AT/D05-14 - Holodecks
== Located on Decks 05, 06, and 14, the Holodecks themselves are large rooms equipped with holoemitters, replicators, and field generators. These help to simulate artificial (but realistic) environments for training, entertainment, or even historical/investigative recreations. ==
==Before Mission Briefing ==

== Holodeck - Deck 14 ==

Today was one of those days when Aeryn felt restless, and her usual wind-down ritual before bed had failed her. So, Aeryn being Aeryn, had decided that she needed to tire herself out the old-fashioned way, by visiting the holodeck and hoping that one of her hiking programmes would do the trick. There had been a lot on the recently promoted Commander's mind of late, so it was no wonder she was experiencing the odd night where sleep eluded her. Of course, there was no guarantee that this foray into the world of fake realism would even work, but she was always game to at least try.

Then again, there was nothing like a trip back home to hopefully help the redhead find the tranquillity she needed, even if her surroundings weren't the physical highlands of Scotland. It was close enough and Aeryn had dressed appropriately for a late afternoon hike in The Ring of Steall. Okay, she might have adjusted the temperature settings slightly, allowing her to wear hiking shorts, boots, a tank top, and a plaid shirt left open, but it wouldn't deter her from appreciating the view or prevent her from enjoying the hike.

Aeryn also hadn't forgotten a backpack, water bottle, or anything else she might need for her little adventure, and once the computer had acknowledged that the programme was ready, she stepped inside and stood there for a few minutes, taking it all in.
It had been quite refreshing to stand there and take in the scenery before her, breathing in the woody and natural aromas that reminded her of home. However, she hadn't come to the holodeck to stay immobile for the hour or so she had set aside to get as far as she could with this programme. It was possible that the redhead could complete a short hike in that time, and so, without standing on ceremony, Aeryn set off.

The trail she had chosen for this evening had been tried and tested several times, rather than start something new, deciding to save that for another day, and persuade Beka to join her. A smile crept onto her face at the thought of her girlfriend, already looking forward to seeing her again. The Doctor had a way of making her feel at ease without trying, and if this hike didn't do the job, then maybe that visit would happen sooner rather than later.

Off she went at a steady pace, not too quick, not too slow but something in between, that would enable Aeryn to enjoy this and not have to think too much about it. The trees and the sounds of native wildlife were her only companions, but that suited Aeryn, who stopped occasionally to study the flowers and greenery that caught her attention. Letting the scientist out to play was the perfect compromise as she continued on her way.

Reaching the halfway mark, Aeryn sat down on a tree stump overlooking a small stream, taking out her water bottle and a chocolate bar. Her treat for getting this far, and she savoured every single bite. Looking around, Aeryn couldn't think of a better spot in which to take a break.
She could have easily sat there for the rest of her allotted holodeck time, but then Aeryn figured that would have defeated the purpose of tiring herself out. With that in mind, Aeryn finished the last bite of her chocolate bar and drank from her water bottle before placing it back in her bag. Not wanting to procrastinate further, Aeryn stood up, stretched, and then set off once more.

Being in familiar territory was always a mood booster for the redhead, and that could only be good for the soul, which was exactly what she needed at the moment. Despite the changes in her career and the decisions that led to those changes, Aeryn was in a good place, compared to how she was when she first arrived at the ship. If anything, she had a lot to be thankful for, and to ensure that it remained that way, because she wanted to keep going forward.

Metaphorically and physically she supposed given where she was, as she walked up a small incline as dictated by the route she had chosen. Far from being out of breath, Aeryn embraced the slight exertion, knowing it would do her good in the long run. That was the appeal of this programme, and she wasn't going to feel guilty if she stopped occasionally when something caught her interest like it had when she had first begun.
Despite having an idea of what route she wanted to take for this particular foray into the world of semi-realism, Aeryn wasn't averse to changing things or deviating from her initial idea. So that's what the redhead did as she reached the top of the incline, and looked out across the woodland. A grin appeared across her pale lips as she spotted Loch Leven in the distance, and decided that's where she wanted to go.

As much as she had enjoyed the hike so far, including the stop near the stream, it wouldn't hurt to visit the loch and finish this hike off in style, so to speak. Changing direction wasn't taxing either, as Aeryn proceeded along her original route, her stride not quite fast, but not slow either, somewhere in the middle, which was perfect for the terrain, so she wouldn't stumble or trip over anything that might land her in Sickbay.

Simple sprains and bruises she could treat thanks to her additional training, but ideally Aeryn wasn't looking to hurt herself in her attempt to quieten her mind, and not rely on anything medicinal to help her sleep. She supposed that she could have brought her trusty flask, the one given to her by Merle all those years ago. While she had been able to move on and find love again with Beka, she wasn't quite ready to let go of that memento, and not because of who had given her it as a promotion gift.

It served as a reminder of the good times, and she could smile whenever she filled it with whiskey and took a nip when needed. Maybe a nip before bed would work instead, as she changed direction and headed towards the loch.

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