AQ/D12 - Main Sickbay
LCdr Lim didn't have enough time on the Geronimo to be sentimental about leaving the ship. As they arrived at DS9 Lois was more interested in seeing what type of ship USS Aquila (the Eagle) was and if her wish had come true. A capital ship it was. Lois couldn't wait to board and inspect the Sickbay.

Lois had arranged for her luggage and belongings to be moved to her quarters so that she didn't have to drag it over herself. That gave her more time to inspect the Sickbay. That was her priority. She was delighted when she first entered. Surgical suits on the right, main Sickbay spreading out before her to her left. She walked slowly along the two rows of bio beds, seven to the right and eight to her left in the main Sickbay. She silently counted them as she proceeded and came to a second entrance and directly opposite to the entrance a fully equipped triage bay next door to the intensive care.

Most likely that's the main entrance seeing it is nearest the triage bay. Looks like I came in the secondary entrance.

Turning her eyes forward again she saw it, a door with a label, "CMO" and under that label was another label "Quarantine". She chuckled.

What does that mean? I'm under continually quarantine? I'm going to have to change that!

Entering brought her into a waiting room of sorts with two doors, one in front of Lois labelled 'CMO's Office' and another to her right labelled "Quarantine"

Well, that's a relief!

Lois sat herself down at the CMO's desk and was feeling completely satisfied with herself, she had made it! She began by looking through the personnel file of Sickbay staff and began to read, noting that Red Reddington from the Geronime had transferred to the Aquila, as well. That was one person she knew. The others she didn't know but she figured she would schedule a meeting of all the staff as soon as all had reported aboard.

After a few minutes had past, as she read through some of the career biographies of some of the senior medical staff, the CMO's office door swished open and a Lieutenant in a medical uniform entered, a human male stopped in his tracks, with shock on his face, staring at the female (Lois) sitting at the CMO's desk.

"And you are?" stated the human medical officer, "Wait a minute, are you Dr Lim the new CMO?"

"That's me, in the flesh. And you ... are...?" ask Lois, slowly.

"DCMO Lt Harry Langston, mama, sir." Harry answered.

"You can call me Lois, that's fine when we're not with patients, otherwise Dr Lim, in professional situations, please?"

"OK, Lois. You can call me, Harry," said Dr Langston, "I don't mean to forward, Lois, but would you like to get a coffee or something else to drink or eat in Ten Forward. We could chat and get to know each other before all the medical staff come aboard? Harry asked nervously.

"Well, that would be nice, Harry. I have a few things to do first, like report to the captain, protocol stuff, and find my quarters. Could we say, an hour and I'll meet you there? Oh... Could you schedule a meeting of all medical staff, say 0900 tomorrow, please? Lois requested, as she began to move to the door on her way to report to the captain.

"OK, sure, can do. And meeting 0900 tomorrow, all medical staff. See you at Ten Forward in an hour then." repeated Harry as he awkwardly moved out of the new CMO's way.

Lois was pleased with her first meeting with her deputy, although she would have liked to have chosen her own deputy. But it was a big ship, captain's prerogative, she reminded herself. And speaking of big ships, now all she had to do was find her way to the bridge, her quarters and then Ten Forward.

>> Bridge >>
<< Crew Quarters <<.

As Jez and Commander Talion made their way towards Sickbay, Jez could feel her tensing up, it was one thing to have Commander Talions Holographic EMH/ Nanny examine her, but to have Dr. Lim examine her was something else, but at least  Jez knew Dr. Lim as they had served together on the Geronimo, but still it didn’t make things any easier.

Jez walked along casually and there was kind of an awkward silence the Jez spoke . “ Commander Talion, last night I came up with another option. I’am curious to know what you think. I could have the baby and then let my Grandmother on Betazed raise the baby; that way it wouldn't interfere with my career and I wouldn’t have to worry about the dangers of serving on a Star Ship with a baby.” Said Jez.

When Jez actually said that out loud she realized how awful that sounded, it was on par with how her parents raised her.

The doors to sickbay opened and Jez stepped in and it wasn’t too crowded. She spotted a few faces she recognized from the Geronimo.

They must be having their physicals.

This Sickbay was huge compared to the closet like Sickbay on the Geronimo. Doctors and nurses were calling out orders. “I need 10 CC's of this or 20 CC’s of that, it was very interesting to see people in the medical establishment working. The Bio Bed monitors people's Blood pressure and pulse.

Jes saw a woman with a little girl, the little girl was crying as she had skinned her knee running . She had heard the woman say that the girl had been running chasing her kitten around their quarters and the little girl had fallen on the carpet and skinned her knee. Jez couldn’t help but be moved by this tender scene.   

Then a Bolian Nurse came up to Jez and asked if she needed help. Jez was a little nervous, she didn’t want everyone in sickbay to hear her.  “Yes Please, I need to see Dr. Lim on an urgent matter.” Said Jez He voice just above a whisper.

“Excuse me, I didn’t quite hear that. ?” Replied the Bolian.  Jez looked around to make sure no one was in earshot. “I need to see Dr. Lim, on a private matter of great urgency.”  Jez could feel the butterflies starting to form in her stomach, as within the next few minutes her life was going to change forever.

== Tag Talion and Lim. ==
<<< Crew Quarters <<<

s they walked, Talion tried to answer her as best he could, "That is presuming a great deal. First of all, your grandmother is now much older and how she might raise someone at her current age will be different than you or your mother would. Secondly, that's something you're going to need to talk to her about and see if it is something she is willing to do. It takes a great deal of time and energy to raise a child. I've been doing it for a while now and it is a full time job in itself. Don't forget that it is going to take a number of very uncomfortable months before the child is born and there is very little that you're going to be able to do in your career field that will be permitted while on a light duty waiver on a ship. This is going to change your entire career track permanently. You would be sidelined not just while pregnant, but for a number of weeks after, while you recover. Fortunately, medical science has come a long way, so few women die in childbirth anymore, but it does happen. The process forever changes your body in the process. That said, many women are able to return to a fully active lifestyle afterward, but I want you to have no misconceptions about this being a process that will be life changing in many ways. Given your age and the timing of this, I would seriously suggest considering any options that might be available to delay this for the moment. At the very least, you should take time to evaluate your situation and your options, including having some touch conversations with your family. I might make it look easy, but I had lots of help and I still have help, their just...well...not real people while on the ship, that's all."

When they entered Sickbay, Talion let her speak first. When the technician appeared confused, Alex spoke up, "A simple scan will reveal that she'll require an exam by a doctor and a standard prenatal briefing with report to her chain of command, depending on what the young lady decides. I'm just here in support of a friend, as I'm sure you can understand."

This caused the technician to raise an eyebrow, give a nod and directed Ens Mala over to a bio-bed.

Talion then looked around with a eye for the technical aspects of the new Sickbay. He seemed to approve of all that he was seeing. He commented, "I was never big on the medical side of my research. It was necessary, as it involved neural implants to interface with the signals from the brain to control various functions, but I put most of my focus on the details of the hardware itself. Some of my prosthetics were revolutionary in how the user was able to feel as if they were the real thing. When a patient is able to forget that they are using a device instead of their original limb, then you're able to seriously give back some quality of life they might not have otherwise been able to have. It's hard to imagine now that it was that research that really got things going. Synthetics have come a long way since then."

== Tag Jez while waiting for Doctor Lim to chime in ==
== NPC Lt Andromeda Tate ==

Andrea quietly entered Sickbay and looked around. The facilities were impressive. She was dressed in comfortable civilian business attire, but it still managed to look attractive. Spotting Ens Mala, she waited until the technician had walked away before approaching.

She greeted Talion first, "Alex, good to see you again." They shared a brief but friendly hug. "I'm glad to hear that you're doing so well, but I admit that I'm surprised to see you outside of your fortress of solitude."

He chuckled and asked, "Are you assigned to the ship?"

Andrea smiled warmly and shook her head, "No, I'm here on Federation business." She turned and looked at Jez, "Actually I'm here to talk to your new friend, Jez." She quickly held up a hand to Ens Mala, "Don't worry, I know that you're very busy with all of THIS right now. Do what you came here to deal with and we can talk after you're done. Once you're back at your quarters, I'll come find you."

Turning back to Alex, she said, "Don't sorry, I won't leave without coming by to be properly introduced to Reyna. We can catch up then."

Andrea then informed one of the staff that when the CMO had a minute, she needed to speak with her about one of her patients that was on the ship.

== Tag to Doctor Lim for Tate... a busy morning... ==
Dr Lim came to the main sickbay as soon as she was called, the Bolian nurse greeted her immediately and quietly spoke to the Chief Medical Officer, nodding toward Ens Mala sitting on a bio bed. Lois approached the group standing around her.

'Hello Ens Mala, Commander Talion lovely to see you again," She said and nodded to the very attractive unknown civilian woman, "Hello, I'm Dr Lim."

Hmm, Commander Talion has a girlfriend?

When the introductions were over, Lois spoke to Ens Mala again, "You asked to see me?' Lois sensed some habitation in the Ensign and asked "Um, is this something that we need to speak in private about, Ensign? We could go into the CMO's office, if you'd like.

==Tag Mala, Talion and Lt Tate ==
== If the offer is taken up to move to the CMO's office, just start you post there, Talion and Tale can come in too, if you would like? It's up to you Ens Mala. ==
Jez was slightly surprised by Commander Talion's thoughts about her Grandmother raising her baby. What Commander Talion didn’t realize was that Jez’s Grandmother was a formidable woman, and had the energy and drive of a much younger woman. Jez’s Grandmother took excellent care of herself, plus like most Betazoid Aristocratic women, she had a staff who helped her; but as she had thought about it. It would be like how her parents raised her, from a distance and that wouldn’t be fair to the child.

When Commander Talon remarked on a woman's body not bouncing back after having a baby, she found that a little insulting, like men don’t get a bit paunchy after they become fathers.

The Bolian Nurse directed Jez to a nearby bio bed. Jez hopped but sat on the edge with her legs dangling, her pulse was rapid, she just wanted this to be over, she couldn’t help but feel as if everyone in Sick Bay was watching her , of course it was all in her imagination.

Just then a familiar voice spoke, "Alex, good to see you again." Jez watched as Commander Talion and the woman that Jez recognized as Lt. Tate shared a brief but friendly hug. "I'm glad to hear that you're doing so well, but I admit that I'm surprised to see you outside of your fortress of solitude."

Hmmm, Commander Talion is clearly well known for his eccentric nature.

Commander Talion  chuckled and asked, "Are you assigned to the ship?"

Lt. Tate  smiled warmly and shook her head, "No, I'm here on Federation business." She turned and looked at Jez, "Actually I'm here to talk to your new friend, Jez." She quickly held up a hand to Ens Mala, "Don't worry, I know that you're very busy with all of THIS right now. Do what you came here to deal with and we can talk after you're done. Once you're back at your quarters, I'll come find you."

Jez smiled and returned the Lieutenants greeting. The Lieutenant said something that caught Jez’s attention: the emphasis on the word THIS, did Lieutenant Tate know what was going on? How did she find out? It’s not that Jez didn’t like or trust Lieutenant Tate, it’s just Jez wasn’t even sure what she was going to do, at least not yet.

“Oh…umh…yes of course Lieutenant Tate.” Said Jez, sounding a little bewildered.

'Hello Ens Mala, Commander Talion, lovely to see you again," She said and nodded to the very attractive unknown civilian woman, "Hello, I'm Dr Lim."  Said Dr. Lim, her lovely Metso voice so soft on the ear.

When the proper introduction had completed Dr. Lim spoke to Jez again, "You asked to see me?' Jez shifted slightly,  "Um, is this something that we need to speak in private about, Ensign? We could go into the CMO's office, if you'd like.”

Jez looked around to make sure no one was within listening distance, once Lt. Tate was gone. Jez took a deep breath. “ No Doctor here is fine.  Yes, I asked to see you Dr. Lim. I.. I.. Umh… umh... I need you to confirm something for me.  I have reason to suspect that I’m pregnant.” Said Jez her voice a mix of sadness and relief.  She looked over at Commander Talion. “Oh Dr. Lim you can talk freely  Commander Talion knows what's going on.

== Tag Talion, Lim and Tate. ==
== Tate walked off to the side, deliberately keeping her distance for the sake of the patients. She would wait for Lim to finish first. ==
Much in contrast to when Dr. Lim and Talion had first met, this time he was much quieter and spoke much softer. He was here in support of Mala, giving her someone to lean on a bit. He gave a nod to Lim and simply replied, "Doctor Lim..."

Letting Jez take a the lead, Alex calmly let the moment unfold in front of him. He could feel the confusion within Jez, when Andrea spoke to her. The young woman seemed unaware of how strongly she tended to broadcast her thoughts and feelings. She guarded some of her most inner thoughts and and could keep the thoughts and emotions of others from becoming distracting or annoying, but he feared that she had not gotten a strong enough foundation in her mental training as a child.

Alex worried about her perspective, but she was young and there was little that could be done to help that. Like so many other young women, she was going to have to make some very difficult choices and none of them were easy. He has taken care to not allow himself to be caught in such a situation, but it was easy for him to say such things. He knew it was wrong to presume everyone had his opportunities and privilege as they grew up. Ultimately, he couldn't make her decisions for her and he was not going to have to live with the results. Right or wrong, Jez would decide and then she would go about her life. Alex had certainly made his own share of mistakes, but the wisdom of years was not a gift the young could appreciate...yet.
Dr Lim noticed that Jez looked around to make sure no one was within listening distance, once the other civilian dressed woman had moved away. “No Doctor here is fine. Yes, I asked to see you Dr. Lim. I.. I.. Umh… umh... I need you to confirm something for me. I have reason to suspect that I’m pregnant.” Said Jez her voice a mix of sadness and relief. She looked over at Commander Talion. “Oh Dr. Lim you can talk freely Commander Talion knows what's going on."

Dr Lim had to physically keep her expression from expressing her surprise, she was a professional and had practiced keeping her body language and words to a calm medium in stressful situations.

"Ok, why don't I take some scans and confirm your suspicions one way or the other, hmm?" Lois walked to the cabinet where the medical tricorders are stored and returned with one to Jez's bedside. "Please lie down on the bed for me Jez. Lois then slowly scanned Jez's pelvic/abdominal region. She looked up at the bio bed readout, looked at the results on the tricorder and smiled.

She paused for a second considering the effect the news may have on Jez. But the truth couldn't be denied just because of the effect it may have on an individual.

"Well Jez, you are most definitely pregnant, very early in pregnancy, I might add," and Dr Lim waited to see Jez's response. She had a feeling that this news may not be good for Jez, so she didn't congratulate or commiserate with Jez. Lois just waited to see her response. That would determine any further steps Lois would take.
Jez wasn’t sure what to expect, this wasn’t something she had considered in her life, at least not yet. She was young and had no experience with children, she had never even babysat a child; let alone give birth to one. She never even had a pet.

"Ok, why don't I take some scans and confirm your suspicions one way or the other, hmm?" Said Dr. Lim. Jez watched as Dr. Lim walked to the cabinet where the medical tricorders are stored and returned with one to Jez's bedside. "Please lie down on the bed for me Jez.” Dr. Lim then slowly scanned Jez's pelvic/abdominal region. She looked up at the biobed readout, looked at the results on the tricorder, and smiled.

The smile said it all Jez’s life just hit a brick wall at full force. She could feel her emotions churning, like a Hurricane, on one level she was happy that it was confirmed, but on another level she was disappointed. Yes, Commander Talion and her discussed several options, but the fact remained that Jez would be a single mother in a very dangerous career. If she had someone special to share her life with that would be one thing, to have an Imzadi would make it easier, someone special to help raise their child together, but she had no intention of raising a child with a man like Renkarn Ukinix, he made a Klingon Targ look good.

Jez lay there her thoughts churning and tumbling over each other. She could feel her heart racing. She just wanted to get up and run away as fast as she could. She had let so many people down by becoming pregnant, people whom she loved greatly

"Well Jez, you are most definitely pregnant, very early in pregnancy, I might add," Said Dr. Lim. Jez looked at her, knowing that the Doctor probably had given that news to many happy people who were expecting that bit of happy news.

