AT/K01 - Klingon Freighter qoH
==Bridge Team==

The Klingons may have reacted quickly, but the Artemis team held their own quite well. Pearson manages to interpose himself between the charging Klingon and Ostberg, blocking the mek'leth with his phaser rifle. The blade bites into the weapon and sticks, rendering the energy weapon useless but also taking the blade out of the fight. 

In doing the brave thing, however, he opened up his back to the second mek'leth wielding Klingon. Luckily, the momentum of the blocked hit pulled him away from what could have been a deadly hit, which instead sliced down the outside of Pearson's arm just as the disarmed one goes in for a grapple, locking Pearson into close combat but rendering his right side slick with blood.

Ostberg, for his part, manages to hit the Klingon that sliced Pearson with his phaser, but the armor he war dispersed some of the energy, just staggering him rather than stunning him. Fortunately, Givens' shot managed to knock the Klingon down and keep him there. Svenson was also able to hit the Klingon that took down K'Deela, leaving only the one grappling Pearson on his feet.

Looking around, Givens is able to find a console, several in fact. Most seem up and running, though there's one on the far side of the room that seems powered off rather than damaged like some of the others are, and seems decidedly non-standard.

==Engine Room==

With more time to act than the bridge had, Okehampton and her team were able to take out the three Klingons in the room fairly quickly, with little wasted effort. Sometimes, it felt good to be in a position of superior firepower.

The alarms were still going off, however, and the displays showed the power buildup that had been going still building. Only now it was uncontrolled, as the closest that Klingons had to engineers were all now unconscious.

==Cargo Bay==

Scans indicated four Klingons in the bay, concentrated on the far side of the room. Reading the crates, the cargo appeared to be mostly foodstuffs and alcohol.

Scanning the room, most of the crates did appear to have those types of items in them. However, a significant number of crates were empty, despite the labels saying they should have been full. A few crates, however, were scan-shielded, with no idea what was in them. As Trevathan watched his tricorder, a fifth Klingon suddenly appeared in the group with the others from essentially through the far wall.

==If I missed someone/something, please let me know!==

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AT/K01 - Klingon Freighter qoH - by GM-02 - 01-17-2025, 06:34 PM
RE: AT/K01 - Klingon Freighter qoH - by GM-02 - 01-28-2025, 11:50 PM

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