AT/D08 - Medical Complex
== The primary sickbay for the USS Artemis is designed to treat large numbers of injured or ill crew members. It consists of three primary wards: Triage/Main Treatment, Pre-Op/Trauma, and Intensive/Primary Surgery. Doors lead to labs (two located within the complex itself), restrooms, offices for the Chief Medical Officer and Head Counselor, a doctor's lounge, and a morgue.

Each ward has nurse stations, with that of the Head Nurse (or primary shift nurse) being located in Pre-Op/Trauma. These stations consist of a desk and computer terminal, with storage drawers and cabinets located above and to the sides. Larger storage lockers are located throughout the complex, as well as lockers for medication. Biobeds line the walls with sensor clusters above, allowing for the diagnosis and treatment of several injured simultaneously. Each ward has its own dedicated replicator used to produce materials as needed.

The main entrance to the Medical Complex leads to Reception, where a triage nurse is stationed at all times. New patients are assigned beds and appropriate medical personnel are notified. In Triage patients are diagnosed, treated, or transferred to Trauma or Surgery as needed.

In addition to its normal biobeds the Trauma Ward has four Isolation Bays where patients who are contaminated can be treated. These can be sealed with force fields set to various levels to screen out toxins, radiation, or disease. Dangerous individuals can also receive treatment in these bays with a minimum of risk for other patients and staff.

The Main Diagnostic Biobed (MDB) is located in the center of Intensive Care/Primary Surgery. It has a suite of powerful sensors and other tools to allow doctors to diagnose especially difficult cases. Eight intensive care biobeds surround the MDB, and two Surgical Bays are available as needed.

The Artemis Medical Complex is equipped with an Emergency Medical Hologram (EMH) to assist in times of emergency. Emitters are located throughout the Sickbay.

The Doctor's Lounge has numerous comfortable chairs, and a main table in the center. A replicator is available for food and drink, along with a notoriously old and cranky coffee machine. There are several ferns located in the corners, a viewscreen, and an on-call room available for doctors to rest.

Recovery rooms, storage, and break rooms for nursing staff and orderlies are located nearby. There are two smaller sickbays located elsewhere in the ship, mostly used for treatment of minor injuries and non-critical medical procedures.

All areas have the ability to use forcefields and holoprojectors for both containment, restful scenery, or even provide the assistance of an Emergency Medi
cal Hologram. ==
== Reposting ==
== After the Party ==

Robin had found plenty to grumble about lately, but her decision to go to Earth for a couple weeks had improved her mood. She had a few things to take care of before shore leave began, and this was one of the more pleasant of them. She sat in her office after doing rounds. Her new Sickbay crew seemed to be settling in aside from a few of the usual ego-driven conflicts. Doctors were doctors, after all. She'd had to put Ensign Shallioth in his place yesterday over his showing up late to his shifts, and the Saurian hadn't taken it well. She'd probably been heard through the bulkheads.

Who knew I could yell like that?

It was late in the day and her shift was almost over, and the shuttle left early tomorrow, so she wanted to get back to her quarters and get some serious shut eye. The CMO sat back in her seat and tapped her combadge.

"Mayfair to Sydesh. Doctor, would you please report to my office?"

Beka and Robin had a bit of a code. Whenever they were engaged in official Sickbay business they used titles and ranks, despite being best friends. Robin had to be careful to not show favoritism. Beka had enough to deal with without other doctors thinking she was getting preferential treatment.

It wasn't that; Beka was one of the last of the 'old guard' (if such a term could be used for someone so young), the last doctor remaining besides Sonaalk from the earlier missions of the Artemis. But she'd earned the promotion she was about to get, and the official title she was about to receive as well. Robin had, of course, approached Lieutenant Sonaalk and made the offer, but more out a sense of obligation than with any expectation he would take the job. Truth was the Vulcan cardiologist could have taken Robin's job as CMO any time he wanted, but he had no interest at all. He was content just be a doctor and wanted no further responsibilities.

== Tag Beka ==
== Afterparty Timeline ==

Beka was huddled in the corner of the doctor’s lounge, cradling a coffee. The demands of running Sickbay whilst Robin was away had been intense and the redhead had struggled at times. The CMO was an accomplished diplomat and fantastic at soothing damaged egos. Sydesh… wasn’t. She was a highly skilled surgeon with a well-earned reputation for what she could do with a laser scalpel in her hand. She was also notoriously fiery and strong-willed, and neither of those qualities were a great look in a leader.