Jez looked over at Commander Talion and images of Reyna filled her mind. Commander Talion was a wonderful father, she could picture him holding a baby in his arms rocking a baby gently as he sang a baby a lullaby. Jez then said, “ Dr. Lim Commander Talion had mentioned something about Cryo Stasis, that you could place the fetus in Cryo Stasis until I’m ready to be a mother. Is that possible? If not, what other options are available?” Replied Jez, her tone at best uncertain.

== Tag All. ==
“Dr. Lim, Commander Talion had mentioned something about Cryo Stasis, that you could place the fetus in Cryo Stasis until I’m ready to be a mother. Is that possible? If not, what other options are available?” Replied Jez, her tone at best uncertain.

Dr Lois Lim's blood boiled when she heard that Commander Talion had been giving medical advice to a young pregnant woman who was in an emotional whirlpool. Scientist or not, how dare he!. But this was not the time to take the well-meaning Commander Talion to task and possibly destroy Jez's faith in a relationship which Lois could see was developing into friendship. She was very aware that she needed to be professional and detached from the emotions of the situation. Jez was now seeking appropriate medical advice, and Lois knew that was a step in the right direction and she'd best not blow it with an out bust of rage toward the good-natured, but inappropriately good-meaning, Commander Talion.

Lois began with a calm and clear voice, hoping that her facial expression and body language at this moment had not given away her rage at Commander Talion who stood a meter or so away from the good doctor.

"Well Jez, yes there are a number of options, and there are three people involved here, yourself, the baby and the father, who need to be considered. Yes, Cryo statis is one option, but there are, as with all the options, some inherent risks for yourself and the baby and moral issues that you would need to consider before taking that step," Dr Lim said.

"Termination is another option. Again, it has its inherent risks for both you and the baby and morally that you would need, I'm not sure what the right word to use here is, but let's say 'to be comfortable with', if you decided on that option. Adoption is another and/or having a carer for the baby, a relative or friend is another option that needs to be thought through," Dr Lim continued.

Lim was slowly coming to the hard end of this preliminary conversation. "Carrying the baby to birth is another option, it has risks as well and there are a number of protocols that would come into play on a Federation Star Ship as a Federation officer who is pregnant. Your pregnancy is in a very early stage, so you have time to think seriously through them, some of these options are time sensitive, in other words the longer you wait the higher the risks."

"I would also recommend seeking help from the ship's counselor or someone who has skills to help you talk about your feelings and emotions before making a decision. Perhaps even talking to some of the mothers on the ship, your mother perhaps, those who have experience of child birth and raising children on a Starship. It would give you a broader, more long term perspective. And of course, discussing them with the father. It is his child as much as yours, at least give him the option to be involved or not."

"I know this is overwhelming, a lot to take in, Jez. I am available for you to talk through the details of these options, benefits and risks, or anything else." Dr Lim was almost finished, there was just one more issue to be explained. This one was often a shock to some officers, they often felt they were being treated with kid gloves for no good reason.

Lois hesitated before she began to speak, searching for the words. She had the words for the medical stuff, but this wasn't medical. It was rules, standard procedure and it only affected women who were pregnant. Discrimination? No. It just the way it is with females because they're female.

"There is another consideration that I wonder if you are aware of, and that is the effect this pregnancy has on you and your career, because at some stage soon, if you do not, I will need to inform the captain and your department head, that you are pregnant. The captain, as do all of us on this ship, has a duty of care for all the members of the crew. In your case, that duty of care prescribes that you would be put on light duties only and it would significantly restrict your active duties, especially being a security officer. No away missions, no duties where there is any possibility that harm may come to you or your baby. You may even be taken off the active-duty roster altogether, depending on the circumstance that prevails at any specific time."

Lois waited a long time for that all to sink in. The noises of sickbay became louder in the silence that prevailed in their little corner. The Chief Medical officer, with a hint of sadness sounding, finally spoke, "I'm sorry Jez, this is a military organisation, like it or not, and these are the rules. If you want to talk more about this, my door is always open."

== Tag all this little group in a little corner of sickbay ==
It didn't take a telepath to pick up on Lim's displeasure at hearing that Talion had apparently made suggestions about medical care. He briefly rolled his eyes, but when she had finished what she needed to say, he did speak up, if in an apologetic tone, "My apologies, Doctor Lim. She is correct in that I did list that option in a long list of possible options that I speculated about. She asked and I was as honest as I could be with her, but to be clear, I stressed to her, in no uncertain terms, that she needed to come in this morning and seek the attention and guidance of you and your department. I did not speak to her so much as an officer, but simply as a friend, though I confess that much of what you said echoes my own words, perhaps adding weight to both."

His expression turned more sympathetic as he looked to Jez, "The rest is really up to her now."
Jez felt bad that Commander Talion had to justify being a gentleman helping a junior officer in her time of need.  Jez felt her face turn red and her pulse quicken.

“Oh no Doctor Lim, Commander Talion is very intelligent, caring, and charming. If more men were like Commander Talion, marriages may last longer than most marriages today.  He's here for moral support.” Said Jez, her voice filled with pride for her friend.

Before anyone could comment Jez had made up her mind, she had wrestled with her decision all night long, and seeing how gallant and considerate Commander Talion was helped her come to her decision.  She was being unfair to her unborn child, it wasn’t the baby’s fault that Renkarn was a horrible, arrogant, and abusive man and the baby shouldn’t be judged by the character, actions and faults of its father. Jez was confident that with love, caring, and the right environment the baby could overcome any possible physiological and personality shortcomings inherited from its father.

“ I’ve made a decision. I’m going to have the baby, BUT at a future time, when I’m ready. Dr. Lim I want the fetus placed in cryo-stasis.” Said Jez, her voice was a bit strained from holding back her tears, but she was confident she made the right decision. 

== Tag All. ==
It was now Talion's turn to blush a little. He was not accustomed to a young lady defending his behavior in such a way. His mind briefly flashed back to his own marriage. His union with her had been relatively brief and certainly ended tragically, but they had been extremely happy for that short time. When it came to such things, as he so often did on personal matters, he simply remained silent.

Jez then finally made a decision and seemed confident in her declaration of it. Alex could see her fighting back tears in the moment though, so he instinctively reached over and simply placed a hand on her shoulder, so that she could feel his empathic support in this vulnerable situation. After all, it was the real reason that he was asked to stand there at that moment, so he was good to his word and was being supportive. He could feel the emotional turmoil within her and knew that it was simply a wave that she had to ride through to the end, but not alone.
Jez was a little startled when Commander placed his hand on her shoulder, he radiated a warmth, not a physical warmth per se; but rather an emotional warmth It just seemed to flow like a gentle summer breeze, she felt comfortable around him. In many ways, he reminded her of her beloved Teddy Bear, Sensi. Jez wished that Michael was here now, she missed talking with him.  The two of them would spar. She could tell him her deepest secrets and was getting the same feeling from Commander Talion.

He is so kind and handsome. If I could raise my baby with a man like him, that would be amazing.  Thought Jez. Jez looked at Commander Talion and smiled and mouthed the words, “Thank You.”  and bowed her head slightly.

Jez understood the basic technology of the Cryonic-Stasis, but she had a million questions. like,  Would the baby feel anything? Would the baby be aware of its surroundings? Would it hurt the baby?  How long would the baby be able to survive in cryo-stasis? What if Jez decided to wait five or ten years to carry the baby; would the embryo still be viable?

Relax Jez, I’m sure the doctor will explain everything in detail. 

Jez smiled and waited for Doctor Lim to explain. Jez liked Dr. Lim, she was kind and considerate. On their last mission the doctor surprised Jez by getting in between Commander Said and the angry mob while Commander Said had a phaser in her hand.

== Tag All. ==
Dr lim watched the interaction between Jez and Cdr Talion, and a sudden thought rush through her mind as the Commander placed a loving hand on Jez's shoulder, and she responded with a smile and whispered words.

My God, Talion is the father! Surely NOT! No. no. I'm not thinking that. I'm not going there! Not my problem! Could he be??

Clearing that ugly thought, she concentrated on the problems that would need to be answered. "Jez, I'm sure you have many questions, but to my mind you seem to have made up your mind very quickly. I suggest we rest here, and tomorrow and we will go through all the pros and cons, what happens in the procedure and the like and of course two main questions that have come to my mind. When will you know you are ready to have this child? And, if the child is to be in cryo for a very long time, then I don't believe the child can or should be stored on this ship, considering the dangers a star ship sometimes gets into that may cause the cyro to fail or be destroyed. We would need to consult with the captain before any procedure takes place and have a plan as to where the child would be stored long term and how we get it there safely. What if something happens to you in the meantime, what would you want for your frozen child if it was impossible for you in the future to give birth to the child, or you die before you give birth? What would you want to be done for the child?" and she added one more thought, "And I insist that the father is consulted."

Dr Lim's last sentence was said without anger or moral authority, it was simply said as a statement of fact, a condition that Dr Lim felt she needed to insist. This whole thing was a veritable mind field of personal, emotion, moral and practical taps for all concerned and needed to be negotiated slowly and carefully, in consultation, and mature discussion so that this young woman was well guided in what she was wanting.

But Dr Lim, with all her professionalism, still had her personal feelings, moral attitudes, buried under that professionalism, which bubbled to the surface momentarily.

[i]So this poor child is going to be a toy that we put on ice, until the mother/father wants to play family? Who are we, to decide? An earth historian in the 21st century coin the term, "The animal that became god." Sometimes, I wonder if 'sentient life' really means too damn smart for our own good.[i/]

"Use this time to mull over the issues I have mentioned and tomorrow we will talk again and start working through some of the practicalities. In the meantime, I will speak to the captain. Shall we meet say 1400hrs tomorrow in my office?"

== Tag all present. ==
Alex became a bit more serious and said to Jez, "Yes, you shouldn't rush into anything. I can also look into the legalities. As a member of the First House, I can inquire about the best course of legal action involving the father. You said he was quite the rogue and I'm sure that there is a history there. You wouldn't need his permission to have this procedure, but it will open you up to possible custody litigation and other possible concerns. I think it wise to trust Doctor Lim on the medical side of things, as she would never compromise your safety or that of your child. My family is...shall we such matters of legal and political affairs. If this individual has done your wrong, then there is no legal place for him to hide. We can most certainly give you a solid basis for protection though. Remember that in Betazoid society women tend to hold the upper hand, so even if her were to try and act against you, he would have an uphill fight. Don't stress yourself over this. You have more than enough to think about, so that is the least of your concerns right now. Get some rest and then speak with the good doctor tomorrow, yes?"

Alex then turned to Lim and with appreciation evident in his eyes, simply said, "Thank you, Doctor Lim."
== After the good Cdr Talion and the pregnant Ens Jez Mala have left Sickbay ==

Dr Lim returned to the CMO office and immediately requested an urgent meet for the next morning concerning an important medical issue, through the ships internal messaging system, to Captain Brook, LCdr Kurasa, Cdr Talion and Ens Jez Mala. Lois sent this sensitive information in an encrypted message because of the nature of the subject, to ensure patient privacy, except on a need-to-know basis.

The message read:

To: Captain Brook, LCdr Kurasa, Cdr Talion, Ens Mala.
From: Dr Lim CMO
Message: I request an urgent meeting with you in Sickbay tomorrow at 10.00 hrs to discuss an urgent medical situation concerning Ens Mala's current condition.

Ens Mala presented to me today and was found to be pregnant with a child. After a long discussion concerning alternatives Ens Mala decided to have the embryo frozen, so the child could be born at another time of her choosing. I need to discuss with all parties the safe storage of the frozen embryo, whether on this ship or at another location. Your attendance would be greatly appreciated.

LCdr Lois Lim,
Chief Medical Officer.

End Message
== The following day 10.00 hrs - Chief Medical Officer's Office, Deck 12 Main Sickbay ==
== Assuming all the invites have arrived. ==

"Thank you all for coming to this meeting," said LCdr Lim as she closed and locked the door to ensure privacy and that they were not disturbed, "and my apologies to you Ens Mala, if I have caused any discomfort or embarrassment to you by call members of the senior staff to discuss your medical condition... So, let's get started."

"As you all know, Ens Mala is pregnant. The Father is not here and as per Ens Mala expresses wishes and will not be involved. I might add, this is against my advice but I bow to the Ensign's wishes in this matter."

"The procedure is relatively quite simple and I've discussed this with Ens Mala earlier this morning. To bring all of us up to speed, we have the medical equipment and expertise to go ahead with the procedure Ens Mala has requested, to place the embryo into cryostasis until such time as Jes is ready to give birth. I will do the procedure and Dr Langston will assist me. Without going into the technical jargon basically we will perform a site-to-site medical transport transfer of the embryo to the cryostasis chamber. The chamber is quite small and compact. The procedure is not painful, or harmful to the mother or child. The child can be kept in cryostasis for ... well, eternity, as long as there is a power supply, which is minimal, and the chamber is maintained correctly and the state of the embryo is monitored regularly for any changes."

"So, I have recommended to Jez that we find a suitable facility off the ship where the protection for the child and the chamber are at a premium."

"I'll open up this for discussion now, and I'll ask you, Captain, is my recommendation possible at this time? And I'd just remind everyone we are here to discuss the placement of the cryochamber with the child and how that may be achieved, given we are on a Federation Starship about to go on a mission."

I fear this will not go down well, but I'll see how it goes. Lois nervously waited for the captain's answer and for the discussion to begin.

== Tag Captain Books and anyone else who wants to chime in, Ens Mala, LCdr Kurasa, Cdr Talion. ==
Jez could tell by Dr. Lim’s body language and tone that she thought Commander Talion was the baby’s father. Jez had to smile at that. Oh, Commander Talion was certainly handsome, and yes kind, a real gentleman, any woman would be proud to call him her man, but he was a bit old for her; not to mention physically he wasn’t her type.

Jez was relieved that Commander Talion’s family was so influential.  The First House of Betazed:  The House of Honesty & Truth was well known among the Betazeds. Jez was fortunate to have a friend like Commander Talion.

“ Dr. Lim,  I have to ask, you don’t think that Commander Talion and I, I mean he is handsome, gallant, and intelligent… but ..but ..ewww..!!! No…we are just good friends.” Said Jez.  Jez couldn’t let people think that Commander Talion was anything but noble and honorable, he would never take advantage of a young woman; after all he had a little girl of his own. 

Jez knew that she was going to have a daughter, even though it was too early to tell the baby’s sex, it’s just she had a feeling,

“ Sothrica Alexanderia’s father is a vile disgusting man, I will not raise my daughter with a man like that.” Said Jez. Her voice was tainted with a little bit of anger. “ As far as when I hope to have my baby, I don’t know, that would depend on my career path and how long the baby can be kept in cryo-stasis.” Said Jez.

Dr. Lim had given Jez a lot to think about. What if something did happen to Jez, what would happen to her baby; she couldn’t let Renkarn raise her daughter, but judging by his reaction to Jez being a Hybrid he would probably disown the child.

“ Thank You, Doctor Lim. I will mull over what you have said and we can discuss this tomorrow. “ Said Jez.

Jez collected herself and departed sickbay, she decided to head to her quarters.

>> Jez’s quarters.>>
== The following day 10.00 hrs - Chief Medical Officer's Office, Deck 12 Main Sickbay ==
== Assuming all the invites have arrived. ==

Captain Brooks headed down to Sickbay, he had very little discussion with any of the crew so far and this was a life changing decision they were making. The Captain entered the Chief Medical Officers Office, the layout and style transported him back to when he was sat in Lim's chair as CMO of the Copernicus and the Sheridan.

"Thank you all for coming to this meeting," said LCdr Lim as she closed and locked the door bringing the Captain back into the room and why he had been invited, "and my apologies to you Ens Mala, if I have caused any discomfort or embarrassment to you by call members of the senior staff to discuss your medical condition... So, let's get started."

"As you all know, Ens Mala is pregnant. The Father is not here and as per Ens Mala expresses wishes and will not be involved. I might add, this is against my advice but I bow to the Ensign's wishes in this matter."

