01-28-2025, 04:38 AM
As the away teams departed, Hallowette sat quietly, listening to the conversation around the bridge, and the various stations as they reported on their findings. From time to time she would look up from the helm, but for the most part she watched as the computer automatically adjusted the thrusters in order for the ship to maintain its position. From here, barring something unknown or some sort of subterfuge, her job was done - at least for now.
The young officer allowed a free hand to call up the by the moment away mission log on the lower left of her console, and she followed along as the computer translated the communications traffic and translated it to text. She narrowed the filters to allow any background voice as well, and it took little time for her to discern the Klingon voices were yelling various curses, war cries and one, if her linguistically favored brain was right, even seemed to be singing some sort of operatic prose. Things didn't sound to be going particularly well, though honestly, she had little idea. Ground and small weapon combat was far from the Trill/Bajoran's expertise, and she was very ok with that.
Still, there was little that she could do to offer to help. Just make sure the ship was where it needed to be, and ready for whatever came next - which hopefully did not include evading enemy fire, or more to the point, an overloaded engine core or warp reactor.
Hell of an interesting first day though.
=tags (though more of just a narrative thing because I felt like writing)=
The young officer allowed a free hand to call up the by the moment away mission log on the lower left of her console, and she followed along as the computer translated the communications traffic and translated it to text. She narrowed the filters to allow any background voice as well, and it took little time for her to discern the Klingon voices were yelling various curses, war cries and one, if her linguistically favored brain was right, even seemed to be singing some sort of operatic prose. Things didn't sound to be going particularly well, though honestly, she had little idea. Ground and small weapon combat was far from the Trill/Bajoran's expertise, and she was very ok with that.
Still, there was little that she could do to offer to help. Just make sure the ship was where it needed to be, and ready for whatever came next - which hopefully did not include evading enemy fire, or more to the point, an overloaded engine core or warp reactor.
Hell of an interesting first day though.
=tags (though more of just a narrative thing because I felt like writing)=