There hadn’t been any major incidents and publicly at least, things seemed to have gone to plan. But it had all taken a real toll, especially given how much pain Beka had been in the entire time thanks to her spinal injury.

I’m just so glad Robin’s back. I don’t have to spend my entire day burying my personality any more. I don’t know how she does it, keep people in line so effortlessly. Everyone wanted to pick a fight with me and all I wanted to do was pick one back. But I couldn’t. I had to repay that faith she showed in me by not being a massive bitch. No matter how much some people deserved it.

The restorative surgery had given Beka a new lease of life, and she’d already been back in the gym gleefully exhausting herself in the name of getting her fitness back. She was also enjoying time out of the spotlight.

[Mayfair to Sydesh. Doctor, would you please report to my office?]

Ah. Business time.

Beka knew the code and dragged herself to her feet. It wasn’t often that Robin was formal but when she was, that meant something. Even though the two medics were extremely close friends, the redhead was still slightly nervous about this meeting. She half suspected it was to go over the things the CMO had found out about in her absence.

I don’t remember doing anything too bad. A memory surfaced and she winced. OK, except where I told that Tactical guy that the only reason I wasn’t going to call him a c*** was because he lacked the depth and the warmth. But that was the only one!

Still clutching her extra strength raktajino, Sydesh picked her way through the Medical Complex and knocked on the CMO’s office door. Taking a quick look around to make sure there was no-one around, she leant in.

“You rang?” she intoned, her voice deadpan, before she cracked a smile.
Robin sat at her desk as the bell rang. Beka was prompt. For moments the nurse had considered making a play of it and pretending to be stern, but had dismissed the idea immediately. Her best friend would have seen though it immediately, and the Augment was no actor. "Come in," she called to the door, which slid open immediately.

“You rang?” she intoned, her voice deadpan, before she cracked a smile.

Suppressing most (but not all) of her smile, Robin motioned to the chair in front of her desk. "I did indeed. Have a seat, Doctor Sydesh." She waited a moment for her friend to sit, and then continued. "So I've been looking over the Sickbay records. Everything ran smoothly." She laughed. "And you didn't even airlock anyone. That's good. We're short-handed, after all."

She paused. "I can't say I was worried, because I wasn't, but we've got a Sickbay full of untested and mostly green medics. You kept things running smoothly. There's a complaint from Security Ensign Steyn saying that he was extremely displeased with your attitude, which I'm given to dismiss because he's a major pain. Last time I treated him he started hitting on me. That's pretty much it. Soooo, without further ado..."

She reached into her desk and took out a small black box. "Second Lieutenant Beka Sydesh, it's my privilege to promote you to the rank of full Lieutenant." She handed Beka the item that contained her second well-earned gold pip. "And not only that. It's high time you officially became the official Chief Doctor on this ship. You've shown real leadership qualities, and I need someone who I can trust making decisions on the floor... especially in a crisis. I've seen you do it plenty of times. I can't be everywhere at once when things are blowing up." The nurse considered for a moment. "But I also need someone who can bust heads as well. I try to be as friendly and supportive as I can to keep everyone's egos from being bruised, but there's a time and place for that. One thing I admire you for is that you don't care what anyone thinks about you."

The CMO paused. "But that's up to you. I know you've mostly recovered, but mostly doesn't mean all. And I know you well enough to be able to tell when you're stressed. You don't have to take the title if you don't want to. The pip is yours regardless. I'll still be CMO so I can take a lot of the weight off you, because ultimately the buck stops with me. But there's no one I'd trust more to have my back."

== Tag Beka ==
Taking the offered seat, Beka took in Robin’s mood and was relieved to see that she wasn’t in any trouble. She laughed along with the jokes, and took the praise with a nod and appreciative smile.

I guess it all went better than I thought it did!

But when the small black box appeared, the redhead was suddenly quiet.

"Second Lieutenant Beka Sydesh, it's my privilege to promote you to the rank of full Lieutenant."

Beka took the box and held it in her hands for a moment, and then as Robin carried on speaking she flipped it open.

OK. Did not see that coming… And Chief Doctor? Did the Cardassians hit her over the head or something?

“You don't have to take the title if you don't want to. The pip is yours regardless. I'll still be CMO so I can take a lot of the weight off you, because ultimately the buck stops with me. But there's no one I'd trust more to have my back," the CMO finished.

“Thank you, truly. And I mean, good job you don’t want this back, because it’s definitely mine now and I don’t want you taking the chance to change your mind.” Sydesh grinned as she switched the pips at her collar, the black box disappearing into a pocket.

