TI/D08-09 - Science Labs
<<<<Security <<<<<<<

 Coming from Security Keti had placed the rock on a counter space, there were a few preparations he needed to do before anything could be started. One of them was to put together was tools, a wet drill was the one that seemed to be the most fun. Lasers were also fun to play with, if it was going to be safe. The other rocks were on their way, and Keti was thinking about putting up a shield up for quarantine purposes. He wasn't sure about if there was something inside, and it's always best to be safe over sorry.
== Security NPC, Petty Officer, Anessa Wade == 

<< Security BRIG<<

Anessa followed with the bags the officer requested her to bring. She right now was thinking the science officer was a little crazy. 

She stayed on alert feeling a little strange following the man with a rock like he, or the rock, was a celebrity.

Once they got in she addressed the officer.

"Sir, just for the record, I would make a fuss. I am pretty sure all of security and the Chief would make a fuss."

"I am curious, do you think there is something of the rock we should worry about? I am just confused as you were willing to just pick it up but you seem intrigued and set to really scan the rock." she asked

"Would you like me to activate a security field?" She asked as they waited for other rocks to arrive.
While listening to everything she had to say Keti was getting the tools ready to do some experiments on the rocks, and have a little fun. "First thing Crewman I am Lieutenant Jukish, or Keti, not Lieutenant Keti might I have the pleasure of your name?" 

He waited for an answer before going on. "Miss Wade if that rock had been a person put there for any reason, I would expect to be their neighbor for a little while. As for this rock it is inert, and I have said more than once it is safe. If I was wrong the person that should feel it is me, part of the reason I want you with me."

Looking at the rock there were a few things that intreasted him. "Besides this is a an Asteroid that is normally as appealing as grass grows, I would normally pass it off to a geologist and forget about it and forget about it. This asteroid passed through the hull like you or I would enter a pool of water, it's more interesting to me what isn't there." 

He was about ready to get things started, but he needed the other Asteroids, they would provide more than one reference point. "When you get out of the pool of water, you bring water out with you. It's on your skin, and in the fabric you wear inside the pool. There should be some trace elements of the hull of the ship inside or on it, but there is none." 

Just like putting on clothes of any kind, both person and fabric would leave trace elements of where it made contact. "The problem with Asteroids is they are like pack hunters, never seen alone and if they are its part of a bigger problem."  These Asteroids have no agenda, they normally just float about going where gravity pulls. 

"We can erect an isolation field that would allow people and objects through, but not contaminates that can be harmful to the crew. What we need still is some personal protection equipment, just to reduce the risk to ourselves." The Asteroids themselves can be a hazard if aloud.

==Tag and GM input does Keti feel any effect of the asteroid?==
The rock was extremely cold and burned Jukish's fingers. By the time he had got to Science they were blistered, grey and quite painful.
There wasn't much indication that he was in pain, but his hands would show different. He knew where his mistakes were, and not afraid to admit it. "Not again." He said with a bit of a sigh. " I am definitely going to get yelled at, might as well get it over with." He knew if this was hidden he would get into more trouble, something he would rather avoid.

"If anyone asks I am in Sickbay getting these treated, I will be back as soon as I can." He wasn't sure if the doctor was going to let him return right away, or worse he wasn't. He didn't want to sit this out, there wasn't much he could do.

>>>>>Sickbay >>>>>>
>> Sickbay >>

The group arrived in the science labs with the rock. The trip was a success and there was no incidents involved. A security officer was standing watch

"We surrender this to your custody." Ameen said to the officer in charge of the labs and saw the other rock. "You can add it to your collection... We are still not sure why it appeared but anything you can do to study it and find out it's origin may help. The going theory has to do with timelines and phasing... honestly this stuff just makes my head hurt."

== Tag Wade. ==
>>>> Sickbay >>>>

Nira had arrived and had seen that all the rocks had arrived. She pursed her lips in agreement with Ameen. This was a situation of phasing she could see. This was a new situation, and she had a concern that if it happened again, there was the potential it could wind up in between something sensitive. She shuddered at the idea of a rock phasing into, say, a warp core.

==Tag Ameen and anybody in Science Labs==
<<<Sickbay <<<<<

Returning to the labs he was happy to see the First Officer and Said still there. The rocks that they collected will go a long way for results. He also had to be smarter about getting the results, he didn't want a second trip to Sickbay.

"Commander good to see you again, and hopefully they don't have friends we don't know about." There were several areas that could cause problems, or outright kill them. If thoes unguided missiles made it to the warpcore it would have been more than a disaster.