Captain Brooks brow farrowed at this revelation which made him wonder exactly how did this pregnancy come to be in the first place.
The doctor explained what was to happen,

"The procedure is relatively quite simple and I've discussed this with Ens Mala earlier this morning. To bring all of us up to speed, we have the medical equipment and expertise to go ahead with the procedure Ens Mala has requested, to place the embryo into cryostasis until such time as Jes is ready to give birth. I will do the procedure and Dr Langston will assist me. Without going into the technical jargon basically we will perform a site-to-site medical transport transfer of the embryo to the cryostasis chamber. The chamber is quite small and compact. The procedure is not painful, or harmful to the mother or child. The child can be kept in cryostasis for ... well, eternity, as long as there is a power supply, which is minimal, and the chamber is maintained correctly and the state of the embryo is monitored regularly for any changes."

"So, I have recommended to Jez that we find a suitable facility off the ship where the protection for the child and the chamber are at a premium."

"I'll open up this for discussion now, and I'll ask you, Captain, is my recommendation possible at this time? And I'd just remind everyone we are here to discuss the placement of the cryochamber with the child and how that may be achieved, given we are on a Federation Starship about to go on a mission."

Captain Brooks looked around at the others in the room before saying,

"Having been a Chief Medical Officer myself, I know we would want to protect the baby the best we can. We will have to keep it on ship until we get to the starbase or federation medical facility then we know it won't be a game of catch up with the other ship when Ensign Mala here would like to have her child. She will know exactly where to go. However, the Aquila does have the equipment on board to be able to handle this until we are able to make a transfer which may not be in the near future."

Knowing where they were currently in space it would be a few days before they could get near a starbase and he was waiting on orders.

==Tag Lim and all==
== The following day 10.00 hrs - Chief Medical Officer's Office, Deck 12 Main Sickbay ==
== Assuming all the invites have arrived. ==

Dr Lim was surprised that one, the captain used to be a CMO, and two, that he made it sound so easy.

"Captain, Jez, if I could make a suggestion, perhaps the cryochamber could be housed in Jez's quarters, Jez would be the ideal person to keep an eye of the chamber and the child embryo, its fairly simple to monitor cryochamber and its occupant, it doesn't need 24 hr monitoring, checking it twice a day would ample. You would be able to maintain your normal duties on the ship. Of course, once we are at a Starbase the cryonic unit could be handed over to their cryo-team for permanent storage and monitoring, until you were ready, Jez."

"How would you feel about that, Jez?" asked Dr Lim, and she looked around at everyone in the room to gage the meeting mood.

== tag Jez, and others ==
Shione was of mixed feelings realizing that while this was all along a personal matter, it also strayed into impacting the Ensign's ability to do her duty to the ship. This was a huge ship and unlike other vessels there were more than a few civilians aboard and as expected that did in fact complicate matters on an ongoing basis for the Security chief.

She understood why Talion had kept it from her but silently admitted to herself that she was disappointed that he was not the one to let her in on this big secret. His friendship meant more than her disappointment in his silence, however and she would remain silent on the matter.
Dr Lim however proved to be an officer that did surprise her. She had a plan, allowing for Mala's feelings and then provided a solution palatable to all involved.

Shione hoped that this would spell the end of the drama from her newest officer. There would be plenty to do once a mission had been disseminated to the crew and further with her promotion to Second Officer that she would be the one handling away missions. She resolved to speak with Lim at a later date and establish her opinion in Mala's fitness.

For now, she chose to remain silent preferring to wait until the surgery was complete and the officer declared fit for duty and then she would work to impress a strong work ethic on the young officer.

Time enough then to assist her in getting past these issues she seemed to have developed while serving with her brother-in-law.
Aanil was aware of the reason for the crowd but the drama surrounding this event surprised her. The CO was present, but not as a Medical officer; instead ruling as to the young Security officer's plan to freeze her egg. She did not know the circumstances but with the contraceptive technology available it did surprise the Doctor in her. The officer was a Vulcan hybrid much as she was but apparently no one had taught her to control her emotions, which Aanil felt was a sad thing indeed.

There appeared to be considerable drama surrounding this episode and the gathering of senior officers only served to exacerbate it.

In an effort to be useful she had approached both the CO as well as the new CMO to offer her assistance in completing the extraction. There had been little to do after she had assisted in getting the sickbay up and ready for the new officers.

She approached The CO and Dr Lim prior to the start of the discussion;
"Doctors I stand available to assist. Perhaps with more hands we can accomplish this with greater alacrity. And Captain if I may I would offer to aid by teaching the Ensign some Vulcan meditation practices, I believe she would benefit from that training to help with her self control issues"

==Tag Brooks and Lim==
Jez had tossed and turned all night, she was relieved that one level that with the help of Doctor Lim and Commander Talion she found a solution that she could live with. Yet, at the same time she was frightened that Renkarn would find out, and create problems, she was afraid that he would get custody of the baby, destroy her parent's careers, or both. She wouldn’t put it past him to kill the baby outright.  However, Commander Talion’s family was a very influential house. Every House looked up to the First House, the House of Honesty & Truth.

Jes finished her morning workout early and had a quick breakfast. She made sure that she was presentable, but her eyes were puffy from crying so much lately.  She made her way to Sickbay, she wasn’t sure what the purpose of this meeting was, it was a personal matter and in her opinion no one had the right to interfere with her decision, but she did appreciate the support that she had received.

Jez entered Sickbay, Dr. Lim directed them to her Office, This was the first time she had met Captain Brooks, she was impressed, he was a very handsome man, he looked fit and muscular, but there was something about him that she couldn’t place, he was the textbook example of a Star Fleet Captain, but his demeanor was more like a CMO, or a Counselor, his tone seemed very …well very fatherly in Jez’s opinion  his accent was so reassuring.

Great , what a way to meet the Captain for the first time.

Jezs took her seat, “ Thank you all for coming. I really appreciate your support and guidance in this very complicated issue. “Said Jez, as she paused to gather her thoughts. “First I want to put an end to any rumors or speculations; no  Commander Talion is not my baby’s father, he and I are just good friends.” Jez knew what she was going to say next would be difficult to say in front of so many people, but it needed to be said, she took a deep breath.

“Several months ago I was on shore leave in New Berlin on New Argus, A friend of mine invited me to a party at a very posh upscale Andorian art gallery, where I spotted the most handsome man, there I met a fellow Betazoid, a man named Renkarn Ukinix. I loved him. He is tall, with broad shoulders, he has a powerlifters build, black wavy hair, a smile so bright it is blinding, and his eyes are black as ripe olives, he was dressed in designer clothes that covered a muscular body. He clearly had more than two strips of latinum to rub together.

He smiled at me, we  engaged in small talk, he told me of his family's vast holdings that he was from the Ninth House, a very noble and proud Betazoid family. Renkarn bragged about his parents being Diplomats, how his family was powerful. We went out on the Balcony, there was a gentle breeze, there was a light scent of flowers in the air, the moon was bright, He said how beautiful I was, he said that I  was, “Very exotic.” He then kissed me, he took her in his powerful arms and kissed me again. It was the start of a wonderful romance, I enjoyed spending time with him, we would exchange letters and subspace messages. Renkarn wined and dined me, he gave me rare and expensive gifts. Renkarn is eight years older than I. Our relationship went on for several months. I loved him.  I was convinced that I had found My  IMZADI, but I  suspected that I was pregnant, so I told him. I told him that I was pregnant and his entire personality changed.

Renkarn went from being kind and sensitive to cold and distant . I will never forget the night that I  told him, he became enraged. He knocked me to the floor, he began kicking me in the stomach, and he called me vile, filthy names. He said that I was nothing, a filthy half breed, that my mother should have been killed for introducing Vulcan blood into Betazoid’s noble houses. He said I was just another mongrel b**ch bringing another mongrel into the world. He said that I was nothing, just a waste of skin. Renkarn started kicking me in the stomach I…I.. didn’t know if he was kicking me in the stomach to kill the baby or to just hurt her? “ Said Jez, her voice strained with tears.

Jez placed her face into her hands and screeched “He…he.. Called me NOTHING..NOTHING…!!! “  Jez took a few moments to compose herself. Tears were running down her face, her eyes were red and puffy.

Jez calmed down and said, “That’s why I don’t want Renkarn Ukinix involved in this manner in any way. I reported the assault to the Authorities on New Argus, by the time they caught up with him he had left for Betazed. About a week later I received a communication from Betazed, I was told to drop the matter, as Renkarn’s parents are diplomats and they were on New Argus on a diplomatic assignment, and that Diplomatic Immunity applied to their son and if I didn’t they implied that my parents careers would be in jeopardy. Not to mention that it could cause a major scandal among the Houses.” Said Jez. Jez realized that she was crying and she felt humiliated in front of everyone. “ I’m sorry, Captain, for my outburst. I just wanted the facts straight and if I can’t trust my new family to be discreet, who can I trust?” Added Jez.

Jez regained her composure. “Dr. Lim, when can we do the procedure?” Said Jez with just a hint of urgency in her voice.

Addressing Commander Kusara and Captain Brooks, “ The reason I didn’t report my condition when I came on board was because I wasn’t positive, as I was checked by a Doctor on New Argus, he was young and admitted he wasn’t very familiar with Hybrid Biology. I do apologize.”

Jez sat waiting for someone to reply, she had given them a great deal of information to process. Jez felt ashamed and humiliated. Yes Jez may have been naive in her dealing within Renkarn, but she was young and not very worldly when it came to romantic relationships; as she spent her formative years with the members of her parents and the other archeologists and their children at various dig sites or with her Grandmother on Betazed.

== Tag All. ==
== The following day 10.00 hrs - Chief Medical Officer's Office, Deck 12 Main Sickbay ==

Lois listened carefully to all that Jez described with sadness in her heart.

I wonder if she read my mine yesterday? I certainly thought Cdr Talion could have been the father, but his actions could just as well be of a caring father figure. Well, it's out there now, can't do anything to change it.

"To answer your question, It seems that you have made up your mind so, we will be able to perform the procedure as soon as Surgical Bay 2 is prepared, Dr Langston is making the arrangement whilst we speak."

"Thank you Jes for trusting us enough to share your story with us, you are always allowed to share your feelings here. I feel so sad for you, that you had to endure the abuse you have described. I also what to assure you that we, in this meeting, are in no way here to judge you in any way at all."

"We are here to help you find a way to permanently house your frozen embryo safe and securely, as I indicated at the beginning of this meeting."

"That is all we are here to do.' said the Chief Medical Officer who had arranged the meeting, and explained those parameters at the beginning of the meeting.

Perhaps with all the feelings and fear of the unknowns, she just did hear all that. Perhaps I should have explained it earlier and better. I need to bring her back into this moment.

"I'm not sure if you understood the question I asked earlier, I need to know your answer before I can perform the procedure. The question was 'How would you feel about that, Jez?' Meaning, are you willing to go along with the arrangements that have been suggested? That the cryochamber with your embryo in it will be stored on the ship until we dock at a suitable Starbase where it can be stored and monitored for as long as is needed. And I suggested that you could have the cryochamber in your quarters and be responsible for the monitoring. It is very easy to do! I can teach you."

"Jez, if you want to go ahead with this procedure I need an answer 'yes' or 'no' or some other suitable alternative? If you can't give an answer, I'm sorry but the captain and I will make a decision for you."

== Tag Ens Mala ==
"Captain, Jez, if I could make a suggestion, perhaps the cryochamber could be housed in Jez's quarters, Jez would be the ideal person to keep an eye of the chamber and the child embryo, its fairly simple to monitor cryochamber and its occupant, it doesn't need 24 hr monitoring, checking it twice a day would ample. You would be able to maintain your normal duties on the ship. Of course, once we are at a Starbase the cryonic unit could be handed over to their cryo-team for permanent storage and monitoring, until you were ready, Jez."

Brooks replied, "I'm sure engineering could assist in making sure the cryochamber could maybe have it's own power supply in case of emergencies while we have the embryo aboard."

"How would you feel about that, Jez?" asked Dr Lim, and she looked around at everyone in the room.

Ensign Mala broke down and explained on how this all come about, Dan could understand her distress. He had seen it enough in his career.

Addressing Commander Kusara and Captain Brooks, “ The reason I didn’t report my condition when I came on board was because I wasn’t positive, as I was checked by a Doctor on New Argus, he was young and admitted he wasn’t very familiar with Hybrid Biology. I do apologize.”

Brooks gave a small smile to Mala, "You have nothing to say sorry for, doctors do sometimes get it wrong. We aren't perfect and we can find a solution out of many issues."

As the meeting was coming to a close Brooks said, "Good luck Jez." before adding, "Doctor Lim, I hope all goes well and keep me informed."

The Captain turned and headed out of the office.

==ETL for Brooks==
Jez sat and listened to the opinions and concerns of the other, even though many people remained silent, she wasn’t sure if their silence was due to disgust pity, or a combination of the two. Jez didn’t know any of them well enough to know for certain how they viewed issues like single mothers or domestic abuse.

Doctor Lim said, "Thank you Jez for trusting us enough to share your story with us, you are always allowed to share your feelings here. I feel so sad for you, that you had to endure the abuse you have described. I also want to assure you that we, in this meeting, are in no way here to judge you in any way at all." Jez found that statement a bit particular, but also reassuring.

Please Doctor Lim, don’t feel sad for me. I made a mistake in judgment; I gave my heart to someone I thought I could trust, someone who I thought loved me, someone who I thought was my Imzadi, but I was wrong. Next time, I will be more cautious of whom I give my heart to, the next man will have to earn my love.” Said Jez, sounding cold and distant as if her heart was locked behind a steel door protected by a forcefield.

Captain Brooks gave a small smile to Jez, "You have nothing to say sorry for, doctors do sometimes get it wrong. We aren't perfect and we can find a solution out of many issues."

Wait a second he said “we” as we doctors, is he confirming that he is a doctor, fascinating.

Jez briefly looked at Doctor Lim and then at Captain Brooks. To Jez Dr, Lim looked like a doctor, she carried herself like a doctor, but Captain Brooks,  in her opinion, was more like a father or grandfather. Dr. Lim’s hair and makeup looked flawless, but the Captain needed a shave and a haircut, and his face could use a good moisturizer, at least in Jez’s opinion.

“Dr. Lim, to answer your question. Yes, that will be fine, we can keep my baby on the Aquila until a more permanent and suitable arrangement can be made. As long as the location isn't near Betazed. Also,  I’m certain I can keep an eye on the stasis chamber in my quarters, especially if it has a portable power supply. “ Replied Jez, with just a hint of excitement in her voice.

== Tag Lim. ==
Talion finally spoke up, when there was a pause in the conversation, "Jez, if you find the personal issues traumatizing to the point where you require counseling, I'm sure that Doctor Lim can arrange for you to speak with a Counselor. I can also assure you that at least for the immediate future, any civil action that this other person might be able to try to bring, they'll have very little legal standing for now and they will not be able to bring any diplomatic pressure from Betazed for quite some time. For right now, they can't even confirm the situation without first being informed of it and then trying to confirm that information through your Chain of Command. As a member of the First House, my words will be able to carry enough weight to make them think very carefully before giving you a hard time about such a personal matter. This should not be an issue and I'll have some legal documents drawn up for you that should protect you, should anyone try to make you do something you don't want to. You just focus on regaining some sort of control over your situation and sort things out. We're all here to help you do that, but the weight of it is still on you. It no longer matters how you arrived at this point. The important thing is that this is where you are and these are the things you're facing. They are your decisions, we're just here to help you have choices and facilitate them. "

He knew his words sounded technical, but they were the best way he knew to cut through the emotional quicksand he could see her still trying to wrestle with. Unfortunately, the best way for her to resolve this situation was with as little emotional involvement as possible. She could cry in a pillow later, but she was in a very adult situation right now and she needed to focus on some very adult decisions about how to fortify herself and then move forward with deliberate intent. They didn't always teach people that, so that was part of why Alex was here for her.
== Meeting - Chief Medical Officer's Office, Deck 12 Main Sickbay ==

"Thank you for that, Jez. Well, I think that closes this meeting, thank you all for attending. Jez if you would like to come with me, we'll go and see where Dr Langston is up to with preparations.

Dr Lim turn to open the CMO's door to let everyone out and as she did, she glanced at Cdr Talion. Her opinion was changing towards him, watching him handle the young naive junior officer. Dr Lim rarely smiled but she did give him a slight smile/nod to say 'well done'.

