AT/K01 - Klingon Freighter qoH
== Cargo Bay ==

As she and the Tellerite put their shoulders against the stack of crates, the crates were much lighter than she’d anticipated—in fact, Rubicon probably could have done the job herself—and they came crashing down on top the nearer Klingon. Either Bance was way stronger than Rubicon had assumed, or there was something seriously interesting with the crates. Whatever the reason, Rubicon’s little plan was more successful than she’d hoped. The crates now also effectively blocked off the second Klingon’s line of fire. He fled—Klingon’s that flee? No way.—but Rubicon had the feeling that he was just trying to find a new vantage point.

The more curious happening was that the crates that Rubicon and Dance had shoved over had unsealed and a humanoid tumbled out. They pointed to their phaser at the Klingon who had been caught in the crate avalanche and dealt with them promptly. Then, spotting Rubes and Dance who now both held their phasers aimed at them, lowered their own weapon and raised a hand in the universal sign for ‘I mean no harm’. Rubicon nodded briefly and the humanoid pulled back the side of their coat to reveal a Starfleet communicator.

“Lieutenant Commander Nathan Ramius, Starfleet Security,” he introduced himself briefly. Ramius appeared to be Human, with an average height for a Human male and a typical build for someone stationed in Starfleet Security. Dark brown hair, white with a slight tan, a beard that could just barely use a trim, and a the flat accent that Rubicon pegged as being from somewhere on the North American continent. If he wasn’t who he said he was, he was a very good immitator.

All of this happened in under a minute.

Well, then.

Rubicon didn’t lower her phaser, but her threat assessment hackles turned back to the Klingons at hand.

“Doyle and Bance from the Artemis. That was quite the entrance, sir,” she replied, introducing herself and her Tellerite partner. Then over her shoulder she called back to Calleja. “Lieutenant. We’ve got an interesting stowaway over here.”

Messages In This Thread
AT/K01 - Klingon Freighter qoH - by GM-02 - 01-17-2025, 06:34 PM
RE: AT/K01 - Klingon Freighter qoH - by GM-02 - 01-28-2025, 11:50 PM
RE: AT/K01 - Klingon Freighter qoH - by GM-02 - 02-04-2025, 11:56 PM
RE: AT/K01 - Klingon Freighter qoH - by GM-02 - 02-10-2025, 11:40 PM
RE: AT/K01 - Klingon Freighter qoH - by GM-02 - 02-17-2025, 10:57 PM
RE: AT/K01 - Klingon Freighter qoH - by Rubicon Doyle - 02-24-2025, 08:17 PM
RE: AT/K01 - Klingon Freighter qoH - by GM-02 - 02-25-2025, 02:01 PM
RE: AT/K01 - Klingon Freighter qoH - by GM-02 - 03-04-2025, 11:48 PM
RE: AT/K01 - Klingon Freighter qoH - by GM-02 - 03-11-2025, 08:45 PM

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