03-09-2025, 11:05 PM
== Cargo Bay ==
With the newcomer Ramius taking position close to Rubicon, and Bance nearby, all they had to do now was wait. Like cats patiently waiting for their prey to pop out of the mouse hole, the Starfleet officers held their weapons and their senses at attention. One might even have called them statues for their feline-like focus on where the Klingons were hidden. From her personal experiences with Klingons, Rubicon knew they weren’t known for their patience. Heaven forbid a Klingon get a paper cut for all the patience they had. Rubicon let her breathing fall into a steady rhythm, one she had learned decades back to calm her nerves and keep her attention focused and that had served her exceptionally well over the years. The quiet breath went in for a short count, she held it, then she let it out for another short count. That’s all the time it took for the Klingons to lose their patience first and come charging from their cover.
Ramius and Bance were much faster on the draw than she was, but Rubicon took up firing barely a blink later. Her shots were more true than Bance’s, striking one of the Klingons clear on the chest. Rubicon always did have a good eye for detail under pressure. The strike didn’t immediately take him out, neither did Bance’s shot to the Klingon’s lower abdomen, so she fired again in quick succession hitting almost the same spot as her first. The Klingon was down in a heap to the deckplates. Nearby, Rubicon could see a second Klingon on the deck.
She waited a moment before she lowered her weapon slightly, to be absolutely certain no other hostiles would come running from the hiding space.
“Good job Doyle, Bance,” Ramius said as he holstered his weapons. Rubicon mearly nodded as she kept her attention on their surroundings. Perhaps it was her so very recent Academy training, perhaps it was an abundance of caution, or perhaps it was simply a fresh young midshipman’s inexperienced nerves, but she wanted to be absolutely certain the scene was clear. It was only then that she lowered her weapon more, pointing it now towards the floor but still ready to bring up at a moment's notice.
“Doyle. You’re the one who trained as a medic, right? I need your expertise on these 2,” Calleja’s voice drew her attention back to the rest of the team. Rubicon felt the tension in her body spike for a moment, her muscles clenching all over, but that same medical training under pressure is what kept her reaction out of her features. She could deal with the unexpected, she reminded herself. That was... all except for the eyes. Anyone watching closely would have seen those dark Kriosian eyes widen for a moment before she forced them to calm.
Sure. Medic. Let’s go with that. The less the rest of them knew about Rubicon’s previous career, the better Rubicon would feel. It's not that she was actively trying to hide her past, but there were reasons why when Starfleet made their little oopsie she hadn’t spoken up. Best to keep that under wraps for as long as she could.
“Aye," she acknowledged Calleja. Rubicon glanced back at where the Klingons had been hiding for a moment, just to be absolutely positively certain no more were about to come out of hiding, before turning to her task at hand. She holstered her phaser as she stepped closer to her downed comrades. Pulling her tricorder from the spot on her side, Rubicon flipped it open and began both a visual assessment of the scene and one using technology.
“Celcis, J’dara, can you hear me?” Rubicon asked as she crouched down closer to them.
At that point her muscle memory took over. Which was good, because she was entirely too curious about the newcomer. People didn’t just stowaway on a Klingon vessel inside of cargo crate everyday. If anything, this was one of the things that had fascinated her so much about trauma and emergency medicine was the stories. She was glad now that she’d made the career switch that this part of things would keep her interest in addition to the job itself. Espescially considering Ramius seemed to have a previous connection to the Artemis…
== GM input: assessment of our two downed personell, if you please. ==
With the newcomer Ramius taking position close to Rubicon, and Bance nearby, all they had to do now was wait. Like cats patiently waiting for their prey to pop out of the mouse hole, the Starfleet officers held their weapons and their senses at attention. One might even have called them statues for their feline-like focus on where the Klingons were hidden. From her personal experiences with Klingons, Rubicon knew they weren’t known for their patience. Heaven forbid a Klingon get a paper cut for all the patience they had. Rubicon let her breathing fall into a steady rhythm, one she had learned decades back to calm her nerves and keep her attention focused and that had served her exceptionally well over the years. The quiet breath went in for a short count, she held it, then she let it out for another short count. That’s all the time it took for the Klingons to lose their patience first and come charging from their cover.
Ramius and Bance were much faster on the draw than she was, but Rubicon took up firing barely a blink later. Her shots were more true than Bance’s, striking one of the Klingons clear on the chest. Rubicon always did have a good eye for detail under pressure. The strike didn’t immediately take him out, neither did Bance’s shot to the Klingon’s lower abdomen, so she fired again in quick succession hitting almost the same spot as her first. The Klingon was down in a heap to the deckplates. Nearby, Rubicon could see a second Klingon on the deck.
She waited a moment before she lowered her weapon slightly, to be absolutely certain no other hostiles would come running from the hiding space.
“Good job Doyle, Bance,” Ramius said as he holstered his weapons. Rubicon mearly nodded as she kept her attention on their surroundings. Perhaps it was her so very recent Academy training, perhaps it was an abundance of caution, or perhaps it was simply a fresh young midshipman’s inexperienced nerves, but she wanted to be absolutely certain the scene was clear. It was only then that she lowered her weapon more, pointing it now towards the floor but still ready to bring up at a moment's notice.
“Doyle. You’re the one who trained as a medic, right? I need your expertise on these 2,” Calleja’s voice drew her attention back to the rest of the team. Rubicon felt the tension in her body spike for a moment, her muscles clenching all over, but that same medical training under pressure is what kept her reaction out of her features. She could deal with the unexpected, she reminded herself. That was... all except for the eyes. Anyone watching closely would have seen those dark Kriosian eyes widen for a moment before she forced them to calm.
Sure. Medic. Let’s go with that. The less the rest of them knew about Rubicon’s previous career, the better Rubicon would feel. It's not that she was actively trying to hide her past, but there were reasons why when Starfleet made their little oopsie she hadn’t spoken up. Best to keep that under wraps for as long as she could.
“Aye," she acknowledged Calleja. Rubicon glanced back at where the Klingons had been hiding for a moment, just to be absolutely positively certain no more were about to come out of hiding, before turning to her task at hand. She holstered her phaser as she stepped closer to her downed comrades. Pulling her tricorder from the spot on her side, Rubicon flipped it open and began both a visual assessment of the scene and one using technology.
“Celcis, J’dara, can you hear me?” Rubicon asked as she crouched down closer to them.
At that point her muscle memory took over. Which was good, because she was entirely too curious about the newcomer. People didn’t just stowaway on a Klingon vessel inside of cargo crate everyday. If anything, this was one of the things that had fascinated her so much about trauma and emergency medicine was the stories. She was glad now that she’d made the career switch that this part of things would keep her interest in addition to the job itself. Espescially considering Ramius seemed to have a previous connection to the Artemis…
== GM input: assessment of our two downed personell, if you please. ==