This poor girl has certainly had a rude awakening to adulthood. I hope she doesn't take it to heart and let it color her life from now on.

>> Surgical Bays >>
>> Surgical Bay 2 -Main Sickbay >>

As Dr Lim entered the surgical bay Dr Langston greeted her.

"Dr Lim, everything is ready to go, whenever you and Ens Mala are ready. Hello Ens Mala, I'm Dr Harry Lanston, I'll be assisting Dr Lim today."

Dr Lim began to explain what would happen in the procedure, " Jez, when you 're ready, I'll need you to hop onto the surgical bio bed. The transport procedure is very simple, you lay as still as possible, I'll ask you to hold your breath for a moment to ensure we have no movement then at the moment of the transport of the embryo by the transport you may feel a tingling in your abdomen for a few second. Like some feel in a normal transport but it not anywhere near that intensity. In a couple of seconds, I'll tell you to breathe again and the embryo will be in the cryochamber, and that's it, all done. We will keep the chamber here for an hour or so, just to make sure it all working as it should, and after that I'll have the chamber delivered to your quarters, and the staff member with give instructions on the monitoring procedures, and then you will be free to resume your duties."

"Any questions, Jez?"

== tag Ens Jez Mala ==
Jez wasn’t sure what to expect from this procedure, but seeing how Dr. Lim was involved, she felt more confident and comfortable that everything would be fine.  Overall, Jez felt relieved at having shared her predicament with the members of her new crew. She was so glad that she confided in Commander Talion, she hoped that there wouldn’t be any legal fallout from all this the idea of the possibility of the Betazoid Noble houses being plunged into a Civil War was difficult to process all the ramification, but she wasn’t going to let anything, or anything harm her baby. If it meant that Betazoid would fall into a Civil War, so be it...

Commander Talion’s offer of legal assistance made her feel better, but she couldn’t be certain how far Renkarn’s family would go. The Ninth House the House of Wealth wasn’t afraid to fault or use its power and influence, then there was the Betazoid Nobility Charter the legal document that governs the rules of Nobility.

Section 44, part 1 of the Betazoid Nobility Charter states that "any Betazoid siblings, either by blood, by marriage, or by adoption, of a Betazoid House noble, who is not a subject or a citizen or entitled to the rights or privileges of a subject or citizen of a foreign power,” is eligible to act as an Advocate (i.e. legal representative) for a head of House in the case where the matriarch is absent or unwell. This section was written long before Betazed’s membership of the Federation. Parts 4 and 5 of the section state that in the case of non-noble siblings, such as in the case of a stripped title, preference must be given to a female sibling[. The idea that her baby could be used in some diabolic agenda to the detriment of the other House was just unthinkable. 

The Ninth house traditionally had owned the largest amount of land by far compared to the other houses. In 2300, The Third, Fourth, Sixth, Seventh, Tenth, and Twelfth Houses of Betazed claim that they loaned some of their undeveloped land to the Ninth house centuries before first contact with the Federation, to develop the land agriculturally - to the benefit of those houses and the Betazoid population in general. However there is no record of this ever happening, and the Ninth House, specifically the Ukinix family (which had a reputation for being ruthless) denied this claim. It became a political issue between the houses, who demanded "their" now agriculturally rich land back.

Throughout the 2330s, there were rumors that the then Matriarch Kirilow Ukinix and her husband Alacem Ukinix tried to influence the opinion of other houses, and even attempted to take them over, by offering their daughters for arranged marriages with members of the other houses. The record of this happening, however, is scant and has never been proven. No female members of the Ukinix family ever married into other houses.

Jez knew that all this intrigue was beyond her understanding in that she wasn’t that familiar with Betazoid Law and tradition, that’s why she was so glad that Commander Talion offered the legal assistance of the First House.

As the meeting ended, Dr. Lom said something that caught her attention,  Jez watched as Dr. Lim turned to open the CMO's door to let everyone out and as she did, she glanced at Cdr Talion and gave a slight smile/nod to say 'well done'.

Hmmm..?? That was odd,  I wonder;  do those two have an adversarial relationship? I don’t recall Dr. Lim even mentioning Commander Talion back on the Geronimo.

"Thank you for that, Jez. Well, I think that closes this meeting, thank you all for attending. Jez if you would like to come with me, we'll go and see where Dr Langston is up to with preparations.” Said Dr. Lim.

Jez nodded her head and followed her. As they went Jez had a few questions for the Doctor.  “Dr. Lim, will my baby be aware of where she is? Will she know what's going on? Will she respond to my voice? Will this be traumatic for her, or is she too young to have neural pathways established at this point? You know no memory engrams have developed at this stage?”

As Jez followed, she felt a bit nervous, but she remembered what Cr. Lim had said about seeking help from the ship's counselor or someone who has the skills to help her talk about your feelings and emotions before making a decision. Perhaps talking to some of the mothers on the ship,  Dr. Lom even recommended that Jez speak with her mother perhaps, those who have experience with childbirth and raising children on a Starship. It would give her a broader, more long-term perspective. And of course, discussing them with the father. It is his child as much ashers, to at least give him the option to be involved or not, Jez wanted nothing to do with Renkarn, but the idea of speaking with a counselor was an excellent idea, that’s when Jez remembered that Lt. Tate wanted to discuss something with her.

I’ll discuss this with Lt. Tate. I’m sure she’ll have some good advice.

Jez followed Dr. Lim to the Surgical Bays, her mind was filled with so much to consider, but somehow she felt as if things would somehow turn out alright, at least for now.

>> Surgical Bays.>>

== Tag Dr. Lim. ==
>> Walking to the Surgical Bay 2 >>

As they went Jez had a few questions for the Doctor. “Dr. Lim, will my baby be aware of where she is? Will she know what's going on? Will she ... no memory engrams have developed at this stage?”

There was a barrage of questions.

Dr Lim was silent for a few moments as they walked. She wasn't contemplating her answers to the hand full of questions. She knew the answer. Lois was surprised that Jez did not seem to know. She began to put two and two together.

One would think that a young female of her age, would know the answers to those question? Maybe she is mentally destabilising? If I see one more hesitation like this, I may have to suspend her from duty and have her mentally and emotional evaluated. She at least needs to learn how to control her feelings. Some Vulcan technics would help. She can't go through life being driven by her feelings! Grief and trauma shock can often bring on these types of episodes. I've just got to be calm, answer the question, watch for more signs and be ready to act. If I suspend her from duty, then she will be off the ship at the next federation colony with a decent psychological trauma ward. I don't want to do that, but if she refuses the procedure, refuse the treatment that she has been wanting from the first time I saw her, I will have to act, for her safety and for those working with her, and immediately inform the captain. Oh, please Jez, don't go there, girl, please?

"Jez do you remember being in your mother's womb? No of course not. No species' embryo's I know is developed enough at your stage of pregnancy, to remember anything. They don't even have a brain to register feelings yet. They may react to the mother's hormones if they get through placental protections, that would be about all. When an embryo is frozen, it's very quick, almost instantaneous, from then time will stand still for your baby and when the baby is born the baby won't know a thing, except she out in the real world for the first time and suckling on her mother's breast, 'safe as Larry'."

Oh, I hope I'm wrong about Jez.

Lios remembered a case study in a seminar she had attended, of a Vulcan Starfleet officer named Ptou'zin who had a mental break down and even the Vulcan's could not but her back together. She eventual died, but that was because of a forced mind meld where she was made to forget that she witnessed the murder of her mentor and friend. Grief, trauma and stress lead to emotional overload. Lim felt that the similarities of the cases were not the same but they were very similar. Shocking trauma, grief, leads to emotional breakdown can lead complete breakdown. It is a common process in most species.

== In the surgical Bay 2 ==

"Jez, Jez, any question? Are you ready? Doctor Lim asked again.
Jez listened as Dr. Lom answered her questions. Jez thought about what Dr. Lom had said about remembering being in her mother's womb; Jez thought and thought about that. What were her first memories? Jez’s mind was going at warp 9.99 doing her best to remember her earliest memories. The first real memory that she could recall was of her first bath. She could recall bubbles and the warm water on her skin. Jez recalled her mother rubbing her skin with a pink washcloth.

Jezs was processing the events of the last few days, and what her Sensi had said to her many years ago started to make perfect sense.

Teddy Bear was right, what doesn’t kill us, makes us stronger. 

It was all so clear to her now, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. The idea that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger is based on the theory that by going through difficult experiences, people build up their strength for the next, possibly more painful event that may occur.

Jez felt strong and confident once again, she wasn’t going to let this or the possible legal battle with Renkarn distract her from her duties. She was a Star Fleet Officer and Renkarn was just a stupid arrogant bigot who would get what he deserved when he least expects it.

Jez realized that this was just another challenge, a challenge for her to master. If she had to describe it, she would call it a test, the Ultimate test of her convictions. Jez wouldn’t kill anyone, she always tried to talk her way out of a fight, but if she couldn’t she would. It was like the Universe wanted to give her a challenge unlike anything that she had dealt with before. Would she rise to the challenge or falter? Jez had thought about aborting that baby, but the baby was innocent and couldn’t fight back. It was like the Universe was saying,” Well Jez Mala, will you kill or won’t you? Will you stand by your beliefs that all life is sacred , or abort the baby and get revenge on Renkarn.”

Jez remember reading an ancient Terran religious text called Wicca, the Wiccan’s believed in the Wiccan morality in the Law of Threefold Return which holds that whatever benevolent or malevolent actions a person performs will return to that person with triple force, or with equal force on each of the three levels of body, mind, and spirit, Jez had to laugh, the idea of Renkarn getting a taste of his own medicine.

== In Surgical Bay 2 ==

Kez looked around, it seemed like the standard Surgical Bay, with a few machines that she didn’t recognize, but assumed were the Cyronic-stasis unit. She saw several Surgical Technicians checking the equipment ensuring that everything was ready.

"Jez, Jez, any question? Are you ready? Doctor Lim asked again.

Jez closed her eyes briefly, she let out a small sigh and smiled. “Yes Dr. Lim. I’m ready, but I was wondering if you are familiar with Lt. Tates credentials? The reason I ask is that  I was thinking that once this is over that I would talk to her about my situation. She was the therapist that we all saw after one of our previous missions.” Said Jez. “I wanted to speak with her to make sure that I’m seeing this whole thing with an open and clear mind, that I’m not letting my hatred for Renkarn cloud my judgment.” Added Jez.

“I’m ready Dr. Lim. Let's get my baby into Cryo-stasis . I want to inform my parents of what’s going on.” Said Jez, with just an uncertainty, as she didn’t know how her parents would react to the news.

== Tag Dr. Lim. ==
== Surgical Bay 2 ==

“I’m ready Dr. Lim. Let's get my baby into Cryo-stasis. I want to inform my parents of what’s going on.” Said Jez.

Okay, Jes I'll get you to hop up onto the surgical bio bed, just relax while we check everything and make final preparation," Dr Lim explained.

Lois moved over to Dr Hangston and spoke to him as she checked the parameters of the procedure with him. Everything appeared to be in order and set to go. Lois then returned to Jes.

"I'm going to hold your hand and watch the monitor above your head. Okay, are we all ready?" Everyone in the room assisting either nodded or gave a thumbs up. "Jez, I want you to lay very still and take in a normal breath and hold it until I say you can breathe again, it'll take about 10 seconds, that's all. Okay, ready Dr Hangston, on may make, Jez, take in a breath and hold it... Begin Dr Hangston."

There was a slight hum as the transporter did its job, lights flashed on the Cyro chamber which was about a meter from Jez, on her left side. The lights indicated transport reception had engaged. Dr Lim watched the bio bed monitor, everything seemed to happen like clockwork. Until exactly 5 seconds had elapsed and Dr Hangston spoke.

Procedure complete, chamber is under its own power, embryo has dematerialised and is frozen, no ice crystals present, temperature -200 C, the embryo is in cryostasis, Dr Lim."

"You can breathe now, Jes," Lois said as she let go of Jes's hand. When you're ready, Dr Hangston will give you a briefing to Jez on monitoring the cryochamber and your baby, then I'll work you and the chamber to your quarters."

The chamber was cylindrical, shiny stainless medical grade steel, on a stand, although it only weighed 2 kilograms and it measured 300 mm tall with 250 mm diameter. It had several indicator lights and a small interface panel with the number -200C facing Jez.

Dr Hangston spoke to Jez, "Jez, here is the temperature indicator and it should not move off -200 c, if it does call a medical and engineering teams immediately, the chamber should be inspected twice a day, morning and evening, if ice crystals are beginning to form this blue indicator will turn red, call us immediately. If you are away, a nurse can do the inspections for you. You can move it, but gently, if you drop it or it gets knocked over, call the teams in just to make sure it's not damaged, ideally it should be left in the same spot. Okay, you're right to go."

Dr Lim walked with Jez to her quarters, they spoke a little as they worked, the chamber arrived a minute later on a hover lift and was placed in its permanent position in Jez's quarters. Dr Lim said her goodbyes and returned to the sickbay to file her notes on Jez's medical records and make a cup of milo.

== EOTL for Dr Lim ==
Jez stood silently as she watched all the technicians checking the equipment Her pulse was racing, she had never seen a medical transporter in use before, the idea that the transporter was going to disassemble living tissue on the subatomic level and then reassemble it in the stasis tube was truly fascinating.

“ Okay, Jez I'll get you to hop up onto the surgical bio bed, just relax while we check everything and make final preparations," Dr Lim explained.

Jez smiled and got up on the bed, she laid down and looked up at the ceiling, she listened to the sounds of the medical equipment, Jez always found Sickbay a little unnerving. 

"I'm going to hold your hand and watch the monitor above your head. Okay, are we all ready?" Everyone in the room assisting either nodded or gave a thumbs up. "Jez, I want you to lay very still and take in a normal breath and hold it until I say you can breathe again, it'll take about 10 seconds, that's all. Okay, ready Dr Hangston, on may make, Jez, take a breath and hold it... Begin Dr Hangston." Said Dr. Lim.

Jez did as she was instructed she took a full normal breath and began counting down in her head.


Jez felt the normal static that was associated with transporters. She felt a wave of happiness wash over her, the idea that she could be a mother, on her term when she was ready and she could still have her career. She just wasn’t fully sure of how she was going to explain this to her parents.

Oh mother, father I got pregnant by a horrible filthy beast from the Ninth House, but that baby is in Cryo-stasis until I’m ready to have her. No…no..that will never do. Hmmm… Congratulations, you are going to be Grandparents. No, that would be like hitting someone with a phaser on stun.

"You can breathe now, Jes," Lois said as she let go of Jes's hand. When you're ready, Dr. Hangston will give you a briefing to Jez on monitoring the cryo chamber and your baby, then I'll work you and the chamber to your quarters." Said Dr. Lim.

Jez let out an audible exhale, that felt like the longest ten seconds of her life, but thankfully it was over.

Dr Hangston spoke to Jez, "Jez, here is the temperature indicator and it should not move off -200 c, if it does call medical and engineering teams immediately, the chamber should be inspected twice a day, morning and evening, if ice crystals are beginning to form this blue indicator will turn red, call us immediately. If you are away, a nurse can do the inspections for you. You can move it, but gently, if you drop it or it gets knocked over, call the teams in just to make sure it's not damaged, ideally, it should be left in the same spot. Okay, you're right to go."
Jez followed Dr. Hangston with her eyes paying close attention to what he was saying and looking at the controls that he indicated.

“ Temp must remain at -200 c, twice a day inspection, Blue to red means ice crystals,” Jez repeated the instruction to herself several times. “I understand Dr. Hangston, and Thank you.” Said Jez.

Jez smiled at Dr. Lim and said. “Thank you for all your assistance. I really appreciate it.” Said Jez.

>> Jez’s quarters. >>
== NPC Lt Andromeda "Andrea" Tate ==

Andrea had waited patiently for the CMO to finish with more pressing matters, but when there was a free moment, Tate approached Dr. Lim. Tate was dressed in civilian business attire, not in a uniform, though she did cary a PADD, if the conversation might call for it.

"Doctor Lim, My name is Andromeda Tate, though I tend to find the name Adrea to be far less formal. Although I am also a Lieutenant in Star Fleet, I'm not assigned to this ship. I am however, her on Federation business, so I'm following protocol, as well as good manners, and informing you of my being on the ship. As the CMO, it is only right that your be aware of any and all related matters about a mutual patient."

