AQ/D12 - Main Sickbay
Listening to the conversation between Kurasa and the Gul, Beno had a partial smile. Velau,l has had a few dealings with them in the past, and all of them were pretty much like this. Cardassiqns always tell the truth, it's just mixed in with a ton of lies. The fun was to pick out what the lies from the truth, the lies have always been entertaining. A couple of the past hosts would describe lies as simply part of their culture, everyone does it with the best ones that go into politics. If they spent time in a mystery novels written by Cardassiqns, they would realize everyone was guilty of something. The fun was figuring out what they were guilty of, it was just their style.

Getting up Beno went to Kurasa. "Commander I would have been shocked if he did believe you, Cardassians get lied to so often they expect it everywhere." If they were to tell him the fable of the boy who cried wolf, they would believe the moral of this tale was never tell the same lie twice. 

"The Legate is going to wonder why one of his ships was in the natural zone, he will believe the truth." With everything that she seen, it was plausible they didn't intend to be there.

==Tag and GM input please ==
The pain continued taunting Jez, she was battling the pain the best she could. She knew that she had to be strong, that she could beat this. She could feel herself falling deeper into her mental stronghold.

~ Oh listen, the cavalry's here to rescue you my dear, But I don’t give up that easily.  Go away, you can not break my walls. I am half Betazoid, half Vulcan. My telepathic abilities are stronger than you. GO AWAY…..!!! Oh foolish Jez, we both have our jobs that we must do. Half Betazoid, Half Vulcan, please I’ve waylaid Klingons, Nausicaans, Romulans, Gorn, and even the Borg. All must bow to Pain. NO, NO, NO, GO AWAY, leave me alone you will not batter down my walls!!!  ~

== NPC- Surgical Tech V’Saral an Aenar Male. ==

V’ Saral kept reassuring Jez that she would be fine.

~ Help is here, just hold on a little longer.

"Ensign I appreciate that you have concerns about your injuries but I can assure you as the most experienced Surgeon aboard; I can not only prevent any complications but you should also expect to be back on active duties after only a few days. Star Fleet's surgical techniques are capable of some amazing feats, and while Surgical Technician V'Saral is an excellent technician, he is not a surgeon." Said Doctor O’Shea.

V’Saral wasn’t sure if Doctor O'Shea was aware of the battle going on in Jez’s paracortex. The pain had been taunting her and enjoying the perverse pleasure of seeing her in agony.

“Excuse me Doctor O’Shea, our young Friend can’t hear you. She is fighting a battle with pain deep inside her paracortex. She is building a mental wall against the pain. It’s a technique common among Betazoids.” 

~ Jez don’t worry help is here you have Doctor O’Shea here, she is the best. She will take very good care of you. All your friends are here Cindy Me, Doctor O’Shea, feel our life energies, feel their healing frequencies. Don’t let the pain win. You are strong ~

“ Doctor O’Shea, I think she is ready now. May I observe? I’m considering taking a few medical classes to be more beneficial to the Medical Staff besides running tests and setting up equipment.” Said V’Saral, his tone curious and hopeful.

== Tag Doctor O'Shea & All. ==
==NPC Raymond Reddington Medic ==

Taking care of Triage was a difficult task at this time so he broken it down into simple categories, priority one through can wait. The next important step was to organize the dead, they could pose a health issue to the living. If there were going to be autopsies done they would have to wait anyway, but it was doubtful any would be done. The Chief Medical Officer being down with a head injury made things a little more difficult, but fortunately Troy was there.

Walking up to Doctor Troy Raymond needed her attention. "Pardon me Doctor Troy." He said and waited for her to answer. "I wouldn't use resources to bring back our Chief Engineer, he is in the can wait group. We have a group of people who can't, I will organize out here and Doctor O'Shea can organize the O.R." He knew it would take a while for her to get on her feet again. He looked at Doctor Lim, and she was displaying symptoms of a bad concussion. His abilities were enough to treat a diverse amount of injuries or stabilize them until they can see a surgeon. Between her and O'Shea they had everything covered, both were talented Doctors.

