YE/D05 & 06 - Science Labs
Mika should not have been surprised that the fruits had not been cultivated through entirely legal means. Based on her observations during the commissioning ceremony, she understood that the Yeager was not regarded as exemplary, although not necessarily in a negative sense. She found amusement in Scarlett’s comments, especially while reviewing the duty roster.
“You know, I'm really not giving you a good impression of me at all am I?”
This remark further entertained Mika. In her experience, scientists often exhibited eccentric behaviors, something she had noticed since her teenage years. Perhaps this was why she sought to conform by associating with her peers during those formative years. As someone who had found her identity, she refrained from judging others harshly. Besides, nothing Scarlett had done so far led her to believe she was unbalanced. Therefore, Mika responded with a friendly chuckle.
“Shall we take a mulligan?”
[Jensen to all senior staff, as well as Midshipmen Aiden, Bowman, Bremner and Campbell, report to the briefing room at once.]
Before Mika could respond further, the First Officer's announcement interrupted her. Had she been drinking coffee, she would have spat it out. Although other Midshipmen were also summoned, she wondered why she had been included. With no aspirations for higher rank, she felt out of place in a meeting likely intended for senior officers. The primary benefit was gaining more insight into their activities, which she valued. Nonetheless, it made her feel uneasy, causing her smile to wane slightly.
“That is rather unusual, is it not?”

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YE/D05 & 06 - Science Labs - by Paul - 01-28-2025, 07:54 PM
RE: YE/D05 & 06 - Science Labs - by Mika Bowman - 02-11-2025, 01:22 PM
RE: YE/D05 & 06 - Science Labs - by Mika Bowman - 02-20-2025, 04:25 PM
RE: YE/D05 & 06 - Science Labs - by Mika Bowman - 02-23-2025, 02:25 PM

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