10 hours ago
(This post was last modified: 10 hours ago by Nathan Ramius.)
== Cargo Bay ==
Nathan’s face remained surprisingly neutral as he received the tirade in his ear from Tyra. He hadn’t really had to guess why she’d asked him the questions that she did, as Ramius was certain what she was trying to do; establish his identity. If the roles were reversed though, Nathan was sure that he wouldn’t have to do the same. He’d just have to say or do something even remotely questionable, and if she got angry? That would be the real Tyra Crawford.
“Oh good, she’s coming down,” Nathan said sarcastically after muting the earpiece, and then offered it back to Calleja.
“So, she’s pissed. I am supposed to inform you that…” Ramius paused before doing his best impression of Tyra for Mara,
“...it is in your best interest to can whatever argument you feel inclined to spin up.”
There was another brief moment that he took to collect himself before speaking to Calleja again.
“Might want to keep the camera rolling,” he pointed to the bodycam, “not for any future judicial proceedings, but because I’m sure there’ll be a fair few people that’ll have a good laugh watching me get beat with a boot by her.”
Sighing, Nathan pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Pissed is her default state,” Mara sounded almost sympathetic, in as much as it was possible for a machete dripping with blood wielding Amazon to have that emotion.
“Don’t take it personal. Although you probably know her better than me anyway.”
Nathan almost laughed at Mara’s response. Tyra hadn’t changed one iota since he’d been gone by the way Calleja spoke. If anything, perhaps she’d become even more fiery than before. Still, the response drew a shrug and a grin from Nathan.
“Just par for the course aboard the Artemis I guess. And you have all the luck of being Chief of Security for her! I would have already been arguing back about her coming aboard a ship that isn’t fully secured yet… not that she’d listen.”
“Oh, we had that debate on a previous mission. I lost and I kinda won at the same time, but I damn near got my arse fired. But that’s a story for another time, assumin’ we both survive.”
There was a wry smile on Calleja’s lips before her eyes unfocused slightly, as she listened to a voice from her earpiece.
“Will do,” with that said, dark eyes locked onto Nathan.
“I’m not gonna repeat everythin’ she just said.”
“That good huh?” Nathan quickly inserted while Calleja continued to speak.
“You get the gist. But you’re goin’ to her. Brace for transport.”
“Of all the starships in all the galaxy, and the qoH has to get picked up by the Artemis.”
Though, if he was being honest with himself, Nathan was happy that it was the Artemis and not some other ship. Even if Tyra would be breathing fire and fury at him, it was still home. The Crusader had been great, and he couldn’t have asked for a better environment to grow without his past weighing him down. The Colsos were a big part of that, as were the rest of the crew too. Yet he hadn’t had a chance to grow good roots there just yet. And now he found himself stuck between a rock and a hard place in the mission he’d been impressed into.
All of those thoughts and considerations went right out the window as he started to shimmer.
== conversation co-written with Calleja’s author and posted with permission ==
>> Artemis - Transporter Rooms >>
Nathan’s face remained surprisingly neutral as he received the tirade in his ear from Tyra. He hadn’t really had to guess why she’d asked him the questions that she did, as Ramius was certain what she was trying to do; establish his identity. If the roles were reversed though, Nathan was sure that he wouldn’t have to do the same. He’d just have to say or do something even remotely questionable, and if she got angry? That would be the real Tyra Crawford.
“Oh good, she’s coming down,” Nathan said sarcastically after muting the earpiece, and then offered it back to Calleja.
“So, she’s pissed. I am supposed to inform you that…” Ramius paused before doing his best impression of Tyra for Mara,
“...it is in your best interest to can whatever argument you feel inclined to spin up.”
There was another brief moment that he took to collect himself before speaking to Calleja again.
“Might want to keep the camera rolling,” he pointed to the bodycam, “not for any future judicial proceedings, but because I’m sure there’ll be a fair few people that’ll have a good laugh watching me get beat with a boot by her.”
Sighing, Nathan pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Pissed is her default state,” Mara sounded almost sympathetic, in as much as it was possible for a machete dripping with blood wielding Amazon to have that emotion.
“Don’t take it personal. Although you probably know her better than me anyway.”
Nathan almost laughed at Mara’s response. Tyra hadn’t changed one iota since he’d been gone by the way Calleja spoke. If anything, perhaps she’d become even more fiery than before. Still, the response drew a shrug and a grin from Nathan.
“Just par for the course aboard the Artemis I guess. And you have all the luck of being Chief of Security for her! I would have already been arguing back about her coming aboard a ship that isn’t fully secured yet… not that she’d listen.”
“Oh, we had that debate on a previous mission. I lost and I kinda won at the same time, but I damn near got my arse fired. But that’s a story for another time, assumin’ we both survive.”
There was a wry smile on Calleja’s lips before her eyes unfocused slightly, as she listened to a voice from her earpiece.
“Will do,” with that said, dark eyes locked onto Nathan.
“I’m not gonna repeat everythin’ she just said.”
“That good huh?” Nathan quickly inserted while Calleja continued to speak.
“You get the gist. But you’re goin’ to her. Brace for transport.”
“Of all the starships in all the galaxy, and the qoH has to get picked up by the Artemis.”
Though, if he was being honest with himself, Nathan was happy that it was the Artemis and not some other ship. Even if Tyra would be breathing fire and fury at him, it was still home. The Crusader had been great, and he couldn’t have asked for a better environment to grow without his past weighing him down. The Colsos were a big part of that, as were the rest of the crew too. Yet he hadn’t had a chance to grow good roots there just yet. And now he found himself stuck between a rock and a hard place in the mission he’d been impressed into.
All of those thoughts and considerations went right out the window as he started to shimmer.
== conversation co-written with Calleja’s author and posted with permission ==
>> Artemis - Transporter Rooms >>