==Tag Dr. Troy==
Captain Brooks voice came back over the COS commbadge

[Brooks to Kurasa, yes we will patch it down to you know and inform Gul Nassett that I will be down myself to see him shortly. Brooks out.] he closed the channel.

It was a matter of minutes when the COS request came through.

== T'Kol's voice came through right behind the Captains==

[T'Kol to Commander Kurasa, that video should be coming through to your PADD now.]
Julia could tell this isn't going the way she expected to go, so she has to figure something out. Troy knew that she has to make sure that the CMO can take control of sickbay again. She knew that the CMO will not be happy with this person at all.

"PO2 Reddington what would the CMO think if she was to be put on the waiting list. You know that she'll ask why Dr O'Shea is over the or instead of being in cargo bay 2 where the dog shift is waiting for her there. Plus she'll be asking why one of the members of the away team left the sickbay without being cleared to leave. Also why she had to wait till certain things were taken care of. Once I get her back on her feet you can answer to her while I can go relax that way I won't jeopardize these three, and I've went over my limit working while being in my condition. Dr. O'Shea after your done with the ensign you need to go to cargo bay 2 where the dog shift is waiting for you. The CMO sent out an order for you to be in cargo bay 2."

Troy needed to go back to taking care of the CMO so she can get off of her feet. Julia knew that carrying triplets isn't easy right now and she didn't want to be put on bed rest till they are born. She is already starting to get stressed out and didn't want to laying him flat by using any combat moves on him.

She needs to get to an area so she can unstress from what is going on in sickbay. Julia was trying to stay calm throughout all of this, and yet the PO2 was trying to change what she is doing.

Watching the orderly take Ensign Mala into surgery she hand waved the overly anxious surgical tech to gown up, adding.
"Please remain quiet during surgery and protocol requires that a surgeon be the first person to brief her in post. I respect your desire to learn but protocol MUST be followed, do you understand Mr. V'Saral?"

Walking away, while getting herself mentally ready for the surgery Aanil tapped her comm badge. "Lieutenant Dr. O'Shea for Commander Lim. Just completed reading through the report on your injuries, and I am clearing you for active duty forthwith.

I am headed to surgery to patch up Ensign Mala; Please inform Dr. Langston that I will be down to relieve him once I finish surgery, O'Shea out"

==Surgical suite=

One hour later

The surgery for the Ensign's injuries while not routine, was, thanks to hundreds of similar procedures, performed by the hands of the veteran surgeon, was declared a complete success.
Touching base with the Vulcan surgical assistant Aanil was confident in the Ensign's report that the toxic presence in Ensign Mala's mind was a product of the injuries and pain and would not reoccur. "Yes Dr O'Shea. The ensign's mind was manifesting a placebo to deal with the pain, but in concert with your successful procedure I am pleased to say that she has progressed beyond that and I will pass this on to the CMO when I see her in post op."

Aanil nodded in respect and headed for the showers readying herself for the cargo bay duty.

==Tag O'Shea and Mala==
Jez could feel the energies of those around her helping to strengthen her mental shields. It was as if she received a jolt of strength, The pain seemed to lessen.

~ I’m here Jez, I’m not defeated that easily. My friends and shipmates are here to help me, I fear nothing, Ih brave words little Jez, but I will win in the end, Don’t count on it.~

Jez was feeling like she could get up and walk away, she wasn’t going to let the pain get the best of her.

== NPC- Surgical Tech V”Saral an Andorian Male. ==

"Please remain quiet during surgery and protocol requires that a surgeon be the first person to brief her in post. I respect your desire to learn but protocol MUST be followed, do you understand Mr. V'Saral?" Instructed Dr. O”Shea.

“Yes Doctor. “ Replied V’Saral.

