01-24-2025, 03:29 PM
While Qi had been mentoring Mika, the young woman observed that her fellow science officer was beginning to stabilize. It is possible that the intervention by the medical professionals had a positive impact, although Mika could not definitively say so. She did hear that Papaver mentioned she would soon schedule an appointment.
Time will reveal if she follows through. Anyone who asserts they never lie is either dishonest or adept at concealing their true intentions. Admitting the need for help requires strength. Everyone has dark aspects of their past, albeit to varying degrees. My history with my estranged parents might be insignificant compared to many others here.
"Anyone know when the formalities are going to kick off properly?"
Mika was curious about this as well. If attendance had not been strongly encouraged, she would have preferred to avoid wearing her dress uniform altogether. Complimentary beverages were always welcomed, even synthetic ones, as they eliminated concerns about experiencing a severe hangover the following morning.
"Hopefully soon. However, it seems that the laws of time and space become distorted when one is compelled to wear such uncomfortable attire, in my opinion."
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Time will reveal if she follows through. Anyone who asserts they never lie is either dishonest or adept at concealing their true intentions. Admitting the need for help requires strength. Everyone has dark aspects of their past, albeit to varying degrees. My history with my estranged parents might be insignificant compared to many others here.
"Anyone know when the formalities are going to kick off properly?"
Mika was curious about this as well. If attendance had not been strongly encouraged, she would have preferred to avoid wearing her dress uniform altogether. Complimentary beverages were always welcomed, even synthetic ones, as they eliminated concerns about experiencing a severe hangover the following morning.
"Hopefully soon. However, it seems that the laws of time and space become distorted when one is compelled to wear such uncomfortable attire, in my opinion."
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