TI/D06-07 - Sickbay
[Ameen to Sickbay, send a medic to meet me at Science lab-13.] The first officer's order came through the comm system.
Noxi replied back.

[Nairut to Science Lab 13. On my way]

Quickly, she hurried to grab a kit and tricorder and headed for the science labs.
The personnel and officers in the Medical bay received a request from what was to some an unfamiliar voice while others who had served here before knew it well.

[Commander Kurasa to Medical. Petty officer Darok needs a couple of Medical personnel in the crew lounge as soon as is possible. Kurasa over.]
Dr Jon Jolly sat at the desk in the CMO's office in sickbay. He was a little worried. He contemplated the symptoms of his patient in the main sickbay ward. The symptoms where for the common cold. The older looking Australian born doctor knew that these symptoms where as common as the common cold. He chuckled to himself as the thought ran through his head.

If treating the common cold didn't work then it means that she has something else. Then I'll investigate further.

The Jolly by name and jolly by nature doctor returned to the main sickbay ward. 

"Ens Constance, I think you have the common cold, which in this century is not all that common. The best treatment is to go to your quarters and drink plenty lemon and honey, with this little mixture I've replicated , I call it 'Lemsip'. It's my father's recipe it contains Phenylephrine and Paracetamol, which will help with the congestion and your slight temperature. I'll let your DH know I've given you two days to recover. If this doesn't work come and see me again."

Jon's mind wondered for a second, remembering his dad, Frank Jolly a doctor at the Base Hospital in the provincial city of Bathurst, Australian where he grew up. Sadness drifted across Jon's smile for a moment, how he wished he could be back down under, how he wish his dad could see him now, Chief Medical Officer of the good ship Titania. But that was not to be and Jon with all the medical science of the day, couldn't change that.

"Oh? Ensign why did the orange stop rolling down the hill?" Dr jolly asked as his patient stepped of the bio bed, and sneezed. "Because it ran out of juice!" Jon chuckled again, "Thought that may brighten your day."

Ens Constance just rolled her eyes at the Jolly doctor and continued out the main sickbay door.
Lt[JG] Jolly was having a cup of billy tea in the Medical Staff Meal Room on Deck 6 the upper level of the sickbay. Jon Jolly called it the sickbay kitchen. He was enjoying the cuppa and a nice slice of chocolate cake, when a Yellow Alert began to sound.

"Oh! bugger!" he said aloud. "Give me a break! I've only had one mouth full of the cake!"

Grabbing the tea in one hand and the cake in the other he rushed down stairs to the main sickbay, the Yellow Alert sounding all the way down.

As he entered the main Sickbay from the staircase near the entrance to the CMO's office on deck 7 he was about to bark some orders for the current medical shift on duty to start Yellow Alert preparation in case of injury, but as he opened his mouth to speak he stopped dead in his tracks. The staff where already preparing.

Hmm... Well trained mob. that's good.

As he could see that all was in hand, Jon went to the CMO's office, cup of tea and chocolate cake in hand and finished his morning tea, sure in the knowledge that sickbay was prepared for any eventuality.

I wonder who the CMO was before me? Whomever it was they have been well trained.
As Jolly was having a nice cup of tea and some cake, something out of place suddenly caught his eye. A rock was floating, perfectly still, in the air to the right of his desk.
== Apologies for the delay GM. ==
"'Stone the crows and starve the lizards', what in hell is that doing here?" Dr Jolly yelled as he noticed a rock was floating, perfectly still, in the air to the right of his desk. He was glad that he hadn't dropped his cake in his moment of surprise. He slowly put the cake down beside his cup of tea and moved, always with one eye on the object, to pick up his medical tricorder he had left on a seat in the office.

Scanning the object, he looked at the results. He was mystified. A rock, quietly and unobtrusively floating in space, near his desk. "That's impossible. Well, no it's not impossible but certainly improbable."

