03-12-2025, 02:41 AM
== For Khasim ==
The Aquila was traveling through areas of space that were well documented, with no unexpected phenomena appearing on sensors. There were no pressing tasks to complete at the science station.
== 22 Hour Timeskip ==
The journey to Riani was a flurry of activity as each department prepared for the mission ahead. Before long, the planet Riani appeared as a grayish dot on the Aquila’s viewscreen, just a few hundred thousand kilometers away. As the Aquila continued its approach, the ship received an urgent hail coming from Saule, a highly industrialized city in the Tanndi nation.
Once the hail was answered, the image of a dark-skinned individual flashed onto the screen. He wore a stiff military uniform which made him look unusually square. His lower jaw and neck had been replaced by metallic implants, which glinted with a harsh chromium sheen as he spoke.
“Federation vessel, this is General Alukh of the Tanndi Defense Force. You do not have clearance to approach. Please state your business,” he demanded. His voice resonated strangely, the natural tones tinted by something synthetic. He eyed his communicator sternly, almost unblinking.
The Aquila was traveling through areas of space that were well documented, with no unexpected phenomena appearing on sensors. There were no pressing tasks to complete at the science station.
== 22 Hour Timeskip ==
The journey to Riani was a flurry of activity as each department prepared for the mission ahead. Before long, the planet Riani appeared as a grayish dot on the Aquila’s viewscreen, just a few hundred thousand kilometers away. As the Aquila continued its approach, the ship received an urgent hail coming from Saule, a highly industrialized city in the Tanndi nation.
Once the hail was answered, the image of a dark-skinned individual flashed onto the screen. He wore a stiff military uniform which made him look unusually square. His lower jaw and neck had been replaced by metallic implants, which glinted with a harsh chromium sheen as he spoke.
“Federation vessel, this is General Alukh of the Tanndi Defense Force. You do not have clearance to approach. Please state your business,” he demanded. His voice resonated strangely, the natural tones tinted by something synthetic. He eyed his communicator sternly, almost unblinking.