She was silent for a moment.

“But I do want you to be very sure about the offer you’re making,” Beka said eventually. “Because I’m going to take it. I’m just… I’m not convinced I should? I know I’m good under pressure. It’s probably an emergency specialist thing. The more pressure I’m under, the busier Sickbay is, the higher the stress levels, the more alive I feel. Like, I wasn’t worried about whether or not I could cover for you, because even pressure I put on myself counts.”

There was a smile on her lips. 

“But it’s when all that’s off that I’m a problem. It feels like half the crew is still whistling at me. I made Ghost Rider synonymous with being publicly dumped. Shall we go through the long list of senior officers that think I’m a liability? Even the one who dragged me off a hostile space station had some choice names.”

She shrugged.

“None of that is going to slow me down. I am who I am, and there’s not a lot I can do about it now. They’ve been holding that stupid bomber jacket over my head for so long it’s just funny at this point. But I don’t want it reflecting badly on you. I will try to be better, I really will. Holding high office is a pressure all of its own. I’m just worried I won’t be able to wear it anywhere near as well as you do.”

Beka’s concern was genuine. She had nothing but respect for how easy Robin had made the transition to CMO look, and she really didn’t want to be the cause of any problems.

“Hopefully I get a little leeway for being your handy attack dog,” the redhead joked. “Because yeah, people do occasionally need a good hard kick where it hurts. But I will screw up sometimes. We both know that, and I’ve been so grateful that you’ve had my back. I just… I know this sounds bad, but I just need to know you’ve thought about what happens when I’m Beka Sydesh at the wrong time.”

She lapsed into silence, hoping silently that she hadn’t just talked her way out of the promotion that she would be grabbing with both hands if given the chance.
As Beka took the pip and attached it to her collar she expressed her concerns about screwing up; not as a medic, but as an officer. About offending someone, about shooting her mouth off at the wrong time, and even about embarrassing her department head. Robin was sympathetic and wasn't a bit surprised at her worries.

"All I ask is that you try, Beka," the nurse giving her friend a soft smile. "I'm not particularly worried about it. I expect you'll offend some people, but that's their problem... and if it becomes my problem then I'll handle it. As Chief Medical Officer that's my job. You have a tendency towards social faux pas, yeah, but that's at most a minor issue. Remember, I've been there for a few of those." She laughed lightly.

"And to be a bit mercenary about it, that 'under pressure' Beka is exactly what I need. Because that's the job. That's what Sickbay is on this ship." She paused. "Almost no one on the Artemis at the doctor or nurse level has combat experience. You, me, Östberg, Sonaalk, Ito, Nalar, a few others. The rest are as green as an Irish summer. I've seen you run a surgical team like you were a symphony conductor and save lives in the process. And I've seen you put higher-ranking officers in their places when they weren't doing their jobs. You could be the most offensive jerk in the history of Starfleet and I'd still have offered you the position."

An unpleasant memory flashed bright green through the Augment's mind, vivid and sharp and perfectly detailed. Sickbay holed by a Borg plasma blast, doctors and nurses and patients instantly incinerated. It had been Robin's first battle, her cadet cruise, and she'd found herself the only officer in the area. The CMO was cut off, there was panic, and she'd done her job and even kept things running despite being hurt by flying equipment. Her hand involuntarily went to the small scar on her forehead, something she purposefully hadn't had regenerated after the battle.

"Everyone screws up, Beka. Everyone says things they regret, or lashes out under pressure. I mean, I got my head bitten off by Tyra Crawford back on the Callisto because I gave her exactly what she'd said she wanted and sedated prisoners." Robin felt no need to tell Beka why she'd done so, though... because executing the Cardassians had been put on the table by Calleja, and there had been no way in hell Robin was going to accede to that. "The Captain had been under unbelievable pressure and was snapping at people left and right, and I chalked it up to that." Not that Robin thought Tyra regretted it; she had a reputation for it. But it was understandable, at least.

She gave another slight laugh. "I'm CMO. It's my job to keep this circus running and to keep a bunch of highly-educated, egotistical monkeys performing. But I can't do it alone, and I need a second-in-command I can trust. I've got exactly three doctors that I can count on in a crisis, that I know won't crack under pressure. Sonaalk, Östberg, and you. Sonaalk doesn't want the job, Östberg hasn't earned it... but you have. And I stand by my decision. The position is yours, Lieutenant."