V’Saral followed the Doctor into the Surgical theater. He stood watching Doctor O’Shea work was like watching a Conductor performing a symphony. Doctor O’She was a true artist. She had such skill and talent it was captivating to watch.

He looked at the piece of metal that Doctor O’Shea removed, it was very sinister Once removed it looked much bigger . V’Saral understood why Jez was in so much pain. He could only imagine what happened to her over there.

Once Doctor O’Shea had finished V’Saral looked at Jez, and what he had witnessed had helped him greatly in deciding that he wanted to become a Doctor himself.

“Thank You, Doctor O’Shea. That was most enlightening.”

Jez was starting to come around. She felt only the most mildests discomfort, but she assumed that it would pass in a few days. She was so happy.

As Doctor O’Shea was leaving Jez thanked the Doctor and most importantly she thanked V’Saral.

== Tag All. ==
==NPC Raymond Reddington ==

Listening to her concerns Red was kee0ing things as calm as possible, no one wanted additional stress. This included her and the pregnancy, it also included changes in emotions. "Doctor." He said in a pleasant voice. "That's how triage works, assigning levels of priority. The ones who can't talk and bleed the most that get priority, Dr. Lim on the other hand has a soft tissue injury that requires constant supervision. When the swelling goes down we can get a better idea of her injuries." When the swelling goes down it will give them a better idea or what they are looking at, any treatments given will take time to heal. The more they do the longer it takes to heal, right now they don't have an idea how long she will be down for.

"Right now Dr. Lim would be happy that Sickbay is being run smoothly, lives are being preserved. As for people leaving Sickbay without being cleared they can come back later if they feel the need to. Right now we don't have time or resources to chase them down.

"Right now Dr. Lim requires your attention while you require time off your feet, I will handle traffic while Dr. O'Shea handles everything that I can't." Sickbay operations were going smoothly and Dr. Lim would be proud.

== Tag Doctor ==
>> Cargo Bay 1 >>

==Temp NRC Dr Langston 2IC Sickbay ==
== This post is with the permission of Dr O'Shea's player==

Dr Harry Langston entered the Main Sickbay to find it busy and full of staff, injured and those waiting for or who had surgery recuperating in post op. Looking around the first person he noticed was Dr O'Shea moving away from a patient, Lt Mala, who was with another medical team member Surgical Tech V”Saral.

Harry caught up with Aanil O'Shea as she was moving across the Sickbay.

"Dr O'Shea, Aanil, where is Dr Lim? Is she in surgery?"

"Hello Harry, Dr Lim is there," Aanil replied pointing in the direction of a group of three, Nurse Reddington, Dr Troy, and a patient Harry could partially see lying on the bio bed.

"Thanks, Annil. Oh, and if you're worried about Cargo Bay 2, that's been covered by Dr Stoovock, your surgical skills are more warranted here, I would think," Harry reassured Aanil, not that the very competent surgeon needed any reassurance.

Moving to the bio bed, pointed out by Dr O'Shea, he saw Dr Lim opening her eyes and staring at him as he came up to the group with the CMO. He could see that Dr Troy was looking physically stressed.

"Dr Troy, Nurse Reddington, how is our CMO patient?"

As they both spoke in turn, Langston understood that the CMO had suffered a moderate concussion and was taking a little longer than usual to regain consciousness.

Suddenly the CMO spoke, "Why aren't you in Cargo Bay 1, Dr Langston, and what are you doing here Dr Troy?

"How's the head Dr Lim, you banged it up pretty good, I hear," Harry replied as he ran a medical tricorder over, her face and skull. "You should be thankful to Dr Troy; she has done a bang-up job with you Doctor Lim. Your concussion is healing remarkably well, I reckon you should be able to take on some light duties in an hour or two. I suggest you get some rest."

"Very well," the CMO sighed and closed her eyes again, as though she knew she needed to rest.

