Cindy, the corner of his mouth turned into just a hint of a grin as he glanced around, considering for just a moment before saying, "Forgive the presumption, but I have become in the habit of very conservative levels of restraint in such matters. However..." He tilted his head just a little, "...since you have indicated that there was a plus one to the invitation...Cindy, if you would be so kind..."

As if transporting into the place, but without any flash, just a simple materialization, Cindy was suddenly standing next to him in a very attractive version of a little black dress that was low cut and a rather open back, but was not overly revealing. She was made up quite nicely and gave a sparkling smile as Alex finished saying, " to introduce yourself."

Looking first to the Captain, Cindy gave a tiny bow of her head in acknowledgement as she said, "Hello, I'm very pleased to finally meet you both in such a...personal way. Captain, congratulations and happy birthday! A new prize command as well as a milestone celebration. You're going to have quite a job trying to duplicate such an event in the near future, but I'm ever so glad to share it with you in the moment."

Turning to Beno, the grin turned a bit more playful as she continued, "Pleased to meet you. I'm Cindy Talion, Alex's Synthetic Intelligent Assistant." She quickly looked Beno up and down, "Nice dress! The nails add a great touch."

Unlike what has sometimes been reported, Cindy was not exactly the exceedingly young and inappropriate companion that was created for Alex's entertainment. She appeared to be in her late twenties, but had a more sophisticated personality than one might expect.

Alex then added, "Captain, may you enjoy many more wonderful celebrations as this, for many years to come." He smiled and considered his next words carefully, "Let it never be said that I was not flexible in my ability to meet the desires and expectations of my commanding officers."

== Tag to any and all near, but specifically the CO and FO ==

== For reference, Cindy's appearance has been modelled after Charlize Theron at about the age of 28-30. She has gradually aged in appearance, but at a slower rate than Alex. If anything, the vibe people tend to get when observing Alex and Cindy together is that of perhaps a brother and sister, more than anything more intimate. Alex would not have presumed to have her in attendance until it was brought up by the FO. Given that "green light" he (and Cindy) are more than happy to not disappoint. ==
Kalli made her way into the holodeck and allowed herself to be brought to the main gathering spot. She was a bit nervous as she tried to step out of her comfort zone and was wearing a dress. Even her closest friends had rarely seen her without something covering her arms and legs, not to mention everything else in between. In this case, her arms were bare to the shoulder and the length of her dress was about mid calf, but there was a slit that ran up one side that allowed an occasional glimpse of a leg to mid thigh. A very well trained eye might spot a thin scar her or there, though only perfect timing might allow someone to spot part of three scars on her lower back that ran together and were a souvenir of an animal attack from her youth. Her hair was down and most would barely recognize her.

Not being a very social creature, Kalli remained quiet for now, observing the other people there. She was not only amused, but a bit surprised to see Cindy appear. This party was suddenly much more interesting than she had expected. It had been a long time since Cindy had been welcomed by a crew. She worried a little for how people might interpret the program, but she understood it well and was convinced that if people found Talion's programs agreeable enough and useful enough, she might have better odds of implementing her own test programs for use in her efforts to make the ship safer.

== What can I say, she still has her shy moments, even though she is getting bolder one step at a time. ==
When Jez heard of the Party for the Captain she was excited, after everything she had been through she was looking forward to some fun, but the question was what does one give a Terran male who is turning forty years old? The obvious choices were something a Captain would enjoy, an astrolabe came to mind, but on an enclosed starship it seemed a little impractical. Jez looked at a spyglass, but an old gift like that and the astrolabe and the Captain might think she was reminding him of how old he was. Jez did recall him mentioning that he was a Chief Medical Officer.

After several hours of searching Jez found what she thought would be the perfect gift for a man as unique as Captain Brooks, she found a book by Leonardo DA Vinci, The Anatomical, Physiological and Embryological Drawings of Leonardo da Vinci With more than 1200 reproductions of drawings by the master's own hand, this book is the definitive and most complete collection of Leonardo's anatomical drawings. The Vitruvian Man is da Vinci's study of the human form, which is meant to be perfectly proportionate through the application of geometry and mathematics. Its only meaning is to demonstrate the perfect ratios and proportions found in human anatomy.Jez was confident that the Captain would enjoy it.

The next dilemma was what to wear to the Captain’s Party, she wasn’t sure if it was formal, semi formal, or casual. Jez searched through the replicator files and found a wonderful Asian Inspired cocktail dress, it was a yellow silk with cherry blossoms, it was slit up the side. Jez put her hair up in a bun, secured with a Hair binyeo, in the shape of a dragon, her makeup was subtle. The dress fits like a glove. Jez was hoping to dance, so she wore a pair of gold colored pumps. She then replicated a pair of dangling jade earrings that complimented her dress very well. Jez gave herself a once over, just to make sure everything was just right; once she was satisfied she left for the holodeck.

Jez had no idea what to expect, she entered and was a bit startled, there was a Castle set upon gently rolling hills. The Castle appeared to be of the Gothic architectural style and time period. Usually, this means they were built between 1200 and 1800, though most were built before 1500. They usually have high walls, vaulted ceilings, and big windows.What Jez didn’t understand was the Pink Flamingo, it just seemed out of place; horses or archers would have seemed more appropriate. Maybe the Captain has a thing for Flamingo’s, Thought Jez. However, the rest of the Castle was spot on complete with Guards dressed in Medieval clothing, the only thing missing was an old man with a long white beard, the court wizard; it looked like something out of a fairytale. Jez looked around for a Dragon.

As Jez entered the Castle she spotted Commander Talion speaking with the Captain and a young Tactical Midshipman. He was a handsome man, he had a classical look about him, but he was just a tad too young for her. There was a beautiful brunette Trill in an absolutely stunning green cocktail dress with matching nails.

That must be Commander Velaul, Thought Jez, but she wasn’t sure as she hadn’t met the Aquila's First Officer, yet.  Jez knew of Commander Velaul, the other crew members said she is the best First Officer in the Fleet. Jez was looking forward to talking with her, as she had heard that the Commander was an author, mystey’s was what she had heard. Jez also likes mystery novels. Jez was curious to hear the Commander's thoughts on authors like Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie, and Rex Stout.

Suddenly another Hologram appeared, it was Commander Talion’s ever-faithful Cindy, she was wearing the classical little Black Dress, and she looked amazing, Commander Talion looked so dapper, so refined.

Jez then saw Lt. Thorn, she was in a dress, Jez couldn’t recall having ever seen Thorn in a dress, not that they had lots of formal affairs on the Geronimo, but the dress that Kalli was wearing was stunning,  her arms were bare to the shoulder and the length of her dress was about mid-calf, but there was a slit that ran up one side, the dress complemented her Hazel eyes. Jez almost hated Kalli for looking so amazing.

She has excellent taste.

Jez approached the group, “Hello Captain, Commander Talion, Cindy, Kalli Good to see you again.” Jez then handed The Captain his Birthday present, “Happy Birthday, Captain.” Announced Jez as she gave him his present. “I hope you like it and I hope you don’t have one..” Said Jez. “Lieutenant Thorn, you look beautiful, you must tell me the name of your dressmaker.” Pleaded Jez.

She then turned to Commander Velaul and the Young Tactical Midshipman. “Hello. I’m Ensign Jez Mala, we haven’t been formally introduced. It’s a pleasure to meet you. ” Her tone was warm, friendly, and confident.

== Tag All. ==
Brooks smiled at his FO as she said,

"I put them in here to remind you about how much of a difference you have made, and how much of a difference. You are one of the best Captains I served with." 

Beno then added, "Fourty to humans is a very big deal, and you might have noticed the forty flamingos on the way here." She let a  bit of a laugh out. *Plus I am not sure what it means to be subtle, maybe when I turn old. Velaul turns four hundred soon." She said with a wink.

Dan laughed, "At least it makes my forty not seem quite as old. However, it does feel odd to say the least."

The Captain was then distracted by the new Midshipman, . "Captain, Commander." He greeted with a friendly greeting. "Captain a little gift from the Coppola Family." He handed Brooks the small black box with a ribbon around it.

"Thank you." said Brooks with a smile and opened it, "Very interesting Coppola. Thank you."

"Commander lovely dress for the evening, I look forward to the party."

Joining the small group that formed Carley had a nice smile. "Happy Birthday Captain, this is going to be an excellent evening. Cologero would you be my escort?"

"Thank you Young." Brooks replied as his eyes briefly looked over at the Midshipman to see how he would cope with being put on the spot in front of his superior officers but was distracted by Commander Talion and his lovely looking woman friend.

"Hello, I'm very pleased to finally meet you both in such a...personal way. Captain, congratulations and happy birthday! A new prize command as well as a milestone celebration. You're going to have quite a job trying to duplicate such an event in the near future, but I'm ever so glad to share it with you in the moment."

Cindy had actually hit the nail on the head, he would never experience getting a ship and a milestone birthday at the same time again.

Turning to Beno, the grin turned a bit more playful as she continued, "Pleased to meet you. I'm Cindy Talion, Alex's Synthetic Intelligent Assistant." She quickly looked Beno up and down, "Nice dress! The nails add a great touch."

Alex then added, "Captain, may you enjoy many more wonderful celebrations as this, for many years to come." He smiled and considered his next words carefully, "Let it never be said that I was not flexible in my ability to meet the desires and expectations of my commanding officers.

Dan grinned, "Thank you Commander. I very much hope for many celebrations to come and as for your flexible and ability, from your record I'm sure that will never become a problem."

Jez approached the group, “Hello Captain, Commander Talion, Cindy, Kalli Good to see you again.” Jez then handed The Captain his Birthday present, “Happy Birthday, Captain.” Announced Jez as she gave him his present. “I hope you like it and I hope you don’t have one..” Said Jez.

"Thank you...Mala." he said taking the present and opening it while Jez chatted and introduced herself to the new Midshipman.

"It is absolutely perfect, I will look forward to having a tea and reading through this." he said to Jez before placing it along side the other presents that were on the table.

For a moment he felt a little overwhelmed by it all, especially having the new crew coming up with presents and congratulating him being forty. The first time in years he felt like he wanted to run away and hide but Dan knew in his heart that would be an awful thing to do, maybe it was knowing another decade had gone by. On the other hand he was now a Captain of the Ross Class with an amazing crew under him that he was itching to get on a mission with and watch their talents flow and grow.

Turning to Beno he said, "Right. I think I could do with a drink."

==Tag Everyone, Info Daniel is wearing a Black Tuxedo==
Jez was pleased to hear the Captain say that her gift was perfect and that he was looking forward to having tea and reading through it. She was so worried that he had one or wouldn’t like it. Jez had considered giving him Golf Clubs, but she wasn’t sure if Doctors still played golf, or if it was a cliché. Yes, the Aquila had a holodeck, but playing an outdoor sport on a Holodeck just wasn’t the same.

The Captain was wearing a Classic Black Tuxedo, he was the epitome of style, Jez had to smile, as the Captain reminded her of a Character from British novelist Ian Fleming, The Captain looked like James Bond, a British secret agent working for MI6 under the codename 007 and the Captain’s accent just severe to reinforce that image.

Brooks, Daniel Brooks, Licenced to kill.