== GM input please? Results of medical tricorders reading of the object? ==
Jolly's tricorder picked up nothing. It was just as if the rock wasn't there. But he could see it clear enough.
"You have gotta be joking," exclaimed Dr Jolly, "Nothing?"

Jolly's tricorder hadn't recorded any object. It was just as if the rock wasn't there. But he could see it clearly.

"Sickbay to Bridge. We have an object like a small space rock, floating in midair in the CMO's office. Tricorder readings indicate nothing there, but I can see it as plain as day." Dr Jolly reported.

His curiosity got the better of him and he reached out to touch the rock, to see if he could feel it and make it move.

It looks harmless enough.

== GM input, please? What happens when Dr Jolly makes contact with the rock? or not? Does jolly feel any sensations at all? If so, what are the sensations? ==
Dr Jolly was having second thoughts about touching the space rock floating in the CMO's office as he edged closer and his curiosity increased.

I don't really know anything about this thing, and I'm going to touch it? What am I thinking?

But with his boyhood curiosity he was getting closer and closer and was about to touch the object, his finger one millimetre from it when his concentration was disturbed...

[Commander Ameen to Sickbay. Vacate the CMO's office immediately and keep a safe distance from the object. I am on my way.]

...and Dr Jolly pulled away from the object in the office.

He stood there for a moment as his memorization with the object faded. Turning, he ordered the computer as he left the rock still floating peacefully.

"Computer, lock Chief Medical Officer's office and only re-open on my express command. Jolly Alpha Alpha Three Nine."

"Entering the main sickbay he asked, have we any more space rock floating in Sickbay? Everyone, start checking for rocks floating in space. Don't touch them. Don't get near them. Just report back to me."

== GM input, please? Obviously, I'm not supposed to touch one of these rocks so my previous requests are null in void. So, are there any more space rocks discovered in Sickbay? ==
"Dr Jolly to Commander Ameen, CMO's office is evacuated and locked," reply Dr Jolly as the medical team began a search for any more floating rocks.
One the way, Ameen had received the CMO's msg that his orders were being carried out. He replied with a simple acknowledgment and thanks. Soon after, he arrived in sickbay.

The Titania's sickbay was significantly larger than the Copernicus. No matter how many times he visited or how much time he had spent in it, he was always a bit impressed. He paused in for a moment and scanned the area around him. His eyes settled on Doctor Jolly.

"Thank you for your quick response Doctor. Until we know more about these rocks and what the interactions with them could do, we are keep everyone away from them. Better safe than sorry, right?" He said as he walked over to him.

"How long ago did it appear here? anything caught your eye? maybe something you, or anyone else may have been doing that caused it to... pop into exitance? Any experiments?" The FO asked.
"How long ago did it appear here? anything caught your eye? maybe something you, or anyone else may have been doing that caused it to... pop into exitance? Any experiments?" The FO asked.

"Well, mate, ('mate' is a respectful Australian colloquialism, use when unsure of a person's name), the sickbay was being prepared for the yellow, other than that it may have been the cuppa tea I was drinking or the chocolate cake I was eating in the CMO office, perhaps?" Dr Jolly by name and jolly by nature, said in his Australian accent, with a cheesy smile. "How long? Well, it appeared just before I set the message to the bridge, so as long as it took the bridge to respond and for you to come to Sickbay, three to five minutes, perhaps? I locked the CMO office and also order everyone to search Sickbay in case there are more of the magical rocks, but none have been reported so far, sir." Jon was not sure how this Command would take to his humour, so he ended with a respectful, 'sir'.
The rock thudded to the deck behind the containment field and would now be visible on normal tricorder scans. It was a plain piece of space debris, made of silicate minerals and trace metals, likely broken off from an asteroid at some point in its history. It looked and seemed on scans to be unremarkable except for the traces of chronitons and this radiation was decaying already.

No other rocks had appeared in sickbay.
"Well, mate]" The CMO responded.

Ah yes, he is Australian... of course...