"Commander I am getting closer to the answer we need, hopefully we can eliminate the worst possibilities. I still maintain that it was deliberately done, these didn't get like that naturally." For all he knew there was another ship out there filled with geologist playing scientists, and all the wrong things happened.

Getting a drill with a diamond bit on it, his intention was to drill a hole in the original rock he had. "Wait is this going to get me in trouble again? Talking to you about this and not her?" The impression he received was everyone channels their ideas through the Captain, no matter where they were it all goes through the Captain. Getting the appropriate gloves he was keeping his hands safe this time 

"Commander good to see you again, and hopefully they don't have friends we don't know about." Keti arrived shortly after.

"Likewise Lieutenant." Ameen replied.

"Commander I am getting closer to the answer we need, hopefully we can eliminate the worst possibilities. I still maintain that it was deliberately done, these didn't get like that naturally. Wait is this going to get me in trouble again? Talking to you about this and not her?" Asked the science officer with concern as he was about to drill a hole in one of the rocks.

Morad nodded.

"If you believe that you have taken proper safety precautions, you may proceed with your experiments Lieutenant. This is the science labs, we are no longer on the bridge. As we do not have a Chief Science officer at the moment for you to report to, you may report directly to me or to the department head." Ameen found this entire situation uncomfortable but he continued calmly and with an even voice. 

"I don't know how things were done on other ships that you served on, but each Captain have their own command style I respect that. 

Here, when you are stationed on the bridge, you run your ideas by the officer of the watch before you execute them. If you are given command, you will be expecting the other bridge officers to report to you as well. You are, therefore, required to follow and enforce this rule while you serve aboard the Titania. It goes without saying that everyone is to pay extra attention to the Captain's orders and follow them to the letter, do not hesitate to ask if you feel the order was unclear or if you have any questions of course. 

As you know, this is not a civilian ship Lieutenant. These rules are there not to annoy you, but to help coordinates our efforts, maximize the use our resources and make sure that everyone is safe."
Listening to what the First Officer while grabbing a little more equipment it made sense, there were just a few flaws in it. He just didn't have enough information about the ship. "I don't know what is normal on thoes ships either, it was my first time on the Bridge."  He was asking questions to get to know the ship better, what it was capable of.

There was also the fact most of the time there wasn't a Bridge to report to. "It doesn't matter what my intent was now, it's all over, nowi have more questions than answers. Like how did a race of people not known for developing anything but bad trade practices, and a lot of theft." He was completely unaware of the others that just joined the party, they were known for brut strength than intelligence.

"Commander as I have stated before the only dangers from these rocks is Frostbite, as they are super cooled. The only thing I suspect that these rocks are is just rocks, there could be something inside but I doubt it." He was just bidding his time until the big problem got there. 

"Commander have you seen this thing called the X Men? One of the X Men could turn anything into a weapon. Ordinary playing cards turn to explosives in his hands. It is possible someone was going for the same effect. It could prove to be deadly, but not very effective." When Asteroids were free it would be cost effective.

==Tag and GM input assuming that he drills in half way into the rock==
== Security NPC, Petty Officer, Anessa Wade == 

Anessa listened and erected the forcefield the officer, asked for. But as he reacted to carrying the rock with bare hands she was not surprised but did not laugh at the the officers pain. In fact she was genuinely worried as he excused himself.

"Yes sir." She gave as he left for the sick bay.

It took only moments before the First Officer and Commander Nira arrived with their own rocks.

"We surrender this to your custody." Ameen said to the officer in charge of the labs and saw the other rock. "You can add it to your collection... We are still not sure why it appeared but anything you can do to study it and find out it's origin may help. The going theory has to do with timelines and phasing... honestly this stuff just makes my head hurt."

Anessa nodded. "Yes sir, I guess that is me at the moment. Lieutenant Keti stepped out, um for a moment, I am sure he will be right back. He wishes for the rocks to be behind this field we have erected." She added and then took hold of the rocks, with insulated gloves, and placed the two new rocks with the other, not touching, in with the first rock the re-engaged the field.

She then turned to Nira "Commander would you like me to stay here with them or would you like to take over here?" She asked allowing the Science officer and the First Officer to have a moment as they continued their conversation.

== Tag Nira ===
"Might be best to stay, at present," Nira said. "Just in case something goes wrong."

As she watched Ameen lecture Jukish, Nira tapped her comm badge. [Said to Sothrick, all the rocks are assembled and ready to be steadied. How are things up at the Bridge?]

