6 hours ago
As Mika awaited the arrival of the other officers, she pondered the reason for her presence at this briefing. Her curiosity deepened when Qi entered the room and took a seat after offering her a polite smile. It was not only she who had been summoned; the other newly commissioned Midshipmen were also present. During the commissioning ceremony, Captain Braggins had mentioned that the Yeager operated in a more unorthodox manner compared to other Starfleet vessels.
Commander Jadaris arrived and offered the chair typically reserved for the Chief Engineer, which was understandable given his stature. Lacking confidence and experience in briefing sessions, Mika declined the offer, recognizing that she did not yet belong at such a level of seniority. Perhaps one day, but it was not something she anticipated in the near future.
A sense of anticipation filled the room when two new members entered. A Trill dressed in a business suit appeared unimpressed by the Captain's absence. The First Officer responded to the civilian's apparent rudeness with a measured tone. Mika wisely chose to distance herself from political figures, perceiving the Trill as politically inclined with a high opinion of himself. She resisted the urge to roll her eyes during their interaction.
Upon the Captain's arrival, the mission details became clearer. One of Starfleet's primary objectives is to establish friendly first contact with newly discovered warp-capable species. In this instance, they aimed to forge a positive relationship with the Wairara, a species known for their emphasis on "The Great Race" and challenging newcomers to racing competitions. The mention of various spatial anomalies intrigued Mika, as these could be subjects for further exploration. However, Mika realized she would not have the opportunity for extensive laboratory work. Instead, she would participate in the race aboard the Yeager’s sole auxiliary vessel.
Engaging closely with scientific phenomena would be ideal; however, I doubt there will be sufficient time for in-depth study. Although theoretically an excellent opportunity, my primary concern is ensuring the pilot avoids any perilous situations.
Qi expressed enthusiasm for Mika's involvement, though she found it difficult to share his excitement. Nonetheless, she acknowledged the importance of performing well and understood that any failure could reflect poorly on her. As the Commander requested clarification on the anomalies present in the system, Mika remained attentive, absorbing any information provided.
Commander Jadaris arrived and offered the chair typically reserved for the Chief Engineer, which was understandable given his stature. Lacking confidence and experience in briefing sessions, Mika declined the offer, recognizing that she did not yet belong at such a level of seniority. Perhaps one day, but it was not something she anticipated in the near future.
A sense of anticipation filled the room when two new members entered. A Trill dressed in a business suit appeared unimpressed by the Captain's absence. The First Officer responded to the civilian's apparent rudeness with a measured tone. Mika wisely chose to distance herself from political figures, perceiving the Trill as politically inclined with a high opinion of himself. She resisted the urge to roll her eyes during their interaction.
Upon the Captain's arrival, the mission details became clearer. One of Starfleet's primary objectives is to establish friendly first contact with newly discovered warp-capable species. In this instance, they aimed to forge a positive relationship with the Wairara, a species known for their emphasis on "The Great Race" and challenging newcomers to racing competitions. The mention of various spatial anomalies intrigued Mika, as these could be subjects for further exploration. However, Mika realized she would not have the opportunity for extensive laboratory work. Instead, she would participate in the race aboard the Yeager’s sole auxiliary vessel.
Engaging closely with scientific phenomena would be ideal; however, I doubt there will be sufficient time for in-depth study. Although theoretically an excellent opportunity, my primary concern is ensuring the pilot avoids any perilous situations.
Qi expressed enthusiasm for Mika's involvement, though she found it difficult to share his excitement. Nonetheless, she acknowledged the importance of performing well and understood that any failure could reflect poorly on her. As the Commander requested clarification on the anomalies present in the system, Mika remained attentive, absorbing any information provided.