Jez chuckled a little as she could picture the Captain saying that.

Jez knew that some Humans often looked at Birthdays as a sign that they were getting older and reaching the end of their life span. While others looked at Birthdays, as wonderful celebrations to life, moments to be with friends and family.  The only Human that she knew that was close to the Captain’s age was her Sensi, and he hated Birthdays.

“Captain, you look so dapper. Promise me you’ll save a dance for me?”  Said Jez, hoping she didn’t sound like a fan girl.

If the Captain didn’t want to dance, she was sure that Commander Talion was probably light on his feet. But the question was would the Captain dare show his crew his lighter side, that even the Captain is capable of having fun.

== Tag Captain Brooks. ==
Kalli had been trying to hide a bit, but it was hard to do looking like she did. Part of her mind knew that she was not being stared at, but the struggle was still real for her. Her heart started beating a bit faster when Jez called attention to her. Reluctantly stepping a little closer, she didn't really know what to say in this social setting.

Jez then commented on her dress and asked who had made it. Still blushing a bit, she replied, "Actually, Cindy helped me out with it." She didn't want to elaborate on the fact that she had very little fashion sense and was a little embarrassed to admit that a holographic program knew more about whatshe should wear than she did.

Tring to draw a little of the attention away from herself once more, Kalli turned to the Captain, "Happy birthday, sir."
When people starting coming into the Holodeck, and the first person who stopped was Cologero and he had a gift. It was very thoughtful of him, "How thoughtful Cologero, must be the old Italian spirit." He had on his file that he was Catholic, and giving a gift was just his way. Itilians were also alot of fun to party with, and they can really hold their drinks.

It was nice to see Cindy there, Beno had heard about her years ago. The Scientific community was pretty talkative, and Beno heard so much about her. "Cindy a pleasure to finally meet you, I have actually heard about you a long time ago. The Scientific community talks, that and a friend of mine knew you." It was years ago so they most likely wouldn't remember.

"She had a lot of good things to say about you, I would love to talk to you about it some other time. I also identify people for who they not what they are. Again a conversation for another day. Plus that you for the compliments, you look attractive yourself."

Now that Jez had arrived she was delighted to meet her. "Pleasure to meet you as well, we should have a great time tonight.*  

Then Daniel had the best idea yet. "A drink sounds great, I have a couple bottles of bourbon coming to our table." There were more alcoholic drinks coming as well, she made sure to have a little something for everyone. Now putting her arm in his. "Lead the way, we have a night ahead of you." She had a devilish grin as they went for a drink.

Julia had finally made it to the party with Surik and both Spike and Dot. Troy has made sure Surik was dressed up in a nice tux that was a modern twist of midevil times on earth while Troy's outfit was another dress that has a modern twist of the dresses from the midevil times. She even had both Spike and Dot looking really nice for the party that went to in honour of the Captain.

Troy had brought a gift of four bottles of different drinks with glasses for them. The four bottles of drinks were a 200 year old Betazoid whiskey and a 200 year old Betazoid bourbon along with a 100 year old Betazoid wine and a 100 year old Betazoid champagne. They walked up to the Captain with the present to hand to him.

"Captain, commander, it's wonderful to be here to celebrate the milestone with the captain here. I have brought you this gift for your 40th birthday and I hope that you will enjoy it. It came all the way from home and don't worry I've got extra of the bottles that I haven't opened up yet except for special occasions."

Julia just knew that this one heck of a special occasion to give a good gift.

==Tags all==
Happy that Captains enjoyed his gift, as First impressions go it would be a good one. This was also a good time to take his leave, there would be so many people wanting to give Birthday wishes, truly the best of times that just started to have promise. Cologero really enjoyed having the company of lovely women of the crew, and now there were a few of them.

Excepting her arm into his."It would be my pleasure to be your escort to the party Miss Young." With a smile fitting for a gentleman. This evening was going to be next to impossible to top until a few more came, Cindy and Talion who didn't fit the typical Science Officer stereotype. Most scientists he knew were fifty shades of dull, he must have been absent on the days they taught how to be dull.

"Cindy a pleasure to see you again, the room just got a little brighter." He was happy to see Talion bring her. "Talion we will try some of thoes tequila drinks later, for now I am going to enjoy the most important elements here. Great company and celebrating life, something wh should all cherish." 

"A pleasure to meet you as well, I am Cologero Coppola, my friends call me C."  The real reason that Cologero loved events like this was a collaboration of Cultural, it gave him a better chance to understand more about the differences. Julie brought a little more class with her, and her animals. It was nice to meet Spike and Dot, therapy animals help people recover faster.

==Tag Everyone ==
At Coppola's kind words, Cindy gave another hint of a blush and tried not to show how out of practice she was at recieving such compliments. She replied, "Thank you, sir." Her words and actions were modest, but the glint in her eye indicated that she appreciated such things, as she gave him a nod in return.

At the mention of the drinks, Talion simply raised his gass and smiled. He would very likely enjoy a few of those drinks, once the party had mellowed into the more social sitting around and swapping stories stage. That was often Alex's favorite part of most parties anyway. Either way, Alex could certainly appreciate that the young officer was interested in having an attractive young woman on his arm and didn't want to distract him any further.
Admit the details of this program were amazing, down to the smallest detail. Lords and ladies dressed in lavish outfits, Knights with swords and shields, Surfs with patch worked clothes, Monks with shaved heads and long brown robes tied at the waist with a rope, just everything one would expect to find in a medieval setting.

Jez watched as Coppola flirted with Cindy. Jez noticed that Commander Talion and Cindy seemed to have an odd relationship. No one knew if they were father and daughter, companions, or something more.

As Talion raised a glass she approached Commander Talion. “ Commander, would you do me the honor of a dance?” Said Jez, as she held out her arm.

== Tag Talion. ==
Cindy gave a glance to Alex and barely suppressed a smirk, then raised an eyebrow to him, curious what he would do.

Alex appeared a little surprised, but grinned and handed his drink to Cindy as he stepped forward, offering his arm to meet her own, "I would be delighted, Lady Mala."

Talion might be a bit rusty, but had been trained in various social arts as a mandatory part of his upbringing. He personally didn't enjoy such social interactions very much, but he understood their places in a majority of cultures. Given what he had been instructed in and his understandings of various alien cultures, he could manage to adapt to almost any such event, so long as he had a minute or two. In any case, ever the gentleman, Alex was more than happy to walk Jez to the dancefloor and with a mild bow of his head, they began to dance. He let her determine the dance, by how she held her hands or took his and would adapt from there. He was quite curious what sort of dance this was going to be.

== Tag Mala ==
There were too many people in one spot making Cologero want to give space for more, there had to be something to drink somewhere. It was a nice theme to be in old England with Camelot, there might be some kind of communication barrier. It won't make a difference in having a good time, nothing ever really would.

"Miss Young let's go get something to drink, Cindy and Talion I would love it if you joined us." Hevwas really impressed by the details complete with what he presumed to be Excalibur, a nice touch to make a man feel like a king. While people still had an issue with age that Cologero doesn't understand, they can still do fun things a little slower. 

There was a drink that he wanted to try again, Tequila tasted a lot like licking a pepper shaker. There was something that he heard about that would make the experience better. All he needed was a shaker of salt a lime, and good people to share it with. The same was true with all other drinks, just for different reasons.

"For the start of the evening I suggest something to sip on, like I am starting with a double of Bourbon neat." If he was going to consume alcoholic beverages Cologero was going to do it slowly, and have a full glass of water after the third. The idea was to stay hydrated preventing a hangover, with an equal amount of preventing doing something stupid. 

==Tag everyone ==
Jez smiled when Commander Talion offered his arm to meet her, "I would be delighted, Lady Mala." Jez was so happy “You Lord Talion are charming.” Said Jez

Commander Talion placed a hand on her hip, ever so gently. A gentle piece of classical music began to play.  "Waltz of the Flowers" by Tchaikovsky,  “I assure you know how to Waltz ?” Said Jez.

The two glided across the floor, Jez noted how light on his feet the Commander was, he was very agile for a big man. Between the setting and the music Jez felt like a Princess in a Fairytale.

“ I want to Thank you for everything you have done for me. I really appreciate it. If there is anything I can do to return the favor, please don’t hesitate to ask.” Stated Jez, her tone respectful and sincere. Just as She was about to ask where his little girl was when a familiar voice interrupted.

“Excuse me, may I cut in?”

There was her roommate Ensign B’tor Thoz. She looked beautiful. B’Tor genetically speaking got the best of both her Klingon and Vulcan biology, she had long curly Black hair and subtle cranial ridges, the pointed ear of the Vulcans. Her teeth were perfect, a truly bright white smile. B”Tor was dressed in some kind of Klingon fashion, a purple silk looking, with shiny black metallic trim and boots with a thick sturdy heel, the boots went high almost up to her knee, the dress almost touched her ankles, with slits up the sides. Jez noticed a ceremonial dagger around B’Tor’s waist. Jez had to chuckle, as B”tor seemed to fit in with the medieval motif perfectly.

Who knew Klingon Formal wear and Terran medieval fashion were so similar? What are the chances? 

== NPC Science Ensign B’Tor Thoz, A female- Klingon/Vulcan Hybrid. ==

B’Tor had been trying to track down Commander Talion for hours since she arrived on the Aquila, but as he was a Department Head and the Aquila was getting ready for its first mission Talion was no doubt very busy.

Jez reluctantly allowed B’Tor to cut in. “See I told you “  Whispered Jez.

Jez was right Commander Talion is dreamy, a truly handsome man. O.K. so he’s not a Klingon, but still, he is still very handsome.

B’Tor took Jez’s place on the Dance floor. “Forgive me Commander Talion. I’ve been trying to report in, but I just arrived earlier today, my transport was delayed and you are a very busy man.” Said B’Tor in a very matter-of-fact tone.

“I know this isn’t the typical way an Ensign introduces themselves to their superior officer, but as the Terrans say “The end justifies the means” I guess.” Said B’Tor sheepishly.

B’Tor was feeling very intimidated by Commander Talion not just because he was so handsome, but because he was a legend at the Academy, this was her dream come true. She was meeting her idol. She couldn’t remember how many times her Cybernetics professor said, “I had a student, Alex Talion, the most talented Scientist I've ever taught in my 20 years at the Academy or Let me tell you about Alex Talion, the only student to ever ace my final he even got the bonus question about the positronic brain. Or Alex Talion this, Alex Talion that.”  B’Tor was so honored to meet Talion.

He dances very very well. Thought B’Tor thought B’Tor as they danced.

“ Greetings Commander Talion. I'm Ensign B’Tor Thoz, I majored in  Cybernetics at the Academy and I minored in Chemistry, but I’m an overall Science bug. I love all things Science. Did you really ace Professor Jenson’s Cybernetics Final? I read a paper you wrote about the Cybernetic replacement of Brain tissue, utilizing cybernetic implants to replace the diseased or damaged portions of the brain, but how do you compensate for the signal loss between the biological brain and the cybernetic components?”  Said B’Tor

You're rambling…!!!!

“Oh forgive me,  Commander, I ramble when I’m nervous” Chuckled B’Tor nervously. “I didn’t mean to interrupt you during this celebration, but I really wanted to meet you.” Added B’Tor.

