02-25-2025, 08:53 AM
Jadaris stepped into the room, and the first thing he noticed was Artemis standing across from the doorway, and then he saw Jensen. However, Jadaris didn't sit down either, due to the fact that someone had forgotten to stock a chair that was big enough for the Gorn to sit on without looking like an adult sitting on a child's chair. So he stood behind the chair in the middle of the table, between both ends.
Jadaris had a PADD, like most Engineering personnel, though this one had the Master Systems Display linked to it so Jadaris could keep an eye on everything in real time. However, he saw both midshipmen in the room standing up. Being something of a gentlegorn, Jadaris said,
"Midshipmen, either of you are welcome to my seat at the table if Midshipman Campbell doesn't show up. Its not as if I'll be sitting down in those chairs anytime soon."
Looking at his PADD, he indeed noticed that he had assigned Midshipman Campbell to another shift, but hoped the engineer would show up anyways since an order from the First Officer was one not to be ignored.
Jadaris had a PADD, like most Engineering personnel, though this one had the Master Systems Display linked to it so Jadaris could keep an eye on everything in real time. However, he saw both midshipmen in the room standing up. Being something of a gentlegorn, Jadaris said,
"Midshipmen, either of you are welcome to my seat at the table if Midshipman Campbell doesn't show up. Its not as if I'll be sitting down in those chairs anytime soon."
Looking at his PADD, he indeed noticed that he had assigned Midshipman Campbell to another shift, but hoped the engineer would show up anyways since an order from the First Officer was one not to be ignored.