"The sickbay was being prepared for the yellow, other than that it may have been the cuppa tea I was drinking or the chocolate cake I was eating in the CMO office, perhaps?" Jon continued.

Ameen grinned at the informative yet funny response.

"How long? Well, it appeared just before I set the message to the bridge, so as long as it took the bridge to respond and for you to come to Sickbay, three to five minutes, perhaps? I locked the CMO office and also order everyone to search Sickbay in case there are more of the magical rocks, but none have been reported so far, Sir." The doctor concluded.

"You did well. We have another one of those that appeared in the brig. They were unable to scan it though. I will attempt to do so here as well, just in case we get lucky..." the FO said.

Just as he finished his last word, a loud "thud" can be heard inside the CMO's office. Morad with his tricorder in hand was the first on the scene. He unlocked the office and carefully glanced inside. He could see that the rock was no longer suspended in air.

"Look at that, it looks quite solid to me..." Ameen said. He maintained a safe distance and began to scan the object, now safely kept behind a containment field. "And I am able to scan it now!"

"Ameen to the bridge. I am able to scan the rock in sickbay now..." He tapped his comm-badge and began his report." "It seems like a plain old piece of space debris. The scan shows silicate minerals base and trace of other common metals. It's likely broken off from an asteroid at some point in the past. Nothing else worth noting other than the traces of Chronitons... as we expected. The radiation is already in a state of decay..." The first officer said. "Doctor Jolly, you said no one else reported back to you of any other sightings right?"
..." The first officer said. "Doctor Jolly, you said no one else reported back to you of any other sightings, right?"

"Yes, that is as I understand, I did scan it with a medical tricorder with no results, and I was able to put my figure as close as 2 mills with no effect on me. That's when I got your call and I left and locked the office." Jolly said asking, "Chronitons? That means it could have been dangerous to touch! Hmm!"

== Tag Cdr Ameen ==
The First Officers badge broke out with the deep baritone voice of the new Security Chief [Sothrick to Commander Ameen, Commander, has my security, Commander Said, secured the area? They should be able to trace and create a path.]
"Yes, that is as I understand, I did scan it with a medical tricorder with no results, and I was able to put my figure as close as 2 mills with no effect on me. That's when I got your call and I left and locked the office." Jolly said asking, "Chronitons? That means it could have been dangerous to touch! Hmm!"

"Indeed." Ameen replied. "That is why we asked everyone to back away from them for now..."

[Sothrick to Commander Ameen, Commander, has my security, Commander Said, secured the area? They should be able to trace and create a path.] Came the reply from the bridge.

"Hmm... Please standby Commander. I will verify and get back to you as soon as I have something..." Replied the first officer and then tapped his com-badge.

"Ameen to Nira. I need to see you in Sickbay if you please."

A moment later, with help from the Computer guiding her, Nira was at Sickbay. She reflected that she didn't have the time for a medical checkup before the Titania departed, trying to get to know the Titania as she was, and she had planned to visit Sickbay at the end of her shift for a checkup. Commander Ameen's summons at least enabled for Nira to get to know not just him, but Sickbay.

Nira saw the man in the red shirt and made over to him. She was struck by how good-looking she was, though she had to admit, she was briefly smitten when Sothrick when she first met him, before she knew he was the husband of one of her first great friends. But if anything, Ameen was better-looking than Sothrick and not too intimidating. And she can definitely see the Arabic vibes on him.

In passing, Nira acknowledged the medical officers, including an exceptionally older man, and then she spoke to Commander Ameen.

"Salaam, Commander Ameen," Nira said. "Lieutenant Commander Nira Said reporting to you as ordered."

==Tag Ameen and soft tag to Doctor Jolly in passing==
The Security officer Ameen had summoned arrived in a timely manner. She was shorter than Morad but of an athletic built. Her Persian looks gave her special charm that the first officer found familiar and comforting.

Like a small piece of home...

