Yesterday, 06:47 AM
Qi made no effort to hide his delight as the captain handed out assignments for the upcoming mission. He couldn’t have asked for a better opportunity for the new midshipman to show off her skills, and perhaps discover a new passion at the same time.
“Excellent choice! Mika is exactly who I would have recommended for this mission, although I’m jealous that she’ll get to have all the fun.”
He turned back in his chair and tapped Mika’s shoulder. He hoped that she was excited as he was. Even the promised slog of diplomatic meetings didn't dampen his mood. The Wairara seemed interesting enough to be worth meeting.
“How much do we know about these wild spatial anomalies? How can we make sure that we don’t need to pick up our crew in another quadrant, or another decade?"
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“Excellent choice! Mika is exactly who I would have recommended for this mission, although I’m jealous that she’ll get to have all the fun.”
He turned back in his chair and tapped Mika’s shoulder. He hoped that she was excited as he was. Even the promised slog of diplomatic meetings didn't dampen his mood. The Wairara seemed interesting enough to be worth meeting.
“How much do we know about these wild spatial anomalies? How can we make sure that we don’t need to pick up our crew in another quadrant, or another decade?"
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