03-01-2025, 09:26 PM
When the Gorn walked in, it was hard to not be impressed by his height. And when he spoke, it was hard to not be impressed by his gentlemanly manner. Art wondered why he went into Engineering instead of Security, but then reminded herself that generalizing was generally not a good thing to do. Still, if she was to go on an away mission, she knew she’d feel safer with a great hulking dinosaur-like scientist.
What did put her on edge, though, was the Trill who walked -no, sauntered- into the room. He was followed immediately by what looked to be a bodyguard, and Art suppressed a growl as she realized that she had again not been apprised of who was on this ship. Being that the man was Jen Braggins’ husband may have had something to do with it, but she still didn’t appreciate being kept out of the loop. Again.
And then the Trill opened his mouth.
Luckily, Jensen got there first, retorting in a way that was nicer than Artie would have done. Peter fought with words, whereas Art fought with fists. And when the First Officer introduced the Department Heads, Art allowed herself a growl at the sharply-dressed Trill that stood before them. She also bared her teeth.
Braggins walked in, ordering everyone to take their seats in order to get the meeting started. What the Security Chief did respect was the Captain always got down to business, as she did now. The Wairara people seemed intriguing, and the space around them even more so. Being assigned a First Contact mission made her square her shoulders, taking pride that the ship of ‘misfits’ was granted such a task. It was a tactical and security nightmare, of course, but exciting all the same.
Then Braggins told them their assignments.
Alden as a Tac officer? What the what? I don’t even know where to start first with all the problems with that sentence. Art became aware that she was narrowing her eyes at the Captain, and forced herself to go back to her stone-faced expression. Still, she clenched her jaw. These Middies had been here for all of ten seconds, and they were being assigned to an Away Team for a First Contact?! Braggins asked if anyone had any questions, and Art just ground her teeth, suppressing the growl she felt threatening at the bottom of her throat.
“When do we rendezvous?” It was the only question she was able to get out behind her gritted teeth, and the only one that didn’t challenge her authority in the way that the well-dressed trash of a Trill had just done.
==Tag Braggins==
What did put her on edge, though, was the Trill who walked -no, sauntered- into the room. He was followed immediately by what looked to be a bodyguard, and Art suppressed a growl as she realized that she had again not been apprised of who was on this ship. Being that the man was Jen Braggins’ husband may have had something to do with it, but she still didn’t appreciate being kept out of the loop. Again.
And then the Trill opened his mouth.
Luckily, Jensen got there first, retorting in a way that was nicer than Artie would have done. Peter fought with words, whereas Art fought with fists. And when the First Officer introduced the Department Heads, Art allowed herself a growl at the sharply-dressed Trill that stood before them. She also bared her teeth.
Braggins walked in, ordering everyone to take their seats in order to get the meeting started. What the Security Chief did respect was the Captain always got down to business, as she did now. The Wairara people seemed intriguing, and the space around them even more so. Being assigned a First Contact mission made her square her shoulders, taking pride that the ship of ‘misfits’ was granted such a task. It was a tactical and security nightmare, of course, but exciting all the same.
Then Braggins told them their assignments.
Alden as a Tac officer? What the what? I don’t even know where to start first with all the problems with that sentence. Art became aware that she was narrowing her eyes at the Captain, and forced herself to go back to her stone-faced expression. Still, she clenched her jaw. These Middies had been here for all of ten seconds, and they were being assigned to an Away Team for a First Contact?! Braggins asked if anyone had any questions, and Art just ground her teeth, suppressing the growl she felt threatening at the bottom of her throat.
“When do we rendezvous?” It was the only question she was able to get out behind her gritted teeth, and the only one that didn’t challenge her authority in the way that the well-dressed trash of a Trill had just done.
==Tag Braggins==