"Salaam, Commander Ameen," Nira said. "Lieutenant Commander Nira Said reporting to you as ordered."

"Salam Commander Said. It is good to meet you and welcome to the Titania. I am afraid I was on a sick leave earlier and I missed your proper welcome event. But I have read your personnel file and I am very happy to have you with us." He began. "I am sure we will have a lot of time to get to know each other better. For now, I need you to organize a security teams to make sure no crew members interact with these objects or their traces of the path they traveled. The science department has put together a map showing the areas of the ship that we need to evacuate in order to protect the crew."

He offered Nira the PADD that Ra'an had given him, it showed the ship's schematics with the path of the particles. 

"This could be critical to everyone's safety Commander, so do not hesitate to request additional resources if you need them." The First Officer concluded.
Nira nodded in understanding, she knew about sick leave all too well.

"Of course, Commander," she said. "Assuming there's more than the rock here in Sickbay and the one in Security, I'll get right on making sure there's no contact with the rocks."

She took the PADD Commander Ameen handed him. From what she can understand from it, there's traces of chroniton particles in a handful of other different locations. One of them was Security. One was here in Sickbay. The other two are in the cargo bay at Deck Nine and over in the shuttlebay. She looked back up at Commander Ameen as he further mentioned about Science tracing the particles and nodded at his offer at additional resources.

"Will do, Commander," she said. "I'll begin coordinating right away, seeing as Commander Sothrick is at the Bridge currently."

At that moment, she envied the chain of command. She technically reported to Commander Sothrick, but she was finding Commander Ameen somebody more worthwhile to report to. She hadn't seen what Captain Fields was like as of yet, not unless she was on a bridge shift.

She got to work and tapped her comm badge. [Said to all Security Personnel. I need teams at the following locations: Cargo Bay in Deck Nine, shuttlebay, and two officers to the CMO's office, and three additional officers to reinforce Crewman Wade back in the Security Section. A handful of suspect rocks have appeared in those locations and I want you to initiate a soft quarantine around those rocks. Make sure nobody touches them or interacts with them in any way. Check with personnel there if they have already done so while you're there, and if there are, send them to Sickbay, just in case.]

She got replies back instantly. [Ramirez to Said. I'm on my way with Tul and Qal, we're on Deck Nine.] [V'Larinn to Said. On approach to the Shuttlebay with Ellis and Tuud].

==Tag Ameen and GM, soft to Doc Jolly=
Ameen had read in the file that Nira that she had exceptional leadership skill, in fact she had held the department head position "before on a her previous post.

I can see how that is. She took charge of the situation quickly and was cleaver in deploying the resources available to her... 

"Thank you Commander." Ameen said once she was finished with her task. "This rock appear to be inert at this point. I'd like it to be securely transported to the science labs for further analysis, same goes for the rock in the brig. I am not risking using a transporter, so we will do it manually. We will need to maintain containment field throughout the transport operation to insure that we do not contaminate any more areas of the ship."

He then turned to the doctor.

"Any crew members who came in contact with these objects need to be checked by you Doc, those who were working in the locations of it's trails will be reporting to sickbay for their check ups as well. Security will be sending any others who were found at the scene here too." The first officer said as he pulled up the roaster sheet, and sent out a call for these officers to report to sickbay. Replacements were arranged for those working at critical stations. 

An engineering team with anti-grav unit arrived. 

"We are here to transport the rock Sir. when ever you are ready." The crewman reported.

Ameen examined the equipment he had requested and was pleased.

Keir 77 runs a tight department... that's good to see.

"Thank you crewman." He said as he handed a control panel to Nira. " They will operate the anti-grav, I will scan the rock for any particle trace or leaks as we walk. Your job is to maintain the containment field as we make our way to the science labs. Tamam?"

== Tag Doc and Said. ==
"Well, it may be currently inert," Nira replied, turning from her calling in. "Given what it had earlier done, I'd be inclined to keep an eye on it, in case it exhibits any interesting behavior, from simply floating again to anything dangerous.