== Tag ==
There was definitely a faint touch of crimson around Beka’s stubbornly pale features as Robin spoke. The CMO really had thought a lot about this, and she clearly thought a lot of the redhead.

I’m so glad I haven’t managed to burn this bridge yet. Not that I ever want to! But to still have Robin in my corner, even given all the cleaning up after me… Yeah. That’s a big relief.

Truth be told, Beka still had the utmost confidence in her own abilities as a doctor. Since she’d arrived on Artemis, nobody had logged more surgical hours than she had, and there was a wide gap between her and second place. Not everything had been as crucial and life-saving as some of her interventions on the Talaxian asteroid but she had proven she had the skills with a laser scalpel. The rest was still a work in progress, although her time covering for Robin had at least shown she could command the public respect of enough of Sickbay to keep things going.

“The position is yours, Lieutenant."

“And it is gratefully accepted, Lieutenant Commander.” Sydesh nodded her head, and grinned. “Congrats on the promotion, by the way. About damn time!”

The grin widened a second.

“So how is your transformation into Crawford going?” Beka asked with a grin. “You already had the accent down pat. And now you’re definitely starting to talk like her. Circus and monkeys? Is your next trick to break out the whiskey and start scaring Midshipmen with surprise kids?”
“And it is gratefully accepted, Lieutenant Commander. Congrats on the promotion, by the way. About damn time!”

"Thanks. Things grind pretty slowly in Starfleet sometimes."

Beka's grin widened.

“So how is your transformation into Crawford going? You already had the accent down pat. And now you’re definitely starting to talk like her. Circus and monkeys? Is your next trick to break out the whiskey and start scaring Midshipmen with surprise kids?”

Robin laughed. "God forbid. Truth is I only applied for the promotion to have something other than a title to hang over the heads of any doctors who start gettin' too big for their britches. Department heads on a ship like this don't get respect unless they have the rank to back it up. And I'm pretty sure I can't do the whole 'intimidation' thing like Tyra Crawford. Ever."

She took a sip from the water bottle on her desk. "But y'know what? I think I'm starting to see where she was coming from. Dealing with it does start to make you cynical, and that's not even getting into the missions we've had recently."

== Tag ==
"But y'know what? I think I'm starting to see where she was coming from. Dealing with it does start to make you cynical, and that's not even getting into the missions we've had recently.”

“Ain’t that the truth,” Beka replied, settling into the chair. “I remember when I came here, I was so hell-bent on trying to make a run at CMO. But the longer I’ve been here, the more I understand why the job has burned out so many people. There’s so much going on under the surface. It’s taken a mind like yours to get it all under control. I’m just happy to do my bit keeping you going. And maybe that involves a few of the conversations in dark corners that you can’t be seen to have, so that you don’t have to let that cynicism show just yet.”

There was a good-natured smile on Sydesh’s lips. She and Robin had a good thing going. They were very different people but their strengths complemented each other, and Beka was genuinely happy to see her friend doing so well and climbing the ladder.

“So what do you make of all this noise about our last mission?” the redhead asked. “I know it doesn’t really affect us down here too much. But there’s so much talk of JAG inquiries, and there’s a captain going round asking questions like they’re doing some kind of investigation. I’ve seen her a few times with members of the crew. I’m not as close with Crawford as some of you but I’d hate to see anything happen to her. Or anyone else just because they were senior at the time.”

Beka hadn’t been a part of the last away mission so all she knew was hearsay. But she did know that the consequences had been very real, and so were her concerns for those in senior positions on the crew.
Beka was definitely much more relaxed. “I remember when I came here, I was so hell-bent on trying to make a run at CMO. But the longer I’ve been here, the more I understand why the job has burned out so many people. There’s so much going on under the surface. It’s taken a mind like yours to get it all under control. I’m just happy to do my bit keeping you going. And maybe that involves a few of the conversations in dark corners that you can’t be seen to have, so that you don’t have to let that cynicism show just yet.”

"Thanks," Robin replied. "And yeah, that's kind of what I was thinking too. If you need to have those conversations, then what I don't know won't hurt me." Robin grinned. The two had been friends long enough for Beka to understand anything left unstated. Truth was there was almost nothing going on in the Artemis Sickbays that the CMO didn't know about. She just chose to pretend she didn't know. As long as her staff showed up, did their jobs professionally, and didn't screw up or break the law then it was best to let people be. Besides, knowing about them meant she could rein in anything that might become a problem. And for those occasions, well, Beka had the force of will and (now) full authority to step in as well.