"Dr Troy, thank you for your excellent work with Dr Lim, I'll be staying here in Sickbay so you can go and have some rest for the four of you, now, if you like. Remington, thanks also, did a good job, you two.

Dr Harry Langston then entered the CMO's office to get up to speed with the patient's medical conditions who were in Sickbay, before doing the rounds visiting and examining each. Twenty minutes had elapsed once that was achieved and he began preliminarily thinking through what might come next, in anticipation of this delicate situation with the Cardassians.

Obviously the ship the away team was on was not completely destroyed... hmmm... the senior officers may try to persuid the captain to send a second away team... to gather insight into the ship and its mission or purpose and evidence about that explosion? Security would surely go with other officers with experties. The last away team were injured so its only proper that medical officer be present just in case it goes t*ts up again.

It was at this stage Harry began to search for the most appropeate staff member to be on any such mission. He came up with CPO SNP (Senior Nurse Practioner) Wedsday Addams who was highly trained in field emergency medican. And he decided to be proactive.

"Dr Langston to Captain Brooks and LCdr Kurasa. I'm assuming at some point there will be a second away mission gathering more information. If my assumption is correct, then I recommend a medical officer be assigned to the away mission, considering what happened to the last away mission. As the CMO is still incopasitated, and other medical staff are still need on the ship I recommend CPO SNP Wedsday Addams, highly trained in feild medican. Langston out."

Harry then moved on headed out into the ward again to do the rounds, stopping with Ens Mala first.

"Lt Mala, I just need to check you over, Dr O'Shea notes recommends early release." They conversed as Harry looked at the bio bed screen and use his tricorder for scanning the patient.

"I see no reason to hold you in Sickbay, I think your ready for normal duties Lieutenant," said Dr Langston, "Dr O'Shea had done a beautiful job with the surgery, it is quite remarkable. Your good to go."

== tag Dr O'Shea, Lt Mala, LCdr Kurasa, Captian Brooks ==
After receiving the footage of the wreck of the Cardassian ship Shione stood by the ship's CO and showed him what images they had.

After he had a chance to react Shione added. "I am going to lead a team back to see if there are any further survivors among your crew. Assuming we find any we will be transferring all of your people along with your dead with you to the next Cardassian ship we encounter.

You will be kept informed Captain."

With that Shione gave the CO a respectful nod and left him in the care of sickbay under the watchful eye of her security NCO.
== Sorry forgot to put this here last night ==

== Temp NRC Dr Harry Langston 2IC Sickbay, next door in the CMO's office ==

A message came to the LCdr Kurasa comms.

[Dr Langston to Captain Brooks and LCdr Kurasa. I'm assuming at some point there will be a second away mission gathering more information. If my assumption is correct, then I recommend a medical officer be assigned to the away mission, considering what happened to the last away mission. As the CMO is still incapacitated, and other medical staff are still need on the ship I recommend CPO SNP Wedsday Addams, highly trained in field medicine. Langston out.]
==NPC Raymond Reddington Medic ==

"Dr Troy, Nurse Reddington, how is our CMO patient?" He heard another Doctor ask him, even if his position was wrong. Being a nurse was a respectful position, it wasn't his. 

"Doctor our Chief Medical Officer appears to be alright, with enough time we can do a motor control test." Sometimes going back to the basics was the best way to go, how she responds to following an object with her eyes, and responds to certain lights 

"We are looking for pupil dilation, sensitivity to light, weak and sluggish response times" Scans can give a lot of good information, but her body will tell them more. When the Doctor spoke Reddington smiled, there were good signs. "No slurred speech, or memory loss both good signs. With permission I would like to resume my other duties." He wasn't sure if he was needed or not.

[Brooks to Langston, yes there will be shortly as we have a very small timescale to work with. Brooks out.] the Captain responded before closing the channel.

==Timeline five minutes after==

Brooks travel in the turbolift seemed to take forever, he had a number of reasons what the Cardassians might have been up to but no real proof and he hoped that at least Gul Nassett would be a little more open. The turbolift came to a stop and Brooks walked the corridor to Sickbay, with not only the concern of what the Cardassians was up to but also the away team injuries.