"And that's a good idea, who knows what it would do if it responds to transporters," Nira added.

[Said to Security personnel,] she added, tapping her comm badge, [make sure you have some gloves to protect your skin; that way, you won't risk contamination when you touch them. You'll need to get them science labs, and you'll need to lift them to do so, that's why I'm instructing you to get gloves. Get them from the replicator if you must, but make sure your skin is protected in case of any chronitons and in case each rock does anything interesting.]

[No sh...er, copy, Commander.] Ramierez replied, cutting off his own sarcastic jab. [Understood, Commander,] replied V'Larinn in his own monotone Vulcan.

[Wade? Are there any personnel that can be spared?] Nira asked, seeing as Wade had not reported in yet.

==Tag Ameen and Sothrick for Wade==
"Actually..." Ameen interjected. "I would strongly advise against anyone attempting to touch these objects, gloves or no gloves. Have them request and Engineering team with anti grave unit to transport it to the Science Labs instead. Those units are equipped with a local tractor beam. It can be modulated to match the frequency of the containment field. It should be able to lift the object and place it on the anti-grav unit without breaking containment if handled properly..."

"Ameen to the bridge" He tabbed his own comm-badge. "Commander Said is leading the effort to evacuate the effected areas of the ship and sickbay is preparing to receive those who were there when the particle trace was detected or anyone who came in contact with the objects. In the mean time, Nira and I are going to move the rock from sickbay to the science labs while maintaining containments Captain. I will keep you updated."
"Crap, you're right," Nira said, when Ameen informed her about no contact of any kind, even with protective gear. She hastily got to her comm badge.

[Said to Security Personnel, belay the touching, leave the rocks alone; await Engineering personnel to bring anti-grav units to take them to the Science Labs. I'll be informing our new Chief Engineer to send the personnel. Said out.]

Then Nira made a new call. [Said to Commander Keir. I request permission for Engineering personnel to assist my Security forces for the following locations: Here in Sickbay, down in the Security section, Deck Nine cargo bay and the shuttlebay. And can you have them bring anti-grav units along, please?]

==Tag Ameen and Keir==
There was a short reply to Commander Said. [Lieutenant Jukish to Commander Said, I have concluded that these rocks are safe for transport. I will have a place in science to receive these rocks, Jukish out.]
After reporting to the bridge. Ameen and Said, with the help of the two engineering crewman, began the quarantine transport procedure. The tractor beam placed the rock on the antigrav transport unit and Said was monitoring the containment field the entire way to the Science labs. Ameen for his part was scanning for any particle trace in their wake.

== GM Input: anything happens during the move? was the move to the science labs successful? ==
The precautions taken with the rock were adequate and they were able to move it to the labs.
<<<Science <<<

Walking into Sickbay was the last thing anywhere he would want to do, normally he would just treat it himself and move on. Now that he was there, the first thing he wanted to do was leave but didn't. Fortunately there wasn't much for anyone to do, and he didn't go un noticed.

"May I help you?" A nurse asked.

Keti shown her the palms of his hands showing her what he hid for the trip there. "I have topical to subdermal tissue damage, this was caused by exposure to subzero temperatures." It wasn't his first time dealing with an injury like this, and chances were it wasn't going to be his last.

Using a dermal regenerater the nurse started to take care of the damage. "I am going to need to report this to the Chief Medical Officer, and we are going to need further tests to be sure. A Doctor will be with you shortly, this should take care of the skin and pain only."

Keti knew that there could be more damage done, also there could be old injuries that could be taken care of. He a.so knew it was a matter of time before the Chief Medical Officer noticed. He was also going to be disappointed that this happened, and the only excuse Keti had was being a little distracted.

==Tag if you like Doctor ==
Nira looked around and noticed Jukish had arrived. She was surprised by what was sustained on the hand. "Holy Allah, did you actually touch the damn rock?!?" she replied in shock, caring not to raise her voice.