== Tag Talion. ==
The music and the pose Jez struck instantly told Alex that she wished to engage in a traditional waltz, which was fairly fitting for the theme. He wasn't really sure they entirely fit the fictional time frame, but he was certainly not going to be one to quibble about such matters. Her height was only a few inches shorter than his, which made them well suited for the dance steps. He gently took her hand in his and placed his hand to her hip in a manner that remained very polite and gentlemanly. Her words of thanks were generous and for just a moment he wondered if he might have given her reason to think that he had been flirting with her. He didn't think so, but his mind didn't often go to that train of thought, so he made himself consider it for just a few seconds. Given their age difference, he had not entertained such thoughts until now. Alex was already in his teens when Jez had been born, but to be fair, he had certainly known couples with greater age differences. The thoughts didn't really manage to take root in his mind, even with deliberate consideration. Jez was actually rather attractive and there was certainly a youthful energy about her, but the truth was that Alex was still a mess. He had never expected to fall in love with Kristina, but when he did, he fell hard. He would be the first to admit that if he were actually able to say the words, the simple fact was that he likely would never recover from the death of his wife. He was still so in love with her memory that his grieving would never really end. He wasn't going to let that ruin the evening of this young woman in his arms though. She deserved his attention and to enjoy a nice dance. She had been through her own rough waves lately and this party was a nice distraction.

Alex managed to say, "There's no need for thanks. I..."

Just then, another young woman approached and said, "Excuse me, may I cut in?"

Alex had been caught off guard and wasn't sure exactly who she wanted to dance with for a second, but only had time enough to say with a polite grin, "Oh...well..."

Before he could say or do more, the ladies had switched places and he heard Jez whisper, "See, I told you."

Deciding to log that away in his brain for later, he smiled and gave a slight bow before quickly adjusting to the pace of the new dance partner. To her surprise, he was not some soft, desk riding academic. She could feel the strength in his hands and the tone in his muscles. Her heritage had taught her to not only understand the facts, but how to evaluate them. He had a very well tuned sense of balance that wasn't just part of his dancing. There was something athletic involved, like martial arts or a skill that he used to keep himself honed. His steps were light, but deliberate.

B'Tor rambled on a bit and Alex continued a grin politely, letting her get it out of her system. He finally replied, "Well, Ensign B'Tor Thoz, first of all, let me welcome you to the Aquila. Although I'm sorry that your journey to us was a bit stressful, as space travel can be at times, I'm glad that you did manage to make it to us in one piece. You certainly don't look any the worse for wear, so I'm going to presume that you're fit for duty and have managed to find quarters that are suitable. This doesn't exactly seem the best time and place for an official evaluation and expectations sort of conversation, but I will say that while on my team, I put less faith in rank and more in competence. Rank has a place and we're part of Star Fleet, but we're scientists. Knowledge is power and team dynamics will revolve around who is best equipped to do the job. You're going to hear that word from me a great deal. We're a team. If you have ideas, I want to hear them. That doesn't mean I want you to run to me with every thought that crosses your busy mind though. We're intelligent and creative people, so there would never be a silent or contemplative moment if we gave voice to every idea. If you come to me, try to do so with facts. The first thing I'm going to want to look at is your data, so be prepared for that."

The dance was ending, but he knew he had not answered her other questions, "As for all of those other questions, I suppose I can address them, if that's what you really wish to do right now." He glanced around, "It just seems a bit of an odd setting to talk shop is all. I know you have a million questions, but take a deep breath first. If you try to ask them all at once, it is like trying to rush a fine meal. I suggest that you think about what few questions you might really want to ask, then leave others for another time. In this way, you will be more likely to actually hear and understand the answers, savoring the meal, instead of thinking too hard about getting out your next question. That way, we'll both enjoy the conversation much more. We will also be working together, so I'm sure that there will be many more opportunities for us to have such conversations. I much prefer your comments or questions to be well thought out and I promise that I will do my best to do the same. Does this sound like an acceptable proposal to you?"

The dance ended , but he paused, allowing her to respond, unhurried.

== Tag Jez and B'Tor ==
== I have no other criteria to reference about age, height, etc. ==
== NPC Science Ensign B’Tor Thoz, A female- Klingon/Vulcan Hybrid.==

B’Tor couldn’t believe she was dancing with an Academy legend and Jez was right Commander Talion was the most Handsome man on the Aquila, She was a sucker for brown eyes, not just because they reminded her of Klingon eyes, but because they reminded her of Raktajino and who doesn’t like a hot cup of Raktajino with some sugar?

She could feel the strength of Commander Talion radiating through his arms, he worked out, and he had a real Klingon vibe about him. B’Tor like a man could look in the eye. Yes she was tall, but most men she had met were shorter than she was, it was nice to see eye to eye with a man figuratively and literally

“You dance divinely, Commander.  “ Said B'Tor.

B’Tor was enjoying herself, Commander Talion wasn’t what she had expected. He was a scientist, but he was also a Gentleman. Jez was right Commander Talion was good-looking, charming, and in every way the perfect gentleman, a product of Betazoid High Society. B’Tor understood the Betazoid Houses, as they were similar to the Great Houses of Qo'noS.

“Oh Commander, Thank you for the warm welcome. The delay was unexpected, as the transport I was scheduled to travel on was attacked by forces unknown. Star Base 25 had to get us another ship, so I wasn’t in any real danger. Yes, I checked in with Dr. Lim when I first arrived, and she said that I was fit and cleared for duty. I pride myself on fitness, as I practice The Mok'bara. I was lucky, I was assigned quarters with Lt. Mala, you know she has a Cryogenic Stasis unit in her room and calls it her daughter, how delightfully quirky is that? Oh, I didn’t mean to surprise you, it’s just I wanted to meet you, I’ve heard so much about you. You’re a legend at the Academy. When I found out that you would be my commanding officer I was thrilled beyond belief, I was the envy of my class.  Oh, I understand and appreciate your view on rank. Let me assure you that I’m very competent and loyal. Yes, knowledge is power, and with power comes great responsibility. We as Scientists are dedicated to the truth. I love working in a team, to hear new ideas and perspectives is amazing. I only operate on facts, so there is no need to worry about me going on false premises.” Said B’Tor her voice was a mixture of excitement and admiration.

B’Tor was enjoying herself and didn’t want it to end; she looked at Jez standing near the table and mouthed, “He’s a God. Total perfection.”  B’Tor wasn’t sure if she was in love with Talion, if it was just hero worship to an extreme level, or if it was the setting as it had a very Klingon feel to the festivities. It might be a combination of it all.

B’Tor he’s your superior officer and fairly older than you. You're just twenty-two, What could you possibly have in common with him? But…..he does have a Klingon-like charisma.

"As for all of those other questions, I suppose I can address them if that's what you really wish to do right now."  Said Talion.

Is he reading my mind? Thought B’Tor.  She was new to the Aquila and she didn’t know anyone other than Jez, but she didn’t want to seem pushy.  “Well, Commander, I would like that, but this is a Birthday celebration and I don’t know anyone other than you and Jez. Maybe we could meet later and have a Raktajino? Hinted B’Tor.

== We can continue it here or move it some place else if you wish. ==

== Taqg TAlion. ==
Alex nodded, "Yes, we should take care not to allow our guest of honor to feel too neglected." Glancing toward Cindy, he continued, "Cindy often needs to remind me not to get too lost in my work. Fortunately, my daughter now helps keep me on my toes in ways I would have never anticipated."

Cindy handed him his drink back as she walked over to him. She gave a plie nod to B'Tor and she gave an appreciative look at the attire and commented, "I really love those colors on you. It gives off a sort of warrior princess aura that goes well with this theme. All you need is a weapon and a shield to complete the fashionable Shield Maiden look and they will begin writing epic sagas about you. Such sagas always sound better in Klingon though." She punctuated the last with a sassy wink and a smile.

Alex took a sip of his drink and agreed, "Indeed! Then again, life can be so boring without at least a little bit of sassiness in how we play. All work and so on, you know the sayings. We must guard against the threat of becoming boring."

Cindy's look at Alex turned more maternal, "Given your track record, I think that a bit of boring would be just fine, thank you very much. They don't let me have the run of the ship these days and I haven't access to Sickbay to put you back together like I once did. I still think that a nice teaching position at the Academy would be far safer than..."

Alex rolled his eyes, but turned his attention back to B'Tor, "See? She does her job well though. Technically, she's only a little bit older than you are. Her assistance has been critical in the development of many of those neural interfaces you were curious about. Her field testing the components under real conditions is one of my biggest tests that my research undergoes before integration with organic trials."

Cindy teased him in return, "Alex, you know you should never discuss a lady's age." Then turned to B'tor and said, "He's a fellow Raktjino addict, so you can likely bend his ear easily with that tempting offer."

Alex looked around and wondered out loud, "I don't know if there is going to be an official dining experience or if we're all just suppose to graze randomly through the celebrations. I never know what I'm supposed to be doing at these functions."

== Tags...leaving this one wide open...I'm tossing the ball in the air to see who grabs it and runs with it... ==
== NPC Science Ensign B’Tor Thoz, A female- Klingon/Vulcan Hybrid.==

B’Tor was surprised when Talion mentioned having a daughter, “Commander, with all due respect aren’t you a little too young to have a child?” She said, sounding surprised. “I’m sure you love that she keeps you on your toes.” Added B’Tor.

B’Tor was fascinated by the Hologram Cindy. She was clearly not your average hologram Cindy then said, "I really love those colors on you. It gives off a sort of warrior princess aura that goes well with this theme. All you need is a weapon and a shield to complete the fashionable Shield Maiden look and they will begin writing epic sagas about you. Such sagas always sound better in Klingon though."

“Yes well, I had great difficulty in deciding what to wear, I had to research Medieval Terran HIstory. I had no idea Terrans were Klingon at one time, it’s truly fascinating.

Cindy then looked at Commander Talion and turned more maternal, "Given your track record, I think that a bit of boredom would be just fine, thank you very much. They don't let me have the run of the ship these days and I haven't access to Sickbay to put you back together like I once did. I still think that a nice teaching position at the Academy would be far safer than..."

B’Tor was fascinated, Cindy seemed to be programmed with many skills and abilities; she was truly impressive. “So Cindy, do you often tend to the Commander's injuries? “ Said B’Tor.

B”Tor noticed the Commander rolling his eyes as if to say “Oh Please.” B’Tor was amused by this. The two clearly had an incredible relationship. "See? She does her job well though. Technically, she's only a little bit older than you are. Her assistance has been critical in the development of many of those neural interfaces you were curious about. Her field testing the components under real conditions is one of my biggest tests that my research undergoes before integration with organic trials."

B’Tor looked at Cindy. She was taken aback by the fact that Commander Talion would use CIndy as a test subject, running the risk of losing her.

B’Tor couldn’t help but laugh when Cindy teased him in return, "Alex, you know you should never discuss a lady's age." Then turned to B'tor and said, "He's a fellow Raktjino addict, so you can likely bend his ear easily with that tempting offer."