Andrea was being very professional and businesslike, but was taking care to keep her voice soft and smooth. Everything about her amnnerisms was of a soothing nature and almost maternal. Although Andrea was a little older than Lim, it wasn't by much. She was being very honest and up front.

"For starters, I'll be looking in on Jez Mala. She was briefly a patient of mine following a mission. I want to follow up, making sure she has continued to improve. I will be sure to inform you when I am finished and as she was cleared for duty, you may presume that nothing has changed unless you specifically hear otherwise from me. I don't anticipate any change in her status, but I have concerns that I wish be certain are satisfied. Those concerns are actually to evaluate her standing as a telepathic practitioner. I know that is not your field. I am also aware that you have someone acting as a Counselor on this ship. I am a trained Counselor and have been assigned to ships in the field, so I can relate to your situation and it is part of why I was asked to make this visit. My experience and recent connection to Jez were found to be very advantagious. I'm here on behalf of the Federation, as a representative of the Federation Institute or Paranormal Aptitude. I need to speak with Jez and clear up something. Again, I don't anticipate any difficulties here, but it would be wrong of me not to inform you in advance. This also shouldn't conflict with any of her duties and won't take up much time."

Andrea waited for Lim to respond,

== This is not meant to conflict with any of the timeline or poststo date. It is not important where this fits in, so we can just roll with it. There has been lots going on, so this is just intended to inform the CMO in advance. ==
Dr Lim stood and listened to Lt Andromeda explain her present on sickbay and on the ship. It seems like a long drawn-out explanation. She wondered if the younger looking Lt was nerves.

"Well Hello Adrea, I'm pleased to meet you. That's all fine with me Lt, go right ahead and visit Jez, she would probably enjoy the company. A copy of any report for Jez's medical records would be sufficient, unless you would like to grab a cup of coffee sometime for a chat. I don't think the ship is leaving on a mission any time soon."

==Tag Lt Andromeda ==
Dr Lim stood and listened to Lt Andromeda explain her present on sickbay and on the ship. It seems like a long drawn-out explanation. She wondered if the younger looking Lt was nerves.

"Well Hello Adrea, I'm pleased to meet you. That's all fine with me Lt, go right ahead and visit Jez, she would probably enjoy the company. A copy of any report for Jez's medical records would be sufficient, unless you would like to grab a cup of coffee sometime for a chat. I don't think the ship is leaving on a mission any time soon."

==Tag Lt Andromeda ==
== NPC Lt Tate ==

"Excellent! A cup of tea might be very welcome and sounds delightful. Perhaps I will take you up on that once I've seen Jez. Thank you very much."

Andrea's smile had broadened all the more at such a pleasant welcome from the CMO. She then turned and made her way out to find Jez.

== Thanks Dr. Lim, we'll see what time permits for that cuppa... ==
== Sickbay Deck 12 - 09.00 hrs day after the Command handover to Captain Brooks. All Medical Staff Meeting arranged to meet new CMO Dr Lim, I'm assuming that all medical staff are present, if you would like to join with your medical staff character and post, please do so, ask question etc, this is just a meet and greet where the CMO explains points and procedures on how she would like the Medical Department to run from now on. I hope everyone has noted the new sickbay design for the Aquila now on the Aquila webpage. ==

At 08.55 hrs Dr Lim entered the single main entrance of sickbay into a crowded room of most of the medical staff waiting for the medical staff meeting to begin. As she entered, she said a loud, "Good Morning, everyone, I'll be with you in jiffy." She received a chorus of Good Morning(s) some with Mama, Sir, Doctor, Chief, and others saying nothing except a nod of greeting as she strode past and around into the CMO's office with its entrance on the other side of the main Sickbay facing away from the single main entrance. Lois was beginning a habit of calling the area to the right of the main entrance simply 'triage'.

Entering the CMO's office she suddenly noticed there was a small waiting room with an entrance to the office. Entering the office, she realised she could have entered from the other side of the office facing the main entrance. Apparently the CMO's Office had two entrances, one directly opposite the main entrance and triage, with a straight walk through and out on the other side of the office to the waiting room and turning, to exit in to the sick bay, i.e. the entrance that she had come in. Her track through Sickbay simply gave her the opportunity to politely greet most of the participants.

At 09.00 hrs Dr Lois Lim emerged from her office with a PAD in hand and stood with her back to the rear wall of sickbay with the sixth and last of the row of bio beds to her right. From there she began to call the meeting to order and started the business she wanted to accomplish.

"Welcome everyone, I am LCdr Lois Lim, the new CMO. I've called you all here to lay down some protocols by which we will work as a team providing service to all who need our expertise and assistance. I am NOT the sole brain of this team, we, together, are the brains trust of this team, we all have our part to play. BUT, please remember I have been given charge to make the tough decisions. I'll do that wherever possible in consultation with you, the relevant members of my team."

"What I understand is that you are well trained professionals, and I expect you to behave in that manner. So, in a professional situation I like to be called Dr Lim or doctor, not mama or chief or 'hay you' and on social occasions please call me Lois. My door is always open."

"I like sickbays to run with a three roster 24 hr period. So, I'm sure you know how this works but I'll just make it clear, from tomorrow the shifts will be, Day shift 09.00 to 17.00 hrs, night shift 17.00 to 01.00 hrs, morning shift, I believe some call it the 'dog shift', 01.00 to 09.00 hrs. Hand over will start 30mins before the official shift starts. There will be a head nurse and Dr-in-change assigned for each shift. Dr Langston and I will have the rosters organised this afternoon so look in your inbox, please. Three roster days will begin 09.00 hrs tomorrow."

"Now, that's all I have to say, are there any questions?" Dr Lim waited for those present with questions to ask.

== Tag any and all medical staff. ==
Aanil heard about the call out of medical personnel and got herself out of bed early, careful not to wake her partner, and managed to arrive ahead of the CMO

She had seen Lois at the gatherings that had occurred since the blending of the crews but knew little about her other than she had been instrumental in solving a mystery that the Charon had been forced away from. That alone spoke well of the new Officer, and frankly Aanil was looking forward to meeting her officially.

She had been present and offered assistance during the emotional events surrounding the Security Ensign's complications but was not called upon to assist. She had no hard feelings about that; every situation does not always require more people get involved and likely it had proven to be best for all if the solution was a compartmentalized one.

Waiting for an opening she approached; a warm smile on her face. Lois would see a slim petit woman of at least partial Vulcan heritage. But her diminutive size was overwhelmed by the flaming red hair, which even in a ponytail, hung to her waste as well as the bright expressive green eyes. However, when she spoke it likely became obvious as to where she was from, as her unmistakable accent marked her as being of Irish descent.

"Top o' the mornin to ya Doctor; I be Lieutenant Doctor Aanil O'Shea. Since we've not had the pleasure o' meetin, I'll let ya know that I am both a Surgical specialist as well as spending more than a little extra time at the Academy to study Inter racial Biology, which as I'm shure ya could see is sumthin o' importance to me.
But I also spent time to become an infectious disease and toxin specialist, thinking that might prove to be of some use out here "

Aanil's smile was genuine, but it did appear that she did have something else on her mind, leaving little time for Lois to reply. "I have a request of ye Ma'am; I mean Doctor. I have a partner aboard and being a department head he is not often on the 'dog' shift, so if I could ask of ye, I would certainly be quite happy with either o' the other two choices. We don't get to see each other much and bein' the love of my life I would miss the lad."

Lois would likely be aware that Aanil shared quarters with the Chief Engineer as it was not a secret to anyone aboard apparently. They were almost inseparable when off duty and she had likely seen them at the first gathering of the crew. Aanil had also offered to assist her during the treatment of the Security officer.

==Tag Lim==
==Noted on the new sickbay design. Unfortunately the new sickbay design doesn't match up to everything in sickbay including the counselors suite, medical labs, surgical suites, CMO office, and the medical complex.==

==The day after the captain's birthday party==

Julia has been up since 4 that morning and most of it has been in the suite set up for the counselor. Troy has been organising it with a scratching tree for Dot, a dog bed for Spike, and making sure that there was a litter box and a grass area that comes out for both animals. She also has their treats for their reward.

When it started to get close to 0900 hours Julia, Surik and both animals snuck into the back of the gathered crowd for the meeting that morning. Troy knew that this was an important meeting that the new CMO had to give. She noticed that there were some crew from the Charon as well as some of the crew that she didn't recognise that is from the geranamo ship.

Julia had listened to the CMO and what is expected of the medical staff. At least Troy didn't have the first question and let someone else ask the CMO questions. If she did have any type of questions she'll ask them privately and out of earshot of others.

Lois Lim thought the red head doctor by the name of Aanil seemed pleasant enough in the way she greeted Lois.

Surgical specialist, inter racial Biology, and infectious disease and toxin specialist. She'll be handy to have in a Sickbay.[\i]

"I have a request of ye Ma'am; I mean Doctor." continued Dr O'Shea, "I have a partner aboard and being a department head he is not often on the 'dog' shift, so if I could ask of ye, I would certainly be quite happy with either o' the other two choices. We don't get to see each other much and bein' the love of my life I would miss the lad."

"That's a good point, Dr O'Shea. I'm certainly all for the mental and social health of the Sickbay staff, so, Dr O'Shae for instance, we may be able to roster you on the Dog shift at the same time as your partner is on the dog shift, if you have no children that is, sometimes that may not work but them is the breaks."

Lois turned to address those gathered.

"Some of you may be thinking of asking for shift changes, too. My way of answering these requests is to honour them as much as is possible, as long it is not to the detriment of other staff or patients. So, please make your request known to myself or Dr Langston, with your reason, and we will give them due consideration, and here comes the BUT! Sometimes you will be required to take a shift that is not to your liking depending on circumstances and need. AND built into the roster will be the on-call teams if needed. there may be teething issues at first as we move onto this roster system, we will get there as we get used to the system. There is an appeal system and that is come to them and talk it over, because the buck stops with me. Are there any other questions?"

[i]Ah, there's Dr Troy with her therapy pets. Good, I'll get to meet them. I should go and see her soon.

== Tag all at the meeting ==
== End of Sickbay meeting ==

Lois was satisfied with the meeting and with all her staff, her ways may be strange to some but for Lois, they were tried and true. she entered the CMO office, which now would become the officer-in-charge's office for each shift. Dr Langston followed her in ready to begin developing the new rooster system for implementation the following day.

Lois sat at the desk, Dr Langston moved a chair closer to the other side. He sat and immediately said, "I would like to take the majority of the err what did you call it, 'the dog shift?'."

"That would be excellent, thank you for volunteering Harry. I would also like to give each staff member a full 3 days of duty with each 14-day rotation, one day in the first 7 days and 2 consecutively in the second 7 days, or visa versa depending on how it works out best for the rosters. That will assist with changing shifts, especially for those on the dog shift."

"Perhaps I did make myself clear Lois, I'm happy to lead the dog shift always, I have no family on board if that's ok with you that is? I'd, of course, be on call as well, if you need extra hands." Harry stated with little emotion in his voice.

"OK, let's put you as officer-in-charge of the 'dog shift'. I think Dr. Kate Fletcher could be an assistant on morning or evening shifts with Dr. Julie Troy and both doctors could handle counseling with Dr Troy as a senior counselor. Dr. Aanil O'Shea and I could alternately Morning and Evening shifts, and she could also be called as a consultant physician, with myself. do you have any other suggestions, Harry?"

Harry answered with some suggestions for senior nurses for each shift but other than that he seemed happy with the progress made. So, Lois began by describing the shift times and handover procedures with names of the Doctors in charge of the shift and consultants and counselors with the permanent request granted from the meeting, as well as the system of days off Lois had mentioned and asked the computer to build the rosters.

Within a few minutes, the rosters were ready and Lois and Harry looked them over making some minor adjustments, until they were both satisfied. The rosters were then published and sent to all crew concerned.

== End setting up Sickbay and roster system posts ==
Right after the meeting was over with Julia stayed back with Surik and both animals. Troy waits for the CMO to remember that she was to give Julia a physical right after the meeting, so she waits for her to return. She starts to smell something that doesn't agree with her at the moment and couldn't place the smell.

Troy has been like this for quite some time before the last mission or two on the Charon before they came to the new ship. She is happy that her Imazdi and both animals are with her especially when she gets the physical.

Lois was in a complicated discussion with Dr Langston when she turned and saw through the window of the CMO's office Dr Troy waiting.

OH NO! Dr Troys physical? No. No. No.

Lois immediately excused herself saying, "Dr Langston we will have to continue this later. I've missed a very important appointment. I will let you know when I can continue our discussion. Please excuse me." Lois immediately stood and walked out to greet Julie.

"Hello Surik, Dr Troy, I'm so sorry Julie, I completely forgot about your physical, come, let's do this now. Come over to the bio bed and we'll start. Are you feeling well Julie? Are there any problems you are aware of that you would like to discuss? Just hope up on the bio bed and I'll check your vitals."

== tag Troy, apologies I had forgotten you ask about this, sorry. ==
== 1. please give me some clue as to what the bio bed monitor may show or any other information re physical
2. What will Lois find when she looks at your medical records on file? ==
Troy saw the Dr. Lim come out of her office after remembering what she forgot. Julia could sense that the doctor had a lot going on. She had to start at the beginning of everything.

"I know that before the last two missions that I was on that I was feeling nauseous which is better now. The last CMO noticed that I was a little pale before the last mission. The smell of cigars makes my stomach turn in different directions. I'm always wanting hotdogs with bourbon infused dark chocolate and hamburgers with whiskey infused dark chocolate. I've gotten heighten senses. Other than that I've been healthy according to the records. I've been feeling really good lately except for the being transported over that had me a little nauseous. Oh before I forget I have the tendency to work from a single shift to triple shifts without realizing it, and Surik here has been making sure that I don't work than a single shift. With the nausea started before the full second mission after I got transferred to the Charon. To let you know there is no e on my first name it is an a at the end instead of an e"

Julia hoped that this helps her out as much as possible. Troy hopes that this physical goes really smoothly and she gets at least one answer to everything she has been going through.

==Tag Lim, it is understandable there is always a lot going on==
Lois listened to Julia as she described some seemingly unrelated symptoms.

Two missions ago nausea started, which has now passed? heightened senses? Cravings for hotdogs or hamburgers with alcohol infused dark chocolate? workaholic! not getting enough rest?? Fatigue?? I wonder- pregnant? Nausea has been over two missions she surely would have noticed by this time, unless?

Lois looked up at the bio bed monitor and read through the information. She turned and retrieved a medical tricorder and scan Julia, looking for any clues and signs of pregnancy not really expecting to find pregnancy signs, only to rule it out unless she has had a miscarriage.

"I'll be just a minute, Julia." Lois said as she went to the nurses' station opposite the bio beds and began to read through Julia's medical records looking for any clues that may explain the symptoms described.

Lois took her time and then returned to her patient, showed Julia all the results from the tricorder, and asked, "What do you make of these readings, Julia?"

== Tag Julia ==

== GM Julia input please, what are we looking at here? My Guess is that you character is either pregnant or possibly had a miscarriage or suffering fatigued? My money is on the latter. Have I missed anything? What do the readings say? ==

== Sorry about the misspelling of your character's name. ==
After Julia seen what the tricorder said she couldn't believe it for a second. The tricorder confirmed that her and Surik were expecting not just one but three. Troy knew that if she had a miscarriage there would be bleeding and cramping which didn't happen. She also knew that suffering from fatigue was a part of being pregnant and/or over working.

"By the looks of the tricorder that Surik and I are expecting. I know that that time of the month hasn't happened for the last 5 months and with miscarriages there is usually bleeding and cramping which didn't happen in this case. Being pregnant which explains the nausea, the fatigue and the weird cravings. Plus looks like any drinking and anything with alcohol is off the table for a while. It probably happened when Surik was going through his Pon Farr where we bonded and mind-melded."

==Tag Dr. Lim. It happens and both are close enough with only a letter difference between the two.==
Captain Brooks entered Sickbay with a little black box in his palm, it didn't seem very busy and he was looking for the CMO.