Stepping through the door Sickbay was busy but there was a calmness in the air, Dan missed that a little as on the Bridge it felt more pressure. Walking through Sickbay he arrived at Gul Nassett bed seeing Commander Velaul stood next to the bed.

"Commander Velaul, could you give us a few minutes then I will catch up with you." he said.

"We meet again Gul Nassett." said Brooks to which the Gul opened one eye and looked directly at him, "Ah yes, Captain, it hasn't been long." the Gul replied and closed his eyes again.

Brooks exhaled slightly out of his nose in response and the Gul opened both his eyes and looked deep into Brooks icy blue eyes,

"I'm surprised you are down in the bowls of the vessel Captain, when my comrades arrive they will think you have attacked my ship and took some of my crew as hostages... they won't be happy with you." said Nassett with a smile, "I hope your ship has enough fire power." then Nassett did a deep laugh.

Brooks leaned in and whispered, "Well I hope they don't think you have been a traitor and given us details of your experimental weapon you been trying out."

Gul Nassett turned his head towards him and replied, "Oh your so devious Captain you should be rewarded something, but how will you convince them of such a thing."

Brooks stood up and smiled, "I have a second away team going over to assess that weapon, did you fire it on the asteroid to test it or did it go off by accident?

The Cardassian didn't reply, Brooks then said,

"See it makes me wonder weather this was the experiment you were going to try out on the asteroid where the mine was which was our first encounter."

Gul Nassett replied with his eyes narrowing, "Now, come on Captain, what an accusation, we were merely there to offer assistance if you remember, we wouldn't have but anyone at risk, even if we had such a weapon to try out, it is all pure speculation dear Captain."

Captain Brooks put his left hand to his chin in a thoughtful pose and said,

"I hope what ever your trying to hid over there is worth it."

Gul Nassett raised a hand and said, "I'm sure if the boot was on the other foot we would have the same conversation, the difference is by now we be torturing you to get the information we need, you humans are too soft."

Brooks looked around the room to make sure no one else was near and leant in to the Gul's ear again,

"Believe me, I use to be a Doctor, I may have sworn an oath to look after all life and not to harm it, however, us humans are prone to, how we say, lapses of thought and maybe, just maybe I could give you the wrong drug.... accidently of course and give you so much pain you might just want to confess. I have injured away team members thanks to them trying to rescue you and your crew. Do not try me Gul Nassett. I am not in the mood right now."

Stepping back Brooks glared at the Gul with his icy blue eyes. Nassett thought for a moment,

"Okay, Captain, that experiment shall we say has indeed taken us off guard and needs to be shut down, otherwise it will take out both our ships."

Brooks didn't say anything so Nassett carried on,

"We couldn't shut the system down as it fail safe has failed, it will take a while to bypass it and fix it, it can be done only from the section it is in through. As all other systems connected to it are fried."

Captain Brooks nodded,

"Thank you Nassett, if anymore of my crew get injured there will be consequences."

Brooks stepped away from the bed and tapped his commbadge,

"Brooks to away team, you will need to close the experiment down by the console which is connected to it, the fail safe has failed but apparently it can be bypassed. From now on keep an open channel with the Bridge. Brooks out."

Closing the channel, he looked across to Beno and motioned her over to a quiet spot in Sickbay,

"Give me a quick update." said to Beno.

==Tag Velaul and anyone else who wants to talk to the Captain==
Off on the sidelines Beno was paying attention to what was going on, more so how the Gul was talking to her crew. He was smug as ever with more than a hint of arrogance. It was more than a little surprise to see Brooks there, until a .itt.e while after. "Velaul, could you give us a few minutes then I will catch up with you." he said and Beno just nodded a little then watched Brooks go over to their guest. 