“Yes, Commander a Lady’s age is nothing to joke about.” Said B’Tor. “Oh and Commander, you know that in some cultures rolling one’s eyes is considered impolite, but thank you for the comparison.” Replied the young Klingon. “Cindy, there is nothing wrong with Raktajino. Some of the most profound Scientific discoveries have been made by Scientists fueled by Raktajino.”

Alex looked around and wondered out loud, "I don't know if there is going to be an official dining experience or if we're all just supposed to graze randomly through the celebrations. I never know what I'm supposed to be doing at these functions."
B’Tor smiled “Isn’t it a Terran custom that during a Birthday Party they serve cake and ice cream?”

B’Tor had only been to a few Human Birthday parties in her life and each one was different, but they all culminated in cake and ice cream being served.

“Commander , forgive me my ignorance, but what does one eat at a Terran males fortieth
Birthday festivities. I know at a Klingon’s Birthday a roast Targ is usually served, with fresh Gagh, or Heart of Targ, with Blood Wine, in some cases they serve Rokeg Blood Pie.” Said B’Tor, her tone inquisitive.

== Tag Commander Talion. ==
To the comment on his own age, he chuckled, "I will grant that these days, a man in his mid thirties is not considered old, but if anything will make you feel old, it is chasing after your growing child. Fortunately, she doesn't require a great deal of chasing, but watching her soar through early milestones certainly makes it feel like time is speeding past you. Most of my life I would have never seriously imagined being a parent, and certainly not a single father."

At the topic of the meal choices, Alex responded honestly enough, "It is impossible to say what the feast will be, as it is often customized to the individual and whatever their favorite meals might include. I will admit that most Klingon food is not quite my style, but I do enjoy a juicy cut of wel marbled beef, cooked to a medium rare state. Many people consider my protien choices to be barbaric, but I try to make clear that in the interest of avoiding the standard complaints about such livestock, I went to great lengths to take the finest cuts of such meats and scan them in at extremely high resolution, so that I could replicate them for all time and prepare them in endless variety without future need for the raising of such for a very long time. This tends to calm most objections, but I try to respect the choices of those who frown on my methods. After all, I feel science is intended to help make life better for all. That doesn't have to mean that we give up everything, we just need to find more acceptable ways of achieving such goals."

Cindy addressed the medical issues very briefly, "He was never really a rough and tumble boy, but I did have to patch him up a few times from some surfing injuries. He insisted on going to real locations instead of a holodeck that had safety protocols. He still has a few scars from a couple of those accidents. He let me attend to almost all of them over time, so the scars are barely anything anymore. There's only one scar he won't let anyone fix." She gave a look to indicate the single thin scar at his left temple.

Alex suddenly became a bit more serious, "Let's talk about something more entertaining. This is a birthday party, after all."

Cindy looked at B'Tor as if to say, "See, I told you."

== Tag Malla and NPC ==
T'Kol was actually pleased to be able to be apart of the Captains birthday celebration. She had grown to respect the man and dare say enjoyed serving with him. She was honored to still be serving with him.

She did find it amusing that though she looked as though she just recently may have turned 20 or early twenties, she was actually older than the Captain by 15 years.

She was also a little more comfortable with the idea of getting a gift for the Captain than most Vulcans. She had served with Captains, Admirals and Diplomats. Finding perfect gifts for others was a part of her job back then. Most often she did not even know the person she was tasked finding the perfect gift for.

But for the Captain she had spent several weeks before making the perfect gift. One that as they found out that they were transferring to the new ship made even more sense.

She now had that gift wrapped tastefully in black sparkle paper with a silver bow wrapped about it. She did still find the ceremony of wrapping the gift as Terrans most often did, rather pointless and most illogical. However, it was something she had grown used to.

She had also dressed a little different than her normal more practical uniform, which she was nearly always in.
However, as tonight was supposed be a big event she decided to step out of her comfort zone.

She donned a long, tight form fitting, black dress that was off the shoulder, and a peekaboo slit up the side showing her right leg all the way up to her thigh. She had found out that the party was themed of an old Earth World about some fabled story. So she had tried to make her dress be somewhat reminiscent of the era.

When the young version of the Captain first greeted her she was surprised by it for a moment but took the offered hand and ride to the castle.

She took in the full scale of the program and its details. The first officer certainly had a flair for these events way more than any of her own parties she had to organize. She was impressed by the Commanders work. Always surprised that she was never called to help do any part of it.

She carried the rather large box into the room looking about taking in the setting she could see a few people dancing and the Captain at the far side of the room. She took a deep breath as she attempted to straighten her dress while juggling the large box.

She made her across the room to the Captain. Looking around she did not see any gift tables. It looked as though the gifts were being given directly to the Birthday Boy, as it were.

 She confidentially strode up to the Captain's table. She nodded a greeting to all sitting and after a moment and gaining the Captains attention she spoke.

"Excuse me sir, I believe they say it is customary to express congratulations on your aging. Happy Birthday. I have to add it has been a ... pleasure serving with you for the last few years and I felt this would be most appropriate for your new posting." She said and sat the large box on the table and slid it over.

Once the Captain would open the wrapped box that was full of extra packing material would find a large replica of a star ship. However, this was not just any star ship it was quickly and easily identified with registry and name of the USS Charon.

As he opened it and got past all the extra packing to reveal the gift itself, T'Kol spoke again. "As I understand it every Captain has a fondness of their first ship they became Captain of." She gave

As he turned the ship and inspected it, it came to life and lit up. "The ship has also a voice activated small replicator." She said then leaned in "Charon, one rum and coke on ice." She said and with that the deflector dish lit up and a sparkly image of highball glass of a dark liquid with a couple of round cubes of ice appeared and became solid before him.

"You can program it to only respond to your voice." She added

== Tag Cap and All ==
Jez was enjoying herself, socializing, and getting to know the crew members. She was surprised at how well B’Tor and Commander Talion were getting along. Jez didn’t need her Telepathy to see that B’Tor was smitten with Commander Talion.

What that old Terran saying about Birds of a feather? Thought Jez.

Jez giggled a little when she heard Cindy say "Alex, you know you should never discuss a lady's age." And then turned to B'tor and said, "He's a fellow Raktjino addict, so you can likely bend his ear easily with that tempting offer."

Jez couldn’t stand Raktajino, it was so strong and bitter in her opinion. The conversation changed to a fascinating topic, food.

“Yes Commander, you never mention a lady’s age” Said Jez.

B’Tor commented on what is the customary meal served at a Terran Males fortieth Birthday Party. “Commander, forgive me my ignorance, but what does one eat at a Terran male fortieth
Birthday festivities. I know at a Klingon’s Birthday a roast Targ is usually served, with fresh Gagh, or Heart of Targ, with Blood Wine, in some cases they serve Rokeg Blood Pie.” Said B’Tor, her tone inquisitive.

“ I must agree with Commander Talion that a nice Steak with a Chef Salad is very nutritious and well-balanced.” Stated Jez. “Commander Talion was on a Holodeck, can’t you whip up a few Steaks for the Birthday Boy?” Suggested Jez.

Jez spotted T’Kol enter. “Excuse me for a moment.” Announced Jez.

Jez wanted to talk with Sothrick’s sister, she had so many questions about her mysterious brother.

Jez made her way over to T’Kol “Chief, you look stunning. Who's your designer? That dress is amazing. “ Inquired Jez.

== Tag Talion & T'Kol.==
"A drink sounds great, I have a couple bottles of bourbon coming to our table." said the FO.

There were more alcoholic drinks coming as well, she made sure to have a little something for everyone. Now putting her arm in his. "Lead the way, we have a night ahead of you." She had a devilish grin as they went for a drink.

Daniel downed the first glass of bourbon before saying, "Thank you Beno. This is perfect."

Brooks happened to glance up to see T'Kol walking up with a large gift,

She confidentially strode up to the Captain's table. She nodded a greeting to all sitting and after a moment and gaining the Captains attention she spoke.

"Excuse me sir, I believe they say it is customary to express congratulations on your aging. Happy Birthday. I have to add it has been a ... pleasure serving with you for the last few years and I felt this would be most appropriate for your new posting." She said and sat the large box on the table and slid it over.

Once the Captain would open the wrapped box that was full of extra packing material would find a large replica of a star ship. However, this was not just any star ship it was quickly and easily identified with registry and name of the USS Charon.

As he opened it and got past all the extra packing to reveal the gift itself, T'Kol spoke again. "As I understand it every Captain has a fondness of their first ship they became Captain of." She gave

As he turned the ship and inspected it, it came to life and lit up. "The ship has also a voice activated small replicator." She said then leaned in "Charon, one rum and coke on ice." She said and with that the deflector dish lit up and a sparkly image of highball glass of a dark liquid with a couple of round cubes of ice appeared and became solid before him.

"You can program it to only respond to your voice." She added

Daniel looked at T'Kol and stood up, walked around the table and gave the petite Vulcan a hug,

"Wow, it is perfect. I will place her in my Ready Room." Brooks said with a big smile.

Dan decided he would need to say something to the crew collectively before they would head on into the evening.

"Can I have a little quiet please."

The room full of conversations went to silence.

"Before everyone gets so... inebriated shall we say. I wanted to say thank you to everyone for coming. The gifts are amazing and this...." he said pointing to the model of the ship T'Kol gave him,

"will be pride of place in the ready room." Brooks looked briefly at the Vulcan before looking back at the crew.

"I know you won't want a long and boring speech from me so I will try to keep this short. We may not been together for a long time, but I have a... gut feeling... that this crew will merge together and become one of the most impressive crews in the fleet. A Captain is only as good as the officers under him. When Command gives us a mission I know the Aquila will be ready to answer the call. I am sure each and everyone of you will make me proud to be your Captain."

Knowing that this was going to be the only time he would have most of the crew in one room,

"Enjoy the evening as I know I will.... even if you have seen me over my career as you walked in.... it does make me feel very old right now."

He turned and gave Beno a wink before turning back to the crew,

"Carry on everyone." Captain Brooks said.

==Tag Velaul, T'Kol and anyone else==
Julia had finally made it to the party with Surik and both Spike and Dot. Troy has made sure Surik was dressed up in a nice tux that was a modern twist of midevil times on earth while Troy's outfit was another dress that has a modern twist of the dresses from the midevil times. She even had both Spike and Dot looking really nice for the party that went to in honour of the Captain.

Troy had brought a gift of four bottles of different drinks with glasses for them. The four bottles of drinks were a 200 year old Betazoid whiskey and a 200 year old Betazoid bourbon along with a 100 year old Betazoid wine and a 100 year old Betazoid champagne. They walked up to the Captain with the present to hand to him.

"Captain, commander, it's wonderful to be here to celebrate the milestone with the captain here. I have brought you this gift for your 40th birthday and I hope that you will enjoy it. It came all the way from home and don't worry I've got extra of the bottles that I haven't opened up yet except for special occasions."

Julia just knew that this one heck of a special occasion to give a good gift.

==Tags Captain Brooks, Commander Beno, and all sorry if I had to repeat this post again==
Once again, Kalli was on her own, but just as she was considering trying to slip away, Cindy approached. "Kalli, I wanted to catch you before you disappeared. I know how you dislike these gatherings."

Kalli shrugged, "I'm getting better with them. It takes practice. It's nice to see you again."

