The Adventures of Lina and Miles
The sweet yet simple gesture of gently squeezing her hand and the shared decision that was made thereafter, brought out another smile from Lina, who loved that they could do that without impeding on their mutual respect and understanding of one another. Then came something else that they could enjoy together as the pod stopped and the demonstration began. If Lina had already been enthralled by witnessing the creation, then seeing them in action only enhanced that feeling, as well as the skill that each warrior possessed.

While Lina would happily admit that she wasn't an expert at everything, weapons and seeing the warriors of old, had always ignited something within her, allowing the instructor to imagine what life would have been like as a shield maiden. Even now, as she watched them fight, it didn't stop her from appreciating every detail, every nuance in the way they approached one another, despite the weapons being made safe for such things.

What mattered was how the pair came across, making it as believable and realistic as possible until ultimately a winner was declared. When Miles then looked in his girlfriend's direction, her eyes danced with delight at what they had just seen. " I admire their skill, especially the one with the axe" she admitted. " I can't wait to get ours and see how it handles".

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RE: The Adventures of Lina and Miles - by Amelina Whittaker - 09-16-2023, 12:57 PM

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