02-01-2025, 06:55 AM
LCdr Lois Lim came into the observation lounge looking the worst for wear. She was not well. Shore leave was the problem. She had taken a meal at the Klingon restaurant at Deep Space 9 and by the time she was halfway through her meal she was feeling ill. She made it back to her cabin on the Aquilla and there she stayed for the rest of the shore leave.
At first, she was violently ill, bringing up everything she had eaten. She rested over a period of two days on a rations of only water only. Finally, she made an agonising trip to the DS9 infirmary and received medical attention. The doctors could not fine any reason for her illness. They suggested an alergic reation to the Klingon food. Lois returned to her cabin and there she stayed. Reading a little, sleeping a lot, taking a little food and drinking lots of ater. She lost 8 kilograms during her ordeal. She recovered slowly and was about fifty percent better when the recall came through and the summons to the observation louge.
She was now there on duty if that's what you could call it and Lois was not in a very good mode. Was she ever in a good mode?
Lois took a seat at the opposite end of the table to the others present, not her usualy spot. Dr Lim waited in silence for the meeting to begin and only spoke briefly to any who engaged her in converstion. All she wanted was to go back to bed.
At first, she was violently ill, bringing up everything she had eaten. She rested over a period of two days on a rations of only water only. Finally, she made an agonising trip to the DS9 infirmary and received medical attention. The doctors could not fine any reason for her illness. They suggested an alergic reation to the Klingon food. Lois returned to her cabin and there she stayed. Reading a little, sleeping a lot, taking a little food and drinking lots of ater. She lost 8 kilograms during her ordeal. She recovered slowly and was about fifty percent better when the recall came through and the summons to the observation louge.
She was now there on duty if that's what you could call it and Lois was not in a very good mode. Was she ever in a good mode?
Lois took a seat at the opposite end of the table to the others present, not her usualy spot. Dr Lim waited in silence for the meeting to begin and only spoke briefly to any who engaged her in converstion. All she wanted was to go back to bed.