Cindy smiled, "I wanted to tell you that I'm impressed with your progress with DeeDee. It can be a tricky thing, but you seem to be giving the program good exposure to the environment so that the databases it forms will give it good context. Without good references, it is more likely to misunderstand or miscommunicate at a critical moment. I think you've established a solid foundation for it."

Kalli was puzzled, "I haven't shown it to you lately. When did..."

Cindy gave a look of mock embarrassment, "I couldn't access the code itself, but it was connecting to the public network, so we talked. Since you had introduced us, it recognized my protocols and interacted beyond simple observation. You've done well with securing it and using proper encryption. You would be surprised how many people try to poke their noses into things."

Kalli's eyebrows raised, but she continued to listen.

"I like that you're socializing it a bit, so it will develop a smoother interface. People often object to Alex that I'm a synthetic life form and they even get quite upset about it. We find it a flattering testimony to how effective my design is, but it took many years for me to reach this level of comprehensive interaction."

Kalli grinned and nodded understanding, "Yes, Alex and I spoke about that extensively. You're quite convincing. I can see how it wouldn't take much to make that difference. The fact that it comes down to the order of your engrams is enlightening to the point of bordering on paradoxical, it really makes me think hard about the philosophy of what we're doing."

Cindy nodded slowly, "You also see why some things remain secret. Without being tempered by understanding, the raw information becomes too dangerous for someone to just play with randomly. Fortunately, your work is quite utilitarian and is not trying to tread too close to that line. Keep up the good work. I suspect it will save many life's in the future."

Kalli raised her glass and they silently toasted to the idea.
Bedfore Commander Talion could reply, Jez excused herself. "Excuse me for a moment." She said as she went to mingle.

Jez was enjoying the Party, it was unusual, to say the least. You could feel the love and admiration for the Captain. Jes still couldn’t get over the fact that the Captain reminded her of a Terran Cold War Movie spy, dashing and intelligent. She could easily see him carrying an old-fashioned weapon, a Walther PPK, and saying, Brooks, Daniel Brooks, and at the same time, drinking a Martini that was shaken and not stirred.

Jez was starting to feel comfortable and getting to know the rest of the crew of the Aquila, but it helped that a few of her fellow Geronimo crew members had been transferred to the Aquila as well. She was also happy that she made a new friend, a non-Geronimo crew member, the Science Ensign B’Tor Thoz.

Jez was also excited that she had met Chief T’Kol, Sothrick’s sister, now she could get some more information on her brother, or as Jez liked to call him, the old man.

Jez made her way over to Commander Velaul, she approached her, “Excuse me Commander Velaul, it’s my understanding that you have authored several mystery novels. I would be interested in your thoughts on authors like Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie, and Rex Stout. As compared to more modern authors like Jake Sisko, and Kenalla Tres, the author of the Bajoran Mysteries the one where the Vedek solves all those mysteries, I would especially like to hear your opinion on the Jarkek you know the Klingon Agatha Christie.” Said Jez her voice filled with anticipation.

== Tag Commander Velaul ==
The party had a great start, and Beno was sipping on her scotch. She didn't want to get too intoxicated while wearing thoes shoes, it would make it difficult to walk. This was also no ordinary party, and she didn't want to take away from it. The other part was to help the crew relax while melding together, and it seemed to be working. 

"This is a great time for everyone Daniel, this will go a long way to bring everyone together." She was more relaxed than Beno has been in a while. When Julia arrived with more gifts Beno smiled. "Thank you Julia, and hopefully Spike and Dot can enjoy the more relaxed area here." It was also a great chance for the crew to get closer to them as well.

When her mystery writing was brought up, it was something that she hadn't had time for in a while. The appeal of it was that it kept her mind active, and a break from her studies.  "Sir Doyal who brought us the greatest detective mind, and quiet the prankster. Agatha Christy sold over a million copies of "And then there was none." Very talented authors." 

There was one author that Beno did enjoy. "Lisa See had a few mystery novels I did enjoy, as did James Redfield. All of them had a great imagination. Jake I believe had a larger reader base, also lots of material he lived through. We can talk about it more later if you like. I am just glad you didn't mention Cardasian Authors, because everyone is guilty of something. Figuring out guilty of what is the fun, but not to me." This was a kind of conversation that she never had for a long time, and didn't usually make time for it.

Troy waited for the commander to answer the ensign about the mystery books before answering again. Julia debated if she should mention that she also writes stories about back home. She was a little curious about what mystery novels there were out there.

"This present has a bottle each of whisky and bourbon that is 200 years old along with a bottle each of champagne and wine that is 100 years old from Betazed. I've written some novels of life back home and was debating whether or not of writing some mystery novels of my childhood home. If I read different mystery novels by different authors it might give me some ideas on what to write next. Oh they are enjoying the party and they do love the attention when they get it while they aren't working plus they are always well behaved for animals."

Julia knew that both Spike and Dot would lap up all of the attention that they can get from anyone around as well as being well behaved in any setting. Troy would enjoy this party without having any type of alcohol of any kind so she wouldn't have a repeat of what happened before going to the Charon and then here.

==Tag Beno, captain and anyone else==
Jez listened intently and nodded when the Commander said, "Sir Doyal who brought us the greatest detective mind, and quiet the prankster. Agatha Christie sold over a million copies of "And Then There Was None." Very talented authors.``

Commander Velaul then added, "Lisa See had a few mystery novels I did enjoy, as did James Redfield. All of them had a great imagination. Jake I believe had a larger reader base, and also lots of material he lived through. We can talk about it more later if you like. I am glad you didn't mention Cardasian Authors because everyone is guilty of something. Figuring out who was guilty of what is fun, but not to me." Stated Velaul in her objection to Cardassian Myster authors.

Jez was amazed at Commander Velaul’s insight of mystery authors. Jez was impressed, her was a woman with a keen mind and intellect.

“Oh Commander, don’t get me started on Cardassian Mystery Authors, they are horrible, in my opinion. I agree with you about Sir Doyal and Agatha Christie, though I think her book Death on the Nile was her finest work with Hercule Poirot. I mean who does love The world-renowned Belgian private detective, unsurpassed in his intelligence and understanding of the criminal mind, respected and admired by police forces and heads of state across the globe. That seemed like such an interesting and romantic time period.” Said Jez. “Commander, I was wondering, could I possibly read some of your work?” Inquired Jez.

Jez was enjoying the party, great conversation, interesting venue. Commander Velaul was a true surprise for Jez, as most First Officers are usually uptight, but Velaul was so down to earth and friendly, nothing like what Jez expected.

== Tag Velaul. ==
T'Kol was surprised at the Captain's reaction. He seemed to like the gift more than she expected but she had to admit she was a pleased that her Captain did like the gift. 

His sudden burst of emotion leading to her being...hugged was not the reaction was expecting at all. Her eyes grew wide as he embraced her and her arms pinned to her side all she could do to reciprocate by her hands gently patting his back, as much as she could reach it.

She nodded as he released then followed up with small speech. She was very, satisfied to have been apart of his crew for so long.

"I am glad you are pleased with the gift. I hope you enjoy your birthday." She added

As the Captain finished, the young Ensign from the Geronimo stepped up.  “Chief, you look stunning. Who's your designer? That dress is amazing. “ Inquired Jez. T'Kol turned and looked over the young woman in yellow before her. She also was radiant looking. T'Kol had not added to her outfit with any jewelry while she was confident in the decision then but she had to admit that the Ensign's choice did create a perfect look.

She regarded her with a slight arch of her right brow. "Why thank you Ensign. I..." She said giving her ensemble a quick look over.

"I must admit, it is something I had seen at a ball years ago. I thought it was rather impressed then and I simply tried to replicate it from memory. It is not as impressive as yours Ensign. I have always liked human silk. I must admit the yellow plays well with your skin as well." She gave.

"I am pleased to see you here." She managed to say before the First Officer and her began speaking.

She listened as they spoke about authors. T'Kol was an avid reader but she was not one to read 'mysteries' so she was not familiar with the authors they spoke of.

It was obvious as they spoke T'Kol was not sure of whom they were talking about.

== Tag All ==
Jez was enjoying her conversation with Commander Velaul immensely. Jez found mysteries incredibly satisfying; the thrill of deducing who was the guilty party, who did what and why. Mysteries forced one to look at things from a logical and illogical perspective. Normal rational people think and act in the same sane and rational manner, but the Criminal mind thinks and acts outside of the Societal norms, but in their often twisted and depraved minds their actions are justified. Mysteries offer a safe way to get into the minds of the criminals.

While Jez waited for Commander Velaul to decide if she would let Jez read her works, Chief T’Kol replied to Jez’s inquiry about her dress, "Why thank you, Ensign. I..." Sia T’Kol gave her ensemble a quick look over.

"I must admit, it is something I had seen at a ball years ago. I thought it was rather impressive then and I simply tried to replicate it from memory. It is not as impressive as yours is Ensign. I have always liked human silk. I must admit the yellow plays well with your skin as well." Said T’Kol.

Jez was a bit surprised as T’Kol used words like impressive and like, as they were emotional concepts and not very Vulcan-like.

"I am pleased to see you here." She managed to say before the First Officer and she began speaking.

“It’s good to see you again, as well Chief. That was a lovely gift you gave the Captain.” Said Jez, as she smiled warmly.

“Chief, the Commander, and I were discussing famous Mystery novelists. I’m curious T'Kol, who is your favorite Mystery Author?” Added Jez.

== Tag T'Kol ==
She regarded both women. "I have not read, mystery novels. Lately any 'free time' I find myself reading ship manuals."
She returned.

"I am aware of mystery novels, I have just not seen a purpose to read such." She added/

She then looked at the First Officer. "I must commend you on another impressive party." She said then looked towards Mala

"The First Officer has become rather well known party planner. With elaborate themes." She added
There was something that Beno was working on that she hadn't finished yet, and it has been sitting on a shelf for a while. It would also be a great way to get a fresh set of eyes to get a fresh set of eyes, it could also help her writers block. This one was a big one, and nothing she tried helped.

"I would be delighted to give you access to one I am still working on, and other ones I have completed. They are a bit of a mind bender, and inspires the imagination."

Julia had a great gift that requirecd great appreciation, anything that old should be savored. This isn't your typical drink for every day, it also requires company. "Julia a gift of this calabur requires that you join us for some, it will add honor to the occasion. We would also be blessed if you did, and I can not think of a better time than this." 

At this second Beno stopped and faced Daniel, there were movements that she heard about. "Sometimes the greatest times are started with a twist, the greatest ones of all are the ones no one sees coming." Beno raised an eyebrow like a Vulcan would. Julia would be able to detect more joy than Beno was showing, Beno still hadn't worked out the details but it was going to be good.

She was really happy to see everyone having a good time, and hopefully leaving most formalities at the door. All she wanted was for everyone to have a good time, on equal flooring. Turning her attention to Jez. "I do hope to read some of your writings too." Beno did enjoy a powerful imagination, it was a sign of a solid mind.