“So what do you make of all this noise about our last mission?” the redhead asked. “I know it doesn’t really affect us down here too much. But there’s so much talk of JAG inquiries, and there’s a captain going round asking questions like they’re doing some kind of investigation. I’ve seen her a few times with members of the crew. I’m not as close with Crawford as some of you but I’d hate to see anything happen to her. Or anyone else just because they were senior at the time.”

"Nobody's talked to me. Yet. Which is kinda odd. the whole thing ticks me off. Starfleet gives us an impossible mission, off the books, as part of a major push to drive out the Cardassians... then hangs us out to dry. Elias and Crawford especially. I'm not a paranoid person but I've come to the conclusion that someone in the brass wants Tyra Crawford's scalp, at the very least. They're cutting away pieces of the crew, one by one. Bloody politics."

She shook her head. "Yeah, I'm worried. For her, for me, for all of us. If not for Crawford I'd probably be scrubbing bedpans as an Ensign on Deep Space 12. I haven't seen any sign that my head's on the chopping block, but I know there are eyes on me... and if I screw up then my days will be numbered. I doubt that they'd let an Augment stay on as CMO, especially a nurse."

The nurse sighed. "It is what it is. Whatever happens we'll manage. We always do." Robin hoped her voice sounded more confident than she felt. She doubted it.

== Tag ==
== Launch Day ==

The Chief Medical Officer set her coffee down on her desk and contemplated getting another one. This one was cold anyway. After a few moments she decided against it. It was a crutch, and while the caffeine was helpful too much would give her the jitters. A terminal beeped.

07:00. Time to address the troops.

Robin got up and headed out. She felt OK after getting some sleep after last night's bizarre briefing, which surprised the nurse quite a bit. She'd worried she was just going to toss and turn, but she'd been out as soon as her purple-haired head hit the pillow. Exhaustion really was the best sleep aid in existence. Too many long shifts began to wear at a person, but she felt like she had to make sure everyone in her staff was doing their jobs well.

It was time for her to put on her best brave "I'm a leader" face, whether she felt it or not. When she'd sat down at her desk there had already been three messages from her staff about Coleman's arrest. News traveled fast on this ship. It was likely that several crew members had seen Coleman being led away as the security team had headed off the ship. And they'd told someone, who had told someone else, and so on.

The nurse headed out of Sickbay to the Deck 7 recreation room that she'd appropriated for the meeting. Medical was one of the largest departments on the ship and was scattered across three sickbays, one large main and two smaller ones. There was just nowhere in the Medical Complex to accommodate everyone. Besides a couple of medics remaining behind in case any of the crew needed help, everyone from all shifts was here or was entering. The recreation room was packed, but at least it wasn't standing room only. A few doctors and nurses greeted her as she entered and walked to the small stage at the front of the room.

Showtime. I feel like I should open with a joke, or sing something.

Instead she just held up a hand and waited a moment for the noise to die down, which it did. Eventually.

"Thanks for coming, everyone. I'll keep this brief so those of you on other shifts can get out of here. I've prepared a mission briefing in your mail file that will go over where the Artemis is headed and why. No need for me to repeat it, other than to say it's a fairly routine monitoring mission. We will be near Cardassian space, so be aware that we could see battle. I'm not saying it's likely, but this is the Artemis. So expect the unexpected, as the old cliche goes. Those of you who haven't completed your safety drill updates get with Lieutenant Ramier and make sure you get them done in the next two days. No excuses, OK? We're not busy right now."

She paused.

"Shift changes have been made and will go into effect next week. I've tried to accommodate everyone as best I can, but that's not always possible. We're short-handed and it's just the way it is. If you absolutely can't deal with a change then get with either me or Doctor Sydesh. But this is a Starfleet vessel, and not everyone gets to work Alpha shift, so try your best to deal with it. Graveyard shifts are just part of life. I'm going to rotate people every few months so everyone gets the fun experience of being on duty at 0300."

That got a few polite laughs along with some grumbling. Robin didn't have any pity for those who didn't want to work late. She'd done so numerous times, taken countless graveyard shifts. Not only was it part of the deal with serving on a ship, she needed her largely green staff to be ready for sustained emergency treatment. In short, they needed to be toughened up so that when a crisis hit they weren't exhausted. After the Borg Megasphere battle the young Augment spent over a week with barely any sleep, and her genetic enhancements didn't include any ability to go without it. If anything she needed slightly more sleep than an unenhanced human to give her brain time to organize and rest.

