AT/K01 - Klingon Freighter qoH
==I neglected to include the repercussions of the engine room timeline last time, so you'll get that here. Also, there's no one else in the bridge.==

Givens lifted the Klingon off of her and moved towards Pearson, just in time for the other security officers to take charge of the Klingon, who was bleeding out from his bifurcated arm. Givens started trying to find a pulse when the room quaked.

Those standing were thrown to their feet, but a console also shattered into sparks, throwing Garvin to the floor, unconscious. Mortimer and Loren, their footing compromised by the slick of pink blood they were standing in, dropped as well, with one cracking their head on the console, and the other being pinned by both him and the Klingon, cracking a pair of ribs as the weight settled on their chest.

Captain Givens, crouched down over Pearson and having just found a pulse, also lost her footing and hit her injured shoulder on the floor. A wave of nausea from the pain crashed over her - the shoulder, if it wasn't dislocated before, was definitely out now, if not broken. The limb went numb, and she had no control of it. Pearson, for his part, was bloody and unconscious, damage down his arm and bruising around his head.

Svenson, for her part, was also thrown to the floor just beside Ostberg, who had passed out. There were injuries, but they needed assessing.

==Engine Room==

As she scanned over the consoles, the first thing she could find was that the reactor was definitely shut down; the ship was running off of batteries at the moment, though that was a long term problem. In the short term, it showed numerous problems: the loss of several of the outer energy conduits, most obviously, but also the loss of attitude control making the ship begin to spin, and several EPS ruptures around the bridge area. While the damage was severe, nothing was critical. The qoH wasn't in danger anymore.

Now, of course, there was the simple issue of figuring out what the qoH was, in fact, doing.

==Cargo Bay==

In a flurry of fire and light, the Starfleet team was able to finally overpower the remaining Klingons. As Mara stood over the defeated Klingon she had attacked, her commbadge chirruped. [Boss?] Trev said. [We're through the door behind the crates, but there's a locked door here. Need someone a little more expert at it than us.]

==Feel free to write something suitably heroic, or suitably dumb on the part of the three Klingons that were left. We're out of combat now!==

Messages In This Thread
AT/K01 - Klingon Freighter qoH - by GM-02 - 01-17-2025, 06:34 PM
RE: AT/K01 - Klingon Freighter qoH - by GM-02 - 01-28-2025, 11:50 PM
RE: AT/K01 - Klingon Freighter qoH - by GM-02 - 02-04-2025, 11:56 PM
RE: AT/K01 - Klingon Freighter qoH - by GM-02 - 02-10-2025, 11:40 PM
RE: AT/K01 - Klingon Freighter qoH - by GM-02 - 02-17-2025, 10:57 PM
RE: AT/K01 - Klingon Freighter qoH - by GM-02 - 02-25-2025, 02:01 PM
RE: AT/K01 - Klingon Freighter qoH - by GM-02 - 03-04-2025, 11:48 PM
RE: AT/K01 - Klingon Freighter qoH - by GM-02 - 03-11-2025, 08:45 PM

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