==Tag. Open for anything==
Jukish was able to drill into the rock. It was a normal rock, nothing remarkable it seemed.
The comm came back with Sothrick's voice quickly.
[One moment Commander] 

==Security NPC, Petty Officer Anessa Wade==

She was surprised Nira wished her to stay but she was interested in what was going on so she was kind of glad to stay.

As she stood their she heard a console beep and draw her attention but seeing the message she called out the commander.

"Commander" She called towards Nira then pointed towards the console

[Sothrick to Commander Nira, Good job Commander, at the moment it would seem the Nausicans are the owners of the technology that is distressing the Ferengi ship. I will likely have you go on the ship if we can assure to be able to do so safely. Stay with the First Officer and follow his needs for the moment. Keep me apprised if there is any changes. Thank you, Sothrick out.]
At the first of Sothrick's call, at Sothrick's calling Nira "Commander Nira," she shut her eyes and inhaled and thought to herself in exasperation, Why in Allah's name does he have to keep referring to me informally? Why does he not use my surname...?

But when he mentioned Nausicaans and Ferengi, Nira opened her eyes in surprise. She wondered what they had to do with each other, but it had occurred to Nira how the rocks got there. After all, Ferengi had developed technology to phase through planetary objects, and she wondered if the rocks were some kind of experiment, and the Nausicaans were clashing with the Ferengi.

The likelihood of an away mission, most likely with the First Officer, certainly made Nira look forward to it inwardly. Finally, something more in her field of expertise. In any case, she was taking to like Commander Ameen much more than her own department head.

[Understood, Commander Tourock,] Nira responded back; her addressing him by his first name was a decision Nira had; she hoped this would lead to his using her surname, on duty, properly. Her call done, she then looked over to Commander Ameen. "Sothrick keeps calling me by my first name," she whispered. "I don't know why, but it doesn't feel proper. If you're wondering why I addressed him by his first name...well, it'll be, as the expression goes, 'a taste of his own medicine.' Apologies for using his first name, but I'm hoping it gets him to go by my surname on duty. Properly."

==Tag Ameen and Sothrick, soft tag to all in the lab==
Not being able to hold back the chuckle, he couldn't help but to spot the irony in this. A lot of people don't fully understand his culture, and how their traditional names worked. "I can't help but to spot the irony in this, non Bajorans do that to me all the time." Keti had a look like he thought of something, on the surface it could be an innocent mistake. The two have been working together for years, and this would mean that he would be fully aware of her name.

As he was drilling into the first rock finding nothing at all, Keti had to say what came to mind. "Commander it might not be anything more than an innocent mistake, but what if it isn't? Known space pirates wouldn't be above monitoring communications, doesn't Star Fleet have a directive about that? I am basing this off of what can be a simple mistake, something that you would know more about than myself." 

They have been working together for a long time, and would know eachother very well. Even though Keti has been part of the crew a while, his interactions have been limited. There was more than a fair chance he could be wrong, and hopefully it would be taken under advisement of a possibility not as fact. "Commander Ameen these rocks are a dead end, I will work on them until I know for sure." He was looking at the other three rocks certain that he wasn't going to find anything at all. One thing for sure this mission just became more interesting. 

While running scans on the other three rocks, he wanted to compare notes from the first one. He was also picking one at random to drill into as well, after that he was expecting the same results. The one concern he did have was boarding both ships, they were almost equally as dangerous.

==Tags and GM input on results please==
Ameen was about to respond when the chief of security sent a comm to their location.

[Sothrick to Commander Nira, Good job Commander, at the moment it would seem the Nausicans are the owners of the technology that is distressing the Ferengi ship. I will likely have you go on the ship if we can assure to be able to do so safely. Stay with the First Officer and follow his needs for the moment. Keep me apprised if there is any changes. Thank you, Sothrick out.]

"Understood, Commander Tourock," Nira responded.

Did she say Tourock? that's and odd way to address him for sure... hmmm...

"Sothrick keeps calling me by my first name," she whispered as if reading his thoughts. "I don't know why, but it doesn't feel proper. If you're wondering why I addressed him by his first name...well, it'll be, as the expression goes, 'a taste of his own medicine.' Apologies for using his first name, but I'm hoping it gets him to go by my surname on duty. Properly."

"That's an interesting thing going on here. I will talk to him if you like...?" Morad offered. "Vulcans rarely do things for no reason, and I'm curious to see what's his."

"I can't help but to spot the irony in this, non Bajorans do that to me all the time." Keti added.

"It is... unfortunate." Ameen replied. "You can call me Morad if it makes you feel better. In fact in my home country, we don't call each other by our last name any way. Unless you attach a rank to it I guess." He chuckled.