It was an odd feeling, having been down here briefly to make a decision in regarding Mala's situation, Dan had noticed Lim's look when he mentioned having been a CMO himself in the past. It wasn't unheard of Doctors becoming Captains but their usual assignments would be medical ships.

Sickbay reminded him of many a time being stuck in the bowels of the ship and not really being told what's been going on but having an influx of patients. He did kind of secretly miss those moments of dealing with a sudden rush, being involved. Becoming a Commanding Officer kind of removed you a bit but Dan hoped that at some point his past would be useful.

==Tag Lim==
==GM Julia==

Looking at a scan that Julia is indeed pregnant and is 5 months along. The latter is incorrect and the first guess is right that Julia Troy is pregnant and the fatigue is due to the pregnancy. The readings are as follows Julia is 5 months pregnant and is expecting triplets.

==Tag Lim==
== Apologies for the delay==

"By the looks of the tricorder that Surik and I are expecting. I know that that time of the month hasn't happened for the last 5 months and with miscarriages there is usually bleeding and cramping which didn't happen in this case. Being pregnant explains the nausea, the fatigue and the weird cravings. Plus looks like any drinking and anything with alcohol is off the table for a while. It probably happened when Surik was going through his Pon Farr where we bonded and mind-melded."

I think there was a bit more than mind melding going on.

Lois heard someone entering Sickbay and looked over her shoulder. It was the captain. She immediately wondered what she may have done wrong for the captain to be in Sickbay.

"Yes. Five months, pregnant and triplets according to these readings. Just stay here for a moment, please, Julia. And I need to inform you that I am required to inform the Captain of your pregnancy. I best go and see what he wants. Please wait here, we need to talk a bit more."

Lois walked across sickbay and greeted the Captain, "Captian Brooks, welcome to Sickbay, it's unusual to see a Captain in sickbay voluntarily," she said with a sort of a smile. "I guess you have business you would like to discuss, let's go into my office."

== CMO Office ==
Lois led the way in, asking Dr Langston as she entered if he would give the Captain and herself some privacy for a few minutes. Harry acknowledged the Captain by standing and greeting the Captian before he left the room as requested.

"Well captain I'm sure you didn't come for a nostalgic trip to sickbay, you were medical before moving to command I believe. What can I do for you Captian?

== Tag Captain Brooks ==
Daniel couldn't help but smile at Doctor Lim's reaction to his presents, he followed her into the CMO Office.

==CMO Office==

It was good to see Harry, Dan had served with him a very long time. Once Harry left the office Lim said,

"Well captain I'm sure you didn't come for a nostalgic trip to sickbay, you were medical before moving to command I believe. What can I do for you Captain?

Brooks smiled, "Yes I was and many years was spent in Sickbay, probably longer than most before going into Command. Maybe I just can't shake it." 

Lifting his hand up with a small box in it he said, "My reason for being here is two fold, one is to give you this for the last mission. Your previous CO rewarded you with a Commendation Medal."

Passing the Doctor the box he said, "Congratulations Doctor." giving her a grin.

"Secondly, I hate to admit it but my annual physical is due and thought what is the best way to get to know your new chief medical officer. If you would be so kind of course."

==Tag Lim==
"My reason for being here is two fold, one is to give you this for the last mission. Your previous CO rewarded you with a Commendation Medal." said the captain handing her a small box.

Passing the Doctor the box he said, "Congratulations Doctor." giving her a grin.

"Well... er... Thank you, captain, I was just doing my job." she said with an expression that said, 'this is embarrassing.'

Lois looked inside the box, she closed it and put it on the desk.

"Secondly, I hate to admit it but my annual physical is due and thought what is the best way to get to know your new chief medical officer. If you would be so kind of course." the captain said.

"Talking about jobs, yes, I'd been happy to give you your physical, captain, as soon as I'm finished with my current patient, if you can wait, that is, it shouldn't take long. Or you may like to make an appointment and come back later. Although, I think you may wish to join me with my current patient because there is a delicate matter, I need to inform you about, regarding Dr Julia Troy. Scans have confirmed that she is five months pregnant with triplets." Lim was straight back to business, speaking bluntly, straight to the point with very little emotion in her voice.

She paused, watching closely the captain's response, wondering if he had noticed something or already knew. Not that he may be the father! But it occurred to Lois at that moment that Julia wasn't showing like she was pregnant, was there a baby bump, at least Lois hadn't noticed a baby bump. At five months, half way through a Betazoid pregnancy, Vulcan gestation is a little longer but not much, something should be showing by now. Had she missed something, yet no one seem to notice or had said anything, no rumours or comments, about Julia putting on weight or like 'Julia, your looking radiant today'. There seemed to be something about this pregnancy that it just... appeared on the scans? And she began to wonder.

== Tag Captain Brooks ==
==CMO Office==

As the conversation shifted from the medal, Doctor Lim went onto say about waiting or making another appointment. Dan would like to get it done asap so he was happy to wait.

Then Doctor Lim has something else to inform him, Troy was pregnant with triplets. Brooks was rather surprised by this revelation, it wasn't something he had expected to hear.

"Well..." Dan said as his mind raced forward, "Triplets... that won't be easy for Troy, not just during pregnancy but also initially after they are born. She will have to go on restricted duties."

He looked at Doctor Lim, "You seem to be making this a habit." Brooks commented, then said, "Lead the way."

==Tag Lim==
Captain Brooks looked at Doctor Lim, "You seem to be making this a habit," then said, "Lead the way."

Lim chuckled and stated emphatically "I can't help it if your crew keep getting pregnant, Captain. It looks like a lake of discipline to me," she stated and chuckled again as she led the captain out of the CMO's office and back to the current patient.

== Beside Dr Troy in sickbay==

"Julia and Surik, thank you for waiting, and may I be first to congratulate you and Surik on your expected new family." Lois nodded to both of them as she spoke.

"I have informed the captain of your pregnancy. Unfortunately, I feel this will mean some restrictions on your duties during our mission. Specifically, I think you should confine yourself to counselling only, and only assisting on the day shift in sickbay when we need assistance, and of course it goes without saying that any danger to you or your babies will be avoided, and if there is danger in any situation in sickbay the medical staff will be instructed to protect you and to call in one of the other doctors for assistance. I won't roster you to any on call situations, and of course, I'm sorry, but no away mission that may involve the slightest possibility of harm to you or your babies."

"Julia, Surik, how do you feel about this situation and my recommendations? And Captain, if you have anything you would like to add, please do?"

== Tag - Dr Troy, Captain Brooks and Surik ==
==petty officer 2nd class Surik Nurse/medical lab tech==

"Thank you Doctor. That sounds great especially to keep her and the little ones safe as possible. As long as I'm on the same shift I can make sure that she doesn't go overboard on working. It didn't take me long to accept that I was going to be a father like it did her. "

=Lieutenant Julia Troy==

While waiting for the doctor to get back Julia has come to terms and accepted that she is expecting triplets. Troy tried to deny and blame it on over eating, over working as well as stress. She had noticed that her uniforms were getting tight and didn't want to say anything till now.

"Now I know why everything is getting tight around the midsection. Plus I'm surprised that the bump wasn't noticed and that I tried to blame it on over eating and weird cravings. Thank you Doctor for the congratulations. The recommendations sounds really perfect and I have come to terms and accepted this while waiting. Multiple babies come easily on both my father's and mother's sides of the family and far as Vulcans I'm not for sure about the multiple births."

==Tag Dr Lim, and Captain==
== oops! ==
"Thank you, Doctor. That sounds great, especially to keep her and the little ones safe as possible. As long as I'm on the same shift I can make sure that she doesn't go overboard on working. It didn't take me long to accept that I was going to be a father like it did her." PO2 Surik answered.

"I'm sure we can accommodate that Mr Surik."

Dr Troy spoke up, "Now I know why everything is getting tight around the midsection. Plus, I'm surprised that the bump wasn't noticed and that I tried to blame it on over eating and weird cravings. Thank you, Doctor, for the congratulations. The recommendations sound really perfect and I have come to terms and accepted this while waiting. Multiple babies come easily on both my father's and mother's sides of the family and far as Vulcans I'm not for sure about the multiple births."

Hmm... Well... That's a reasonable explanation.

"I'll make some antenatal appointments for you and let you know Julia. We need to just keep an eye on things. Everything looked normal on the scan I took. that will be a good base line to work from," Lois commented, "Your free to go now Julia."

"Well Captain you're next. I you would mind hopping up on the bio bed at the end there will do your medical check," Lois said picking up the medical tricorder to examine the captain with and heading over to the big bed she indicated on the other end of the row.

A little bit of privacy never hurts., especially for the captain.

== Tag Captain Brooks ==
As the Captain and Doctor Lim left the CMO office, Dan couldn't help but think he will indeed get along well with Doctor Lim.

Arriving at Troy's bedside, Doctor Lim explained the situation to Troy after she congratulated them.

"Julia, Surik, how do you feel about this situation and my recommendations? And Captain, if you have anything you would like to add, please do?"

Daniel smiled, "I would like to offer you both my congratulations on this exciting news, just a shame your duties will be so restricted as I'm sure we could do with your talents right now with the merge of crews."

Troy then explained about how she was feeling and Lim said she set her up with some more on going appointments then turned her attention to him,

"Well Captain you're next. I you would mind hopping up on the bio bed at the end there will do your medical check," Lois said picking up the medical tricorder to examine the captain with and heading over to the big bed she indicated on the other end of the row.

Brooks smiled and followed Lim to the biobed, climbing on the bed he said,

"Do be gentle I prefer giving these then receiving them."

==Tag Lim==
"Do be gentle I prefer giving these then receiving them." Captain Brooks said as he hoped up on the bio bed.

You and me both," the CMO replied, "most doctors don't make good patients."

Lois then waved her magic wand over the captain, (it was really a medical tricorder but Lois sometimes like to think of it as her magic wand), and she looked at the results. A surly expression came over her face. She was hoping for something more.

Dr Lim passed the tricorder to Captain Brooks saying, "What do you make of this, Doctor?" It was if she was consulting a colleague rather than her Captain or boss.

== Tag Captain Brooks ==
Dan was a little surprised at Lim handing him the results,

"Am I pregnant to?" Brooks joked.

In fact the results showed nothing spectacular, it did show the scar tissue when he was attacked in the back by the Borg.

"Looks the usual to me." Dan grinned.

==Mission Timeline==

[Brooks to Sickbay, prepare to take on casualties, we are going to make the cargo bays into holding areas, please send medical teams there to meet our arrivals and triage them.] Brooks closed the channel.

==Tag Lim==
After the doctor told her that she was free to go and will be setting up some appointments for her, she gotten off the biobed. Julia went out and over to the counselors suite for a bit just to go over some files for counselling. Troy could understand the restrictions is to keep them safe, and it didn't mean it wouldn't get boring at times.

==Mission timeline==

Julia could sense that the mood on the ship has changed from what it was. Troy noticed that it went to yellow alert and knew that something was up. She has to wait till the doctor could use her in sickbay and till then she'll have to keep doing what she has been doing.

Troy didn't want nothing to happen to the three little ones that she was carrying. Julia also relied on Surik to help out to make sure that she stopped working early enough, to eat enough for her and the three little ones as well as getting enough sleep. She hasn't worked multiple shifts in a long time since before the last ship she was on gotten a new CMO.

Julia has been going over the counselling files of the crew that did come over from the Charon and the geranamo. Troy still has to get to know the crew from the other ship.
Julia had heard Dr Lim gave her an order to get the night shift as well as the dog shift to the cargo bays 1 and 2. Troy looked up the shift roster for the dog and night shifts. She went and found everyone on both shifts.

Troy went to arrange and sent the night shift to report to Dr. Langston in cargo bay 1 as well as arranged and sent the dog shift to report to Dr. O'Shea in cargo bay 2. Julia could really sense that something is way off and hope that who goes over is safe. She didn't like the uneasy feeling about all of this and would wait till someone talks to her.

==GM input did Julia send the right people from the night and dog shifts to the right places, and is there a shift roster for sickbay==
== Before the call to the Transporter Room... ==

Cindy arrived in Sickbay and glanced around to find the CMO. Spotting her off to one side, she approached and spoke up, "Doctor Lim, I was told to see if you might be in need of my assistance." She held out her hands and looked at them, then back at Lim. "I confess that I'm as surprised at this turn of events as I imagine you might be. I restate, for the record, that I am fully qualified by Star Fleet and certified for all nursing functions within the medical arena and am authorized as a surgeon in limited cases. I've assisted in a large number of other surgeries, but have not yet completed all requirements for a full surgical fellowship at this time. I am experienced as a Combat Medic and have extensive lab experience. Beyond that, you would have to read over my transcripts and I am happy to answer specific inquiries. Before you ask, as for my physical self, this is an actual chassis and I am not currently using any holographic assistance."

== Leaving room here for any reply or interaction, but then moving on to the call to the Transporter Room... ==

Before long, the call came for them to meet at the Transporter Room as part of the Away Team. Cindy said to Lim, "That's us then." Without hesitation she assisted in grabbing whatever medical equipment Lim required.

== Tag to Lim and anyone else that wishes to interact during that brief time. ==
Julia had heard Dr Lim gave her an order to get the night shift as well as the dog shift to the cargo bays 1 and 2. Troy looked up the shift roster for the dog and night shifts. She went and found everyone on both shifts.

Troy went to arrange and sent the night shift to report to Dr. Langston in cargo bay 1 as well as arranged and sent the dog shift to report to Dr. O'Shea in cargo bay 2. Julia could really sense that something is way off and hope that who goes over is safe. She didn't like the uneasy feeling about all of this and would wait till someone talks to her.

==GM input did Julia send the right people from the night and dog shifts to the right places, and is there a shift roster for sickbay==
"Doctor Lim, I was told to see if you might be in need of my assistance." She held out her hands and looked at them, then back at Lim. "I confess that I'm as surprised at this turn of events as I imagine you might be... "

"Before you ask, as for my physical self, this is an actual chassis and I am not currently using any holographic assistance."

"Sounds like we will need all the hands we can get," the Doctor replied.

Before long, the call came for them to meet at the Transporter Room as part of the Away Team. Cindy said to Lim, "That's us then."

"Let's gather what we may need and get to the transporter," Lois replied.

Without hesitation she assisted in grabbing whatever medical equipment Lim required.

"Dr Troy could you stay here until I get back, please?" Dr Lim asked as she headed out the door to the transporter room.

>> Transporter Room>>
Troy had gotten the night and dog shifts sent where they needed to go. Julia had a few minutes to go where she would be at till she heard her name from the CMO. She turned to her and listened to what she said before she left.

"Yes ma'am, and I'll make sure everything is really sterile and ready for anyone that gets transported here. I'll even wait for you to get back."

Julia knew that isn't going to be easy for any of them at the moment. Troy could sense that it might turn into something that might not go right. She didn't want to over do anything right now and she sat while making sure all the surgerical equipment was really sterile and Surik along with another nurse deal with the biobeds for patients that is about to arrive.

==Tags and there is still a GM input request a couple of posts ago==
==GM Input==

==For Troy==

Troy put everyone in the right places.

==For anyone else==

The three Bridge crew beamed into Sickbay directly, one being the Commanding Officer. He was starting to come around a bit but was in pain from a number of injuries.

== Immediately after everyone appeared, Malas badge came to life with the lithe female Vulcans voice ==

[Chief T'Kol to Ensign Mala, I trust you and the entire away team made it aboard and in sickbay safely. Can you please report any crew injuries.]

Her Vulcan matter of fact voice came through despite the obvious concern.
When the call went out for Medical personnel to prepare Aanil was already in Sickbay and was methodically preparing for all forms of Triage, Surgery and if necessary means to handle and if needed subdue disturbed or potentially violent patients.

As she worked; Aanil noticed that Julia was organizing the surgical elements of Sickbay and nodded, smiling to see that between them she felt certain that they were ready.

While they waited she also touched base with the Security contingent present to ensure that any force they planned to apply to handle any violent Romulans was measured against the likelihood that they were almost certainly already wounded. "Thank you Ensign, my concern is that their current issues could mean that even the lightest phaser setting could have consequences beyond the normal expectations"

Aanil was pleased to hear the young officer agree that all responses would be measured.

And now we wait...

