YE/D01 - Briefing Room
Though voices had not been raised, Jenny's enhanced hearing had picked up the entire exchange between Jensen and the diplomat as she strode through the doors into the Briefing Room, PADD in one hand and freshly-replicated mug of coffee in the other. Making no effort to acknowledge the interaction that had occurred between her First Order and the Diplomatic Corps weenie, she instead moved straight to her chair at the head of the table. She did, however, spare a small smile for her husband as she passed.

"Please take your seats, everyone."

Scanning the assembled officers, she noted that there was no senior staff representation from Sickbay, nor were several of the requested Midshipmen present. Suppressing a frown, she instead took her seat and placed her PADD and coffee mug in front of her. 

"Peter, please contact Sickbay and ensure they got your message about the briefing."

As Jensen got on that, Jenny connected her PADD to the briefing room holoprojector and the lights automatically dimmed. The projector displayed a 3D image of a solar system comprised of a main-sequence star, a class M world, asteroid belt and a series of spatial anomalies. The diplomat, not having a chair of his own, was forced to stand off to the side with the Midshipmen.

"This is the Wairara System, about thirty-five light-years to the galactic south of Starbase 214. It's home to one inhabited planet, also called Wairara. Long-range probes haven't given us much on the Wairara as a culture, but we do know they are warp capable and from intercepted communications, we also know that their culture is based around their faith in what they call 'The Great Race'; the belief that overcoming constant challenge drives the spirit of life and advancement."

Taking a sip from her coffee mug, Jenny continued.

"The Wairara system is home to several unique spatial anomalies, including a temporal-particle stream. The Wairara ships have also been identified travelling in excess of one third light speed at impulse power, without noticeable signs of time dilation. Starfleet Applied Sciences and the Theoretical Propulsion Group would very much like to get a good look at the system and its technology, which is where we come in."

Taking a breath for a moment, Jenny leaned forward and placed her arms on the table.

"The Federation Diplomatic Corps has, in its infinite wisdom, assigned us to establish First Contact with the Wairara. Wairara tradition is to greet new species by challenging them to a race. Commander Jensen will command the Glennis during the race, with Chertstone as pilot, Campbell as Engineer, Bowman as Science officer, Bremner as Medic, and Alden as Tactical Officer."

No doubt that would cause quite a stir among the crew; it wasn't often that the lower deckers were asked to do anything important, and yet Jenny was assigning them the most important task of the mission; it didn't matter how well she performed as a diplomat if they didn't demonstrate a respect for Wairara culture. Besides, Jensen deserved a chance to really show what he could do, and shepherding wayward Midshipmen was an excellent way of doing that.

"While Commander Jensen and the Midshipmen have all the fun, the rest of us will be engaging in diplomatic niceties and trying to get a good look at the things Starfleet wants us to look at. To that end, the Diplomatic Corps has assigned Mister Tomer to assist in negotiations. Before he provides us with a diplomatic briefing, does anyone have any questions?"

Messages In This Thread
YE/D01 - Briefing Room - by Paul - 04-24-2024, 12:44 AM
RE: YE/D01 - Briefing Room - by Peter Jensen - 02-23-2025, 01:21 PM
RE: YE/D01 - Briefing Room - by Mika Bowman - 02-23-2025, 02:47 PM
RE: YE/D01 - Briefing Room - by Artemis d'Tor'an - 02-23-2025, 05:34 PM
RE: YE/D01 - Briefing Room - by Leo Alden - 02-23-2025, 07:19 PM
RE: YE/D01 - Briefing Room - by Jadaris - 02-25-2025, 08:53 AM
RE: YE/D01 - Briefing Room - by Arwen Qi - 02-27-2025, 07:33 AM
RE: YE/D01 - Briefing Room - by GM-04 - 02-27-2025, 07:49 PM
RE: YE/D01 - Briefing Room - by Peter Jensen - 02-27-2025, 10:40 PM
RE: YE/D01 - Briefing Room - by Jennifer Braggins - Yesterday, 07:42 PM

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