Immediately, she had an inkling of deja vu: Her initial dislike, at first, of Arwen Qi, during their mission when she led a team that saved a maintenance crew for a drone cargo ship. A series of mechanical insects were screwing things up and Arwen wanted to study them. Nira, having experienced firsthand how destructive they were, clashed with Arwen on the matter.

Overall, the reflection was that she figured men of science put everything aside in the name of science, even for the welfare and well-being of their colleagues. Nira had gradually forgiven Arwen over time for that. Still, seeing Jukish with his hands, she wondered if Jukish had actually touched the rock out of his scientific curiosity, regardless of safety.

==Tag all in Sickbay==
Looking at Nira he knew that she was concerned. "Yeas I touched that rock, in Hindsight it was remarkably stupid on my part. I knew the super cooled state of the rock, I miscalculated the rate of being heated up. Sort of like how it takes two days to defrost a side of prime rib." Then down to his hands again.

"The first time I attempted a Bridge is probably the new gold standard of horrible, the whole thing was unorganized and just bad but that isn't the full truth. Is it actually normal to have to channel all questions through the Captain, even when its a small question about the layout of the ship?" Seing how it was his first time on a Bridge, he had no way of telling what was normal and not.

There was something he was holding back, but was comfortable enough to tell her about. "I have been distracted lately by something I never seen coming, while I am still alive. Kinto contacted me, our relationship was hostile at the best of times, so you can imagine the worst case scenario. You can imagine my surprise when he gave his blessing to marry his daughter Aja, even talked about grandchildren one day. It's been a long time since anyone referred to me as son, the last time was so long ago the memories are faded."  It was an odd situation that he didn't think would ever happen, but now that it has there were new possibilities to consider.

"Burning my hands like this was a blessing in disguise, it forced me to focus on the problem at hand." In this case it was figuratively speaking and literally. "These rocks are not the problem, we haven't seen who or what weaponized these rocks or for what purpose. There are several areas of the ship if these were to materialize would disable to destroy the ship,  I just can't afford the distraction anymore." There was an old saying about how things are not always as they seem at first, but often reveal themselves later. 

==Tags ==
As the group with was about to leave, Said hang back for a few moments to talk with Lieutenant Keti. Ameen and the other Engineers continued on their way slowly and carefully. Not long after, Said caught up with the group after she finished her conversation with the science officer.

The trip to the science labs was a success, and fortunately all the precautions taken with the rock were adequate and they were able to move it to the labs.

== Take your time to finish your conversation here and join me at the Labs when you are ready Said. ==

>> Next Post: Science Labs. >>
"Just be careful in the future, please, Jukish," Nira said. "And in all fairness, it's best to be on the bridge only when designated by your DH to be put on a station on the bridge. I have, after all, served plenty of bridge shifts in my time."

Seeing that Commander Ameen was departing, Nira looked back at Jukish quickly. "Now, if you'll excuse me," Nira said, and she followed Ameen out of Sickbay.

>>>>Science Labs>>>>
It took a few minutes to take care of both hands, and as the nurse was taking care of them Keti felt the tingle. The tingle came from the circulation returning, and at first it didn't feel to pleasant. Thankfully it didn't get to bad they had to amputate, that would have made things worse.

After it was done Keti got up. "Thank you for the assistance, I have to get back to it." Leaving Sickbay he headed back to Science.

>>>Science >>>
After all the excitement of the last hour with the floating rocks etc., Dr Jolly continued with his normal routine. He was able to enter his office again and he set up monitoring the bridge communication on his computer, so that he was ready for any emergencies should they occur. The rock situation seemed to be under control, although no information was forth coming yet. He also noted that there were two ships involved in the current situation a Ferengi ship and a Nausicaan ship.

That doesn't look good.

Looking through the glass wall of the CMO's office he noted a patient had entered the sickbay and was currently being triaged by Senior Nurse Phyllis Crabkey. Phyllis was an excellent nurse from all observations and Jon had considered her for the position of Head Nurse, but there were several other candidates and he wanted more time to observe them all before making any decisions.