==Shortly afterwards==

The familiar glow of a transporter arrival filled sickbay and as soon the patients materialized Aanil stepped forward and greeted the one who was coming around and was also very likely the Captain.

Stepping up to the Biobed he was on Aanil spoke in a calm emotionless tone, employing the translator, she addressed the awakening Officer. "You are in the Medical facility of the USS Aquila Sir and we are going to treat and heal your crew. You and they are safe here Sir. "

Continuing she added in the same quiet tone as she began her Medical scan. "I am going to scan you for your injuries only Sir, so the quicker we can treat you the more swiftly you will be able to then check on your crew who will be arriving here to also be cared for."
<<<<Awayteam - Bridge ==

Appearing in Sickbay the last thing that Beno wanted was to be checked out by anyone, the Cardassians and her team were the ones who needed attention. She knew the injuries that were sustained would catch up one day, but that was a Bridge to be crossed later. Beno knew that she did have a few injuries, but nothing that couldn't wait. She bruised very easily easily, and those were easily fixed. Her main concern was to see her Away Team together on the ship again, they would be a little hurt but alive.

"Lieutenant Gath I am not sure what we have here, but hopefully it can provide answers to what happened there." Her words still had a slight slur to them but didn't appear to be sleepy, a good sign that the concussion wasn't severe if at all. The next person she wanted to talk to was Commander Kurasa, she might have an idea about how to get the most out of what they have.

==Tags all==
<<< Away Missions - Bridge <<<

== NPC Lt(JG) Gath ==

Gath appeared right next to the FO and he gave a single nod to her as he removed an isolinear chip from his tricorder, held it out to her and responded, "Yes, Commander. Here is what data I could retrieve. Do you require further assistance?"

A medical technician began to approach him, but he tried to wave them off. He wasn't rude to them, but he clearly thought their attention to his minor wounds was quite unnecessary.

== Tag Velaul ==
<<< Away Missions - Engineering <<<

== NRC Cindy Talion ==

As they materialized in Sickbay, Cindy guided Lt Hoekstra toward the nearest bio-bed. She would leave it to him to decide if he needed to lay on it, sit on it or even just lean on it. As a medical technician began to approach, she held out a PADD to them and said, "I've given him a preliminary medical scan. This should save you some time."

She then turned to Hoekstra and was no longer all business. Cindy paused for a second and a smile appeared on her face, "Well Niels, we got shook around a little, but not too bad, all things considered. Not many people I've worked with have your ability to focus on the mission. I found that impressive. I enjoyed working with you. Your scans showed you might have some injuries, so let these guys give you a proper look over. I've worked with Doctor Lim before and with her running Sickbay, you're in very good hands."

Cindy appeared to have a few cuts on her face and neck. They had what appeared to be small amounts of dried blood on them, making her look very convincingly like any normal injured human might. The exception to this was that there was a narrow piece of metal sticking about 15 centimeters out of her back that didn't really seem to be bothering her much. An other med tech approached her and saw it. Cindy tried to stop them, but they instantly tried getting her to the side and treat her as they might any other crewman. Cindy kept trying to tell them, but then a nurse thought Cindy was perhaps in shock and was resisting critical treatment, so they tried to give her a sedative...which did nothing.

Stunned by the chain of events, they became silent, looking back and forth between Cindy and the hypospray, thinking perhaps it malfunctioned. Cindy looked at them and said calmly, "Alright, now that was just silly. That won't work on me. I'm not organic, I'm synthetic."

The nurse simply stared, the words not seeming to register. Cindy then clarified slowly, as if talking to a slow child, "I'm...not...alive." She smiled widely as she then encouraged them to scan her. The nurse did so, but then took a step back while it sunk in. Cindy then offered a hand, "The name is Cindy and..."

The nurse took another step back, pulling hands up against their chest, glancing around at Security. Seeing the uncertainty and perhaps a little fear in their eyes, Cindy let out a sigh and rolled her eyes, "I was in here earlier, helping you guys set-up. Not ringing any bells? Never mind, just please help the next person and pretend I'm not here, that's probably best."

Cindy then tried looking around to see if LCdr Kurasa was around.

== Tag Hoekstra and whoever else is around... ==
<< Room on Cardassian ship with 12 injured <<

Dr Lim was the next to be transported off the Cardassain ship. She materialised in the Sickbay designated beam-in area near the back wall of sickbay next to the entrance to the waiting room for the CMO's office. She wasn't moving, lying still on the floor, unconscious, suffering from a concussion. The explosion had thrown her against a wall, hitting her head hard.

A nurse attending to one of the injured, immediately noticed Lois materialise and immediately went to her aid, realising something was terribly wrong.

"Dr Troy, DR TROY, I NEED YOUR ASSISTANCE, ITS DR LIM" the nurse shouted as she indicated to an orderly to carry Dr Lim to a bio bed. She began reading the bio readout from the bed. Immediately she scanned the good doctor with a medical tricorder. Everything told the nurse that Dr Lim had suffered a moderate concussion and was unconscious. No other injuries could be found.

== Tag Dr Troy - assume the nurse tell you that she has determined about Lim ==
Julia noticed that the away team as well as some of the Cardassians beamed into sickbay. Troy could sense that something was wrong with the away team as soon as they were beamed in. She was called by one of the nurses to the CMO's side at the biobed that she was carried to.

Troy slowly walked over to the CMO's biobed before she said anything. Julia knew that this was a serious thing that happened to the away team and knew that something could and would go wrong.

"Nurse gete a hypospray with 2-5 CCS of tricordrazine please. Surik go let Dr O'Shea to tend to the first officer while I get this chief back to conscious."

Troy had to get Dr. Lim back to being conscious again and to keep an eye on her while there. Julia knew that she couldn't do as much as everyone else in sickbay and didn't mind. She was thankful that she had gotten everything ready for any patients that came into sickbay one way or another.

==Tag back==
==GM Brooks==
Input for medical team:

The three Cardassians which were beamed in from the Bridge of the stricken vessel had different injuries. One had serious burns all over the face and body his vitals wasn't good. One had a brain injury which would need urgent attention. The third was the Commanding Officer, for those who had been with the Charon would remember him being Gul Nasset who had dealings with them at the mine on an asteroid on a previous mission.

Gul Nasset was coming around and even through he was in pain he was aware of where he was.... and he wasn't happy about it.

"DOCCTOOOOR. What the hell am I doing here." Gul Nasset shouted, "I demand to be returned to my ship immediately."

==Tag Medicals==
== NRC Cindy Talion ==

After a moment, Cindy finally called up the EMH, but did it quietly and off to one side. Before the program could begin with its scripted subroutine of an introduction, she held up a finger and calmly commanded, "Stop. I'm a program like you, but using a synthetic chassis. I require your assistance to remove debris I encountered during the mission. I can do the rest, but you're the quickest way of me continuing my mission objectives."

With that, she turned around and the EMH looked at the shard of metal protruding from her and simply replied, "Oh, I see." He then grasped it and pulled it from Cindy.

She winced only a little before turning back to him and saying, "Thank you. You've been very helpful."

The EMH appeared as is he had several more questions, but Cindy didn't wait to hear them. He tried to respond, "You're welcome...I guess..." Cindy had already walked away.

She didn't go far. Moving only to the end of the bed the bellowing Cardassian was on, Cindy ignored his demands and tone as she responded in a calm tone, "If we did that, you would die. Your ship is currently being torn apart by whatever is on it. We barely made it off alive while trying to save you and your fellow crewmates. It sounds like we managed to extract all those still alive and most, if not all, of the dead as well. I suppose that if you're insistent about being returned to what remains of your ship, we could replicate a pressure suit that can accomodate you and let you jump out of an airlock, but I seriously don't suggest it with all the debris flying around out there."

== Tag Gul Nasset...and anyone else that wishes to engage...anyone?...anyone?... ==
There wasn't much need to hold him there much longer, he had a lot to do at this time. His natural physiology also made it harder to keep him down. "Thank you Lieutenant just promise me you will return for a checkup when things settle down here."  With the way Klingons were built, they could endure more of a punishment. He was the only one she was comfortable letting out of there, she wanted to go but knew it was a bad idea.

She didn't notice Dr. Lim was in worse condition than most, and that meant that she couldn't treat the patients. Fortunately Troy was there to treat them, so there was no need to be worried. Eventually she was going to be checked out by a nurse, she just needed to wait a little longer. 

Tapping her combadge she wanted to report to the Bridge."Velaul to Bridge the away team has sustained a few injuries, but we over all are fine. Dr. Lim took the worst of it, she is going to be down forr a little while.I am waiting to be cleared before resuming regular duties." In this time there was nothing regular about these duties, located in the Neutral Zone with Cardasian guests. She was also feeling worse than she let on, there were a few things she was feeling a little sleepy. 
"Pardon me." A males voice was talking to Beno. "Commander let's get you situated so the Doctor can check you out, it appears like you might have a concussion." He led Beno to a chair and made her comfortable. "As soon as there is a Doctor available they will see you." 

==NPC Raymond Reddington ==

Hearing the demand of the Cardasian Reddington made his way to where he was, and kept a friendly tone. In a situation like this it's always better to remain calm. "Hello I am Raymond Reddington of the Aquila, you are here to recover from your injuries. An Officer will be with you shortly about your return." He seen Cindy was filling him in on what had happened. It was true, but could have been handled better.

"Cindy glad to see you up and about, you might want to get cleared by a Doctor before leaving." He was attempting to smooth things over. "There was some kind accident on your ship, and I am sure that a ship has been sent to retrieve you. Until then you are a guest being treated for your injuries, may I scan you to help the process?" He asked before proceeding, he was sure that an Officer should jump I soon.

==Tag and GM input please ==
Jez felt as if she was going to vomit, the pain in her leg burned like a red-hot sun, she did her best to use her Telepathic abilities to deaden the pain. No matter how hard she tried to build her mental wall the pain just kept breaking through…

Stop.. stop.. stop…!!!!! By the Four Deities.

Jez could feel the tears welling up in her eyes. The pain was so intense. She couldn’t understand what had happened, normally she had a high pain threshold. She looked down seeing the blood dripping out of her wound, that’s when she spotted a large piece of metal lodged into her leg just below her knee.

Just then her Mental Shields collapsed allowing the full force of the pain to overwhelm her. Her mind screamed.

~Ahhhh… It hurts, it hurts……!!!~

Any of the telepaths nearby were hit by a mental shock wave of her pain.

Jez could feel herself slipping into unconsciousness. She laid there with her eyes open but unresponsive, She felt her brain shutting itself down as a defense mechanism against the pain.

== NPC- Surgical Tech V’Saral a Aenar Male. ==

V’Saral was setting up a scanner, when a mental tsunami hit him, his head spun he spotted a Young Vulcanoid Female bleeding profusely. He could hear her pain in his mind, her pain was overwhelming her.

~ Relax little one….your safe now.~

“Doctors, we have several injured women. "said V’Saral. She is slipping into unconscious.

== Tag All. ==
==Forgot to add this to my post. GM input - did the tricordrazine work to get the CMO back to being conscious?==
As the arrivals began to be processed ad treated by the Aquila Medical team Shione tapped her comm badge.

"Commander Kurasa to senior Security Staff. I want an assessment and tally of the Cardassian crew and officers, along with where each of them is. They are to be treated with respect and should be informed that we extracted all survivors as well as the bodies of those deceased we were aware of as soon as possible. Furthermore, all survivors are to be treated with respect and informed that they will be reunited with their crewmates and officers at the earliest safe opportunity for those who are more seriously injured, Kurasa Out."

She was aware of the damage that she had sustained, but it was mainly bruising along with some minor cuts and abrasions. Seeing Cindy addressing the Cardassian CO, she allowed her to finish what she had to say and approached.
Nodding in respect for Cindy's efforts, Shione smiled and with a nod indicated both that she was grateful for what she had heard her say but also for her to give them some privacy.

"Your crew; both survivors as well as those dead we could recover are safe aboard this ship....Captain?" The question was said to ensure she used the appropriate rank

Switching to Cardassian she continued; "I am Commander Kurasa, the second officer of the USS Aquila, which is the ship you and your crew are safely aboard. I led the away team sent to rescue the survivors of your crew and we also transported the bodies of those who died.
You are injured Sir and you will receive the best possible care and then you and your crew; both living and dead will be returned to your people."

She offered the Captain a nod of respect before continuing. "However, Sir I am concerned that whatever did that damage to your ship could prove a threat to ours along with the survivors of yours; what can you tell me about what happened to your ship, Sir?"

==Tag Cindy and GM==
LCdr Lim opened her eyes. Her vision was blurry to say the least and she had a massive headache. Although, she did recognise where she was.

Sickbay, how did I get h...? What happened? Awh! That hurts!

The room seemed to be swaying, like an old ocean-going vessel. She had been on one of those earth vessels, a sailing ship, during her academy days. Lois had been very sea sick. That's what she remembered most. Although she didn't feel bilious at the moment. Lois's doctor skills kicked in.

Dizziness, head hurts, room swaying. Possible concussion?... a very loud bang, a large explosion? I fell through the atmosphere and hit my ... head.

Lois tried to sit up but the dizziness increased and she lay back down again trying to move into a more comfortable position. It didn't work.

== Tag Dr Troy ==
== NPC Lt(JG) Gath ==

After hearing the orders of his FO, Gath simply responded, "Of course, Commander."

The Fo appeared to have dismissed him, so he stepped to the side. Seeing LCdr Kurasa, he stepped respectfully off to the side of where she was trying to converse with one of the Cardassians. He remained at Parade Rest and gave them their space until she was done. once she had finished, he would inquire about further orders, a debrief, or an After Action Report.

== NRC Cindy Talion ==

Cindy knew she had perhaps overstepped her bounds by talking to the Cardassian, but she had hoped that by getting his attention, he might talk more and shout less. After all, this was a Sickbay and there were injured being treated. Leave it to a Cardassian to think that everything was about THEM. Fortunately, medical staff quickly responded and took charge. Cindy was a little puzzled that Reddington suggested she be checked out by the Doctor before departing. For just a second, she pondered that. Was he trying to make a joke? Maybe he had not been aware that she wasn't human. She did intentionally look like a human member of the crew, so that was understandable. Her interface subroutines determined the appropriate expressions and body language as she replied to him, "I will. Thanks."

Cindy would not be checking in with the Doctor, as that would be a waste of their valuable time, but her words were intended to be polite and it was what was expected, if she were human. Reddington would then go about his duties and it would waste less of his time as well. If she were to have anyone check her out, it would be Engineering, but the likelihood of any of them being able to assist her was slim. Lt Thorn understood her systems, but wasn't really qualified to do much about any repairs. Fortunately, Cindy's own systems were capable of handling what damage she received. Her diagnostics indicated minimal damage. There were only a couple of components compromised, the rest was structural and all of it was within the margins for safety. It might take a couple of days for the repairs to be 100% complete, but there would be no degradation in her performance.

As she was turning to walk away, LCdr Kurasa approached. It appeared that she wanted to get a moment with the Cardassian as well. They exchanged the customary body language that said everything they needed to. Cindy had nodded in return, adding the customary single word of acknowledgement, "Commander..." The two knew each other like family, but this was a public moment, on duty, and in front of a rather rude Cardassian. She knew when to separate the personal from the professional and this moment was one of those where it needed to be kept very professional.

Seeing Gath take up a position at a distance, Cindy joined him. She understood the logic involved and had even had to teach it to a number of cadets in the past. They were part of the Away Team. Kurasa was in charge of that team. They had returned to the ship, but it was still unclear if their duties were complete or not. For all they knew, they might be returning. Cindy and Gath would wait to be officially dismissed or given new orders before simply taking it upon themselves to decide they were going to do something else. They weren't done until they were told they were done.

== Tag Kurasa ==
The pain was more than Jez could take, she retreated deeper into her mind, creating bigger mental walls to keep the pain out, but it seemed like no matter how far she retreated into her mind the pain found her.

Inside Jez’s mind, a battle raged,

~ Jez my old friend you can’t escape me. Taunted the Pain. Leave me alone, go away! Come now, Jez I can’t do that you have evaded me for so long. It has been a while since you have felt my icy embrace. Leave me alone... Stop it..stop it…STOP IT!!! The Pain Chuckling, I can’t do that, my old friend. You’re not my friend!! Oh, Jez.. now I’m hurt, all the times we have shared, Go away, leave me alone!! Jez my love, I’m always here just below the surface.