==NPC Carley Young ==

Carley was really enjoying herself with Cologero,  and could use a good drink. She also enjoyed Tequila, and knew the best way of drinking it. "Or there is a more personable way, and it ends with a kiss." Carley had a playful side that was coming out more and more, she was also attempting to be more outgoing. The first time out almost ended in disaster, but fortunately it didn't.

==Tag everyone ==
Jez was a bit surprised by T’Kol’s confession about not having read Mystery novels. Jez knew that Vulcans would, could and should enjoy Mysteries, as they are an exercise in logic.

“ Chief you really do need to read a few mystery novels, they are a test in logic, I think you would enjoy them.

Jez smiled, she still couldn’t believe that T’Kol and Sothrick were related as they were so different. "The First Officer has become a rather well-known party planner. With elaborate themes." T’Kol said.

Jez looked around, she was still amazed by the level of historical details, at least from an Archeological standpoint. It was fascinating.

Jez was dumbfounded when Commander Velaul said, "I do hope to read some of your writings too."

Jez was not sure what to say, she had only let one other person read her work, and that was her Sensi, he said it was “Nice, very creative.” but it was how a father might praise a child.

Jez blinked a few times. “You want to read my work? That would be… I mean, It would be an honor to get your expert opinion, Commander.” Replied Jez, sounding a little like a fan girl. “I could drop my novel by your quarters sometime.” Suggest Jez.

== Tag Velaul & T'Kol.==
It seemed like they were a party of two, something that Cologero enjoyed. A beautiful woman on his arm, it just need some itilian spice. No one knew how to have a good time like an Italian, evidence around him suggested some kind of Itilian influence. Now it was time to add the Itilian Spice. There was plenty of room to dance making it a crime that no one was,  or it could be the traditional guest of honor had the first dance. 

" I have to say Carley I am fascinated by everyone here, mystified by you. There is a mischievous side in you just at the surface ready to come out." Everyone had this side in them it was a select few that really let it show, fewer master the ability.

"After a couple of drinks I think we should get a dance started, the truest form of expression there is."  Cologero loved to dance when the opportunity came, sometimes it involved dancing by himself.  All great times start somewhere, even when it needs help to get started. He had a few other tricks up his sleeve, all of them equally as fun.

He poured a couple of glasses of Bourbon handing her a glass. "To commemorate the evening I propose a toast. To all the firsts, twice as much for first dates."  This qualified as a first date, neither of them knew what they were doing. It also had a bad habit of being over far too soon, leaving both parties equally as confused in the end.

==Tag Carley ==
Happy to see T'Kol was there and having a good time, hopefully because this was the main objective. They have all had the same set of objectives. "All of these are for the crew as a whole." Beno started to say to T'Kol. "Part of many things I do to show I value everyone." It didn't matter if there were four pips on the collar, or a single chevron. At any given moment no one has anything less to sacrifice, and in here everyone was equal.

"Yes Jez I love to get a glimpse into the imagination of people, it gives me a chance to see whole new worlds. Plus one of my favorite sayings I heard on Earth is Imagination is more important than knowledge, where Knowledge is limited, imagination encompasses the universe. Slightly adapted from the original, I am sure that Albert Einstein won't mind." She smiled for a second. 

"The greatest minds in Earth's history had a great sense of humor, the people who lead the way in black hole research and dark matter were also pranksters. The best example for Stephen Hawking running over Jim Carrie's foot. There are also health benefits to it,  for a person who can be killed by anything I could use a health benefit." A bug bite can kill her, and until she dies for the last time she will smile.

==NPC Carley Young ==

Going off on their own Carley was enjoying her time with him, the drinks were excellent too. The toast that he proposed threw her off a little, but she knew where he was coming from. They were not in a relationship, but they always start somewhere. 

"To first dates and wherever they might lead to, I only have one question. Can you handle the adventures?" Every inch of pleasure is purchased with an equal amount of grief, that's why they enjoy themselves more.

She leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek."It's a whole new world out here, I hope you are ready for it." Carley said with a bit of mischief in her voice.

Julia was getting a little irritated by the ensign for not realizing that she was there before her trying to talk to both the captain and the commander. Troy started to cross her arms from the irritation of some over looking her. She had actually thought to herself before answering the commander.

Damn this isn't right that this ensign didn't see that I was offering a birthday gift to the Captain

"Sure I'll take a couple of fingers of the bourbon. I just don't want to go to over board with any type of alcohol again."

==Tag all at the table==
There was a small realization that She was being rude, she closed her eyes for a second, and opened again with a smile. "Julia my friend you honor us with an amazing gift, you would honor us more by joining us in a few." She was happy that the crew were getting along, and gave her a new hope.

==Adding to the last post==
Jez was enjoying her conversation with Commander Velaul; she was nothing like what Jez had expected. The Commander was vivacious, talented, and charming. The rumors were that she was going to be offered her ship at any moment. Jez felt honored just to get to chat with her.

Jez listened intently as Velaul said, "Yes Jez I love to get a glimpse into the imagination of people, it gives me a chance to see whole new worlds. Plus one of my favorite sayings I heard on Earth is Imagination is more important than knowledge, where Knowledge is limited, imagination encompasses the universe. Slightly adapted from the original, I am sure Albert Einstein won't mind." The Commander smiled for a second.

Jez continued to nod her head, she hoped that the Commander would enjoy her work and was looking forward to reading the Commander's work.

"The greatest minds in Earth's history had a great sense of humor, the people who lead the way in black hole research and dark matter were also pranksters. The best example is Stephen Hawking running over Jim Carrie's foot. There are also health benefits to it, for a person who can be killed by anything I could use a health benefit." A bug bite can kill her, and until she dies for the last time she will smile.

“Yes Commander, I’ve heard that, I just can’t picture Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein sitting around telling Knock-Knock jokes.” Replied Jez.

Jez motioned for B’Tor to come over. “Commander, may I introduce Ensign B’Tor Thoz.”

“Commander, I’m curious, do the Trill symbionts have individual genders or do they adopt the gender of their hosts?” Said Jez sounding perplexed.

== NPC Science Ensign B’Tor Thoz, A female- Klingon/Vulcan Hybrid. ==

B’Tor made her way over to Jez and Commander Velaul, she smiled and listened to the conversation. She found Trills fascinating.

“Greeting Commander Velaul. Yes, I’m curious about your symbiont as well. I am curious to know how come the Trill haven’t developed a broad based Antihistamine to protect those who are joined from insect bites? Are the symbionts in danger because of the increased homocysteine levels, because the homocysteines can damage the lining of arteries. It can encourage blood clotting. Thus depriving the symbiont of oxygen?” Said B’Tor.

== Tag Commander Velaul.==
Julia could sense that the commander had a small realization about being rude. Troy had to put her at a little ease.

"Don't worry about being rude to me. It's when some people that cut right in before anyone says anything is being rude which is one thing that I don't like at all. As for joining everyone at the table would be our pleasure as long as I don't go over board. It's not you commander that I'm irritated with here at the moment."

Troy had Surik sit next to her at the table while both animals were at their feet. While Surik handed her a padd that had her stories and novels about back home to her. Julia would put down some paragraphs for one story or another down while waiting for her drink.

==Tag everyone at the table==
The idea of Tesla saying knock knock jokes was funny, he was incredibly OCD. It was also better than pairing him with Thomas Edson. "I can give you fifty thousand reasons why it's bad to pair Tesla with Edson in anything,  extremely bad blood plus Tesla wasn't known for jokes." There was something interesting she did remember.

"If Einstein were alive today he would make the ship go its fastest speed, just to walk across the bridge claiming he is walking faster than Warp." He had a great sense of humor. Standing up when B'Tor was introduced. "A pleasure to meet you." The other question about Gender never came up before.

"Velaul from all memories would never identify as any gender at all, no matter what gender the host is." It was interesting the fact this question never came up sooner. Neither did the follow up question, it too was surprising. Unfortunately there was an answer that Beno knew. "Unfortunately B'Tor the reaction to that caused the exact problem it was designed to prevent, almost caused a separation  in time I believe it can happen just not right now." She said with a smile.

Julia did have a good point about who really is rude. "Good point my friend." She sometimes did hate it when people did that. 

Admitting so there was an obvious blush when she kissed his cheek, it also shown him that both of them were forward people. They were just playing it safe by going slow, they have to get to know each other there were a few other things to take into acco"It's a whole new world out here, I hope you are ready for it." Carley said with a bit of mischief in her voice.unt as well.

On the question if he was up for a challenge, Cologero had an evil grin of his own. "When all hell is breaking loose I will be riding the eye of the storm, the real question is are they ready for us.." From his observation they were a crew that survive the worst of situations bringing others up with them, all because they were too stubborn to give up.


"It's a whole new world out here, I hope you are ready for it." Carley said with a bit o."It's a whole new world out here, I hope you are ready for it." Carley said with a bit of mischief in her voice.f mischief in
== NPC Science Ensign B’Tor Thoz, A female- Klingon/Vulcan Hybrid. ==

B’Tor was fascinated by Trill Biology, the idea of two beings sharing more than biological, but to share memories, experiences, and insights. It was incredible.

B’Tor nodded as Commander Velaul spoke, "Velaul from all memories would never identify as any gender at all, no matter what gender the host is."

B’Tor was enthralled by Commander Velaul, “Fascinating.” Said B’Tor, she was intrigued by the inherent duality of Trills; was one speaking to the Host or the Symbionts or both at once?

B’Tor sat there for a moment. B’Tor’s brain was working overtime formulating questions. She had never been this up close and personal with a Trill. She had learned more about Trills from talking with Commander Velaul in these last few minutes than she did during her four years at the Academy.

“Commander, I am inquisitive to know, if the symbionts don’t identify as a specific gender, how do they reproduce? Is it parthenogenesis reproduction, like the Bonnethead shark, or the Komodo dragons of Earth, or the Ducara Tree Dwellers of Velois V?” Said B’Tor her voice filled with curiosity.

Jez felt a little odd listening to B’Tor asking these highly personal questions, “B’Tor, that’s a very personal question. I’m sure the Commander doesn’t appreciate such grilling. Now, just enjoy the party.” Said Jez, her voice tinted with annoyance.

== Tag Commander Velaul. ==
Eventually, as the party progressed, Talion did relax enough to indulge in some drinking. Wanting to keep things fun and social, he refused to do tequila shots, but did give in to drinking tequila sunrises as his flavor of the night.

Under the mild influence of the drinks, he tended to smile more and talk less. His sense of humor came out a bit more as well, but in subtle ways. To the casual observer, you wouldn't expect him to be a scientist at all. The impression he gave was more that of a wealthy businessman who enjoyed living a life of relative luxury.

In contrast, Cindy enjoyed people watching. So many new faces and so much new data to collect. This was definitely a target rich environment.

== Tags to all. This is a rare moment. Alex is drinking. If there's a question or two that might be asked, this would be the rare chance to ask it and get a real answer that you might not get if he were sober. ==
(06-20-2024, 07:12 AM)Jez Mala Wrote: == NPC Science Ensign B’Tor Thoz, A female- Klingon/Vulcan Hybrid. ==

B’Tor was fascinated by Trill Biology, the idea of two beings sharing more than biological, but to share memories, experiences, and insights. It was incredible.

B’Tor nodded as Commander Velaul spoke, "Velaul from all memories would never identify as any gender at all, no matter what gender the host is."

