03-09-2025, 11:24 PM
== Bridge ==
One moment, Cass was feeling the reassuring thump of Pearson's pulse against her fingers and the next, she found herself face first on bridge's deck. Any thought of how disgusting that deck must was entirely swallowed by her immense desire to throw up the entire contents of her stomach as a wave of nausea rolled over her. The only saving grace was how cool the deck plating was against her forehead as she tried to pull in a deep, calming breath around the bile in her throat and the jarring pain that flared in her shoulder.
She rolled over, laying on her back next to Pearson for a moment as she tried to right herself. It took only a few moments to realize that her left arm was entirely limp, just dead weight at her side with a numbness that seemed to spread into her fingers.
It was the sound of Svenson speaking that drew Cass to a sitting position, her arm hanging limply between her knees as she eyed the security officer for a moment. She wasn't sure what Svenson thought Cass could offer this situation that Svenson couldn't do herself but then, Cass remembered she was technically in command of this shit show.
" -- Mortimer is pinned by the Klingon and Loren. Recommend immediate transport to Sickbay for everyone who has been injured so they can be assessed and treated properly. I'm going to try and help Loren and Mortimer, and I had also planned to report into Chief Calleja before all hell broke loose".
"Unless you're secretly a doctor, there is nothing you can do for any of these people other than stabilize so that we can transport. Stop any bleeding and I'll arrange to get them to Artemis. Fill your Chief in while I fill the Cap in. "
With a loud groan and a grit of her teeth, Cass forced herself to her feet, her only working hand turning white on the railing as she did so. "Givens to Artemis. Good news: the bridge is secured. Bad news: I need immediate transport to Sickbay for Ostberg, Loren, Mortimer and Pearson. I also am injured but I can remain until the situation is more stable."
[Calleja to Givens and Svensson. Cargo bay and engine room are secure. Do you need back up]
The brunette took a deep breath, swallowing another bit of bile before answering. "We're secured but we took a beating. I'm currently arranging transport for four of our team members, leaving just Svenson and I up here. No more threats though so we should be good," she answered, though she had no doubt that her voice sounded pinched and tight.
== Tag! ==
One moment, Cass was feeling the reassuring thump of Pearson's pulse against her fingers and the next, she found herself face first on bridge's deck. Any thought of how disgusting that deck must was entirely swallowed by her immense desire to throw up the entire contents of her stomach as a wave of nausea rolled over her. The only saving grace was how cool the deck plating was against her forehead as she tried to pull in a deep, calming breath around the bile in her throat and the jarring pain that flared in her shoulder.
She rolled over, laying on her back next to Pearson for a moment as she tried to right herself. It took only a few moments to realize that her left arm was entirely limp, just dead weight at her side with a numbness that seemed to spread into her fingers.
It was the sound of Svenson speaking that drew Cass to a sitting position, her arm hanging limply between her knees as she eyed the security officer for a moment. She wasn't sure what Svenson thought Cass could offer this situation that Svenson couldn't do herself but then, Cass remembered she was technically in command of this shit show.
" -- Mortimer is pinned by the Klingon and Loren. Recommend immediate transport to Sickbay for everyone who has been injured so they can be assessed and treated properly. I'm going to try and help Loren and Mortimer, and I had also planned to report into Chief Calleja before all hell broke loose".
"Unless you're secretly a doctor, there is nothing you can do for any of these people other than stabilize so that we can transport. Stop any bleeding and I'll arrange to get them to Artemis. Fill your Chief in while I fill the Cap in. "
With a loud groan and a grit of her teeth, Cass forced herself to her feet, her only working hand turning white on the railing as she did so. "Givens to Artemis. Good news: the bridge is secured. Bad news: I need immediate transport to Sickbay for Ostberg, Loren, Mortimer and Pearson. I also am injured but I can remain until the situation is more stable."
[Calleja to Givens and Svensson. Cargo bay and engine room are secure. Do you need back up]
The brunette took a deep breath, swallowing another bit of bile before answering. "We're secured but we took a beating. I'm currently arranging transport for four of our team members, leaving just Svenson and I up here. No more threats though so we should be good," she answered, though she had no doubt that her voice sounded pinched and tight.
== Tag! ==