"OK, addressing that giant elephant over there... yes, our First Officer, Commander Coleman, has been arrested. The rumors are correct. While I can say that the charges are serious I can't go into detail. So don't ask. I really don't have much more information than anyone else, and what I do know I can't say. The Captain will address us all soon enough, I expect. And I can confirm the other rumor. Captain Crawford has returned and will be commanding the Artemis."

Robin sighed as the medical staff mumbled before raising her hand again. She really did want that cup of coffee. It wasn't a lack of sleep, it wasn't her team, it was just that she was getting so tired of chaos. Captains being swapped, the First Officer and the Chief Engineer under arrest. Someone above was playing a chess game, and Robin couldn't see the board. She resented that even as she worried that someone was going to take her out next. If she screwed up there were those who would love nothing more than to kick the upstart Augment back down to her 'place,' a low-ranking nurse.

"Look, I know many of you are fresh out of the Academy or not much removed from it. This must seem chaotic to you, and it is. It'll get sorted out. Whatever happens we have a job to do. The crew needs us to provide care for them regardless of who is sitting in the big chair on Deck 1. You all know your jobs. Do them, and do them well. If you have a problem then don't hesitate to ask for help. Are there any questions?"

There were. Quite a few, but thankfully only a few probing for more information about the situation with the Crawford, Coleman, and Elias. Robin brushed them off and, after the third one, repeated that she couldn't and wouldn't say more. Her tone of voice ended that line of questions.

"All right. Make sure you're keeping up with your internal messages. It's time for this ship to finally get back out there and do what it was built to do. Dismissed."

The medical staff began wandering out, those who were on-duty for the morning back to their sickbays. Doctor Sonaalk, the Vulcan cardiologist, approached Robin. He was the most senior medical officer aboard, with more experience than anyone else on her staff... and more time in Starfleet than almost anyone on the ship.

"Commander Mayfair? A word?" Robin nodded. "Are you well? In recent days you have been showing signs of stress and fatigue."

"I... guess?" She knew how that sounded. "I do know I've been pushing myself. My vacation helped, but I'm right back into the meatgrinder again." The Vulcan probably found that term distasteful, but Robin was raised on a ranch. When she'd had a burger on her home colony it hadn't come from a replicator.

"There is no need, Commander. You have staff for this, and while most are inexperienced they are perfectly capable of operating without someone hovering over them. Delegate. It will give them experience in the organizational and management part of the job. Your enhancements may make you efficient at such tasks, but you are still human."

Robin blinked. He was absolutely right, and she hadn't seen it. In a way she realized she was behaving exactly like her green staff. She was as inexperienced at command as her staff was at being doctors and nurses. The Augment had been falling into the trap of micromanaging, merely because she could do so.

"You're right, Doctor. Absolutely right. I can't believe I didn't see it."

"Give yourself more time off. Let your staff breathe. Sydesh and Östberg have both shown leadership abilities, even if they have rather... forceful personalities. And when you are on duty spend more time as a nurse. Treat injuries and provide care. I believe you are someone who finds the most fulfillment in life caring for others. Am I correct?"

"You are, Doctor. You're a very wise man."

He shrugged, a rather human gesture. "It is simply logical."

And it was.
Robin took the PADD from Dr. Wittell and pressed her thumb to the screen, authorizing the procedure. Elective surgeries always required the approval of the CMO or Head Doctor, and this one was pretty much the definition of 'elective.' A nose job on Midshipman Martanis. She had mixed feelings about the procedure, feeling that the young officer was fine the way she was, but after consulting with the ship's Chief Counselor she'd decided to authorize it. Martanis had apparently always been self-conscious about her rather large nose, and the purple-haired Augment at least understood.

Besides, it would at least give Dr. Wittell something to do. He'd been complaining that he was getting tired of routine treatments. Things had been quiet lately, though the nurse couldn't shake the feeling that it was going to get exciting soon. Wittell gave a too polite "Thanks, Sir," and headed off. The young doctor still had the entitled air of a recent top graduate who resented being at the bottom of the pile now. He hadn't given Robin any reason to bit his head off, but there was still the attitude there just below the surface. he liked giving order; he hated taking them.

With that the nurse had one more duty to perform. She prided herself on making sure her department was running efficiently and didn't intend to wait for the Bridge to request their status. She tapped her combadge.

"Sickbay to Bridge. This is the Chief Medical Officer. Reporting ready for departure."

Let's get back out there.

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