At that point the scientist had turned his attention back to the rock while he kept talking.

"Commander it might not be anything more than an innocent mistake, but what if it isn't? Known space pirates wouldn't be above monitoring communications, doesn't Star Fleet have a directive about that? I am basing this off of what can be a simple mistake, something that you would know more about than myself." Keti added.

"Let's not speculate... I will talk to him and we will see." Ameen replied while eyeing the rock.

"Commander Ameen these rocks are a dead end, I will work on them until I know for sure." Keti said.

"Yes, good idea." replied the first officer as he tabbed his comm-badge.

"Ameen to the bridge." He said. "We evacuated the areas of the ship that may have been contaminated. All the rocks that had appeared are now secure in the science labs and being thoroughly examined and carefully by the science department. What are your orders Captain?"

Morad asked as he awaited his next assignment.
"Please do," Nira said. "It's probably just a bad habit he's slipped into, not a symptom a Vulcan experiences."

Nira then turned to Jukish and smiled. She'd be quite inclined to call Commander Ameen by his first name, but not on duty. She had to set an example, after all. She was taking to liking Morad, Commander Ameen, all the more.

== NPC, Security Crewmen Petty Officer Anessa Wade ==

Anessa was surprised by Saids response. It took her a moment to realize that Tourock was Chief Sothrick. She had never heard him called that. She had only ever heard him called Sothrick.

Her eyes went bright as Said explained why she called back after reading the text the boss had sent.

She started to comment on it but she decided it was amongst the officer to figure out their issues.

The Chief quickly answered back  [Commander...] [Commander, ... Keep me apprised of any changes. I am not sure but I will likely have you go on an away team if it is so called. Be prepared to do so. SOTHRICK out.] The Vulcans tone was his typical even keel as he responded.

== Tag All ==
Nira had been so annoyed by Commander Sothrick's use of her first name on duty, she realized she used her comm badge. Still, she recalled the personnel file, his name was listed. The ramification was apparent in his answer back.

[Commander...] He paused, and Nira wondered by the tone of his voice that she went too far; she tried to correct Commander Sothrick on the proper use of her surname, and he tended to revert to using her first name. In using his first name back at him, she suddenly became worried that she went too far.

[Commander, ... Keep me apprised of any changes. I am not sure but I will likely have you go on an away team if it is so called. Be prepared to do so. SOTHRICK out.] The Vulcans tone was his typical even keel as he responded.

[I...I understand, Commander,] Nira responded back, breathing in horror, not helping herself. Nothing was more horrifying than a provoked Vulcan. Nira was so horrified that she looked like was going to be sick.

Morad was right about the speculations, like Keti said in other words. The reality of what happened soon left no room for misunderstanding, it was perfectly clear. Keti couldn't help but to show some sign of shock at the rage, it reminded him of home. 

"If I didn't know anybetter, I would swear he was a traditional Bajoran. That is a perfect match to how a response like that goes, but I never seen the need to react like that." There were always going to be people who don't know or understand, not being tolerate to them was never the solution. 

==Tags just had to post something ==
A light flashed on the main terminal in the science lab indicating an incoming message from science station one on the Bridge. Once opened it read:

[Incoming data from Class 3 probes sent to monitor the Ferengi vessel indicate a powerful temporal device on board emitting a temporal variance of 1.47 nanoseconds. A Nausicaan vessel has entered the system and indicated an interest in the vessel. Working with engineering to prepare deflector dish for temporal shielding. It appears at this time that any space debris in the wake of the vessel would have been affected by the residual radiation cast off from this device. - J.G. Ra'an]

==Open Tag==
There was an uneasy exchange between the CoS and the Said. Ameen felt the tension in the air. She looked worried.

"It will be fine Commander." Ameen said while placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "I will talk to him."

I am sure it is all just a simple misunderstanding... 

"If I didn't know any better, I would swear he was a traditional Bajoran." Keti said. "That is a perfect match to how a response like that goes, but I never seen the need to react like that."

"Agreed. It is a a sensitive matter, but a simple won. Either way, we shouldn't let it distract us from our mission here." Morad said. "Any updates from the bridge?"

He walked over to the near by console and checked the inbox. 

[Incoming data from Class 3 probes sent to monitor the Ferengi vessel indicate a powerful temporal device on board emitting a temporal variance of 1.47 nanoseconds. A Nausicaan vessel has entered the system and indicated an interest in the vessel. Working with engineering to prepare deflector dish for temporal shielding. It appears at this time that any space debris in the wake of the vessel would have been affected by the residual radiation cast off from this device. - J.G. Ra'an]

He displayed the message on a nearby monitor for everyone to see.