Dr Jolly headed out of the office into the main sickbay to lend a hand.

"Nurse Crabkey, can I be of assistance?" Jon asked with a smile.

"Oh! Dr Jolly, I did notice you. Yes. Engineering Officer Bradford has a dislocated shoulder which will need manipulation," Nurse Crabkey replied.

"Will that hurt, Doc?" Bradford asked

"Oh no." said Dr Jolly, "well maybe a little bit."

Nurse Crabkey, who had a little grin after Dr jolly's reply, prepared the patient for a closed reduction as Dr Jolly explained what he was going to do.

"The most important treatment for a dislocated shoulder is getting your arm back into its socket. This is called a closed reduction or manipulation. During this nonsurgical procedure, I will physically push and pull your body on the outside to set or align your shoulder. It is very simple; I've done these many times. Now I need you to relax your arm as much as you possibly can and let me do all the moving and adjustments."

Dr Jolly moved Bradford arm into the start position for the closed reduction and with a push and a shove, a might wack of the shoulder slipping back into its socket and an absolutely scream of excruciating pain from Bradford, it was done.


"Did I?" Dr Jolly replied in all innocence, "Did I say that, Nurse Crabkey?"

"No, Doctor."

"No mate, these things hurt like buggery. But it will be okay in a little while, as good as new. Nurse Crabkey will put that in a sling for you. You'll need to keep it in the sling for maybe a week and it should be alright. If you have any problems, come back and I will take another look." Jon explained with a checky smile across his face. He turned and gave a wink to Nurse Crabkey as he headed to the CMO's office.

== Just having a bit of fun while I wait. ==

== Aussie Slang translations: ~ "mate" = Australian term for friend or acquaintance. "Bugger, buggery, buggered" = an Australian expression that can mean a lot of things depending on the context. eg "bugger" - a term of frustration when things go wrong, similar to 'OH SH*T' - "Hurts like buggery" - hurts like hell. - "Go to buggery!" - Get lost! Go away! stop telling me sh*t! You can go to hell for all I care. "you're or I'm buggered - Your dead - there is no hope - I'm exhausted - you've been court in the act of doing something wrong or arrested by the police ==

== hope that puts thing into context ==
==Temp NPC Kevin Reynolds==

["Um, Ensign Reynolds to Sickbay," a slightly panicked voice came through the comms. "Medical Emergency in the Cargo Bay. Please?"]

==Tag to Jolly, Emergency situation awaits in the Cargo Bay==
Dr Jolly was relaxing in the CMO's office when his afternoon siesta (which was not in the right time frame for a siesta but...) was disturbed. Such as things were in Sickbay. A medical emergency in Cargo Bay had woken him from his sleeping state.

"On my way" was his only reply.

As he headed out to the Cargo Bay with medical kit in hand he stated, "Nurse Crabkey you're in charge till I get back," and the Sickbay doors swished behind him.

>> Cargo Bay ..
<<< Cargo Bay <<<

Kevin gulped as his skin paled at the suggestion of a bionic hand coming from the doctor himself. "Uh NO! I mean, um, I'd if you think you can save my real hand I think that would be best, don't you, Doctor?" Kevin's arm was starting to hurt extremely bad, sharp pains shooting up through his shoulder, and he couldn't feel his hand at all.

Jolly tapped his comms badge, "Lt Jolly to transporter room 3, internal medical transport for Kevin who is standing beside me, to Sickbay, and please set the filter to extract the chemical composition I'm sending you now, please. Let me know when you're ready."

I was less than a minute with the transporter chief replied, [Transport ready when you are, Lieutenant.]

"Ok. Kevin, I'll see you in Sickbay, when I get there. Transporter room initiate transport."

