Yesterday, 12:58 AM
(This post was last modified: Yesterday, 12:59 AM by Alexander Talion.)
When Talion returned to the Bridge, he was glad to see that Khasim had done well keeping the Center Chair warm. The corner of his mouth gave a hit of a grin as he asked, "So, how did it feel, temporarily being in charge of the entire ship? Being an officer can be like that sometimes. Suddenly, you find yourself in charge and with lives counting on you. They don't always prepare you for it enough at the Academy, though they do try to introduce you to it in small ways. Even in small groups, it is an interesting thing to be in a position like that, but that chair," he pointed to the Captains seat, "means that you are technically in a position where the entire ship and everyone on it are depending on you and are subject to the decisions you make."
== Time skip... ==
As was his habit, Talion timed his arrival back on the Bridge to be in plenty of time before they dropped out of warp at their arrival. He had made sure that their security protocols were in compliance with Kurasa's requests, or in some instances exceeded those requirements. In some instances networks and systems might be open to communications with diplomats and the like, but this had been determined to be a potentially hostile environment, so their guard was up. All networks and communications systems were engaged with heightened encryptions, firewalls and other security measures that were prepared to thwart even their known enemies with far superior technologies than the people supposedly had available to them in this system. Talion was even prepared to deal with Cardassians, but couldn't help but feel a twinge of the memory of dealing with the Borg. He, of all people, knew the depth of risk in dealing with people who had no restraint when it came to cybernetic augmentations.
When they arrived and the contact from the planet was made, he watched and listened attentively. He even had a subroutine running that was analyzing the incoming signal. He was on alert for any sign of attempted carrier signals or attempts to use the feed as a way to bypass their systems. He had no worry about their ability to conduct their business, as the Federation clearly gave them authority to act in protection and interests of Federation citizens. He only hoped it was not going to turn into a rescue mission. They were supposedly here to help, but what kind of help had been unclear.
As an additional obvious effort, Talion had passive sensors looking to pick up the signal of the Ambassador's communicator. He wanted to know where he was and what data he could pick up from it. They were currently too far for transporters, but they could either move closer or in a pinch, they could launch probes as transporter enhancers and daisy chain them to accomplish the task. He didn't like even using stealth probes to do that, as they might still be detected and although he had done so successfully in the past, he didn't like the idea that the native population could take it as a hostile act.
For now, he simply stayed observant and let the Captain do his job.
== GM Input: Is there any reading on the Ambassador? Are passive sensors picking up anything else, while we're at it? He won't make an active sensor sweep until they either scan the ship first, or the CO requests it. Standard Transporter range is 40,000 kilometers. ==
== Tag Bridge Crew ==
== Time skip... ==
As was his habit, Talion timed his arrival back on the Bridge to be in plenty of time before they dropped out of warp at their arrival. He had made sure that their security protocols were in compliance with Kurasa's requests, or in some instances exceeded those requirements. In some instances networks and systems might be open to communications with diplomats and the like, but this had been determined to be a potentially hostile environment, so their guard was up. All networks and communications systems were engaged with heightened encryptions, firewalls and other security measures that were prepared to thwart even their known enemies with far superior technologies than the people supposedly had available to them in this system. Talion was even prepared to deal with Cardassians, but couldn't help but feel a twinge of the memory of dealing with the Borg. He, of all people, knew the depth of risk in dealing with people who had no restraint when it came to cybernetic augmentations.
When they arrived and the contact from the planet was made, he watched and listened attentively. He even had a subroutine running that was analyzing the incoming signal. He was on alert for any sign of attempted carrier signals or attempts to use the feed as a way to bypass their systems. He had no worry about their ability to conduct their business, as the Federation clearly gave them authority to act in protection and interests of Federation citizens. He only hoped it was not going to turn into a rescue mission. They were supposedly here to help, but what kind of help had been unclear.
As an additional obvious effort, Talion had passive sensors looking to pick up the signal of the Ambassador's communicator. He wanted to know where he was and what data he could pick up from it. They were currently too far for transporters, but they could either move closer or in a pinch, they could launch probes as transporter enhancers and daisy chain them to accomplish the task. He didn't like even using stealth probes to do that, as they might still be detected and although he had done so successfully in the past, he didn't like the idea that the native population could take it as a hostile act.
For now, he simply stayed observant and let the Captain do his job.
== GM Input: Is there any reading on the Ambassador? Are passive sensors picking up anything else, while we're at it? He won't make an active sensor sweep until they either scan the ship first, or the CO requests it. Standard Transporter range is 40,000 kilometers. ==
== Tag Bridge Crew ==