B’Tor was enthralled by Commander Velaul, “Fascinating.” Said B’Tor, she was intrigued by the inherent duality of Trills; was one speaking to the Host or the Symbionts or both at once?

B’Tor sat there for a moment. B’Tor’s brain was working overtime formulating questions. She had never been this up close and personal with a Trill.  She had learned more about Trills from talking with Commander Velaul in these last few minutes than she did during her four years at the Academy. 

“Commander, I am inquisitive to know, if the symbionts don’t identify as a specific gender, how do they reproduce? Is it parthenogenesis reproduction, like the Bonnethead shark, or the Komodo dragons of Earth, or the Ducara Tree Dwellers of Velois V?” Said B’Tor her voice filled with curiosity. Beno was about to answer when Jez stepped in.

“B’Tor, that’s a very personal question. I’m sure the Commander doesn’t appreciate such grilling. Now, just enjoy the party.” Said Jez, her voice tinted with annoyance.

"It's perfectly fine to ask and wonder, however the answers to the questions are ones I can't answer. That information is closely guarded, just like a certain Klingon medical condition that isn't shared with outsiders." There was also the great Tribble hunt that no one sings about, and why all Tribbles hate Klingons.

The Symbiont Commission had strict rules to live by, it also included what information can be given to whom. Still there was no reason to get into a twist. "B'Tor I don't blame you for the question and drink to your great house. There is however one small problem." Her voice had a joking and strict than at the same time. "While in this room all rank from Captain to Private is suspended, mentioning the above is punishable by the drink." The drink that she referred to was the hand granade. It was like a two ounce Jager Bomb, and twice the fun.

"Are you be willing to be served your punishment?" Her voice was only playful, and was carousel about her response.  Chances were great that she would take the drink because no one knows how to unwind more than a Klingon, it was also equally as hard to out drink one as battle one.

Jez had to smile, Commander Velaul was so down-to-earth and friendly. Of course, B’Tor was ever a Scientist. B’Tor pondered what the Commander had said, "It's perfectly fine to ask and wonder, however, the answers to the questions are ones I can't answer. That information is closely guarded, just like a certain Klingon medical condition that isn't shared with outsiders. There was also the great Tribble hunt no one sings about, and why all Tribbles hate Klingons. The Symbiont Commission had strict rules to live by, it also included what information can be given to whom. Still, there was no reason to get into a twist.” Said Commander Velaul.

B’Tor being born in a Federation colony had no idea what the Commander was talking about, it must be an Imperial Klingon covert doctrine thing. B’Tor’s mother often spoke to anyone curious about Klingons and Klingon traditions.

"B'Tor I don't blame you for the question and drink to your great house. There is however one small problem." Her voice was joking and strict at the same time. "While in this room all rank from Captain to Private is suspended, mentioning the above is punishable by the drink." The drink that she referred to was the hand grenade. It was like a two-ounce Jager Bomb and twice the fun.

"Are you willing to be served your punishment?" Her voice was only playful and was casual about her response. Chances were great that she would take the drink because no one knows how to unwind more than a Klingon, it was equally as hard to out-drink one as battle one.

“I beg your pardon, Commander, but I’m fresh out of the Academy, so respecting one's rank is still firmly entrenched in me. I mean no disrespect.” B’Tor’s tone wass humble and respectful. “Commander while I would be honored that you would want to toast my “Great House '' the truth is I’m a Klingon Vulcan Hybrid, my mothers’s house isn’t of the Imperial Nobility, they are merchants, artists, and farmers. My mother teaches Organic Chemistry back on Gamma Sigma V and my father, a Vulcan, is a Professor of Quantum Mechanics at the University and serves on the Colony’s Ruling Council, but I’m sure they would be honored by your kindness. “ Said B’Tor. “As I’m only half Klingon, Tribbles only hate me half as much.” Said B’Tor with a joking smile.

“B’Tor’s face twisted, as if she was debating whether or not to reveal something. She leaned in close to Velaul and whispered “I would be honored to share an Alcoholic beverage, to commemorate this new friendship, but I suffer from qorDu'lIj , a Kidney Disease, and my doctor recommends I avoid alcohol. I hope I haven’t offended you if I say I would enjoy a nice ghom'a' (Blood Lemonade) ?” Said, B’Tor her voice sounding timid and uncertain.

== Tag Commander Velaul.==
“I beg your pardon, Commander, but I’m fresh out of the Academy, so respecting one's rank is still firmly entrenched in me. I mean no disrespect.” B’Tor’s tone wass humble and respectful. “Commander while I would be honored that you would want to toast my “Great House '' the truth is I’m a Klingon Vulcan Hybrid, my mothers’s house isn’t of the Imperial Nobility, they are merchants, artists, and farmers. My mother teaches Organic Chemistry back on Gamma Sigma V and my father, a Vulcan, is a Professor of Quantum Mechanics at the University and serves on the Colony’s Ruling Council, but I’m sure they would be honored by your kindness. “ Said B’Tor. “As I’m only half Klingon, Tribbles only hate me half as much.” Said B’Tor with a joking smile.

The joke about the tribbles was more than just funny, it was priceless. "B’Tor my friend don't worry, the punishment is just for fun with no real consequences." Beno left it for a second. "Also I have studied lots of cultures in my lifetimes and they all have a lot in common. Not all families on Nobility started that way, they were able to reach out and take it." This program was the greatest example of that. "The truest form of Nobility there ever was, were people who protected thoes who couldn't protect themselves. Stood up inspiring all around them, and lead them to great victory." This was something that eveyry Officer should have. 

“B’Tor’s face twisted, as if she was debating whether or not to reveal something. She leaned in close to Velaul and whispered “I would be honored to share an Alcoholic beverage, to commemorate this new friendship, but I suffer from qorDu'lIj , a Kidney Disease, and my doctor recommends I avoid alcohol. I hope I haven’t offended you if I say I would enjoy a nice ghom'a' (Blood Lemonade) ?” Said, B’Tor her voice sounding timid and uncertai

While they were close. "None taken, no leader would jeopardize anyone this way. Thoes drinks are also replicated contain no alcohol, this is to prevent a sharp increase in blood Alcohol levels." Everything around them was designed to keep hydration up, and electrolytes, a giant way to prevent hangovers.

Jez was surprised at B’Tor’s open and frank discussion of her medical issues; it wasn’t that she was eavesdropping, but given her proximity and her Vulcan hearing she could not help but overhear. But like B’Tor Jez had also never tasted alcohol, but she could understand why some people enjoy it.

Commander Velaul then said something that Jez found interesting and something she understood, "Also I have studied lots of cultures in my lifetimes and they all have a lot in common. Not all families of Nobility started that way, they were able to reach out and take it."

“Yes, B’Tor that’s correct these power-hungry families often took power and after a few generations they claimed it was by divine right that they ruled. The Terran Medieval period is fascinating, powerful, and intrigue. Factions buying for the King's favor. Murder, adultery, children from extramarital affairs, battles of succession. It’s a wonder how the Terrans ever survived is truly a mystery. “Said Jez, her voice filled with fascination and wonder. “Commander. Have you ever been to the castles of The United Kingdom? I ask because you have recreated this holographic setting perfectly.

== NPC Science Ensign B’Tor Thoz, A female- Klingon/Vulcan Hybrid. ==

B’Tor looked around, processing how much this period in Human History resembled Klingon culture. It was truly eerie, the idea that Humans and Klingons shared so many cultural similarities.

B’Tor looked over at the Captain, “Is the Captain a descendant of these people? This is his culture?” Said B’Tor her eyes wide.

B’Tor had never ventured beyond the Academy Walls, as she didn’t have any friends to speak of, so no one ever invited her to go any place on Earth. Oh yes, she had visited San Francisco, but that was about it. She had wanted to visit different places, but she hated going to places by herself as it didn’t allow her to share the beauty and wonder of the experience.

B’Tor’s face lit up as a brilliant idea popped into her head…..“Commander, opps. Beno. Jez, maybe the next time we’re on Earth we could tour those Castles together? “ Said B'Tor.

== Tag Commander Velaul.==
Jez suggested T'Kol try reading mystery novels. "Interesting, I do not ... typically, read for... enjoyment. I am not sure of the purpose." She gave

Just then another joined their group Jez introduced as B'Tor. T'Kol gave the usual pleasantry greeting then found herself doing what she normally does and stepped back a bit attempting to blend into the background.

She did find watching the intricacy of social situations a bit fascinating. However, she had many years of watching.
She had resolved herself to become more involved with the crew this tour.

She listened as they began talking about Trill Biology.  It was interesting but she was concerned as well as intrigued of how personal the conversation was moving to.
Enjoying the conversation Beno knew it was almost time for the final surprise, this was going to be fun. There was a lot of research that went into the event. "I know several area of Scotland and England with the best castles." There were a few other places with great castles, but none more than England. 

"My Friend there is one final surprise, i hope I have the details right." There was a margin for errors, but she meant well.   

==GM Velaul==

The lights started to dim a little as a translucent women appeared next to the sword, her dress was equally as detailed as elegant. Golden embroidery on on light silk Her hair was free flowing with a braide that was on level with her eye brows. As people started to notice her there, they would notice that she was hovering three inches above the floor.
"Can I have everyone's attention please." Her voice was heavy with the old English accent,  with more than a hint of mystic tone. "We are here to celebrate Daniel Brooks, a man who would be Captain. His noble quest started with his feet on the ground and his head in the stars, with family roots on the farm but his never could."
"Forging his own path Daniel started to discover his own destiny, one of service and leadership Ships Doctor that saved many lives in his career, both in and out of Sickbay. His abilities simply could not be contained as his leadership started to soar, from Midshipman to Captain there wasn't anything or one who could keep him down. There were many obstacles that were in his way, but none of them kept him down."
Putting her hands in front of her palms up, a crown appeared inches above. "Heavy is the head that wears the crown." The Crown floated to the top lof his head before setting down. "Good leaders wear the crown well, Legendary leaders like Daniel wear it with grace. You bring Honor to your father and great house."
The doors opened and a four tier cake was walked through the door, with one pip on each tier. Medical blue fondant with the model of his first ship on top. Behind it was a backdrop that had the Brooks family crest and Coat of Arms. On top of the second tier were candles shaped like the number forty, and thirty-eight candles clustered together. Twenty feet behind the cake wax an old-fashioned fire brigade, and their firehoses were ready to put out a fire. Finally she started to lead the crew in siging happy birthday, just to top off the event. 
Kalli made sure to join in with the others in singing Happy Birthday to the captain. She was familiar with the tradition and it was something simple that allowed everyone to participate without feeling too odd about it. It gave a nice feeling of unity to the large group that had gathered for the occasion.

At the end of it, she looked around at all the people. She decided that this was a good moment. As beginnings went on ships, this was better than most. Part of her hoped that she would get to know some of the crew as time went by. It also scared her a little, but she would wrestle with that over time.
Jez had to disagree with Commander Belaul, the nest Castles, or as some people call them palaces weren’t necessarily in Scotland, and England, France Germany, and Japan all had  Castles with rich histories, but Jez wasn’t up for a debate at this time. Jez did love Castles though, the romance, the Chivalry. Knights on Horseback is such a romantic and complex time.