When Kevin materialized in Sickbay he was positioned on a biobed, and the large meteor was gone along with several layers of skin and flesh on the part of his hand that had been stuck inside of the rock. Kevin still couldn't feel or move anything in his hand, not even his finger and thumb, which were still apparently intact as they were not impacted inside of the rock. Kevin let out a loud scream and instinctively Kevin reached over to grab his left forearm with his good right hand. holding his arm in place even as his left hand fell limp.

"Doctor, doctor," Kevin yelled, "I can't feel my hand!" Kevin yelped still in a stated of panic, the pain still shooting up his arm. "Is it really bad?" He asked before he began muttering to himself in a high pitched voice.

==Since I'm not a real GM, I don't think I have much power to respond to any threats... lol. Here he is, Doc. ==
Now that should not have happened! Dr Jolly thought as he heard Kevin scream in shock.

Jon tapped his comms badge, "Dr Jolly to transporter room was there some malfunction? What happened, Kevin's hand is not restored, it's missing several layers of skin and flesh where the rock was?"

"Doctor, doctor," Kevin yelled, "I can't feel my hand!" Kevin yelped still in a state of panic, the pain still shooting up his arm. "Is it really bad?" he asked before he began muttering to himself in a high-pitched voice.

Jolly ignored Kevin question, nothing he could say would make it better. He also didn't wait for the transport operator's answer. He grabbed a dermal regenerator, adjusted it and began to apply it to the wounded area. hoping that it would restore some of the layers that were missing.

== GM Ra'an Kevin is your character, and this is not crucial to the plot, so you get to determine what happens to your Temp NRC character. I can't. Does Jolly's actions begin to slowly restore Kevins' hand and what does the transporter operator report on the efficacy of the transport? ==
== The dermal generator began to work restoring the subdermal layers of flesh first, a very sensitive and tender area of skin, especially without the protective outer layers. There are also nerves that have been triggered which is causing referred pain up his arm. ==

Kevin was doing his best to hold still, but the pain was extraordinary. He squirmed in the biobed, his knees bending and straightening over and over rapidly, almost like a child trying to avoid a vaccination, causing him to kind of wriggle making the Doctor's job difficult. Kevin's face was twisted in pain, his eyes squeezed shut, though he'd occasionally open one eye to look, then shut it quickly before looking away again.

"Hh-hhow mm-mm-uu-ch l--lllonge-er?" Kevin asked. He was too distracted by the gruesome appearance of his hand and the shooting pains to think about just asking for something to help with the pain.

== Tag, and GM note, an analgesic will help ==
"Hh-hhow mm-mm-uu-ch l--lllonge-er?" Kevin asked. He was too distracted by the gruesome appearance of his hand and the shooting pains to think about just asking for something to help with the pain.

Jolly had already considered a pain killer and had the hypo spray in his hand. "Yes, yes! Kevin, it's coming!" said Jon as he raised his hand with the spray to Kevin's neck. The instrument gave its usual hiss sound. "I'll wait till it takes effect and then I'll continue."

Once the pain had obviously subsided, Dr Jolly continued with the dermal regenerator until the had looked normal. "Ther that looks normal now, It may take awhile for full feeling to return as the nevers sort themselfves out," Jolly stated.

== GM tag, is every thing restored? ==
Kevin put is hand out in front of his face and flexed his fingers in and out making a fist and then releasing, his eyes wide with wonder and relief.

"It tingles, Doc," he responded with a little giggle. "Thanks so much. I had no idea how I was going to explain this one to my mother if you hadn't been able to save my hand."
"It tingles, Doc," he responded with a little giggle. "Thanks so much. I had no idea how I was going to explain this one to my mother if you hadn't been able to save my hand."

"All in a day's work, Kev," Dr Jolly replied.

At that moment a call came in from the Cargo Bay reporting that the injured Ferengi crew had been transported aboard and needed medical assistants.

"Medical team on our way, " replied Dr Jolly, "Sorry Kev, gotta go."

>> Cargo Bay>>

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