"So now we have Ferengi dealing with technology they do not properly understand and the Nausicaan are interested in learning more about it... The Captain is put in a very peculiar position now... What do you make of this?"

He asked them.

== tag everyone. ==
Nira breathed deeply and then turned to Commander Ameen. For the first time in a long time, she felt greatly reassured. "I appreciate it, Commander, thank you," she said. "And I might have to talk to you in private later, but we have other matters to focus on now."

When the commander showed everybody the message from the bridge, Nira pondered momentarily. When he asked their opinions, Nira gave some thought, and certainly enough thought to get her mind off her recent shock.

"I would presume that the Nausicaans want that something the Ferengi is experimenting with," Nira said. "If the Ferengi's technology is responsible for the phasing rocks, and if the Nausicaans are interested in it, then it would not be wise to let the Nauscaans get it."

==Tag Ameen and all in the room==
There were lots of thoughts that went through his mind, none of them good. There were a mikkion things that can go wrong, and the fun would be figuring out what it will be. These were two things that were never meant to go together, fire power and Chroniton particles can do some serious damage. 

"I hope the Sheilds will help, but I have a feeling that we are going to have to sweeten the pot." He said while attempting to figure out how. He took out a small container of thermite, placing it on the counter. It was a way for him to think aloud. Sometimes one idea sparks another, just keeping real sparks away from the thermite. 

"Imagine this thermite is Chroniton particles." He said while looking at the thermite. "Right now it's safe and contained,  add a spark and watch the disaster. The biggest danger isn't the cause, but the results of the cause." Explosions create shrapnel that adds to the danger, also making a variable change. 

"Commander as brilliant of an idea the temporal Sheilds are, we need something more. I just hope that temporal fractures won't be an issue, if they are we are going to up our protection grid. It's clearly for the worst case scenario that would make no difference, but if needed it will keep the ship on the same time line. Micro fractures in time are unpredictable that are capable of a lot of things, it gives me a major headache just thinking about it." This was the part where he was going to hear cool your jets, not everything is going to be a worst case scenario. 

==Tags ==
Amila's voice came through on Keti's comm badge.

[Ra'an to Lieutenant Jukish. Per Captain Fields, please report to the Bridge. We'll be en route to the Ferengi vessel, and I could use your help keeping these shields properly modulated.]
It didn't take long before there was a communication that came from the Bridge, it was more than a little shocking to him. The Bridge was the last place he would see himself going, but he has been wrong before. "I guess its time for me to go, can't keep the Captain waiting." The first time on the Bridge was a disaster,  but this time was going to be different. He knew the pitfalls of what happened last time, and started to understand this cross talk thing.

I am going to try and avoid making a wreck of this time around, I still don't understand much about the ship but giving it a try." He really needed to come out of his shell like he started to on the Geronimo, and now he was starting to continue to work on it. "I will be on the Bridge." Leaving the room he was going to the Bridge.

>>>Bridge >>>>>
== Nira's Comm Badge broke out again with the Vulcan Chief's Voice. Even though it sounded typical even kiel Nira having worked with the man now for a bit could tell a sense of urgency, others might miss, were still laced into his words ==

[Sothrick to Commander Said, Commander please have all of security to report to transporters,. We will be bringing over Ferengi crew. Some may need medical attention all others for time being, will be taken to the brig, politely.
 Have a couple of security be awaiting in sickbay just incase anyone is needed to be beamed directly there.

 I will have you go to Transporter One and have the ships Captain transport through there. I would like you to escort him directly to the ready room and let me know when you have him there. Make sure all of their crew are relieved of any weapons and our security escorts them everywhere, whether it is sickbay or the brig.] He paused.

[Let me know when you get to transporter one and I will have the chief began transporting. If there is any issues please let me know right away.] He gave. [Sothrick out] He gave
Nira had been walking out of the labs herself, but she practically slumped against the wall, letting out a sigh, her head hanging down. She caused a rift to emerge between her and Sothrick. Something was wrong with her. She had prepared to be a better Chief of Security, only to play second fiddle. Had it been her feelings deep down to make her speak this way to Sothrick?

Already, it went through her head. Transfer? If that didn't work, maybe a resignation. Relieve a damn load of baggage. For all her recent preparation, she had been feeling useless...

Sothrick's call on her comm badge at first made her gasp, he was going to...was that urgency in his voice? His instructions gave a brief moment where for once she can be useful.

[On my way,] Nira replied.

>>>>Transporter Room One>>>>

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