AT/K01 - Klingon Freighter qoH
== Cargo Bay ==

Getting scrutinized by the officers before him wasn’t the funnest thing that Nathan could recall having gone through in his life, though there were far worse memories in his cranium. It seemed the Human Midshipman was doing some mental calculations herself, sizing up and determining if Nathan was a threat; and if he was, then to whom would he be a threat. He didn’t blame her. Some random person rolling out of a crate that they’d just previously toppled on top of a Klingon? That didn’t inspire trust right out of the gate. Though the whole incident would probably feature in some future bar story once they got some rec and rest time.

Yet another one that I’ll be in, though thankfully these people won’t know anyone who actually knows me.

“Doyle and Bance from the Artemis…”


Nathan’s eyebrows raised up, curved and high, while his forehead wrinkled slightly and his jaw actually sat agape. It sat on his face for only a moment, but both of the officers before him would be able to read it clearly. How in the galaxy, of all the starships that could be patrolling in the area, was it the Artemis that had found and pounced on the qoH? It was all too coincidental for Nathan’s liking, and his face changed into a frustrated suspicion.

Lieutenant. We’ve got an interesting stowaway over here.”

“There’s no time for that, there’s a firefight going on, and the Klingons would much prefer to kill you or die, than to get taken prisoner. Once we clear out the cargo hold, then we can reach out to Captain Crawford or Commander Coleman, who can clear up my identity at that point,” he hedged his bets.

Taking a knee, Nathan pulled out a tricorder to try and pinpoint the nearest Klingon.

“The one you squished still has friends. If so, we should take them out. Are you with me?”

Nathan was only going to wait for a beat before setting off to find the Klingons, but he waited instead. More than anything, he didn’t want to get shot in the back by Bance and Doyle. That, and he didn’t want to get shot by other officers who didn’t know that he was an officer dressed in civvie clothing. If both Doyle and Bance were with him, that’d lend a good amount of help in others determining friend from foe.

Thinking he heard a disruptor going off nearby, Nathan checked his tricorder again. Even if he didn’t recognize any of the officers, there was something in his heart that made him feel like they were his people just by being Artemisians. He’d protect Starfleet officers in a fight, there was no doubt about that. But there was a fiercer desire to ensure their safety knowing that they called Artemis home.

== tag Doyle! ==

=== GM input: Can Nathan determine the bearing/direction of the Klingons, or even just the Klingon that managed to escape getting Worf’d? Can he also potentially determine the best route to ambush/flank them? ===

Messages In This Thread
AT/K01 - Klingon Freighter qoH - by GM-02 - 01-17-2025, 06:34 PM
RE: AT/K01 - Klingon Freighter qoH - by GM-02 - 01-28-2025, 11:50 PM
RE: AT/K01 - Klingon Freighter qoH - by GM-02 - 02-04-2025, 11:56 PM
RE: AT/K01 - Klingon Freighter qoH - by GM-02 - 02-10-2025, 11:40 PM
RE: AT/K01 - Klingon Freighter qoH - by GM-02 - 02-17-2025, 10:57 PM
RE: AT/K01 - Klingon Freighter qoH - by Nathan Ramius - 02-25-2025, 03:16 AM
RE: AT/K01 - Klingon Freighter qoH - by GM-02 - 02-25-2025, 02:01 PM
RE: AT/K01 - Klingon Freighter qoH - by GM-02 - 03-04-2025, 11:48 PM
RE: AT/K01 - Klingon Freighter qoH - by GM-02 - 03-11-2025, 08:45 PM

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