"We meet again Gul Nassett." said Brooks to which the Gul opened one eye and looked directly at him, "Ah yes, Captain, it hasn't been long." the Gul replied and closed his eyes again. It wasn't overly surprising to her that two had run into eachother, with the life they both chose it went with the territory. His over all tone didn't change much, other than a feeling of a friendly but still smug tone 

After the conversation Brooks motioned her to a quieter area of Sickbay."Give me a quick update." said to Beno.

Knowing that he had less time than she did, Beno kept it short as she could. "I suspect whatever they were up to, it was something big. With the level of destruction of the ship, it's hard for me to imagine what kind of overload can do such destruction." It has been a long time since Velaul seen something new. She was also talking normal again, she didn't need too keep up the rouse anymore. "The Bridge was a complete disaster, but I did manage to retrieve some information that can be useful. I just have to send it to Engineering to decipher what is there." She still had the material on her.

"In my opinion this level of destruction was deliberately done by someone on the ship, if I had to guess they were covering something up." She didn't want to speculate too much, Beno didn't have much to go on.

Daniel listened to Beno report, it all did seem to point to the Cardassians being up to something a little bit shifty.

"Maybe... maybe it is just a pure accident. It's the same Captain and ship we met on the Charon, who was watching us while we were checking out that mine on an asteroid. I wonder if we stop them from doing something there by our presents but we will never really know."

Brooks looked across sickbay to Gul Nasset and then back at his First Officer,

"We have company coming to the rescue, I will head back to the Bridge. For the moment number one get the information across to the engineering team as soon as you can. The more information I can give the Cardassians when they arrive the better for all. I don't want them thinking we had a fire fight."

Dan went to turn towards the exit but then turned back to Beno,

"Pass the message on to Doctor Lim I will come by later to see how she's getting on." he said before turning and heading to the exit.

As Brooks walked along the corridor he wondered what they could expect next.

Arriving at the turbolift he said, "Bridge."

The doors closed and the turbolift moved off.

==Tag Beno==

Julia knew that she needed to give him an update of what is going on in sickbay. Troy really needs to be checked out to make sure that she doesn't go on bed rest.

"Dr. Langston I was asked by Dr. Lim to wait here in sickbay till she got back. When she got back she was unconscious with a concussion, Dr. O'Shea jumped in and helped with Lt(JG) Mala with however big the metal piece was out of her leg with the help of V’Saral, the CEO left with whatever injury he had before he got cleared to leave sickbay and who knows if he made it worse. Reddington didn't want to waste any recorces to bring him back here and is more concerned about removing the dead instead of clearing the away team to go back to work. I have been taking care of Dr. Lim here to get her back to health even if she has to do light duties. I'll be needing to be checked out to make sure that I don't go on bed rest before I go rest."

She knew that the stress could get to her and that she doesn't want to go on bed rest till the little ones finally come. Troy knew that she needs to stay calm as best has she can without going onto bed rest.

There was a good chance that it really was an accident, and the crew was just not ready for such a chain reaction. It only got worse when the power transfer started, it was closely monitored to prevent such things from happening. There had to be something there, and they had to keep open minded or they will only find results that they want.Getting up she was heading strait for Engineering, they needed to get to the bottom of this.

>>>Engineering >>>
== Temp NRC Dr Harry Langston Deputy CMO ==

Dr Langston listened to Dr Troy as she gave a full report on the current situation in Sickbay. He could see that she was worried about her own condition, that is pregnancy. She had taken good care of Dr Lim, and as things were settling in sickbay Dr Langston replied to Dr Troy's report.

"Thank you, for your report, Dr Troy and for holding the fort (Sickbay), through this initial phase. Everything seems to be under control now so, yes, you are relieved. You can take a break now; I'll take charge of Dr Lim's care and manage sickbay from now on. Get some rest."

Dr Lim was beginning to wake up, she possibly could go on light duties soon but Dr Langston wanted her to rest a little longer before he initiated the next phase of concussion treatment.

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