01-30-2025, 09:25 PM
Shoreleave was nothing short of amazing, he had a lot of fun while getting closer to the crew. As he entered the Bridge, the only person he seen in the room was ch'Alev. For some reason he didn't see him while on leave, leaving Cologero wondering where he was. If ch'Alev wanted to tell Cologero he would, but if not it's rude to pry.
"Commander good to see you again, was your leave as good as mine?" He asked while going to the helm, he wasn't activating the Engins just looking over the systems. They deserved a bit of a calibration while the system checks were going on, hopefully they won't be sluggish when it counts the most.
Cologero was ready for anything that would come their way, a quick prayer before he left quarters was his blessing to the ship. "Commander while we are waiting I was wondering if you had some wisdom to share about advancement, I am not in a hurry for it I just like to have a better understanding." The best people to ask are the people most experienced in thefeild.
==Tag ch'Alev ==
"Commander good to see you again, was your leave as good as mine?" He asked while going to the helm, he wasn't activating the Engins just looking over the systems. They deserved a bit of a calibration while the system checks were going on, hopefully they won't be sluggish when it counts the most.
Cologero was ready for anything that would come their way, a quick prayer before he left quarters was his blessing to the ship. "Commander while we are waiting I was wondering if you had some wisdom to share about advancement, I am not in a hurry for it I just like to have a better understanding." The best people to ask are the people most experienced in thefeild.
==Tag ch'Alev ==