02-10-2025, 04:59 PM
Peter entered the bridge and smiled as he took in the view. It was a sight for sore eyes, he thought, as the layout of teh bridge stations was at least somewhat sane again. The XO's position was back in its proper place next to the Captain, so that he could immediately have access to the same data, and be able to step up immediately if circumstances forced him to.
There was also something about he symobolism of it all, with the XO's seat to the right of the Captain that he liked, but of course would never speak aloud.
While he did have an ego - anyone, even Vulcans, who claimed that they didn't were filthy liars - it was not inflated enough to think that this was the main benefit of the "new" arrangement.
Instead, it was his dedication to tradition that drove his view here: This layout had worked fine for so long, that changing it seemed silly.
He gave Gamma Shift a reassuring smile as if to say "Just carry on", realizing that they were a few minutes away from being able to go to bed. He knew that feeling. While there technically was no "night" in space, and so the whole idea of a circadian rhythm became increasingly irrelevant the longer you were in space, the idea of the "night shift" still had a psychological impact.
"Goodmorning everyone", he said with calm smile, then looked at Braggins: "Goodmorning, Captain", he finished as he sat down in his own chair and pulled the terminal over towards him so he could see if there was anything urgent to report.
There was also something about he symobolism of it all, with the XO's seat to the right of the Captain that he liked, but of course would never speak aloud.
While he did have an ego - anyone, even Vulcans, who claimed that they didn't were filthy liars - it was not inflated enough to think that this was the main benefit of the "new" arrangement.
Instead, it was his dedication to tradition that drove his view here: This layout had worked fine for so long, that changing it seemed silly.
He gave Gamma Shift a reassuring smile as if to say "Just carry on", realizing that they were a few minutes away from being able to go to bed. He knew that feeling. While there technically was no "night" in space, and so the whole idea of a circadian rhythm became increasingly irrelevant the longer you were in space, the idea of the "night shift" still had a psychological impact.
"Goodmorning everyone", he said with calm smile, then looked at Braggins: "Goodmorning, Captain", he finished as he sat down in his own chair and pulled the terminal over towards him so he could see if there was anything urgent to report.