Suddenly the lights dimmed slightly, then a translucent woman appeared next to the sword, her dress was exquisitely detailed as it was elegant. Golden embroidery on light silk. Her hair was free flowing with a braid that was on level with her eyebrows framing her face adding an air of mystery to her. As people started to notice her there, they noticed that she was hovering three inches or so above the floor. Jez immediately thought of the Arthurian Legend, King Arthur, Guinevere, and of course The Lady of The Lake and Excalibur.

"Can I have everyone's attention please?" Her voice was heavy with the old English accent,  with more than a hint of mystic tone. "We are here to celebrate Daniel Brooks, a man who would be Captain. His noble quest started with his feet on the ground and his head in the stars, with family roots on the farm but his never could." Stated the Lady, her voice echoed."Forging his path Daniel started to discover his own destiny, one of service and leadership ship doctor who saved many lives in his career, both in and out of Sickbay. His abilities simply could not be contained as his leadership started to soar, from Midshipman to Captain there wasn't anything or anyone who could keep him down. There were many obstacles that were in his way, but none of them kept him down." Declared the Woman, putting her hands in front of her with her palms up, a crown appeared inches above. "Heavy is the head that wears the crown." The Crown floated to the top of his head before setting down. "Good leaders wear the crown well, Legendary leaders like Daniel wear it with grace. You bring Honor to your father and great house."

Jez immediately thought of a quote from an ancient movie, “The king without a sword," Lancelot exclaims. "The land without a king!”

Jez playfully leaned forward and whispered in Commander Velaul’s ear, “Isn’t King Arthur supposed to have a Sword as well as a crown?”  Joked Jez.

== NPC Science Ensign B’Tor Thoz, A female- Klingon/Vulcan Hybrid. ==

B’Tor looked at the cake, she knew that among Terrans a candle marked a year for each year of a Terrans birth, she counted a total of seventy-eight candles. She looked at Captain Brooks. 

He looks amazing for a man seventy-eight years old.

B’Tor was fascinated by the appearance of the translucent Lady, she seemed like a spirit
She watched as the lady crowned the Captain, he looked so noble, so regal.

“Congratulations Captain, you look very regal.” Said B’Tor.

== Tag All. ==
Beno smiled at Jez because there was more to the surprise than has been revealed, there was a second part that was soon to be revealed. “Isn’t King Arthur supposed to have a Sword as well as a crown?” Joked Jez. 

"Wait for it my friend." She said with a wink. The full plan when triggered would see Daniel blow out the candles, with a little help. Then comes the cutting of the cake, however the problem discovered is the lack of any knives. Not only that but none could be replicated, however the swords lighting would draw people's attention it's way.

Suddenly Carley came and whispered in her ear. "It looks like he is turning seventy-eight."

Beno laughed a little before saying. "There are exactly forty candles, a Four a Zero and........" Her hand went directly over her mouth. "Oohhh no." She laughed again a little, it wasn't her intention to age him that much. "Some traditions still alude me." She said with a joking nature.

==NPC Carley Young ==

Coming back to Colorado Carley was starting to like him more, very confident without being arrogant. If there was a dance, Carley would love to dance with him. "Out of all the programs we made this is my favorite." She said to him, and was getting a little more nervous. Although she was was completely comfortable, she was letting a side of herself out that she doesn't normally.

When everyone is singing happy birthday to Captain Brooks, Julia joined in the song. Troy has been quiet the whole time since the ensign kept being rude and interrupting every time she tried to have a conversation with the commander. After the singing was done she went to being quiet again without anyone noticing.

Troy had sat at the table with the commander and the captain and she had gotten her drink while the rest of the time she'd be drinking water. Julia had her padd that she has been writing her stories and novels on with her that Surik passed to her. Both Spike and Dot were under the table at their feets to be out of the way.

Julia knew that being quiet and writing stories and novels on her padd while observing what is going on at the table. Troy could tell that she wasn't seen by the ensign. She starting to feel a little left out of the conversation that was being held around her.

==Tag all==
T'Kol was more than impressed as the lights changed and the party became more of a 'crowning ceremony' creating the Captain as the new King.

"Fascinating" T'Kol let out as the translucent woman began to speak.

She leaned closer to Jez. "This is a very fascinating ... celebration." She added and applauded with the rest of the crowd as the cake was brought out and began following along with song. She was familiar with the terran birthday song so she did not have to fake singing it.

She was not one to sing but again it would seem protocol was, to follow suite.

After the singing was done T'Kol took a sip of the champagne. She was not one to drink so she had an obvious facial reaction not realizing it was real alcohol. She did not put it down though as she gave a look towards it she then looked back at Ensign Mala.

"I am sure this is more elaborate of a party than your last Captain had." She gave
Jez was startled when the Chief said, "This is a very fascinating ... celebration." Jez smiled and had to admit it wasn’t what she had expected, the crew of the Aquila was full of surprises. Jez clapped along enjoying the celebration.

Jez noticed something unusual After the singing was done T'Kol took a sip of the champagne, Vulcans were not one to drink alcohol so she had an obvious facial reaction; probably due to the bubbles Chief T’Kol did not realize it was a real alcohol. However, Jez noticed that the Chief did not put it down though as she gave a look towards it she then looked back at Jez.

"I am sure this is more elaborate of a party than your last Captain had." Said T’Kol. Jez smiled as she thought of the last party aboard the Geronimo. “Well Chief, your brother throws some very interesting parties.” Replied Jez, her tone warm. “Speaking of your brother, can I ask you a few questions? Please come let's go to a less crowded area.” Said Jez.

== Tag T'Kol.==
"He did?" T'Kol retorted back generally surprised that he created any 'parties' despite not much change of of her features it was still obvious she was ... surprised, as the best word to describe it.

T'Kol took another sip of the bubbling drink.

T'Kol nodded at the Ensigns request. "We can if you would like however you do not need to miss your party. We can always talk later." She added but was generally curious about what questions she had.

She still walked with the Ensign following her where ever she led the pair.

== Tag Jez ==
Jez smiled at T’Kol’s reaction to the news that her brother could throw a good party. “You don’t think your brother can throw a good party?” Teased Jez.

“ No Chief, this isn’t my party, it’s just a little too big for me. I’ll be honest I never understood how people can reminisce about the day of their Birth, as they can’t possibly remember it.” Jez said, her tone bewildered.

As Jez led the Chief to a remote room in the Castle, it was at best a Guard shack on the grounds of the Castle. “Chief, I’m curious about a few things and I’m hoping you might be able to shed some light on them.” Suggested Jez.

Jez had been intrigued by Commander Sothrick ever since he drew her into his inner circle of family, close friends, and confidants; she wasn’t sure how to describe it. Jez also found him frustrating in an annoying older brother sort of way.

“Chief, how old is your brother exactly? He seems very aloof and evades the question when I ask him about it. Also, why is he afraid of spiders, isn’t fear an emotional response, and with him being a Vulcan or embracing his Vulcan side isn’t that illogical? Not to mention his propensity for practical jokes.” Said Jez.

Jez did like Commander Sothrick, he was charming, intelligent, and not a bad-looking man. Yes, he was stubborn in a grumpy old man kind of way, which only added to his charm.

== Tag T'Kol.==
“you don’t think your brother can throw a good party?” Asked Jez with a grin. T'Kol looked into Mala's eyes for a moment
She was not used to anyone knowing the familiarity of her and Sothrick less alone had she ever heard anyone else tie them together as siblings. As she processed the thought she, with her still static features returned her query.

"No, I do not. While we were both aboard the Sheridan he offered my services to arrange, 'parties', for the officers promotions and such." She answered.

"As a Vulcan he did try to stay away from such, opportunities. However, because of previous career it fell on me to create several, social engagements." She said then looked around.

"Although I have to admit mine fell considerably short in comparison." She gestured to the surroundings.

The pair continue to walk about the simulation while T'Kol continued to sip her sweet but dry drink. The continued until the came across what would best be described as some sort of guard shack. “Chief, I’m curious about a few things and I’m hoping you might be able to shed some light on them.” Suggested Jez.

T'Kol nodded an affirmation to continue. She was curious why her 'brother' had wanted the Chief to watch over her and help her training but a small part of her had to admit that she so far was...'enjoying' for a lack of better term the womans company.

Her position had her mostly in limbo. She unlike any other enlisted had bridge duties, she was the highest ranking of all the enlisted but she was not quite a true officer. She found herself in a limbo. She was often shunned, on a social level by the officers since she was not really one of their peers and shunned by the crewmen as she was seen as more of a superior.

She usually, enjoyed, the solitude but she found the more time she spent with humans and other social races that she could not help to -feel- as though she was missing something. Sothrick had told her that she needed to be a little more apt to making a more meaningful connection. The only other connection she had was with the Captain. They had a respectable working relationship as they had been working together for a while now and she had a deep respect for the man.

So far the young Ensign was at least a bit of a distraction from her regular obligations.

“Chief, how old is your brother exactly? He seems very aloof and evades the question when I ask him about it. Also, why is he afraid of spiders, isn’t fear an emotional response, and with him being a Vulcan or embracing his Vulcan side isn’t that illogical? Not to mention his propensity for practical jokes.” Said Jez.

The full Vulcan regard the woman for a moment with one raised brow and an inquisitive look of her own.

"It would seem the my, brother, made a rather big impact on you. As I understood you only served under him a short while." She stated.

"I would think you would want to know more of your new Captain. At any rate. Sothrick is 68 and I am 65 if you would like to know." (even though she looked to be in her late 20's at best) She answered with a sip from her glass again

"He prefers for those not in his inner circle to believe that he is full Vulcan. He even had his father adjust his file so that any one lower than a Captain or Chief Medical Officer would only see Vulcan. He even hides his full name." She gave then realized he may not want this young woman to know so much. She gave a look to her glass as though it had insulted her for a moment then lowered it to her side.

"As for his irrational fear of spiders, I was not aware? Did he tell you that? I am not sure why he would be, afraid. However, I do know that I believe it was his first mission as a Starfleet officer and out of the Marines that they encountered a planet of what was first thought as hostile spider like aliens. I do not remember the details exactly but it could be a source I guess. I believe he was injured and a fellow crewmen perished." She gave

== Tag Jez ==
There was one thing about being on a larger ship now, Matt was able to bring his fairly new wife with him.
As he was now an Lieutenant (Junior Grade) and on a bigger ship he was able to bring his wife on this particular trip.

This party was the biggest reason he wanted her to join him. He knew of the Captain's big birthday party and he always loved a good party.

As they made their way up to the castle Matt took in the holographic work. "Man this isn't bad" He said to his wife appreciating the work.

He was a little hurt that no one asked for his help as he was a Holo-Specialist Engineer but he really couldn't pick apart the work.

He pulled his wife along as he knew he was a bit late for the festivities.

He stepped in and was still equally impressed with the details. 

He kissed Charlottes hand as they stepped through. "I am so glad you are with me..." He said with a smile.
Their lives had been crazy so he was pleased she could actually be here now.

"Well I know I am slowing down because I think this might be the first time I am late to a party." He said with a smile

== Tag Charlotte and all ==

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