Outside Jez’s eyes were filled with tears she was shaking, every muscle in her body tensed, and her breathing became shallow. Her skin, clammy.

The pain torn through the young Hybred’s nerves like a forest fire, consuming each muscle fiber as it dove deeper into her tissues.

~ Help me, please help me. It hurts. ~

== NPC- Surgical Tech V’Saral a Aenar Male. ==

V’Saral could feel Jez’s mental distress.

~ Shhh..Relax little one ... You’re safe now. We are here to help you relax. ~

V’Saral did his best to make Jez comfortable. He saw the jagged metal in Mala’s leg, it looked to be old, kind of brittle. He wanted to remove it, but he knew sometimes it’s better to leave it in until the patient is stabilized.

He patted Jez on her shoulder, “There, there, relax the Doctor’s will be with you soon.

“Doctor’s, we have a Lateral Laceration of the Vastus Lateralis of the left Quadricep!” Announced V’Saral.

== Tag All. ==

==NRC Gul Nasset==

The Cardassian turned in the direction of the voice,

Cindy ignored his demands and tone as she responded in a calm tone, "If we did that, you would die. Your ship is currently being torn apart by whatever is on it. We barely made it off alive while trying to save you and your fellow crewmates. It sounds like we managed to extract all those still alive and most, if not all, of the dead as well. I suppose that if you're insistent about being returned to what remains of your ship, we could replicate a pressure suit that can accomodate you and let you jump out of an airlock, but I seriously don't suggest it with all the debris flying around out there."

The Cardassian's face just showed more anger, "WHO ARE YOU TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO."

"Hello I am Raymond Reddington of the Aquila, you are here to recover from your injuries. An Officer will be with you shortly about your return."

"Cindy glad to see you up and about, you might want to get cleared by a Doctor before leaving." He was attempting to smooth things over. "There was some kind accident on your ship, and I am sure that a ship has been sent to retrieve you. Until then you are a guest being treated for your injuries, may I scan you to help the process?" He asked before proceeding, he was sure that an Officer should jump I soon.

"Guest of the weak and pathetic federation, sounds just like I landed into another level of hell." Nasset said with a glare before shutting his eyes.

"I will await a more superior officer to speak to me then you earth worms."

The Gul then heard another voice so he reopened his eyes and looked at another officer who had appeared by his bedside,

"I am I some kind of freak show that your all so interested....."

"Your crew; both survivors as well as those dead we could recover are safe aboard this ship....Captain?" The question was said to ensure she used the appropriate rank

Switching to Cardassian she continued; "I am Commander Kurasa, the second officer of the USS Aquila, which is the ship you and your crew are safely aboard. I led the away team sent to rescue the survivors of your crew and we also transported the bodies of those who died.
You are injured Sir and you will receive the best possible care and then you and your crew; both living and dead will be returned to your people."

She offered the Captain a nod of respect before continuing. "However, Sir I am concerned that whatever did that damage to your ship could prove a threat to ours along with the survivors of yours; what can you tell me about what happened to your ship, Sir?"

The Gul pushed himself up with great pain and agony on his face as he looked at the Chief of Security,

"Do you really think I will tell you what we been doing on my ship... it is none of your business. I want to be well enough to be returned to my ship... isn't that too hard to understand."

He flopped back onto the biobed and his readouts went wild for a minute or two before resettling.

"You know if this was the other way round no matter how injured you were we would torture you to find out what had been going on in the bowls of your vessel."

==Tag ALL==
== NRC Cindy Talion ==

As she listened to the Cardassian rant and boast, she smiled to herself. She even easily followed the conversation as it turned to his native language, though Cindy was impressed that Shione was able to pronounce the words correctly. This Cardassian was surprisingly predictable in his behavior. She would have thought that he would be a bit smarter and more shrewd in his dialog, but it appeared that she gave their leadership more credit than they deserved. It wasn't a shock that he would say nothing about what was going on over on his ship, but she would have though he might understand more about the Federation and understand that he would get much further with the situation if he spoke more like a diplomat and less like a spoiled child. Apparently he never played chess or similar simulations. His complete avoidance of the topic and no mention of his people did tell her something though. He wanted back over there at any cost and that his people were entirely expendable. She speculated that whatever it was, he most likely wanted over there only to destroy whatever it was, in hopes of eliminating any evidence. That made her want to get over there and see what it was. The Federation might NEED to know what it was.
Shione had a fair amount of experience with Cardassians and this Captain lived up to the image of arrogance and suspicion.

The smile was gone from her face and replaced with a neutral expression. Her response to the Gul was devoid of emotion and empathy.
And she chose to simply follow his lead and be blunt.

"You certainly live up to my expectation Gul. So let me be frank." Her voice was devoid of emotional context

"Your ship is a wreck. We barely got our away team along with your crew and the bodies of the dead back to this ship. Most of your vessel is exposed to space and there are very few parts left with any atmosphere at all. My crew risked their lives to save what remained of your crew and also reclaimed the bodies of your dead.

You are the first Gul I have met and while I did expect arrogance, your lack of honor and gratitude for the efforts of our crew to save yours surprises me. You will remain here until the Doctors clear you, and then be reunited with those of your crew who have been treated and once we make contact with another of your ships, we will transfer you and your crew, both living and dead, and if I am being honest that time cannot come soon enough"

Shione gave him time to respond before nodding to a Security NCO, and she spoke quietly with him. "This is the Cardassian Commander. Remain with him and once he is cleared escort him to where we have the others who have been medically cleared. Treat him with respect but do not lower your guard."

The petty officer nodded. and took up a position where he could see all of sickbay and have the Gul in view.

She approached Cindy. "I suppose you want to go back over? We will need to fully brief the Captain before that can happen, but my take is that there is something unusual going on there.

==Tag anyone who approaches==
<<< Away Mission - Engineering <<<

With the sensations of the thrumming teleportation beam still fresh in his senses, Niels noticed that the smoky haze of the Cardassian ship had been replaced with a different kind of chaos. The Sickbay was brightly lit and abuzz with activity as the staff worked to deal with the sudden influx of patients. Cindy left him to attend to her wounds and Niels backed up, taking a seat on the edge of a bed. A nurse came over to check on him and he waved her off as he clutched his side. He was obviously in pain and the nurse seemed reluctant to take him at his word.

“I’ll be fine for now,” Niels said, trying to sound better off than he actually felt, “There’s others worse off than me. When things settle down here contact me and I’ll come back to get checked out. Until then, I’ve got work to do.”

Niels rose from the bed, putting all of his energy into maintaining a stoic expression, not trying to let on that putting his full weight on his left leg hurt beyond any pain he had felt before. It seemed to work, and the nurse reluctantly turned her attention to other patients. He leaned back against the bed, relieving the pain and waiting until he saw an opening to slip out of the Sickbay undetected. He grimaced as he made his way around the room, wincing at every other step, but he managed to get to the door. One of the Cardassian patients woke up and that seemed to pull enough attention away to cover his escape.

Aanil is going to kill me, but I need answers.

Crossing into the hallway, Niels paused a few steps away from the door to give himself a chance to rest and regain his composure. After a moment, he continued down the hall, slowly making his way to Main Engineering.

>>> Engineering >>>
Jez’s brain was on fire, every never-ending was sending signals to her brain. Jez tried to fight the pain, but her Mental Shields couldn’t deal with the onslaught. Normally, her Telepathic abilities allow her to block the pain, but this pain was relentless.

~ Jez you can never defeat me. I’m always here. You can’t fight me, Just embrace me. No, go away, leave me alone. Oh Jez, you know I can’t do that. It’s so lovely here. LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!

The pain kept haunting her, stalking her like an animal. Jez was strong, but the pain was stronger.

Ignore that Pain Jez, focus on the good things, Think of your daughter, think of Teddy Bear, think of Talion, think of Reyna, think of Kurasa, think of Cindy, think of B’Tor, think of the the crew, think of The Captain, what would they do, they would fight the pain.  They wouldn’t give in. Thought Jez.

Jez thought of her future daughter, she thought of her friendship with Commander Talion. She thought of CIndy’s kindness. She thought of Reyna's sweetness. She thought of Commander Kurasa's strength, of her confidence. She thought of B’Tor’s thirst for Knowledge. Jez thought of Captain Brooks, his charm and determination.

~ Oh Jez, Jez, Jez…  I am Pain, no one can fight me, they all bend to my will; some sooner than others, but they all succumb sooner or later.  I’m Jez Mala, Daughter of  Fet and Velo Mala. I am a StarFleet Officer, I’m  a Third Degree Martial Artist. Pain, you are nothing, You are just a biological response to an injury or an emotional trauma. I am stronger.  Oh Jez, young impetuous Jez. Stronger people have made the same claims and I’ve defeated them all. ~

Jez was doing her best to fight the pain, but the pain was beyond anything she had experienced in her life.

== NPC- Surgical Tech V’Saral an Aenar Male. ==

~ That’s it Jez fight, fight. Don’t let it win, YOU are stronger than the pain.  Here focus on my voice, focus on my thoughts. ~

V’Saral patted the back of Jez’s hand as he communicated with her Telepathically. He wasn’t sure why Jez was in so much pain, He looked at the jagged Metal and scanned it with the  Medical tricorder, he had a little trouble interpreting what he saw. The metal was very deep almost to her Femur. He noticed that the metal looked dirty, there was an odd color to it. V’Saral scanned the item on the metal.

“ Dr. Lim, we need you right away!” Shouted V’Saral, his tone respectful but urgent.

== Tag Dr, Lim, or anyone.==
With so much going on in sickbay Julia has been trying to get the CMO back to health before she helps with anyone. Troy knew that she has to somewhat take charge for a few minutes.

"Nurse hand me the vertazine please. Activate the EMH please. Hey doc I need you to go over and take care of ensign Mala, she is in so much pain. Dr. Fletcher I need you to go down to engineering and get the CEO and bring him back here since he hasn't been cleared to leave yet. Dr. Lim I'll get you back to health so you can run the sickbay again. Dr. O'Shea need you down in cargo bay 2 so you can get everything taken care of there. V'Saral Dr. Lim is down with a concussion at the moment and I have the EMH coming to help out till the CMO is back to health."

Troy knew that this going to be taxing on her for a bit. Julia knew that something wasn't right before the away team went over there and now they are suffering cause of the Cardassians.

==Tag all-round==
== NPC Raymond Reddington Medic==

Hearing that the patient was in pain, and started to run his scan. From the way he was moving it was safe to say he was hurt, but nothing was broken. There was also no sign of head trauma, his speech was clear judgment was off. For the most part his judgment seemed sound, but why would he want to go back?

"All posturing aside this patient needs rest, he is going to be in pain for a while." He was keeping a friendly tone "We should get you checked out as well Commander just to make sure you aren't hurt, most of the Away team has reported injuries." He said while waiting on the results of the scan

==%ag and GM input on the injuries ==
== NPC- Surgical Tech V’Saral an Aenar Male. ==

V” Saral was comforting Jez, urging her to fight the pain, encouraging her to be strong. Jez was tossing and turning, her internal struggle was an epic battle. The pain taunting her whispering in her mind of how she can’t win, how she isn’t strong enough.

“V'Saral Dr. Lim is down with a concussion at the moment and I have the EMH coming to help out till the CMO is back to health." Saied Dr. Troy.

~ Relax Jez breath, fight, and don't let the pain win, You are strong and capable. Build your mental shields. I can’t, I can't, he's too powerful. Help Me… Please, Help Me! ~

V’Saral did everything he could to make Jez comfortable, but with Jez’s unique biology, he wasn’t sure how best to treat her.

“Dr. Troy I believe the metal in Ensign Mala’s leg is contaminated, but by what I don’t know. She is bleeding at a moderate rate, I think it has severed a nerve and may be lodged in her bone. There may be an infection. I’m only a Surgical Tech, could you walk me through taking care of Mala? Maybe I can give her something for the pain?” Stated V’Saral. His tone filled with concern.

== Tag Dr. Troy. ==
== NRC Cindy Talion ==

While waiting for LCdr Kurasa, Cindy couldn't help but hear that Ens Mala was injured. She took a couple of steps closer and held out her hand as she got within range, scanning the young woman that she had gotten to know a little.

After a second of scanning, Cindy spoke to the people standing near Mala, "I think that if you follow the sciatic nerve to where it branches into the tibial and fibular branches, the object in question is making direct contact with the nerve at about seven centimeter below that junction. There is also a distinct possibility that the substance on the surface of that metal is adding to the problem. Some of the industrial compounds used in ship systems are known to have hallucinogenic side effects as well as being cellular mutagens. You should include treatment for hazardous chemical contamination."

== Tag Ens Mala and associated medical staff...I hope that helps you out. ==
Aanil had been occupied with two of the more heavily injured Cardassian crew and was now appraised about the Aquila Security Officer condition.

As she crossed Sickbay she overheard some of conversation from the being known as 'Cindy' She was aware that the woman was both more and less than she appeared but none of that affected her opinion of what was needed to treat the Ensign.

"Well thank you Science Officer; Cindy is it? Yes; much of what you said will be relevant in my treatment of the officer, but do stay while I speak with my patient,"

Mala would see a very petit redhaired medical Lieutenant approach her sickbay bed. "Greetings Ensign I am surgical specialist; Doctor Lieutenant Aanil O'Shea and I am the Chief Surgeon aboard. "

Nodding with respect to Cindy she turned to address Jez. "Ensign I appreciate that you have concerns about your injuries but I can assure you as the most experienced Surgeon aboard; that I can not only prevent any complications but you should also expect to be back on active duties after only a few days. Star Fleet's surgical techniques are capable of some amazing feats, and while Surgical Technician V'Saral is an excellent technician, he is not a surgeon." The words were simple facts and the glimpse that Mala had of the surgeon's pointed ears meant that as a Vulcan; she was neither bragging about what she could do nor either diminishing the Aenar.

"We are ready for you now Ensign and when you awake from sedation I will be there to give you a complete picture of what I will have done and your immediate prognosis." Smiling warmly, she added for Mala's benefit. "While my accent might be a touch odd; as a part Vulcan I give you my word you will be back on duty very soon."

Looking over her shoulder she caught sight of one of her surgical team signaling that they were ready, and she then turned back for her patient's sake. "What the Science officer has said about the compounds on the metal are true, but you will be treated for those by IV while I perform the surgery..
Do you have any questions before I have you sedated? I ask that you keep them brief as I still have a long night ahead."

Finishing her thought the petit officer added in a compassionate tine; "But for the record you are going to be fine."

==Tag Mala and Cindy==
==GM Brooks==

==NRC Gul Nassett==

"You certainly live up to my expectation Gul. So let me be frank." Kurasa voice was devoid of emotional context

"Your ship is a wreck. We barely got our away team along with your crew and the bodies of the dead back to this ship. Most of your vessel is exposed to space and there are very few parts left with any atmosphere at all. My crew risked their lives to save what remained of your crew and also reclaimed the bodies of your dead.

You are the first Gul I have met and while I did expect arrogance, your lack of honor and gratitude for the efforts of our crew to save yours surprises me. You will remain here until the Doctors clear you, and then be reunited with those of your crew who have been treated and once we make contact with another of your ships, we will transfer you and your crew, both living and dead, and if I am being honest that time cannot come soon enough"

Gul Nassett looked at the officer carefully, "For all I know you could be telling me lies and my ship could be being robbed of all it's technology."

The Gul watched the interaction between two officers with interest.

==Tag Kurasa==

==For Velual==

Injuries will be treated quite quickly but would need a couple of days in sickbay.

==Tag Velaul==
Captain Brooks voice came over the Sickbay comms,

[Sickbay, this is the Bridge, report please?]

The channel was left open

Tapping her Comm badge Shione responded to the CO's request

"Second officer to the Captain. I am with Gul Nassett who does not believe that his ship is largely wrecked and feels that we should allow him to go back despite his current medical condition.

Captain can you send the current drone footage of his ship to my Padd so I may show him in real time just how little of his ship remains?

Second Officer over."

==Tag Brooks==

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