02-13-2025, 08:00 PM
Shione sat patiently listening to the information from the Captain, the opinions of the senior officers and then finally the briefing from the computer before speaking up;
"Of course, we will have a detail to greet and remain with the Riani delegates and ensure they feel welcome, but that is not where my concerns lie Captain.
The obvious cultural and experimental similarities of this species to the Borg could indicate a fascination with their methods and goals. The USS Aquila is one of the Federation's most advanced ships and the possibility that any or all of the Tanndi could use their own abilities to directly interface with our systems and technology is and should be a front and center concern."
Shione got up and went to the terminal displaying what the Federation currently knew about them. She paused and turned addressing the room. "The other aspect of this race is that they are at the pinnacle of technology on their own world which is by it's nature highly competitive and likely ruthless when it comes to Tech.
They do not share with the other nations and having likely gotten as far as they can within the scope of the planet's available knowledge they now reach out to us. The Riani are driven to expand their technological advantage and they have peaked, But for such a driven race; I cannot see them ignoring any opportunity to 'borrow' from us, and I believe that they are unlikely to ask."
Shione returned to her seat at the table. "It is my advice that we encrypt and highly control all interface with systems that they are exposed to.
We also need to be protective of our computer systems but not restricted to that. We should lock down any access to Drives and power Systems, weapons, shield technology and particularly systems such as Transwarp, Slipstream, Holography and other forms of cloaking, as well as our knowledge of Temporal mechanics."
She paused and deliberately looked at Lt Thorn and Commander Talion, before addressing the rest of the team. "Alex, Kahli and I have had first hand and direct experience of and with the Borg and while I might be coming across as paranoid:" and she took the time to catch and make eye contact with each officer present before completing her final thought; "I do not want to be careless and risk exposure of that tech to a people who display such a hunger for it.
Do you?"
The final words were said directly to Captain Brooks.
"Of course, we will have a detail to greet and remain with the Riani delegates and ensure they feel welcome, but that is not where my concerns lie Captain.
The obvious cultural and experimental similarities of this species to the Borg could indicate a fascination with their methods and goals. The USS Aquila is one of the Federation's most advanced ships and the possibility that any or all of the Tanndi could use their own abilities to directly interface with our systems and technology is and should be a front and center concern."
Shione got up and went to the terminal displaying what the Federation currently knew about them. She paused and turned addressing the room. "The other aspect of this race is that they are at the pinnacle of technology on their own world which is by it's nature highly competitive and likely ruthless when it comes to Tech.
They do not share with the other nations and having likely gotten as far as they can within the scope of the planet's available knowledge they now reach out to us. The Riani are driven to expand their technological advantage and they have peaked, But for such a driven race; I cannot see them ignoring any opportunity to 'borrow' from us, and I believe that they are unlikely to ask."
Shione returned to her seat at the table. "It is my advice that we encrypt and highly control all interface with systems that they are exposed to.
We also need to be protective of our computer systems but not restricted to that. We should lock down any access to Drives and power Systems, weapons, shield technology and particularly systems such as Transwarp, Slipstream, Holography and other forms of cloaking, as well as our knowledge of Temporal mechanics."
She paused and deliberately looked at Lt Thorn and Commander Talion, before addressing the rest of the team. "Alex, Kahli and I have had first hand and direct experience of and with the Borg and while I might be coming across as paranoid:" and she took the time to catch and make eye contact with each officer present before completing her final thought; "I do not want to be careless and risk exposure of that tech to a people who display such a hunger for it.
Do you?"
The final words were said directly to Captain Brooks.