02-25-2025, 02:01 PM
The pipe, while not massive, was definitely heavy. It could be moved by Svenson alone, but only with difficulty. Unfortunately, with Ostberg unconscious and pinned, Pearson passing out from blood loss, and Givens currently pinned beneath the other Klingon and with unspecified shoulder injuries, it was going to be up to Svenson alone.
Fortunately for Han and those aboard the qoH, the control she had found was, in fact, the emergency shutdown control. It immediately killed the core and began venting the buildup through emergency baffles designed for that express purpose.
Unfortunately for everyone aboard the Artemis, the Klingon "engineers" had done a lot of crazy things trying to get power to the engines. One of those involved rerouting a couple of those emergency baffles for reasons that surely made sense to them at the time. The freighter rocked as a relatively small feedback loop built on the side of the ship and then blew out a section of piping and armor paneling on the side of the ship nearest Artemis.
Warning klaxons began going off - again - inside the engine room. Damage readouts began to scroll, again in Klingon.
==Cargo Bay==
While Calleja dealt with the two behind, Celcis and J'dara were supposed to deal with the one to port. Unfortunately for them, he got off a lucky shot. At first it didn't seem like one, as it impacted on the crate they were hiding behind. But it bore through a thin portion of the wall and hit the cargo within - a particularly new "vintage" of weapons-grade rotgut that would have made Artemis' erstwhile engineer cringe. The disruptor bolt made it detonate, throwing the two security officers five feet backwards and leaving them prone and dazed, possibly injured.
Ramius, tricorder ready, is able to pinpoint the three remaining Klingons. The one that fled from the front joined up with the one to starboard, and the pair began to advance as the explosion was still ringing. Doyle and Bance were able to brace for their advance, finding better cover for the now three Starfleet officers as Ramius joined them. Fortunately - maybe - the room shook violently with the sounds of another explosion, checking the Klingon's charge for a moment; they drew their mek'leths as they recovered and began to charge again.
The pipe, while not massive, was definitely heavy. It could be moved by Svenson alone, but only with difficulty. Unfortunately, with Ostberg unconscious and pinned, Pearson passing out from blood loss, and Givens currently pinned beneath the other Klingon and with unspecified shoulder injuries, it was going to be up to Svenson alone.
Fortunately for Han and those aboard the qoH, the control she had found was, in fact, the emergency shutdown control. It immediately killed the core and began venting the buildup through emergency baffles designed for that express purpose.
Unfortunately for everyone aboard the Artemis, the Klingon "engineers" had done a lot of crazy things trying to get power to the engines. One of those involved rerouting a couple of those emergency baffles for reasons that surely made sense to them at the time. The freighter rocked as a relatively small feedback loop built on the side of the ship and then blew out a section of piping and armor paneling on the side of the ship nearest Artemis.
Warning klaxons began going off - again - inside the engine room. Damage readouts began to scroll, again in Klingon.
==Cargo Bay==
While Calleja dealt with the two behind, Celcis and J'dara were supposed to deal with the one to port. Unfortunately for them, he got off a lucky shot. At first it didn't seem like one, as it impacted on the crate they were hiding behind. But it bore through a thin portion of the wall and hit the cargo within - a particularly new "vintage" of weapons-grade rotgut that would have made Artemis' erstwhile engineer cringe. The disruptor bolt made it detonate, throwing the two security officers five feet backwards and leaving them prone and dazed, possibly injured.
Ramius, tricorder ready, is able to pinpoint the three remaining Klingons. The one that fled from the front joined up with the one to starboard, and the pair began to advance as the explosion was still ringing. Doyle and Bance were able to brace for their advance, finding better cover for the now three Starfleet officers as Ramius joined them. Fortunately - maybe - the room shook violently with the sounds of another explosion, checking the Klingon's charge for a moment; they drew their mek'leths as they recovered and began to charge again.