03-06-2025, 11:24 PM
The Klingon had seen Mara coming, and had a mek’leth in hand as she closed. It didn’t do him much good. She read the set of his body and barely slowed as she sidestepped around the swing. The blade of her machete flashed in the dull light as she lashed out with a backhand cut that took his arm off at the elbow, mek’leth and all. Her target barely had time to register the loss of his limb before the deathblow came. The thunk was audible as hardened Bandaran steel was buried several inches into the back of his neck.
She tightened her grip on the weapon as the Klingon’s body collapsed to the deck, his weight pulling the blade free. Around her the fizzling zaps of energy weapons fire petered out so the Amazonian Security chief took the chance to take her damaged helmet off so she could see properly, clipping it to her belt.
[Boss?] Trevathan’s voice came through her earpiece. [We're through the door behind the crates, but there's a locked door here. Need someone a little more expert at it than us.]
“I’ll be right there,” Calleja replied. “How technical are we talkin’? Proper bleedin’ edge or about the same level as the rest of this junker?”
She switched channel.
“Calleja to Givens and Svensson. Cargo bay and engine room are secure. Do you need back up?”
Before anyone on the qoH’s bridge could answer, a call came through from Crawford on the Artemis.
[Artemis to Calleja. What is your status and do you need evac? We've taken damage and are assessing.]
“Negative on evac. We’ve taken the cargo hold. 2 officers down, confirmin’ extent of their injuries in a sec. There’s a concealed tunnel here but it’s locked. If our Chief Engineer knows anyone good with locks, now is their time to shine before we break out the explosives,” the Chief replied. “We also got a stowaway. Human male, fought with us. I’m gonna get an ID for you to check. Stand by please.”
Mara was a touch out of breath as she moved to where Celcis and J’dara lay. As Doyle and Bance recovered from their fight, the Chief caught their attention.
“Doyle. You’re the one who trained as a medic, right? I need your expertise on these 2,” she said, nodding towards the two fallen officers. “They got caught in the blast when one of our big bastard friends put a disruptor bolt through some moonshine.”
Dark eyes moved to Nathan Ramius, although Mara had no idea who he was. She cut a particularly intimidating figure, carrying a bloodied machete and wearing battered armour that was splashed Klingon arterial pink.
“And you,” she said calmly. “What’s your story? I’m Lieutenant Calleja, Chief of Security on the Artemis. I’m gonna need an ID and a damn good reason for you bein’ here. Although if you’ve got a key to that door over there, that’ll help your cause no end.”
She raised her machete and pointed towards the tunnel entrance now held by Trevathan.
== Tags everyone! Rubi and Nathan, Mara would come over once you’ve finished off your new friends.
Very quick GM input please. What can Trevathan tell of the door lock? Is it something we can pick or blast through, or is it going to need intervention from an engineer? Thanks! ==
She tightened her grip on the weapon as the Klingon’s body collapsed to the deck, his weight pulling the blade free. Around her the fizzling zaps of energy weapons fire petered out so the Amazonian Security chief took the chance to take her damaged helmet off so she could see properly, clipping it to her belt.
[Boss?] Trevathan’s voice came through her earpiece. [We're through the door behind the crates, but there's a locked door here. Need someone a little more expert at it than us.]
“I’ll be right there,” Calleja replied. “How technical are we talkin’? Proper bleedin’ edge or about the same level as the rest of this junker?”
She switched channel.
“Calleja to Givens and Svensson. Cargo bay and engine room are secure. Do you need back up?”
Before anyone on the qoH’s bridge could answer, a call came through from Crawford on the Artemis.
[Artemis to Calleja. What is your status and do you need evac? We've taken damage and are assessing.]
“Negative on evac. We’ve taken the cargo hold. 2 officers down, confirmin’ extent of their injuries in a sec. There’s a concealed tunnel here but it’s locked. If our Chief Engineer knows anyone good with locks, now is their time to shine before we break out the explosives,” the Chief replied. “We also got a stowaway. Human male, fought with us. I’m gonna get an ID for you to check. Stand by please.”
Mara was a touch out of breath as she moved to where Celcis and J’dara lay. As Doyle and Bance recovered from their fight, the Chief caught their attention.
“Doyle. You’re the one who trained as a medic, right? I need your expertise on these 2,” she said, nodding towards the two fallen officers. “They got caught in the blast when one of our big bastard friends put a disruptor bolt through some moonshine.”
Dark eyes moved to Nathan Ramius, although Mara had no idea who he was. She cut a particularly intimidating figure, carrying a bloodied machete and wearing battered armour that was splashed Klingon arterial pink.
“And you,” she said calmly. “What’s your story? I’m Lieutenant Calleja, Chief of Security on the Artemis. I’m gonna need an ID and a damn good reason for you bein’ here. Although if you’ve got a key to that door over there, that’ll help your cause no end.”
She raised her machete and pointed towards the tunnel entrance now held by Trevathan.
== Tags everyone! Rubi and Nathan, Mara would come over once you’ve finished off your new friends.
Very quick GM input please. What can Trevathan tell of the door lock? Is it something we can pick or blast through, or is it going to need intervention from an engineer? Thanks! ==